Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1928, p. 61

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- Sept$ber :21, 1918 it HELP WA.NTED-I'EXUB 11 W·ILMETTE ·LIFE tUTUA.TION ·wAlfTED-XA.LE t7 FOB :8BNT-APTS. ., 61 J! .fc of fy tc ~s ilO tc IR el. tp l~ ·d. tc tc fi. IR tc D 1 8. of 'n. fl. , tc L ~c ar. 10. R n. tc 1'\. F: tj) L Ct?, il tp L i 1h. t<.: ·o tc L P te .F. tc Wllmette 68 340 Linden Ave. 'few bide·· 8ZO Jucleon . Ave. · 111UL Can67L62-1tc GOOD COOK TO PREPARE DINNER EXP. COUPLE, CAREFUL CHAUF.vu walla. elec. ret., tile bath and aihow· for three each evening. Ph. Wilmette er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. feur, good cook. Best ref. Ph. Kenil2920. 56L52-1tc worth 2257. 62LT52-ltp INTELLIGENT GIRL FOR GEN'L OF2 to 5 BATHS ·OO Lee St. A t40 Judaon Ave. Lunrl· fice work. Address A-152. ~3 BOAR~ AND RO.OM oua and modern & nn. &Pta.. I batha, Exceptionally luxurious apartments, located at 1426-30 Chicago A venue, ip the 5 6_L_T_N_ 5_ 2-_ 1_tc _G_E_N_T_L_E ----------------------------------------_ ____ M_A_N _____D_E ____ S-IR_E_S-----H----O ____M ___E __ woodburniU. ftreplaca, elec. retr. aDd quiet charm of beautiful churches an4 many other dealrable features. 6 rma., GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Write Wilmette Life A-156. parks. So elegant, charming, · distinc$185-$176. . tive, they merit your Inquiry at the Ph. Glencoe 467. 56LTNI~,t.·tt~ )·~~~~~~~~~~~6~3~L~T~N~5~2-~t~fc earliest possible moment. IG W ANT;ED.-BOARD & ROOM HELP WTD.-MALE ~- W. Cor. Oak Ave. A Lake St. A 41· ttncUve bide.. with all mo4ern conYen- 509 Davis St. t---------------------------------------Greenleaf 600 WANTED SINGLE ROOM AND lence· and ftnMt appolntmentL t. I 67LTN52-ltc board for father and nine year old ~ 8 rm. apta. with rental from daughter, private home. Write Wil$100 to $216. SUBLEASE - ATTRACTIVE 2-ROOM mette Life A-149. 65L52-1tp apartment, large living room, light and C~OICEST airy; cross :ventilation. Rolla way. BOY ATTENDING H. S. WILL DO Shower. FrlgldaUre. Ample closet space. AGE 25 TO 50. AVERAGE INTELLIwork at home for board & room. Tel. 1709 Central Street, Evanston. Phone gence, good 8J>Pear~nces and ambitious Winn. 461. 65LT52-ltc University 9191. Or see agent In buildto succeed to vacancy in local branch ~burch a Hinman. Beautiful T rm. apta., ing. Immediate occupano,y. of nation-wide concern. Prefer men ee newly decorated. all outldde rm&, 1110. FOR RENT-ROOMS 67L52-ltc with Interest In electricity or meJ JUl. APTS. chanics. Permanent well paying con- ATTRACTIVE LARGE FRONT ROOM 2541 Prairie Ave. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 65.00 FOR RENT-ONE OF THE NICEST 5 nection with real future. For interRll. A.PT8. in exceptional home, near transp. Un- 2541% Prairie I Ave. rm. apts. ~n Hubbard Woods facing view, see Mr. W. S. Hogue, 1621 Sher. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. 60.00 usual opportunity for person who appre- lUI Maple Avenue .. . . . . .......... Tl.il park. H. W. heat, Frigidaire. Will man Ave., Evanston, Ill. Room 201. ciates congenial surroundings. Use of decorate to suit. $100 per mo. Ready 57LT52-ltc t Rll. APTS. piano optional. Gentleman preferred. ~63'1-19~ Prairie Ave., Ina4or 1'10 a Tl.&o Oct 1st. 1050 Gage St.. Hubbard Ref. Ph. Wllmette 3139. 66LTN52--tp tOG-Sheridan . Rd., Elec. Retr. . . 8&.00 Woods. Owner. 263 WoOdlawn Ave. i8 HELP WTD.-MALE .t FEMALE . ' Ph. Glencoe 972. · 67LTN52-ltp 114 HIDman AYe.,: _:mt.c. Retr·.... 