Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1928, p. 34

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WI~M E TTE LIP.E · September 21. 1928 !. .OD J-UDAY OW IIACB w··K . LLOYD BOLLI8Ha. DC. 1111-1111 Central AYe., Wilmette. DL GllllaNro ollce: I N. lllc~ AYe. TeL ..... all ILMETTE ·LIFE .,. structures that would please the eye, that were not merely useful but also beautiful? SHORB LINES ··· ·..······.· ~ .··..··...·.···· Wlladte till ..r.cat"'o· PaJCB.- ............ PM A DU AD aommunlcatlona must be accompanied b~ tlae aDd addreu of the writer. Artlcl· tor pabon muat reach the editor by Wedne84ay noon to .._" appearance In current l11811e. . Reeo1utlona of condolence, cards of tlul.nb, obltuart-. notices of entertainments or other daln when u admittance charge 111 publ.shed, will be charpd at l'eii'Ulllr lldvertlslng rates. = Vote Next Tuesday/ As a final reminder, be sure to vote next Tuesday, September 25, on the proposition to oper~te motion picture theaters in Wilmette on Sunday after noon. If possible, Next vote before going to business. .Tuesday. . Don't forget! In view of t'he fact that the Drum and· THE HARVEST MOON Bugle corps of the Wilmette P.ost of the As 07.'er purpling hills, the day ~eclines, . American Legion has been in existence only And s!ttmbrotts grows the WJ'!d upon _the hesght; ' since last spring and is Tire vintagers tt4m homeward wath the mght, . The ripened fruit ncnu gathered from t~e vr.nes. therefore o n 1v a few Remarkabls There in the gilded west, where golden s~snes months old, it is reThe last fair vestige of the day so bnght, Achievement markable that it should Soon shall the hanrest moon, fair ~rb of light~ . have won an important · Shed . far her beams on mountmn-mere and psnes. award at the state convention of American Olz, you, who walk these moon-flood path~ ~th me.· Legion held in \Vaukegan on September 10. · J.VItat vintage ha'l'e :.vott gathered on ltfe s wa.yf J¥hat sown! ~~hat reaped? the world is wide and free Such an accomplishment proves that the To sow where'er ) '011 ·will, or what you ·may; Corps is an organization of which Wilmette Oh, so-;:(' :vott well, that what you re~p ml!Y be should be genuinely proud. It surely means As wondrous as the ha.rvest Moons bnght ray. -Laura Rathbone, in "O.n Wings of Song.'· that the corps is on its upward way to still more remarkable successes. We'll Take a Bit of "Mule" Mique, my most revered professional pater, immediatelv pounces upon me as I enter on a preannounced absolutely non-professional visit and orders me back to work. (lncide~tally, the So~. Ed wants me to w~i~e. up a _weddmg, ~he ·. Movte Ed a review. the Edttonal 'Vnter, an edttonal and the Personal Lady to call for personals.) Hence as a Visiting Editor, I sit at the head man's d~sk and write-what, I know not. As usu3:l. As the Republican desk man on a Democr3:ttc ·paper I promise to subv~rt the news so as to swmg Kentucky over to Mr. Ho·over. By the way, have · . a mint julep. How does it feel to be back? Just as tf I had never been away. The only difference that I can see in the old home office is that the slams that have accumulated in about four months ar~ now being released on me at the rate of forty-two a minute and now being one of the South's most polite southerners, I fail miserably on the comeback. Ah, Kentucky what hast thou done to me. -Hub, of Henderson, Ky. · Yes, Yes, Go On Mique, Sir-Fil tbe Filosofer has returned from the wilds of Northern Michigan, and with him bas also returned.. the dipty . aad solid. worth so sadly lacking in our edit~rial rooms since his d~ parture last June. His co~tributions! now t~ be delivered at short range, wdl deal With questions of the hour in masterly fashion. . Readers of bis column ·will sooner or later become aware of his leaning towards Herbert H. . We also trust that the cleanlilless and courtesy of his thoughts and words will convince his readers that he did .-ot during his wilderness tour contract the habit of eating tobacco. .In short the campaign for uplifting the manners and morals of the north shore has begun. -Fil, the Filosofer. \Vhat shall be our slogan .for · the new year, not the one beginning January 1, but about September 5? We want , o ne that shall be acceptable to both Keep On old and young, to business The recently arrived-at agreement of the men and to professional North Shore realtors to close their offices Growing! men to hou sewives and to on Sunday was reached only after careful social leaders, to rich and to· : and prolonged investipoor and to those with moderate incomes, Realtors Close gation. Had this deto all human beings in short. cision been the sudden We believe that we have found one that .on Sundays outcome of hasty and only a very few will object to. These very prejudiced conclusion few include the extremely lazy and init might be taken lightly. But inasmuch dolent, the ultra-cons~rvative, the self-satas the ;views of all realtors involved ~/ere isfied. But these very few may for our thoroughly canvassed and inasmuch as th~ purpose be forgotten temporarily. We bevote fot:' Sunday closing was virtually unan- . lievc that our suggested slogan will appeal imou~, the action has