Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1928, p. 63

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'september '14, 1928 ·~ SP~CIAL A.88E88JIENT 1' ·'lTiCE WILMETTE LIFE -. - ... ' . ·Illinois, as will more fully appear from the, Village of Wilmette, Cook County the certified copy of the judgment on Illinois, within 30 days from the dat~ will be had on the 1st day of October, WILMETTE SPECIAL W A.BBANT A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the file in my office ; that the warrant for hereof. NO. Ill business of the court wlll permit.' Al . the collection of such assessment is in Dated this 14th day of September A. D. persons desiring may file objections In the hands of the undersigned 1928. ' NOTICE: Public -notice is hereby given ~,aid court before sald ·day and mar ap Said Special Assessment is 'payable in EDMOND H. KERR pea'r on the hearing and mall:e their de that the County Court of Cook County, ten (10) annual installments. The amount Village Collector. fense. Illinois, has rendered :Judgment for a of the first instalment is $451.50, and the L51-1tc Said ordinance provides for the pay Special Assessment upon property bene- amount of each of the second to tenth ment of sald assessment ln ten (10) in fited by the following improvement. installments inclusive, is $100.00. All of stallments, with annual interest thereon Paving the central twenty-eight feet of said installments bear interest at the rate SPECIAl, ASSESSMENT NOTICE ·at the rate of six per cent per annum. Forest A ~enue from the east line of of six per cent per annum, and the first VILLA.G E OF WILMETTE Dated, Wilmette, lllh\ols, this Uth day Fifteenth Street to the southwest line installment is due and payable on the of September, A. D. 1928. of Sheridan Road, excep~ across the 2nd day of January, next, and one inSPECIAl, ASSESSMENT NO. !U CHARLES N. EVANS, right of way o, f the Chicago and North stallment is due each . year thereafter: Person appointed by the Western Railway, and except across the All . persons interested are hereby notiNOTICE is hereby given to all persons President of the Board tracks of the · Chicago North Shore and fied to call and pay the amount of the interested that the President and Board of Local Improvements Milwaukee Railroad, and Including the assessment at the collector's office in of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, of the Village of Wll roadways of intersecting streets (except th~ Village of Wilmette, Cook Co~nty, in the County of Cook and State of Il"' mette, Cook County, 11 Main Street) to the outer line or lines Illmois, within 30 days from the date linois, having ordered that the first and Unois, to make said as of Forest A venue to be improved by hereof. second alleys west of Fifth Street from sessment. paving with sheet asphalt and otherDated this 14th day of September A D the south curb line of Gregory Avenue L51-2tc 1928. . . to the north line of Isabella Street, and wise improving the same in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, EDMOND H. KERR the central eighteen . (18) feet of the first Illinois, as will more fully appear from Village Collector. a lley south of Gregory Avenue connect- · SPECIAl~ ASSESSMENT NOTICE the certified copy of the judgment on file VILLAGE OF WILMETTE L51-1tc ing said alleys be Improved by grading In my office ; that the warrant for the and paving with concrete and otherwise SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. Iff collection of such assessment is in the~------------------ improving the same in the Village of NOTICE is hereby given to all persons hands of the undersigned. Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the Or- interested that the President and Board SPECIAL ASSESSliENT NO'riCE Said Special Assessment is payable in dinance for the same being on file In of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette ten (10) annual Installments. The amount the office of the Village Clerk, and said in the County of Cook and State of Illl WIL~fETTE SPECIAL WARRANT of the first installment is $5205.00, and the Village having applied to the County nois, having ordered that the first ~ley NO. 22G amount of each of the second to tenth Court of Cook County for an assessment west of Wood Court from the south curb installments inclusive, is $4800.00. All NOTICE: Public notice is hereby given of the costs of said improvement, ac- line of Oakwood Avenue to the north of said installments bear interest at the that the County Court of Cook County cording to benefits, and an assessment (·ast curb line- of Prairie A venue be im rate of six per cent per annum, and the Illinois, has r endered judgment for a Spe~ therefor having been made and returned proved by grading and paving with Port first installment is due and payable on cial Assessment upon property benefited to said Court, Docket No. 241, the final land cement concrete and other:wise im the 2nd day of January, next, and one by the following improvements: hearing theron will be had on the 1st proving the same, in the Village of Wil installment is due each year thereafter. Improving the main water supply pipe day of October, A. D. 1928, or as soon mette, Cook County, Illinois, the Or All persons Interested are hereby notinow laid in Sixteenth Street from thereafter as the business of the court dinance for the same being on ftle in office of the Village Clerk, and said fied to call and pay the amount of the Greenwood Avenue to 4,shland Avenue, will permit. All persons desiring may the Village having applied to · the County assessment at the collector's office, in and in Greenwood A venue from Main file objections in said court before said Court Cook County for an assessment the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Street to Glendening Road, and in day and may appear on the hearing and of theofcosts of said improvement, ac . Illinois, within 30 days from the date Glendening Road from Greenwood Ave- make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the pay- cording to benefits, and an assessment hereof. nue to Ashland A venue to be tapped ment of said assessment in · ten (10) in- therefor having been made and returned Dated this 14th day of Septembe r, A. D. w·th a three-quarter (!