Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1928, p. 62

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September 14, 1928 ', 87 WANTED TO BENT-APA.BTJIENTS ..:..J8;.,:!_ _ _ _ F_O_B_S_A_L_E-_M_I_s_c_._ _ _:-' 1 050 lineal feet of eight (8) Inch ·' Internal diameter vttrlfted tile pipe catch basin . conLOOKING FOR 3 OR 4 ROOM FLAT nections @ $1.50 per with bath and heat near North Western 1,575.00 foot ............ ..... · · · · Station only. W~te Wtlmette Life NO-KOL OIL BURNER WITH 60 AND 12 catch basins furnished 100 GALLON TANKS. IF INTERA-142. . 87L51-2tc with a four hundred and ESTED PHONE WILMETTE 3745. (Continued from page 61) seventy ( 470) pound cast 102L51-ltc H WTD. TO BENT-FUBN. HOUSES iron cover and lid, set in 300.00 place @ $25.00 each .... WTD. TO RENT UNTIL JULY 1ST AN NOW IS TIME TO BUY YOUR BLACK 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES 12 new brick catch basin in8 rm. turn. hse. Family ·of adults. soil $2.25 per sq. yd. Tel. Glencoe 491. iets cylindrical in 'Shape, Address Wilmette Life A-144. · . 102LTN51:.ttp twd (2) feet in internal 90LT51-lt~ CUSTOMERS DESIRING CALIF. PERdiameter a11d three (3) f!!t~~~~~~A~N~T~I~Q~U~E~S~~~~~~ fume products call Wilmette 1097. feet deep with wall eight (8) inches thick and . 102L51-ltp NEARLY NEW BRICK DUTCH COLONequipped with the covers NEVER BEFORE HAVE I HAD SUCH FOR SAL~BABY BUGGY, $10; BABY ial home, 3 bedrooms, sun room ; lot taken from catch basins a large collection of colored glass, furwalker, $3. 1309 Chestnut Ave., Wil47x160; 2 car brick garage. Thermonow in place, and connlture, rugs, pewter, etc. All choice TN l 1t stat control ; stippled walls. Furniture 5 - c nected to the old catch pieces. 808 Washington St., Evanston. mette. · 102L and carpets at large reduction. Price basins by . an eight (8) Phone University 9890. 99LTN51-ltc BOY'S WINTER SUIT 16 YR. IN PER$18,500, but is open to otrer. · inch internal diameter, vitrified tile pipe @ $40.00 n SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS' feet condition $10. Ph. Wilmette 106~. too Fo .... & ' 102LLTN51-ltc 480.00 each . .. . . . .... . .. · · · · · · · 424 Linden Avenue Wilmette 460 31,600 square yards .o f reinCHANCE FOR YOUNG COUPLE FOR SALE-GIRLS' RACCOON COAT, forced concrete pavement 77L51-ltc $550 TAKES ALL-WORTH $3,000 size 36 beautiful dark skins, almost new, seven (7) inches thiclc, Beautiful 3-plece parlor suite; 8-piece wal$200. 'Ph. Wilmette 721-M: 102L51-1tp comQ_osed by volume of nut dining room suite; 4-piece walnut one (1) part American WANTED TO BUY-MISC. bedroom set complete, with spring and 181 Portland cement, two (2) NEAR SHERIDAN ROAD AND THE mattress ; library table ; 5-plece breakparts of clean sharp torlake. 8 room Colonial, 2 baths, maid's fast set ; silverware ; lamp ; two 9x12 WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND 3 pedo sand and three and sufte and bath ; sleeping porches, oil wheel bicycle for 7 yr. old boy. Must Wllton rugs. Must be seen to be appreone-half (3*) parts of burner, 2 car garage ; on % acre lot be in good cond. Ph. Wilmette 756. ciated. Will separate.. Will arrange for cru!'lhed limestone or beautifully landscaped and wooded. 4 103L51-ltc delivery. 832 Leland A venue, one block gravel from two (2) to blocks to transportation and schools. east of Sheridan Road, Chicago, Ill. une-quarter (%) inch in Leas than $35,000. A rare bargain. Phone Sunnyside 6190. 