no .. little significance. .. . ,.strongly to the great majority of people J\mo~g other things it doubtless means -·-everywhere. . · that an efficient real estate ·salesman can do · It is "Keep on Growing." enough :bu~iness during the six day~ of the It must be the aim of every really living week to make it unnecessary for him! to do person to keep on gr,owing. Living in the Sunday work. Good salesmen ',in other real sense of the word is growing. And growing means expanding. The business fields prosper without using Sunday. Obviously the Sunday closing rule canman must keep on expanding his business, not .operate successfully if individual realalways reaching out for new business. He tors open 'their · offices on Sunday. It's cannot be content with former victories. Good business grows. plainly a case of all or none. Therefore in order that realtors and ·their office workers One of _the surest signs that human bemay not lose the weekly day of rest and ings are coming to recognize the supreme importance of growing constantly is the recreation and that the general public become accustomed · to confining its . real .steady spread of that movement known as estate buying and selling to normal workAdult Education. It is only one of the ing dayfs it is hoped that the rule against Sunmany evidences that he wh~ grows most day opening be adopted bY. 100% of our is most truly alive. North Shore realtors. ------The love that boys in America and England feel for October is vigorously ex'l'he north shore is beautiful but not by pressed in the chorus of a song written any means so beautiful as it might very for the boys of Harrow easily be. Streets and vacant lots should School, England. It is be kept free from October with easily antong the first of all kinds, rubbish Keep the North Us Again of all rousing school' especially paper of all Sllore Beautiful sizes arid all kinds songs. "October! October! 1-farch for the dull and from newspapers to sofier; wrapping paper. If citizens whose homes The sun's of May for the school-girls' play; were near. disreputable vacant lots would take But give to the boys October." on themselves the duties that the absentee owners of . these lots hav~ shirked, these This feeling is shared fully by all redcitizens would render their neighborhoods . blooded hun1an beings. Tht:re is that in a valuable service. the very sound of the word, October, which thrills and vitalizes. It suggests harvest, There are on the north. shore properties the maturing and gathering of fruits and signs so made and so set up as to increase the .good looks of the property which they grain, the filling of cellar, crib. and barn with the results .o f the year's work. It advertise. Realtors responsible for such signs are to be thanked and congratulated. means the reaping of many days of hard Such real-estate men know that trees were labor, the reward of months of persistent not mad~ to serve as posts for signs and planning and putting into effect. that a good-looking sign sells more efficiOn the north shore October marks the ently than the other sort. real beginl)ing of a multitude of activities, Would not the north shore be kept more of social activities of all kinds. of events beautiful if more builders studied archiin many fields-dramatic, athletic, civic. Three cheers for October! tecture and gained the desire to put up ( Though no propaganda supporting the fact has reached the editorial desk, we are inclined to the opinion that National Joke Week is upon us, as witness the several contributions provided by some of our dearest enemies. We submit these with the express understanding that ·this column be absolved . from all responsibility. Well, here goes: One of the men in our party hooked the customary sucker in lieu of the coveted perch, and. of course, to the delight of his boat companions. Says he, .indignantly enough-"And I had to catch that thmg when I thought all the suckers up here were in this boat." · A group of Glencoe women were in the midst of their weekly bridge party when the topic of conversation inevitably turned to husbands, who, it would seem, were in particular favor that day. Suddenly terminating the outbur~ts of praise, a meek individual volunteered: "Well, you·d probably feel pretty sick if you saw my husband." "Why?" came the astonished chorus. "Aha," says she, "because he's a doctor." (From Beth, just home from a fishing trip) Not so bad, but just get this one from Wickie: Not to be outdone by the others, our Soc. Ed . chimes in with cpmment concerning the reported casualties at last Sunday's Sheridan Shore Yacht ·. club races. "It must have been terrible," she opined, "for didn't you hear that the Katydid broke a back stay, and that the Stork ran a buoy." PositiYely Astounding The customary serenity of Wilmette may or may not have been slightly disturbed early this week when a few dozen small boys scattered abroad the information that the state of Pe'nnsylvania does very nicely without Sunday movies. And the obvious answer is: what of it, or, if so, because. The only difference, after all, is that we choose to do OUR Sunday sleeping in the movies. -KIQUE.

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