Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1928, p. 61

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September 14, 1928 10 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE I WILMETTE LIFE FOR RENT-APTS. 17 FOR RENT-.A.PTS. 7t FOR RENT-FUBN. DOUSES EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK TO take home, will call for and .deliver .. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN51-ltp WHITE LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK Wednesday and Thursday. Call evening~ Wilmette 4444. 60L51-ttp ~JDl\WI ~ ~lt"QW[UJWJ1~Wl~ 914 1303 945 1320 526 1303 1307 2249 2110 2206 .., bid 804 -.ew ~.· 820 Judson Ave. 4 rms. Can806 vas walls, elec. ref., tile bath and show- 902 er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. 2251 · · ·64-602 Sheridan Square; '-6_8 room apts. Elec. Refr. & motor coach service to school & ehopplng center Incl. ln rental. A home overlooking lake. Mod· r~ t.. rPntn ll-'. 4 roQm&, $95 to , 106 ; 5 rooms, $125 to $1 75 . ~1L'"'llo110 /tb ~ Tf\)CII\..JJ.ftl:'«\ . ~M\{1..- EVANSTON TOWERS 61 SITUATION WANTED-MALE WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning wordwork or windows. Serving & waiting table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61LT50-2tc WEST INDIES STUDENT, NEAT, wants work after school, wait table, drive car, best ref. Stay at night. Joseph. Ph. Greenleaf 3244 before 10 a.m. 61L51-ltp CHAUFFEUR, MARRIED, NOW EMployed, desires pos. . WiU}:ng to go to Chgo. for wi.qtet: Retll: ·T~l.' Winn. 2480. · . 61LTN51-1tp 62 SIT. W ANTED-1IALE & FEMALE MAN & WIFE FOR PRIV. FAMILY, suburban pref.; chauffeur, 1 place 8 yrs. ; wife, good CQOk, can bake. Exp. Best of refs. Call or write Anthony Lyttle, 117 E. 59th St. Tel. Wentworth 4262. 62LTN51-ltp JUDSON CASTLE ABBEY-GARTH FOR l;MMEDIATE AND OCTOBER 1 OCCUPANCY Sherman_ Ave. . .. 1 rm . . .. . $ Elmwoo·d Ave. . . . . . 2 rms..... Chicago Ave. . . . .. 2 rms . . ... Chicago Ave. . . . . 2 rms. . . . . Lee St. , . . . . . . . . . . 3 rms. ·. . . Elmwood Ave. . . ... . 3 rms. . . . . Oak Ave. . . ...... .. . 3 rms . .... Ridge Ave ......... . 3 rms.. . .. Sherman Ave . ... . .. 3 rms .... . Sh~rman Ave....... 3 rms~ .... Seward St. . . . .... . . 4 rms .. . . . Clark · St. .......... .4 rms ..... Elmwood Ave... . .. . 4 rms .. . .. Ridge Ave. . . . . . .. .. 4 rms .. :. . Evanston Apartments', 100 Lee St. &: 940 Judeon Ave. LUXUr1· . ous and modern 6 rm. apte·. 2 bathe, wood burning ftreplacea, elec. refr. and many other desirable features. 5 rms., $165-$175. THE CHURCHVIEW CHOICEST LOCATION IN E v MJSTON -J. W. Cor. Oak Ave. 1c Lake St. A dte. ttnctlve bldg., wtth all modern conTenlencea and ftnest appolntmentiJ. 4, 5 & 6 rm. apts. with rental from $100 to $215. · COUPLE, MAN AND WIFE, WANT Church & Hinman. Beautttul 7 rm. apta., position in private family as chauffeur newly decorated, all outside rms.. 1190. and nurse maid or maid. Best ref. 2 Rl\rl. APTS. Write Wilmette Life A-145. 2541 Prairie Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.00 62LTN51-ltp a RM. APTS. 2541% Prairie Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 66 FOR RENT-ROOMS Ll42 Maple A venue ..... . ........... 'lZ.6t 746 Elm Street WINNETKA Winn. 1617 4 RM. APTS. 77LTN51~1tc ATTRACTIVE LARGE FRONT ROOM 1637-391h Prairie Ave., Inador $70 &: 73.60 in exceptional home, near transp. Un- 600-Sheridan Rd., Elec. Refr. . . 86.00 usual opportunity for person who appre- 124 Hinman Ave., El~c. Refr. . ... 86.00 ciates congenial surroundings. Use of ll38 Maple Ave., Lge. Rms. 90.08 piano optional. Gentleman preferred. 822% Forest Ave .