Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1928, p. 62

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September 21. 1928 ·~ Classified Advertisetnents (Conti~ued . FOB SALE-BOUS~S POB 8ALE-BOUSE8 FOR 8ALE-B01J8E8 ATT:· NEW 5 RM. BRICK BUNGALOW, from page 61) 71 FOB BENT-FURN. HOUSES GLENCOE. FURN. OR UNFURN. OCT. 1st, 5 rm. buna-., oil ht., Everhqt W. H. Nr. cbs., schls., clbs. and transp. Couple or teacher~!,; Reas. for 1 yr. Tel: Glencoe 1336. 70LTN52-ltc FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED 6 room house, gar. Occupancy Oct. 1st or later, $100 per mo. No brokers. Ph. WIJmette 1682. 70LI>2-1tc FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 6 rm. new brick Dutch colonial, east of R. R. 1005 Oakwood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4379. 70L52-ltp 7 ROOMS, FURNISHED. VERY LOV: rent. Oct. 1--or Nov. 1 to latter pa t of · April. Tel. Wlnn. 1065. 70LTN52-ltc 71 FOB BENT-STOKES .t OFFICES ' STORE OR OFFICE IN LINDEN CREST BuUdlng. -Suitable for small shop or professional man. Low rental. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 73LTN52-.4tc LARGE SECOND FLOOR CORNER office, suitable for real estate, doctor or dentist Will divide. Franklln Bldg. Elm & Center Sts., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 38·2. 73LTN51-tfc FOR RENT-2 STORES, 3 OFFICE rooms and a 6 room flat In Kenilworth. Ph. Kenilworth 403 or phone 3385 after 6 P. M. 73L52-ltp FOR RENT-STORE IN HUMPHREY BuUdlng. Possession October 1, 1928. Call Winnetka 98. 73LTN50-tfc 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES §(ID,ll~ ©Ir ~®Irillt $27,500- $225 Mo. OLD HOME IN A VERY CONVENIENT EVANS'fON TO HIGHLAND PARK If you intend to buy a home on Chisection. close to schools, stores and transportation. Can be purchased at cago's beautiful North Shore, It would be to your advantage to see these little more than ground value. Quiet ;s FOR SALE-VACANT NEW houses first. As builders' agents street surrounded by new houses. An - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - we are showing ~ractlcally every new excellent proposition for someone willing dwelling In this district. These strictly to spend a little for remodeling. For new homes include every popular type details call of architecture and range ln price from Central Park nr. Isabella 50x130 @ $70 ft. 5 rooms at $11,000 to 10 spacious rooms Isabella wooded 48x175 @ .....· .. . $110 ft. at $60,000. Isabella Cor. wooded 50xl75 @ . ... $120 ft. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 285 Linden Ave. Beautiful outlook and sur77LTN52-1tc roundings 100x154 @ ..... . ..... . $250 ft. Washington St. near % blk. to lake 82x154 @ ...........·............ $300 ft. 1177 WUmette Ave. Wilmette 273 OFFICE CLOSED SUNDAYS Michigan Ave. looking onto park and 'l7L52-ltc lake must be sold to close estate. 81x171. Priced for quick sale. BRAND NEW ENGLISH BRICK ON The above vacant properties are worth tile construction, 4 large light bedrooms, your consideration from an investment 3 baths, attached heated garage. Lot and future home building standpoint. 75x154 in fine location with fine unobWe have many other desirable locations structed view. Additional 26 or 50 ft. WELIJ BUILT TWO STORY STUCCO to ot'fer. and shingle house in excellent condition. may be had if desired. Priced to sell Three delightful bedrooms, heated sleepat $27,000. Easy terms. The best buy in ing porch, sun room, large screened Winnetka. Call us about it. front porch. Hot water heat, 1 car garUniv. 8080 1108 Davis St. age. Fine large trees, beautifully land78L51-ltc Phone 2850 scaped lot. Convenient to schools and 743 Elm St., Winnetka LTN-ltc. trans. Priced to sell. Liberal terms. MUST DISPOSE OF AT A GREAT SAC Mr. McDougall riflce beaut. 100 ft. lot. Close to schl. and park. Tel. Seeley 8151. Mr. Schouter. 