1&.00 1 LARGE ROOM FACING SOUTH WITH Ll38 Maple AYe ·· ~e. BmL ······ to.Ot 2 closets and private t ·th, suitable for KENILWORTH E M P L 0 Y M E N T TO RENT.:__UNFURNISHED SUNNY Cl .. .,14 Fnf'f"llt Ave., Roll-a-wq, couple, $12 per week atso 1 single rm. Agency-Over Kenilworth Post Office, 2nd floor of house - with use of kitchen Elec. Refr·......... . ........... . $ 96.00 $6.50 per week. 4 blks. from L 'nden 616 Sheridan Rd., elee. · ref., coach good positions for domestic help. Ph. and gar. Reas. Call at 882 Oak St., Ave. station. Ph. Wilmette 3587. Winnetka. 6'1LTN52-1tp Kenilworth 1847. 58LTN52-2t~ service . . . ... . . . .... . ..... . ... . ...... t90 66LT52< tc lf54 Oak Ave., wood burn. ftrepl., elec. APT. ; ALSO FURN. RMS. WITH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES refrigeration .. .. ... . .... .. .. . .... .. $100 4 RM. FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS kitchen prlv. Ph. Wllmette 2564. 820 Judson Ave., (Judson Castle) new employed ; light and pleasant; hot and 67L52-1ta WILL INVEST IN BUSINESS WITH bldg. elec. ref., ln-a-dor .. ..... . . . $90 cold ~unnlng water; garage space tf · '576 services, best of ref. Write Wilmette iherldan Square .. . .... . $95--$106 desired. Phone Wil. 776-M. 66L35-tfp Michigan-Lee Apts. . .. ... . . . . ......... HP FOUIJ, LARGE HEATED RMS., PRIV. Life A-155. 59LTN52-1tp home ; tile bath. Ph. Wilmette 2910. 126 Main St .... : .. .. ... . .. . .. .... .. 90 6'1LTN52-1tp LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATE 1506 Oak Ave. . . .. .. .. . .. .... . $100-$106 to SITUATION ·WANTED-FEMALE bath, gar. Ph. Winnetka 1543. I Rll. A.PT8. 66LTN52-ltc 804 Sheridan Rd., elec. re~. · · 120.00 3 ROOMS & BAT.H; NO CHILDREN; WANTED BY A COMP. WHITE WOMOct. 1. 1027 Spruce St. Tel. Wlnn. 1660. an-housework by the day or half day. ROOM FOR RENT IN PRIVATE ·11~ Pralrle Ave. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 11.08 67LTN62-ltp 71t-:11 BlDman ATe., Ice. BmL 105.00 Catering done and children cared for. home, 3 blocks from transp. Lady pre1116 Maple Ave., ... l'ID8. ···.·. · · · ·· 116.00 Ph. Wilmette 2919. 60LT52-ltp 4 RM. APT. WITH GARAGE. ALL ferred. Ph. Wilmette 128'1. 66L52-ltp 534 Michigan Ave.. elec. refrlc. . ... 1116 mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. Reu. lf5f Oak Ave.. wood-bum. ftrepl .· EXP. NURSE MAID WANTS CARE OF FOR RENT-3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED 67LTN52-ltp elec. refrigeration .. .. ... $140..$160..$1'16 1 o.r 2 chlldren. N. S. Ref. Ph. Kenillight housekeeping rms. Ph. Wilmette 724 Hinman Ave., elec refrlc. . .. . $126 worth 3048 between 6:30 and 8 P. M. NEWLY DECORATED, 969- ·w. 66LT52-tfc 5 RMS., $55. '1!0 A. Hinman Avenue .......... tl00.08 only. 60LTN52-ltc furn. heat. 1730 Walnut. Call Edge. 134 Main Street .................. $110.00 67LT61-Ztp ALL CONVENIENCES; 4279. 3 ROOMS; Michigan-Lee, new bldg.. elec ref. EXP. INFANT'S NURSE DESIRES close to transp. ; Tel. Glencoe 1008. 940-950 Michigan Ave. . . . ....... 165-170 5 RM. FLAT, STOVE HEAT. INQUIRE perm. position, good ref. Like to take 66LTN52-ltc Abbey Garth Apts.. W. B. fireinvalid child. Ph. Wilmette 2764. at 1448 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. places, refrll'. included. 60LTN52-ltp 2 LOVELY BEDRMS.; BATH; KIT. 67L62-ltp 940 Judson Ave . . ....... . .. ..... 180-1'16 ---------------prlv. ; ladles pref. ; cent. location. Tel. EXP. COOK, GEN. WK. OR LAUNWinn. 1820. 66LTN52-ltc 1505 Oak Ave. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .$125-$150 FOR RENT- KITCHENETTE APT. PH. dress. Ph. Roosevelt 4128 eve. only. 576 Sheridan Square · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 126 Wilmette 3082. 67LTN52-ltp I Rll. APl'S. 60L5!-1ttt PLEASANT ROOM FURNISHED. NEAR t8 POB BBNT-FUBN. APT.S. E,..X-P-._LA_U_N_D_R_E_S_S_WI __ S_HE_S_W_E_D-.-AN-D transp. Gar. 1520 Walnut, WiJ~~J~~itc 540 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms. garage available . .. ... ..... . . . 