100L51-4tc WANTED- CLEAN, WHITE RAG.S, size, reinforc.ed with wire 1232 Central Ave. Wll10c per lb. mesh, weighmg an aver103LTN 48tfp mette. PIANO BENCH AND MUSIC, NEW age of forty-two ( 42) 666 Center St. Winnetka 2032 England writing desk, cabinet library pounds to one hundred 77LTN51-ltc EXCHANGE table, beautiful ltv. rm. table, complete lOf (100) square feet of mesh set of dining room fum. China wara and with concealed longiWILL TRADE MY EQUITY IN NORTH and vases. Ph. Wilmette 2736. tudinal joint along the SHORE VACANT FOR NORTH SHORE 100LT51-ltp center line and along IMPROVED. SMALL RESIDENCE lines thirteen (13) feet ON LARGE LOT PREFERRED. Northeast and thirteen BRICK BUNGALOW NEAR "L." ALL FOR SALE-% BED, SPRING, MATTWHITE, GENTILE. WHAT HAVE re!'ls ; man!s dresser : bookcase ; desk : (13) feet southwest of the large rooms : oil burner, stove and reYOU? WRITE-R. S. OLIVER, GeNtelephone stand. Also piano, console center line, and with onefrigerator. Beat buy this season. Price ERAL DELIVERY, HIGHLAND phonograph, ironing machine, etc. 1239 half inch expansion joints only $18,500. PARK, ILL. 104LT51-ltp Scott Ave., Winn. Tel. Wtnn. 1808. every. thirty (30) feet, 100LTN51-1tc normal to the center line & WANTED TO EXCHANGE FOR A 5 "~ thP pavement equal to 418 Linden Ave. Wimette 698 FOR SALE- MAHOGANY UPRIGHT bedrm. home, an attractive colonial Elastfte Expansion joints, 77L51-ltc piano & bench, fine condition, '100. clapboard home in Indian Hill Counand with seven-eighths ----------------Beautiful Brunswick . console phQnotry Club environment. The home con(%) Inch round steel rods ~40 1239 S tt slats of 8 rms., 4 bedrms., 2 baths, & d 8 in center of pavement at FOR 1SALE OR RENT DY OWNER, graph · recor · · · co ave., Kleen Heat oil burner, garage. Priced Winn. Tel. Winn. 1808. 100LTN51-ltc d d 7 h H W six inches from outer line new y ecor. mo . rm, se. . . at $28 000. Address L~fe A-143. cured with two (2) heat, lge. lot, gar. 14 trees, nr. "L" and FOR SALE-FINE VOSE UPRIGHT ' 104LTN51-ltc pounds of C a 1 c I u m school. Anxious. Price $16,500, rent $135 1 ----------------mo. Ph. Wilmette 3904. 77L51-ltp player piano, mahog. Exceptional tone, 1Chloride to each square with bench, music cabinet. 114 rolls of yard @ $2.43 per yard best music; easy terms. Tel. Winn. 2624. NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT (e~clusive of cement) .... 76,156.00 SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE OR 100LTN51-ltp rent. Good location near transp. Price 10 new brick valve chambers, For paving with reinforced concrete cylindrical in shape, three $15,000. $3,000 will handle. No brokers. and one-half (3%) feet Ph. Winnetka 788. 77L51-ltp FOR SALE-SETH. THOMAS MAHOG- and otherwise improving Main Street any hall clock, Westminster chime, a from the south limits of the Village · of in Internal diameter and rare bargain at $125. Must be seen to W'ilmette to the south line of Elmwood f-ix (6) feet deep with 78 FOR SALE-VACANT be fully ~ppreciated. Ph. Midway 8<!63. A venue. walls eight (8) inches 100L51-ltp Wilmette Special Assessment No. 228. thick and with a cast Office of the .Board of Local Improvetron cover and lid weighFOR SALE-$250 IRONING MACHINE, ments, Wilmette, IlUnois, September l2th, tng four hundred and gas heated, 48 in., good as new, $50. 