78LTN52-ltp 1603 Sheridan Road, Wilmette 2013 HIGHLAND AVENUE Del Lago District Built by William Boll-builder ot· many Phone Wilmette 3741 of Wilmette's most substantial homes. s; WTD. TO BENT-APARTMENTS 77LTN52-ltc New English house of red brick construction throughout with balsam wool. LOOKING FOR 3 OR 4 ROOM FLAT with bath and heat near North Western Spanish interior. Gar. attached. Station only. Write Wilmette Life Six large rooms, sun parlor, 2 colored A-142. 87L51-2tc tile baths, 2. fireplaces, California mantels, lounging room in basement, H. W. heat, incinerator. Large attic. 89 'VANTED TO RENT-HOUSES WITH SPACIOUS ROOMS HA V.ING Price $24,000. Open for inspection Sun- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - well planned wall spaces. Interesting day from 2 :00 P. M. to 6 :00 P. M. I HAVE PEOPLE INTERESTED IN sun room with open book shelves. 4 Ph. Wilmette 1222. 77L52-ltc renting furn. & unfurn. hses. C. Lang. nice bedrooms, large heated sleeping Tel. Winn. 1194. 89LTN52-ltc porch and 2 baths on 2nd floor. Maid's room, small sewing or play room, bath W ANT£D TO BUY-HOUSES 98 and wonderful storage space on 3rd. Pantry, breakfast nook, oil heat, garage BRICK COLONIAL WELL SET ON 100 OR 8 ·RM. MODERN HOUSE IN WINand other features. Convenient to foot wooded lot, complete in every de- 7 netka or will exchange mY 8 rm. stucco schools and golf club on lot 66x210 with tail. 6 . bedrooms, 3 baths, lavatory on residence in Wilmette fine cond., choicest particularly distinctive landscaping of 1st floor. Living and sleeping porches, location, near lake and transp. Interested spruces and evergreens at the entrance. 2 car garage, oil burner ; Ideal location tn values from 20 to $25,000. No brokerS'. Only $33,000. for transportation. Must sell thht Write Wilmette Life A-150. month. Cash talks. 96LTN52-ltc 337 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 ANTIQUES 77L52-ltc 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 99 77 LTN 52 ·1tc N,....E_V_E_R_B_E_F_O_R_E_H_A_V_E_I_H_A_D_S_U_C_H_ lot 50x200. H. -w. heat, automatic water heater, cedar closets, tile bath, 2 car gar. ·Bargain, terms. Owner 613 Illinois Rd. Ph. Wllmette 483. " 77LTN62-l tc lMI<anm&ft & Fll&lln~lflty Wiimnm<e1tllK~ §~ii~ll EAST WILMETTE OPPORTUNITY lEoffi:o§itunll~~<e~llltyC© Fred'k B. Thon1as & Co. Pine Crest Home BILLS . REALTY, INC. Colonial Hotne of Refinement Best Buy on East Side Wi\LTER P. SMITH & CO. CHARMING COLONlAL Crosby & McKendry WHITE CLAPBOARD HOUSE WITH 818 Foxdale Ave., Winnetka wonderful view down one of Winnetka's JUST PUT ON THE MARKET. THIS pretty streets. Green roof, green shutmodern stucco home of 8 rooms and ters. Living rm. 15x27 with fireplace, Balance $60 per month 3 baths, and plenty of other attractive Sun porch, Breakfast rm. Master bdrm. 6 room house completely decorated. features, such as an extra width wooded Wooded corner 50x187. 2-car garage, 14x25 and two other bdrms. 100 ft. lot lot, well shrubbed and with a beautiful 4 blocks to main stations and school. with many fine trees. 2 blocks to depots. private hedge across the front and on Immediate possession. Owner moving south. A small initial each side, also fruit trees; a 2 car garpayment will start you your ownership age, a set of athletic equipment for the in this captivating , home. children consisting, of traveling rings, 736 Elm St. Winnetka 142 Albert N. Smith, cross bar, slide, teeter, etc., of steel and 77LTN52-ltc set in concrete. House has center entrance, living room 1603 Sheridan Road, Wilmette and large owner's bedroom to south, Del Lago District. with glazed porches for each. Maid's Underpriced at $18,000 Telephone Wilmette 3740. room and bath Is on 1st floor-2 baths 77LTN52-ltc FOR QUICK SALE AS OWNER IS on 2nd floor are tile-walled and modern. moving east and property must be sold. Hot water heat, pipes asbestos covered. Beautiful lot 66x132 in chc!ce location. Hlghgrade oll burner with 1000 gallon Not a new house but in exc. condition. tank In yard. All openings weather: 4 bedrms., new mod. bath, H. W. & stripped-best insulation (Insulex) over H. A. heat, natural