September 14, 1928 WILMET"ftE .L IFE 35 ' . I The.New · Mode in Dresses .. · casts a decidedly feminine shadow this aeaaon. Scarfs. tiers, Bares, swathed hiplines, t r a i 1 i n g be m s: all authentically s h o w n at Rosenberg's! Rosenberg's Presents the Mode for Fall · AUTUMN ... when the world- · The New Mode in Coats . . . follows the lead of the dress mode by gent! y flaring skirts, side closing, smart y o k e treatments, tiers, p I e a t s: now s h o w n .at Rosen· berg's! A Millinery . ~ . brims seem to be slowly disappearing. New hats have uneven brims or none famed couturiers of Paris establish a new mode ... when most drastic Fashion changes are made. Therefore, this is the most important period of the Fashion year. Smart women await Rosenberg's Opening! · You Are Invited to Our Fashion Show · Accessories . . . jewelry is more intricate, belts are far lovelier, bags and gloves are charming! at all. Monday and Tuesday, Sept. J7,.J8 annual Fall Fashion Exposition will ROSENBERG'S take place Monday and Tuesday afternoons, September and 18th, at three o'clock. Women's and children's fashions will be displayed by mannequins. 1 7th Lace and Velvet · Fall Leaf Coat , , , after Chane] Has Susliki Trim $50 An afternoon dress with black transparent velvet continuing from a bodice of natural lace. A soft, shimmering, ex- . quisite creation. 38. $95 Smart exponent of the new mode, this dress coat of norma cloth, lined with silk crepe, and warmly interlined. Leaf shade, susliki fur. 3 8. Fall DttiHI for Alt1rnoon In Sizea 1.. -SO "' S25-S50 · Fall Dress Coats in SiztJ 14 to 50 at $39.50 to $150 On tht Fashion Floor-the Second OSENBERGS Davu Stnet .--. Dtn~~ntoum Evanston ·