1928. seventy ( 470) p111unds @ Also other furniture. 1239 Scott Ave., NOTICE is hereby given to all persons $75.00 each .. . .... . ... . . 750.00 Central Park nr. Isabella 50xl30 @ $70 ft. Winn. Tel. Winn. 1808. 100LTN51-ltc Interested that the bids for the improve25 manhole covers adjusted Isabella wooded 48x175 @ ...... $110 ft. ment of Main Street · from the south to grade @ $10.00 per Isabella Cor. wooded 50x175 @ . . $120 ft. LIVING ROOM SUITE, limits of the Village of Wilmette to th~ cover .. .. ... ....... ... . . 250.00 Linden Ave. Beautiful outlook and sur- OVERSTUFFED fireless cooker, full sized mattress. All south line of Elmw..Qod A venue and the 10,270 lineal feet of concrete roundings 100x154 @ .... $250 ft. in good condition. Ph. Wil. 3432 roadways of intersecting streets a~d curb seven (7) Inches Washington St. near lh blk. to lake 100L-ltc alleys to the outer ltne or lines ~f Mam thick and twenty-four 82x154 @ ...... ...... ...... .... $300 ft. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Street by excavating and removmg the (24) inches high and of Michigan Ave. looking onto park and FOR SALE-GAS STOVE $10, SMALL old curbs and curb and gutter, old pa~eRame mix of concrete as lake must be sold to close estate. ice box $5. Ph. Wilmette 2968. ment, earth and sidewflk, remove trees, the pavement @ $1.25 per Rlx171. Priced for quick sale. 100L'fN51-ltp resetting fire hydran s, ehlectric litgh~ foot ... ......... ... . .... . 12,837.50 The above vacant properties · are 'vorth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - poles and cables in the sout west par 0 · 10,500 barrels of Po r t 1 an d your consideration from an investment NEW TAN REED BAHY BCGGY, the said street and paving the same cement @ $2.05 per barand future home building standpoint. never Ui:e<l, bargain. Also play pen. with reinforced concrete pavement and rei We have many other desirable locations Ph. Wilmette 2230. 100LTN51-ltc otherwise improving the same, in the 6 280 squa~~· 'ie·e·t· ·~~ · ~~w· · c~~~ 21,525.0() to otrer. Village of Wilmette, were opened on the ' crete sidewalk, five and BEAUTIFUL CARVED WALNUT BED- 4th day of September, 1928, a~d M. one-half (5%) inches rm. suite, 6 pieces; very reasonable. Foley Company of Evanston, I!linOis, bethick, built in one course 768 Lincoln Ave., Winn. 100LTN51-ltc ing the lowest responsible . bidder, the of same kind and quality contract was awarded to sald M. Foley of concrete as the pave1108 Davis St. Univ. 8080 DAYBED, $20. COUCH, ROSE DAMASK Company on the 11th day of September, ment, on a layer of clean 78L51-ltc cover, $15. Tel. Winn 2069. 1928. cinders eight (8) inches ---------------100LTN51-ltp Said bid is for the work as a whole thick, @ 30c per foot . 1,884.00 and is as follows : . 25,000 pounds of o/s inch round FOR SALE 1 BOOKCASE AND FLOOR 11,850 lineal feet of curbmg and reinforcing rods @ 5c lamp. Ph. Winn. 2330. 100LT51-ltc . curb and gutter removed each 1,250.00 @ 15c per foot · · · · · · ·: · $ 1·77 5. 50 12 large ~i~~t~i~· ·ligi{t' 'j,~i~~ LEAVING CITY AND DISPOSING OF 14,800 square yards of old bnck with concrete base moved furniture. Tel. Kenil. 3732. 100LTN51-ltc and concrete pavement and re-set at $ . 