Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1928, p. 28

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Septeutber 7,.1928 October 10 Is Set · I, Troth Announced as Day for Annual Smith Club Bene6.t L.,_.._~_;;...__ _....__........._: BY EVELYN ·DUNCAN Wi:,net~ Home Open At Work for Ball for Garden .Be;"9efit for Disabled Vets Mr. and Mrs. Ed~ar Foster. Alden, 352 Linden street, Wmnetka, wtll open their home Saturday, Septembt.'" 8, from 1 o'clock in the afternoon .until 11 :30 at night for a basket picnic and lawn fete for the benefit of the work of the Daughters of the Republic. Cards will be played during- the afternoon for which prizes will be given, and 'games and other entertainment will be provided. The cement floored garage will be the scene of dancing in the evening to the music of the Great Lakes band. · Clubs and organizations are invited to be present and participate, and those attending are requested to bring well-filled supper baskets as they may be called upon to take care of one of the disabled ex-service men from the Speedway and Great Lakes hospitals who will be there. Fortune telling is to be one of the diversions, and ice cream, soft drinks, red hots, and coffee will be on sale. Miss Letitia M. Baldwin of the E$lgewater Beach is commander of the Daughters of the Republic. Miss Edith Visgar will act as chairman of cards. On the committee with MisS' Baldwin are Mrs. Edward Kiefer, Mrs. T. F. Champness, Mrs. P. D. MacGregor, Mrs. John Adams, Mrs. John R. Caverly, and Mrs. Celia Schiff, of ~he Edgewater Beach hotel. The Evanston Smith club, many of whose members are :alumnae from Wilmette, Winnetka, and Glencoe, has announced October 10, as the date of the annual Smith batJ, an affair which is of great interest to the north shore each year. It will be held at the Evanston Country club and the funds thus secured will, as they have each year, provide a scholarship for the following year for Smith coJlege for some local young woman. , The entire committees, as yet, have - ·· -not been announced but the various committee chairmen are diligently working to insure pleasurable entertainment for their guests that evening and ample financial success to cover their aim. Miss Mary Lois McMullen of Evanston has been given the general chairmahship of the ball and is also to be in charge of the group which will sell tickets . .Mrs. Lawrence Norem of Hubbard Woods, . Mrs. Norem was formerly Miss Carolyn Case, is to take care of the publicity; Mrs. Manley S. Mumford, printing; Mrs. Ralph H. Maxson, music; Miss Virginia Helm wiJl be chairman of the house committee, and Mrs. Edward Price Bell will head the floor committee. · Mrs. Maxson has already completed most of the work allotted to her committee and has given out the interestiag announcement that Cope Harvey's orchestra will provide the music and that Mr. Harvey himself will add zest to this most important part of any successful ball. There will also be bridge during the evening for those who enjoy this fonn of entertainment more than dancing. c I At a luncheon given Wednesday afternoon of last week at Exmoor Country club by her aunt, Mrs. Alice F. Burridg-e, the engagement of Miss Mary Louise Fenton of Winnetka to Gerald Horton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Horton of Wilmette, was announced. Mrs. Burridge is a resident of the Moraine hotel in Highland Park. The . wedding will take place October 17, at Christ church. Miss Fenton made her debut in the fall of 1926 at a tea given at Indian Hill Country club by her parents. Mrs. Lawrence Norem, (Carolyn Case of Hubbard Woods) is in charge of publicity for one of the large social events of the autumn season, the Smith ball, which is given annually to provide a scholarship for a girl in this vicinity wishing to enter Smith collev' The day for ·t he affair has been set ft. October 10. Assist With Ticket Sale for Sousa Band Concerts King-Fitch Wedding . Takes Place Tomorrow On Saturday evening, September 8, Miss Lu...cille King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving George King of Rogers Park, will become the bride of Thomas Adams Fitch, spn of Col. and Mrs. Claude E. Fitch of 1033 Elmwood avenue. The Rev. Horace G. Smith of the ·Wilmette Methodist Episcopal church will read the services at the residence. of . the bride's parents ·at 8:30 o'clock and an · informal reception for the two families will follow. The maid of honor and the best man will be the only attendants. The former is ·to be the bride's sister, Miss Marjorie King, and the latter, Philip Vaughan Bright, Jr., of Wilmette_ Among the affairs for Miss King was the shower given Wednesday afternoon of last week by the Misses Elizabeth, Rebecca and Lillian Fitch. ·Leah Kinne Entertained at Pre-Nuptial Affairs Set Aside November 3 0 for Arden Shore Ball According to a rece.nt announcement a meeting was held last week by a group of young women interested in Arden Shore to make plans for the annual ball given as a benefit for that philanthropy. Mrs. Lloyda Smith Shaw of Chicago, who was. c.hairman for the affair both last year and the season before, Mrs. Richard Gambrill, Jr. of Evanston, Mrs. Herbert S. Nock, Mrs. Phelps Dunham, Miss