· Roll-a-way, Elec. Refr. . .. ~ .... . ... ... ...... . $ 95.00 Ref. Ph. ·winnetka 3129. 66LTN51-1tp 2 BEDRMS., LIVING RM., DINING RM., OUS ROOMS HAVING 6::'5 Sheridan Rd., elec. ref., coach lg. kitchen. Fri~idaire ; Roll-a-way bed. WITH ·spACI LARGE S. E. CORNER ROOM, WELL service ... ... .. .. . .. . ........... .. .. . $90 $100 per mo. Tel. Winn. 1472. well planned wall spaces. Interesting furnished, warm and sunny with good L454 Oak Ave., wood burn. firepl., elec. 67LTN50-2tc sun room with open book shelves. 4 bathrm. facilities and instant hot warefrigeration ... .. . . .. . . . . . .... . ... . $100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nice bedrooms, large heated sleeping t er. Refs. Ph. ·wilmette 204. 820 Judson Ave., (Judson Castle) new porch and 2 baths on 2nd floor. Maid's FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE 66L51-1tc bldg. elec. ref., in-a-dor ...... . . .. $90 room, small sewing or play room, bath apartment, steam heat, janitor service, 576 Sheridan Square ....... . $9ii-$105 and wonderful storage space on 3rd. near transportation. Call Wilmette FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS MiC'hbran-Lef' Apts. . . . .. .... .. ...... . 141' Pantry, breakfast nook, oil heat, garage 1800. 67LTN33-tfc employed ; light and pleasant ; hot and 126 1\Iain St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 and other features. Convenient to cold running water; garage space if 1505 Oak Ave. . ..... - ...... . . . $100-$105 FOR RENT-4 RM. APT. AND 2 LIGHT schools and golf club on lot 66x210 with desired. Phone Wil. 776-M. 66L35-tfp particularly distinctive landscaping of 6 RM. APTS. housekeeping apts. Ph. Wilmette 2564. 604 Sheridan Rd., elec. ref~lg. · · 120.0l' 67L51-1tc spruces and evergreens at the entrance. NICELY FURN. ROOM. REFINED !637~ Prairie Ave. · .. .. · .. · · .. .. 86.00 Only $33,000. married couple or lady, kitchen priv. if 719-21 Hinman Ave .· Lee. Rma. 106.00 FOUR LARGE HEATED RMS., SUN desired. Call aft. only, Glen. 976. ll36 Maple Ave., lg. rms. . ........ . . 116.00 parlor, tile bath, gar. Ph. Wilmette · · · 66LTN51-ltc 534 Michigan Ave., elec. refrlg..... $135 2910. 67LTN51-ltp 337 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 . t454 Oak Ave., wood-bum. firepl., 77LTN51-ltc 1 OR 2 DESIRABLE FURN. ROOMS IN elec. ·refrigeration . .. . ... $140-$150-$17!1 G ROOM APT. FURNACE HEAT, $55.00. east side home, near all transp. Ph. 724 Hinman Ave., elec refrig. . ... $125 1730 '\Valnut Ave., Wilmette, or call Wilmette 1940. 66L51-ltc 720 A. Hinman Avenue ......... . $100.00 Edgewater 4279. 67L49-3tp 134· Main Street .... ... . .... ...... $110.00 WHITE CLAPBOARD C 0 L 0 N I A L FOR RENT-WELL FURNISHED ROOM Michigan-Lee, new bldg., elec ref. . FOR H.ENT-5 ROOM APARTMENT IN home, green blank shutters, flower and garage. 633 Park Ave. Ph. Wil940-950 Michigan Ave. . . . ... .. . . 155-170 Humphrey Building. Call Winnetka 98. boxes, 100 ft. lot with 14 large trees. mette 3566. 66L51-ltp Abbey Garth Apts., W. B. fire67LTN50-tfc Luxurious shrubbery. Six rooms, liv. places, refrig. included. rm. 15x27, sun pch., breakfast rm., l<"'OR RENT-3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED 940 Judson Ave . .... .. .......... 160-175 5 RMS, $55. NEWLY DECORATED, Master bedrm. 14x27. Owner moving light housekeeping rms. Ph. Wilmette 1505 Oak Ave . ...... . .. .. . . ..... $125-$150 furn. heat. 1730 Walnut. Call Edge. to Calif. Will sell at loss. 969-W. 66LT51-ltc 576 Sheridan Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 4279. 