00 removed @ 50c per yard each . . . . . . . . . . . ...25 . .. . THIS CONTAINS 8 ROOMS, THREE BOX COUCH. BARGAIN. WINN. 529W. 9 000 cubic yards of earth ex- 7,400.00 300.00 baths. There is also garage for two · t' @ $ er 14 small electric light poles 1 100 00 motors. The property Is well financed LTN 51 ·1tc cava lOn · p with concrete base moved 9 ·000 ·00 d b d M M . . trees yard removed . · · · · · · · · · ·@ · · · ·$3 · · ·· 00 ·· and reset @ $20.00 each .. 280.00 an terms may e arrange · r. ar- DINING ·RM. SET; 6 CHAIRS & TABLE, oO 4,856 lineal feet of electric 5 tin. buffet. Tel. Glen. 1290. 100LTN51-ltc each 1, 750.00 bl t k . 7 fire hyd~~~t~ · ·di·s~~~~~~t~d ?a e a en up and rela1d ~n1P ~ 1PJ1il12:ti1P Jlil/!'i) 101 WTD TO BUY-HOUSEHOLD GDS and reset six feet southm new trench @ 30c per cw. J.1 CW.ll ~J.i 5' ~ west of present location foot · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1,456.80 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND and reconnected @ $100 ---72LTN51-ltc furniture and other hou~ehold good~. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700.00 Total . . . ........... ...... . $142,754.80 Highest prices for same. Crost Furni30 water service pipes cut This award was made subject to conture store, 1004-6 · Emerson St., Evand new shut off valve ditlons contained in advertisement for anRton, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc installed and shut off box bids for said improvements. reset @ $15.00 each . . . . . . 450.00 The owners of a majority of the LAST LOT FOR SALE ON THIS 101 FOR 8ALE-MISCELLANEOUS 31 new brick catch basins, frontage of the lots and lands upon said beautiful, almost private street; highest cylindrical in shape of street wherein said work is to be done, point In Winnetka; 85 feet superb 7 PRS. OF ENGLISH CHINTZ DRAPthree (3) feet internal may within ten days from the date herefrontage adjoining wonderful homes; eries 3 yds. long, $10. Ph. Wilmette 2968. diameter, five (5) feet of, as provided by law, elect to take $18,000. 102LTN51-ltp deep from cover to botsaid work and enter into a writter contom of basin with walls tract to do said work at ten per centum $300 DARK MUSKRAT COAT 2 YRS. ~ight (8) inches thick, less than the price at which same has EXCLUSIVE AGEN'l't old, good cond. 38 or 40. $65. Ph. Wiltrapped and connected to been a warded. '120 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Wlnn. 254 mette 2968. 102LTN51-ltp the adjacent sewer with '18LTN51-ltc eight (8) inch vitrified EARL E. ORNER FOR SALE-HUDSON SEAL COAT tile pipe and with a cast ERNEST C. CAZEL LOT AT BELLEVIEW & BURTON IN with Ermine collar, like new, size 18, iron cover and with adALBERT L. GRINNELL Ravlnla. 60x152, $1,400.00 cash. Tel. $200. Ph. Wilmette 3405. 102LTN51-ltc justable curb equal to PAUL A. HOFFMAN Genooe 491. 78LTN51-ltp Duplex Adjustable Catch C. MILES MeDON ALD FUR COAT. BLACK PERSIAN LAMB; Basin Cover, weighing HANS von REINSPERG ONE ACRE ON ILLINOIS RD., $8,000. Brown fur collar, size 18. $100.00. Winn. 350 pounds @ $85.00 GORDON WILSON. Ph. Wilmette 3!28. 78LTN51-ltc 2168. 102LTN51-ltc 2 635.00 ·Jach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L51-ltc Classified Advertisements. FOR SALE CHEAP Sickness Forces Owner to Sell t QUINLAN TYSON, INC. GLENCOE'S BEST BUY CROSBY & McKENDRY PAUL .SCHROEDER co. ... Open for Your Approval Frotn 2 to 6 P. M. Saturday, 739 Forest Avenue, Evanston 1B3 ° cdl & w IT Prospect Ave. Lot I-IEINSEN REALTY CO.

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