Elaine Blackman, Mrs. Alvin Schiffmann, Mrs. Lloyd Partridge, Mrs. Edgar Francis Burch, Jr., and Mrs. Warren Hines Clarke are among those at work for the affair which is to be given the night after Thanksgiving, November 30, in the balJroom of the Palmer House. Labor Day Canter Marks Opening of Riding Club About twenty- five members of the Indian Hill Riding club thoroughly enjoyed the invigorating early autumn air last Monday. They participated in an early morning ride for about an hour and a half and returned to the club for breakfast. This was partaken of in a new stable which has been built especially for hunters and but re_cently completed. The weather for the next month or so will probably be ideal for riding and the devotees of this sport at Indian Hill are to have many special events this fatl which will be announced shortly. Announce Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kroll of 1023 Greenwood avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian Ella, to Albert Ernest Hall, also of Wilmette. Mrs. A. Montague Ferry, president of the Winnetka League . of Women Voter~. and the following members of that organization wilt be in charge of Before her. marriage to Ed.win A. the sale of tickets in Winnetka for Robson on September 15, Miss Leah the afternoon and evenintt concerts to Mildred Kinne has been the guest of be giv~n by John J>hillip SoUsa and his honor at numerous luncheons and band Saturday, September 22: Mrs. showers. These have 'included the William F. Brown, Mrs. R C. McNalingerie shower given Thursday of mara, Mrs. William G. Hibbard, and last week by Miss Marjorie Smith of Mrs. J. N. Vander Vries. 1325 Greenwood avenue, the lunchThe concerts will be given in the eon and hosiery shower last Saturday Patten gymnasium as a benefit for the at which Miss Beatrice and Miss Mar- North Shore Associate alumnae of jorie Pence were . hostesses at their Northwestern university and the Evhome, 825 Forest avenue, and the anston League of Women Voters. luncheon on Thursday given by Mrs. Sousa has adapted some of the best Clarence T. Robson of Chicago, the in music to band playi~g. and will bridegroom-elect's mother. make his concert selections from this. Other affairs are to come. A trous- As encores he will offer some of his seau· tea will be given Saturday after- best known marches. Luncheon for Rockford A meeting of the band committ~e noon, September 8, at Miss Kinne's Freshmen September 14 was held Thursday afternoon at the home, 1324 Elmwood avenue. home of Mrs. Martin Kent Northam The North Shore branch of the ChiMiss Dorothy Fuller will entertain cago Rockford College association will Monday, September 10, and on Wed- in Evanston. give a lu11cheon in honor of twentynesday Mrs. Walter Seidell and Mrs. two girls from Chicago and suburbs Arthur May of Evanston will be hos- Gives Luncheon who are entering Rockford college in Mr. tesses in Miss· Kinne's honor. Miss Vera Thaleg of 617 Greenleaf and Mrs. Harry C. Kinne will give the avenue entertained at luncheon on September. This luncheon will occur bridal dinner at the Union League club Wednesday of this week as ·a farewell Friday, September 14, at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank H. McCulloch, Thursday evening, September 13. for . a group of her friends who are 2236 Orrington avenue, Evanston. entering college shortly. The guests There also will be present many of the To Send Gifts to China of honor were Sarah Minor and Vir- forty-seven Chicago girls returning to The Woman's society of the Baptist ginia Harvey, who leave soon for the Rockford, who will assist in making church will hold its summer Christmas University of Illinois, Cecelia Baldwin, welcome their new schoolmates. party Thursday, September 13, at 2, who will enter Lawrence college next on the lawn of the parsonage. . The week, and Helen McMoran, Betty gifts will be sent to the society's mis- Brown, and Carolyn Baker, who are Bridge Luncheon Hostesses The Misses Verna and Violet Ravsionarv, Miss Laura E. Brodbeck, who freshmen at Northwestern this year. is in China. Miss Vera is leaving today' for Purdue enscroft of Glencoe entertained a group of Bradford girls at luncheon university. · and bridge recently. The affair was Dance at Westmoreland given in honor of their guest, Miss Westmoreland Country club has is- Dinner for Debutantes Dorothy May of Jamaica Plains, Mass. sued cards announcing a buffet supper Mrs. Rufus Dawes and her daughat 7 o'clock, Saturday evening, Sep- ters, Miss Margaret and Miss Helen tember 8. Dancing will follow at 9. Dawes, of Evanston, were hostesses at LunC:heon for Bride a dinner Thursday evening given in Miss Florence Branson of 817 Cen-: The W. C. T. U. of Wilmette and honor of three of this season's debu- tral avenue entertained at luncheon at Winnetka is to meet at the home of tantes, Miss Elizabeth Knode of Win- the North Shore Golf club last SaturMrs. Charles Aspenwall, 1195 Tower netka, Miss Jean MacLeish of Hub- day in honor of lfiss Margaret Wilroad, next Monday, September 10, at bard Woods, and Miss Elizabeth War- son, whose marriage took place Thurs2 o'clock. ren of Evanston. day evening.

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