67LT51-2tp ALBERT N. SMITH 6 RM. APTS. PLEASANT ROOM, MEALS AND GA- 540 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms. 68 FOR JtENT-FURN. APTS. rage if desired. Reas. 1023 Main St., garage available .. . ... ... . . ... 170.00 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette. 66L51-1tp 911 Sheridan Rd., 2 baths, elec. FOR RENT-APARTMENTS F:URN. OR Wilmette-Del Lago Theatre Bldg. refrig., in 3 apt. bldg., ununfurnished by the week or month. Ph. Wilmette 3740 FOR RENT - LARGE, PLEASANT obstructed view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225.00 Wilmette 2399 or 3345. 68LTN50-tfc 77LTN51-1tc front room. Ph. Wilmette 3206. 726 Seward St. (Duplex), inc. gar. $115 66LT51-1tp 717 Hinman Avenue . . . . . . ... ... $150.00 89 FOR RENT-HOUSES 1107 Lake Street . ....... $170-$180-$215 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR RENT-FURN. LARGE ROOM Michigan Lee Apts. . .............. $235 U35. OLD FASHIONED MODERN for light housekeeping, near transp. 7 RM. APTS. house and gar. 8 large rms., wood Ph. Wilmette 1913. 66LTN51-ltc t635 Hinman Ave., 2 baths ......... $185 burning fireplace, fine furnace. Will do EXCEPTIONALLY FINE HOME ON 916 Michigan Ave., slpg, pch. & sun necessary decorating. Excellent east ravine. Beach privileges. Brick and 2 RMS. FOR RENT, GENTLEMEN 11ar. . . ............................ . $176 Wilmette location, conv. to schools and stucco construction. Well built. 35 ft. pfd. Tel. Winn. 2669. 66LTN50-tfc 927 Michigan Ave. large llv. rm . . . $225 transp. 6 mo. sublease or new lease liv. rm., breakfast nook, din. rm., kitMichigan Lee, new bldg. . .... .. .. . $285 available. Ph. Wilmette 2968. chen, den and screened porch. 4 Ige., 67 Ji'OR RENT-APTS. OFFICES 69LTN51-1tp airy bedrms. 2 tile baths. Glazed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . L718 Sherman Ave., Studio Bldg. $46 up sleeping porch and dressing room. FOR RENT-VERY REAS. TO RIGHT ' sTORES Large plot 75x230 ft. Priced very rea· party, house, 4 bedrms., glazed slp. !636-41~ Prairie Ave. .. · · · · · · .. · · 60.00 sonably. Unusually good buy. poroh, 2 car garage, lot 100x210, 1 blk. GARAGES from schls. ; 4 blks. from elect. & train. l ?18 Sherman Ave (heated) · · .. · · 16.00 2, 3, 4, AND 5 ROOMS Tel. High. Pk. 1335. 69LTN51-ltp Here In Wilmette's most convenient and · exclusive location, you will find well-arFOR RENT-NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE, 4 746 Elm Street WINNETKA Winn. 1617 p bedrms., 2 baths, sun parlor ; lar~e lot. ranged apartments. All apartments 77LTN51-1tc Greenleaf 1866 528 Davis Street have outside roorr.s which provide an 903 Willow Rd., Winnetka. · Ph. Kenil67LTN51-1tc worth 1955. 69LTN48-tfc abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and E~L\ST FOR RENT-IN WEST KENILWORTH, BRICK COLONIAL WELL SET ON 100 shopping facilities within immediate 6 rm. 8tucco house, 2-car gar. Ph. access. See these a~tartments today. foot wooded lot, complete In every deKenilworth 1178. 69LTN49-tfc Agent on premises. tail. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, lavatory on 1st floor. Livhig and sleeping porches, NEAR 'ELEVATED, IDEAL 5 ROOM S apartment on first fioor of duplex. H·t _7o _ _F_O_R_R_E_N_T_F_U_R_N_._n_o_u_s_E_ __ 2 car garage, oil burner; Ideal location for transportation. Must sell this water oil heat. $80 per month. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 FOR RENT-FURNISHED m"nth. c~ ~h talks. 