1'10.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 911 Sheridan Rd.. 2 batlul, elec. Thur. Call eve. Evanston ref. Douglas FOR RENT-APARTMENTS FURN. OR refrlg., In 3 apt bldg., un· 5988. 60LTN51-2tp unfurnished by the week or month. Ph. 11 FOR RENT-APTS. obstructed view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116.00 Wilmette 2399 or 3345. 68LTN50-tfc LAUNDRY BY THE DAY OR PLACE -------------------------------- 726 Seward St (Duplex), Inc. gar. $116 as cook. Tel. Drexel 6930. 717 Hinman Avenue . . . . . . . . . . . . $1&0..0 .. FOB. RENT-HOUSES 60LT52-ltp 1107 Lake Street ....... . $170-$180-$216 -------------------------------------~ For Immed. & Oct. 1st Occupancy Mlchtgan Lee Apts. . . . ........ . ... $235 FOR RENT OR SALE BY OWNERWILL CARE FOR CHILDREN AFTER- 914 Sherman Ave., 1 rm. . ..... $ 55.00 7 IUrf. APTS. ttBG nf:wly decor. mod. 7 rm. hse. H. W. noons, evening or hour. Ph. Univer- 943 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. . . . . . . . . 60.00 1636 Hinman Ave.· 2 baths . · · ... · · · heat, lge. lot, ~ar., '14 trees, nr. "'L" 65.00 916 Michigan Ave., stpg. pch. A IIUD sity 3442-W. 60L52-1tc 1320 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. and school. Anxious. Price $17,600, 1303 Elmwood Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . 60.00 ~~&r. . . . . . ..... . . . .. .. ... .. ......... $1'76 rent $135 mo. Ph. Wilmette 3904. BUNDLE WASHING, CALL FOR AND 1307 Oak Ave., 3 rms. ... . . . . . . . . 70.00 927 Michigan Ave. large ltv. rm. . . $226 69L52-ltp deliver. Ph. Greenleaf 2378. 520 Lee St., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 Michigan Lee, new bide. . ......... $286 · 60LT52-ltp 904 Elmwood Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . 70.00 OJ'II'ICBS FOR RENT-VERY REAS. TO RIGHT 2249 Ridge Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 72.50 1111 Sherman Ave., 8tu41o Bide. hi up party, house, 4 bedrms., glazed alp. EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WASHING 2116 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . 75.00 STORBS porch, 2 car garage, lot 100x210, 1 blk. and ironing to take home ; will call for 2208 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . 77.50 U86-U~ Prairie Ave········· ·. ·· 10... from schls. ; 4 blks. from elect. &: train. 804 Seward St., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 72.50 GARAGES and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 765-W. · Tel. High. Pk. 1335. 69LTN62-1tp 903 Main St., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 1711 Sherman Ave (heatecl) · · · · · · ti.H 60LT52-ltc FOR RENT-NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE, 4 2251 Ridge Ave., 4 rms . ... . . ... . . 82.50 0 EXP. LAUNDRESS. REF. PH. UNI- 1319 Oak Ave., 4 rms . ............ 85.00 ll\11f 8\'IPM\f)lfn bedrms., 2 baths, sun parlor ; large lot. versity 8163. 60LTN52-ltc 2116 Sherman Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . 90.00 ~ GIWL WI , 903 Wlllow Rd., Winnetka. Ph. Kenil1621 Ridge Ave., 4 rms . . ....... · · 90.00 Davia Street worth 1956; 69LTN 48-tfc Greenleaf 1861 830 Gaflleld Pl., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 518 LAUNDRESS WISHES WED. & THURS. 67LTN 52-ltc 6 RM. AND BATH, WATER HEAT, Ref. Tel. Unlv. 8H6. 60LTN6~-ltp 2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . 80.00 lot 50x180. Take lot as part payment. 800 Seward St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 WANTED LAUNDRY WORK, $3.50 PER 729 Seward St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . 85.00 1937 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4424. day, Ph. Greenleaf 2378. 