}~) inch brass :::tallments, annual interest thereon to said Court, Docket No. 2U, the final 1928. corporation stop cock, at the points at the .rate with of six per cent per annum. hearing thereon will be had on the 1st EDMOND H. KERR designated in said resolution, and to Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 14th day day of October, A. D. 1928, or as soon Vilage Collector. be extended normal to the main water M September, A. D. 1928. thereafter as the business of the court L51-ltc supply pipe to a point nine feet from CHARLES N. EVANS will permit. All persons desiring may the adjacent street line in the above Person appointed by the file objections in said court before said named streets in Kenilworth Park AddiPresident of the Board day and may appear on the hearing and SPECIAL ASSESSMENT YOTICE tion, and otherwise improving the same of Local Improvements make their defense. in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County: Said ordinance provides for the pay of the Village of WilWILMETTE SPECIAL WARRANT Illinois, as will more fully appear from mette, Cook County Il- ment of said assessment in ten , (10) in NO. !I! the certified copy of the judgment on file. linois, to make said as- stallments, with annual interest thereon in my office ; that the warrant for the at the rate of six per cen~ per annum·. sessment. NOTICE: Public notice is hereby given collection of such assessment is in the Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 14th day L51-2tc that the County Court of Cook County, hands of the undersigned. of September, A. D. 1928. Illinois, has rendered judgment for a Said Special Assessment is payable in CHARLES~. EVANS Special Assessment upon property bene- ten (10) annual installments. The 'SPECIAL ASSESS1IENT NOTICE Person appointed by the fited by the following improvements. of the first installment is $781.00, VILLAGE OF WIL11ETTE President of the Board Improving the main water supply pipe amount the amount of each of the second to SPECIAL ASSESSMENT N·o. !U of Local Improvements now laid in Seneca Road, Locust Road, and NOTICE if; hereby given to all persons installments inclusi\'e, is $100.00. of the Village of Wll Mohawk Road, Iroquois Road, Black- tenth All of said installments bear interest at interested that the President and Board mette, Cook County, 11 hawk Road, Seminole Road, Illinois the rate of six per cent per annum, and of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, linois, to make said as Road, and the main water supply pipe the first installment is due and payable in the County of Cook and State of Illisessment. herein provided to be laid in Miami on the 2nd day of January, next, and one nois, ha \'ing ordered that the first alley L51-21c Road from Iroquois Road to Romona installment is due each year thereafter. southwest of Park Avenue from the Road, to be tapped with a three-quarter All persons interested are he reby notified l:'outheast c urb line of Washington Aveinch corporation stop cock at the to call and pay the amount of the assess- nue to the northwest curb line of Central PROPOSAL several points designated. in said reso- ment at the collector's office, in the Vil- Avenu e be improved by grading and pavBids will be received by the Superinlution and a cast iron water supply lage of Wilmette, Cook County, IUinois, ing with Portland cement concrete and tendent of Public Works at the Village pipe to be laid in Miami Road from within 30 days from the date hereof. otherwise improving tl}e same in the Hall, Wilmette, Illinois, up to 7 :30 P. M. main now laid in IroqU<>is Road to a Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illt- Tuesday, Sept. 18th, for one new Ideal Dated this 14th day of September A. point 350 feet north nois. th e Ordinance for the same being Sectional Boiler for steam-metal covered. D. 1928. in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, ED:\IOND H . KERR on fil e in the office of the Village Clerk, No. 1-2-S-9-S capacity 2050 18 Hoffman Illinois, as will more fully appear from Village Collector. :-~nd said Village having applied to the valves 2 lb. installP.d complete ready for the certified copy of the judgment on file L51-ltc County Court of Cook County for an as- service. in my office; that the warrant for the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l sessment of the costs of said improveThe Superintendent of Public Works collection of such assessment is in the ment. according to benefits, and an as- reserves the right to reject any and all hands of the undersigned. <:essment therefor having been made and bids. SPECIAL AS. ' ESS'!