67LTN47-tfc Also roomy 6 room apartment in nearly 5 Room and Bath, Brick Bungalow, Hot new building cast of Ridge. Unusual Water Heat, Electric Cook Stove, 2 Car bargain at $90 per month. Garage. Half acre Lot in Country 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 (Wilmette) on Concrete Highway. Pos77LTN51-ltc 1, 1928. o C©o · sessft>n Oct. Per month, $100.00 OWNER LEAVING CITY, WILL SELL Living rm., bedrm., kitchenette & Wilmette 68 OR LEASE SIX RM. HOUSE, H. W. bath . . ... . ... .. ... . ..... $62.50 & $65.00 340 Linden Ave. 67L51-ltc HEAT OIL BURNER; 2 CAR GAR.; Living rm., bedrm., kitchenette & 803 Ridge Ave. WOODED LOT 50x200; CONV. TO Dinette ... . ... . .. .. .. . .. . . . $75.00-$85.00 TH GARAGE ALL Phone Wilmette 364 TRANSP. $5,000 WILL HANDLE. 1ST Electric refrigeration furnished. 4 RM. APT. WI · Wilmette, Illinois MORTGAGE NOW IN FORCE AT 70LTN51-ltc lffilfCQY\f~!lffi~ lliiD~o mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe s~t\Nro:r~~ 51h%. PH. WILMETTE 3631. 77LTN51-ltp FOR RENT-3 ROOM AND KITCHEN- FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE FOR EXC. AGTS. ette, bath, porch ; gar. optional. Ph. about 9 mo. Ph. Winnetka. 1910. Phone 142 736 Elm St., Winnetka Kenilworth 3219 or 1146. 67LT51-1tc 70I.TN50-2tc MORE WANT ADS ON PACE IZ 67LTN51-ltc ~~~ ~~~r!;~· st:: · :: ::::: ~~:: : ::: ~g:gg ~7~~~~~ ....~o~R~S~A~L~E~I~I~O~U~S~E~S~~~ 1621 Ridge Ave . . ... .·.. .. 4 rms . . . .. 90.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2118 Sherman Ave . ... . . . .4 rms . .... 90.00 1114 Maple Ave. . ... .... .. 4 ·rms. .· .. . 100.00 830 . Gatneld Pl. .. . . .. .. 5 rms. . . . . 75.00 2020 Sherman Ave. . .. . . . . 5 rms.. . . . 80.00 COLONIAL 8oo ~"'ar~ -st. . . ...... . . 5 rms . .... 85.oo EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. home, cypress shingle, 4 yrs. old, 10 729· -Sewar,(l St. ... . ..... 5 rms.. . . . 90.00 rms., lot 66x210, landscaped. Lge. liv. 811 Simpson St. . .. ... . . . 5 rms . . . .. 100.00 rm., din. rm., sun parlor, breakfast 1014 Main St . . .......... 5 rms .. ... 100.00 nook, kitchen, 1st floor ; 4 lge. bedrms., 1125 Davis St... . .. ...... . 5 rms . . ... 110.00 2 baths, 2nd floor ; 3rd floor, 2 maids' 13ll Oak Ave. . ..... . ... 5 rms .... . 115.00 1619 Ridge Ave. . . ..... . . 5 rms . .. . . 120.00 rms. and bath. H. W. heat, Hardinge oil burner. Reduced for immediate 1116 Maple Ave... .. . . .. .. 5 rms . .. .. 140.00 1009 Grove St. . . . .. . . . ... 6 rms .. . . . 110.00 sale to $31,000 . . 845 Ridge Ave . ......... 6 rms .... . 130.00 New brick home with tower entrance; 1615 Ridge Ave. . .... .... 6 rms ... . . 165.00 lge. lot landscaped ; studio liv. rm., bedrm. and bath 1st fioer--~ 3 -bedrms. ~ ..@_ (('J ~@ ®®n Jill~~ and bath 2nd floor; gas heat; garage 11 attached. Reasonably priced. 1564 Sherman Avenue University 285 67LTN51-ltc 1 :. ! BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 7 ROOM house, 2 baths, H. W. heat, garage, ftne lot. Reasonable rent, 5 blks. to Elm St. station. Tel. Winn. 2589. 70LTN51-ltc 55.00 &0.00 60.00 73 FOR BENT-8TORES all OFFICES 60.00 70.00 LARGE SECOND FLOOR CORNER 60.00 office, suitable for real estate, dodor or. 70.00 dentist. Will divide. Franklin Bldg, 72.50 Elm & Center Sts., Winnetka. Tel 72.50 Winn.. 382. 73LTN51-tfc 75.00 72.50 PHREY 75.00 FOR RENT-STORE IN ' HUM 80.00 Building. Possession October 1, 1928. 82.50 CaJl Winnetka 98. 73LTN50-tfc · tQJI!ITil&lffc c& n ll ~~(6) ILniiDcdl®lffi A W®o HUBBARD \VOODS New 5 Room Apartments COLONIAL HOME REFINEMENT OF WALTER p SMITH & CAPTIVATING co BILLS REALTY INC. 1Hlii~Iffill~mitdl lF &Iflk LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 185 aihrcdl ~w!l.lrim<eir llJmteo BEST BUY SIDE QUINLAN & TYSt1N, INC. SCHELL BUILDING WINNETKA CROSBY & McKENDRY ~JMI JJ ©IffillTh~tt©IID & J. H. SCHAEFER & CO. §mrunfclhl &

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