60LT52-ltp 811 Simpson St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . 100.00 69LTN5Z-ltp 1014 Main St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 COLORED GIRL WISHES GEN. MAID 1125 Davis St., 5 rms. . . ... ....... 110.00 FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE 8 RM. 1305 Oak Ave., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 115.00 2, 3, f, AND 5 ROOMS work ; no washing. Drexel 8988. house, 2 car garage, $130 per mo. No 60LTN52-ltp 161-" Ridge Ave., 5 rms. ..... . .... 120.00 Here In Wllmette;s most convenient and brokers. Ph. Wllmette 1582. 1lf6 Maple Ave.1. 6 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 140.00 exclusive location, you will ftnd well-ar69LSZ-ltc ranged apartments. All apartments A-1 LAUNDRESS, N. S. REF. PH. 1009 Grove St., t rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 820 Hinman Ave., 6 rms. . . ...... 120.00 have outside rooi&B which provide an TO RENT-WINNETKA, UNFURN. 7 Kenwood 91H. Mrs. Washington. abundauce of llcht and air. Ample 60LTN52-ltp 845 Ridge Ave., 6 rms. ... . . ..... 130.00 rm. hse., newly dec., centrally loc. car.· 1900 Orrington Ave., 6 rms. ...... 145.00 closet space. Schools, churches, and reas. Call at 882 Oak St..r. Winnetka, 1615 Ridge Ave., 6 rms ... . . .. .... 165.00 shopping faclllUee within Immediate or Ph. Winnetka 1929. ~~t9LTN5J-ltp tl SIT. WTD.-:M.ALE . access. See these aJ211.rtmenta today. 6 RM. HOUSE, H. W. HEAT, $'46. S57 WORk BY THE HOUR OR DAY. W. Park Ave. Owner on premises. Ph. Cleaning woodwork or windows. ServRockwell 9482. . ULTN52-ltp ing & waiting table. Landscape work 1564 Sherman Avenue University 285 a specialty. .Tel. Winn. 1667. WIL fto 67LTN52-ltc Linden Ave. 61LT62-2tQ ' 87LTNf7-tff' I'OR RENT-IN WEST KENILWORTH, TTE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t rm. stucco houae, J-car &ar. Ph. EXP. WHITE MAN HAS Z DAYS PER FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENE FOUR LARGE H;HlATED ROOMS, TILE Kenilworth 11'18. ltLTN4t-tfc week open for house and lawn work;· apartment, .team heat, Janitor service, bath, prly. hoD;le. Wllmette 2910· . .. Perm. Ph. Wllmette. l088. near transportation. Call Wilmette 6'1LTN62-ltp .MORE 'WANT ADS ON PAG.E 1Z 61LT61-ltc 1800. 67LTN33-tfc WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK: SMALL NEAT YOUNG COL. MAN, WISH~S tam., good wages. Tel. Wlnn. 3098. pos. as butler & houseman. A1 N. s. 1 '· 66LTN62-ltc Ref~. Tel. Wlnn. 1994 days. Robinson. 61L62-ltp GEN. MAID; WHITE; PROT. ; GOOD wages ; nurse kept; ref. req. Tel. WANTED-GARDEN WORK BY THE Wlnn. 242. 66LT62-ltp day, hour, or contract. Tel. Winn. 2708. 61LTN52-1tp WHITE WOMAN GENERAL HOUSEwork, . family of three. Ph. Wilmette t2 SIT. WTD-MALE .t FEMALE 1129. 66LTN52-ltp COUPLE DESIRES PERM. WORK AS WHITE GIRL ,, FOR GEN. HSWK., cook, chauffeur and houseman. Best neat, clean, wllllng worker. Ph. Winref. Johnson. Ph. Wilmette 1510. netka 2149. 66LTN52-ltc 62LTN52-ltp Choice ApartmeDb EVANSTON TOWERS NEAR ELEVATED, IDEAL 5 ROOM apartment on ftrst floor of duplex. Hot · water oil heat. · $80 per month. 11'-IOJ Bherlclan Square ; 4-1-t I'OOD .Also roomy 6 room apartment In nearly apta. Elec. Refr. A motor ooach .-nlct new bulldlng east of Ridge. Unusual to ~hoot A ahopplnc . center lncl bl bargain at .90 per month. rehtal. A home overlooklna lake. Mod .-ratt- renta111. 4 l"fttma, tl& to tlO& . 5 rooms, $126 to $171. JUDSON CASTLE ABBEY-GARTH 6-7-8-9 ROOMS THE CHURCHVIEW Victor C. Carlson Org. LOCATION IN EVANSTON Evanston Apartm . ents I cdl&W n JmCo -----------T ___T___ LINDEN CRES AP S. WILMETTE §mm&nt & (G(O)ll<e<ep lliiD«:o QUiNLANm&TYSON, INC. ·z·

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