\IE:X'f XOTICE Said Special Assessment is payable in C. C. SCHULTZ, r eturn E:d to sai;.l C'ourt, Docket No. 242, ten ( 10) annual installments. The amount Supt. of Public Works. the final hearing thereon will be had on WILJIETTE SPECIAL lV ARRANT of the first installment is $1,120.00, and L51-ltc the 1st day of October, A. D. 1928, or as xo. !26 the amount of each of the second to soon thereafter as the business of the tenth instalments inclusive, is $900.00. All will permit. All persons desiring NOTICE: Public notice is hereby given court of said installments bear Interest at the may fil e objections in said court before that the County Court of Cook County, rate of six per cent per annum, and the said day and may appear on the hearing first installment is due and payable on Illinois, has rendered judgment for a and make their defense. Special Assessment upon property benethe 2nd day of January, next, and one Said ordinance provides for the payby the following improvement. The twenty-seventh anniversary of ment of said assesRment in ten (10) ininstallment is due each year thereafter. fited Improving Sixteenth Street from the All persons interested are hereby notistallments, with annual interest thereon the Peerless Motor Car corporation as north line of Lake A venue to the south at the rate of six per cent per annum. fied to call and pay the amount of the a car manufacturer was celebrated last of Ashland Avenue, except across Dated, Wilmette. Illinois, this 14th day assessment at the collector's office, in the · line Forest Avenue, Walnut Avenue and week at the big factory in Cleveland. of September, A. D. 1928. Village of Wilmette, Cook County, IlliElmwood A venue, which are already CHARLES N. EVANS Starting in 1901 as a maker of autonois, within 30 days from the date hereof. paved; also Greenwood Avenue from Person appointed by the mobiles under license from French Dated this 14th day of September A. D. the southwest line of Main Street to President of the Board patentees, Peerless has gone through 1928. the west limits of the Village of Wilof Local Improvements EDMOND H. KERR mette ; also Glendening Road from the of the Village of Wil- all the stages of automobile evolution Village Collector pavement herein provid'ed to be laid mette, Cook County, Il- from the small, chugging, one-cylinder L51-ltc in Greenwood Avenue to the north linois, to make said as- affair of the early days, to the powerlimits of the Village of Wilmette, and sessment. ful, smoothly-running, easily-operated Ashland Avenue from the pavement SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE L51-2tc car of today. herein provided to be laid in Glendening Road to the southwest line of Main WILMETTE SPECIAL WARRANT "In that time we have seen the auto:Street, and the intersections of abuttln~ NO. 214 SPECIAL A .SSESSlUENT NOTICE mobile develop from the plaything of a streets and alleys baek to the outer ·viLIJAGE OF WILMETTE few to a point where it is probably the line or lines of said streets to be imNOTICE; Public notice is hereby given SPECIAIJ ASSESS1IENT NO. 243 proved by grading and paving with that the County Court of Cook County, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons most important factor in our daily . conct:ete and otherwise improving the interei>ted that the President and Board lives," says Leon R. German, the PeerIllinois, has l'endered judgment for a Special Assessment upon property beneof Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, same in the Village of Wilmette, ·Cook County, in the County of Cook and State of Illi- less president. uThe influence of the fited by the following improvement. House drains of the best quality of vit- Illinois, as will more fully appear from nois, having ordered that the first alley motor car ls far broader than most of rified tile pipe of six inches internal the certified copy of the judgment on file southwest of Main Street from the north us think. diameter, and five-eights (5/8) of an in my office; that the warrant for the curb line of Oakwood Avenue to the "For instance, it has been one of the inch thick, to be laid in Sixteenth collection of such assessment is in the southeast line of the first alley northwel'lt most important factors in the developof Linden A venue, except across the roadStreet between the north line of Green- hands of the undersigned. Said Special Assessment is payable in way of Linden Avenue be improved by ment of the modern city," continues Mr. wood Avenue and the south line of 41 Eyes are turning towards A venue between the west line ten (10) annual installments. The amount grading and paving with Portland cement German. of Main Street and the east of the first installment is $4300.00, and concrete and otherwise improving the the suburbs and away from the crowded line of Glendening Road, and in Glen- the amount of each of the second to tenth same, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook dening Road between the north line installments inclusive, is $4000.00. A1l of County, Illinois, the Ordinance for the sections simply because we are no longer of Greenwood A venue and the south said installments bear interest at the same being on file in the office of the dependent on the street cars te take us line of Ashland Avenue, from and con- rate of six per cent per annum, and the Village Clerk, and said Village having to work and back again. necting with the public main sewer In first installment is due and payable on ::tpplied to the County Court of Cook "If you were to poll the car owners each of said streets and opposite the the 2nd day of January, next, and one County for an assessment of the costs lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land installment is due each year thereafter. of said improvement, according to bene- of America on the 'subject of vacations, at the places and in the manner in said All persons interested are hereby noti- fits, and an assessment th.e tefor ha vlng you would find that fully half of them fied to call and pay the amount of the been made and returned to said Court, spent their holidays in their automobiles resolution in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, assessment at the collector's ofllce, in Docket No. 243 the final hearing thereon (*) Peerless Car Observes Its 27th Anniversary this year.

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