fireplace, glazed & 2nd floor ceilings and around sun and BRICK HOME WITH 5 heated sun porch, 2 open scrnd. porches. sleeping porches (cool In summer and PRETENTIOUS sleeping rooms, 2 tile wall baths, tile 245 Ridge Ave. Tel. Wlnn. 638. warm In wlnter)-attractive electric box shower. Attractive living room 77LT52-ltc fixtures and radiator covers, and the and dining room. Oil heat ; 2 car whole property, inside and out, tn splengarage. Magnificent grounds of neardid condition. ly one acre. Conservatory. BeauIt you want a. home that has most tiful trees and shrubs. In the choicest TRUE GEORGIAN. NEVER OFFERED everything at a price ·within reason it section of Winnetka. This house will before. 8 spacious rooms ; 3 baths ; will pay you to call us for an appointappeal to the man who wants the best toilet-lavatory 1st; hot water Hardlnge ment to Inspect this home. for the least possible money. Price oil heat; wonderful open porch ; break$42,000. Shown by appointment only. fast room ; attached 2 car heated garage; superb 81x194 foot wooded cor& ner. Price $38,000. 418 Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 77LTN52-ltc Realtors, Exclusive Agents 643 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1544 720 Hllm St., Winnetka Phone Winn. 254 77LTN52-ltc 77LTN52-1tc 5-(7) ROOM SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON corner. Fine lawn and hedge. $1,000 worth landscaping. Ltv. rm.._ 16x23 with fireplace. Sun por. Veranda. Din. rm. NEAR SHERIDAN ROAD AND THE Kitchel'\, Bath, 2 Bedrms. all on 1st fl. lake. 8 room Colonial, 2 baths, maid's 2nd fl. planned for 2 Bedrms. and Bath. suite and bath~ sleeping porches, oll Oil Burner. 2 blks. to excellent school EXCEPTIONAL VALUE, IN THIS AT· burner, 2 car garage; on 1h acre lot and express trans. Fine neighborhood tractive new colonial home. Brick & beautifully landscaped and wooded. 4 east section. $17,000. Small initial paystucco exterior. Spacious and well arblocks to transportation and schools. ment. ranged Interior, lge. llv. rm., din. na., Less than $35,000. A rare bargain. Albert N. Smith sun room, brktst. nook, kitchen, 3 Jge. & bedrms., Z baths, Znd ftoor. Insulated throughout, metal weatherstripped, Hot 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 1603 Sheridan Road, Wilmette Water heat. Frigidaire. attached heated 77LTN52-ltc Del Lago District. 2 car garage. Lot 76xl80. beautifully Telephone Wilmette 3740. landscaped. We offer thla at the un· ' 77LTN52-ltc U8Wll price of $!5,000. Wen Worth Your InapecUon. FOR SALE OR RENT; TO CLOSE estate. 466 Adams St., Glencoe ; nr. SUBSTANTIAL STUCCO RESIDENCE, Skokie Golf Club ; 5 rm. bungalow; ftre b uilt for comfort, 7 bright rms., brick place ; Jr. Uvlng-dtntng rm. ; 3 bedrms ; ftreplace. Modern plumbing, extra lavaUO Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1100.0i Rent ·so: Tel. Delaware 6146. tory, gar. with cement fl. Landscaped ffLTN61-tte 77LTN5'2·ltc grounds. - Price right. 77LTN62-ltc t=== a large collection of colored glass, furniture, . rugs, pewter, etc. All choice pieces. 808 Washington St., Evanston. Phone University 9890. 99LTN52-1tc 100 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Stnith & Brown, Inc. BILLS REALTY, INC. South West Winnetka MAH. DINING TABLE AND 6 CHAIRS. Simmons twin bed, springs and mattress $45. Single bed spring and mattress $25. Adjustable dressmaker's figure $5, hall runner $7, bath rm. rug blue and white $2, child;s rocking chair $1, 75 ft. fine mesh chicken wire $4.50. Boy's suit G and 8 yr. size $3, girl's dresses 10 and 12 yr. size. 1517 Forest Ave., Ph. Wilmette 3977. 100L52-1tJ? MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESK; MAhog. slant top desk; Erskine-Danforth davenport; 2 decorated tip-top tables; mah. living rm. table; mah. cabinet Victrola ; several chairs ; bridge lamps, table lamps ; sectional bookcase ; 4 silver can.dJesticks ; oritmtal rugs ; dishes. Tel. Winn. 2014. 100LTN52-ltp 8 CHAIRS, DINING RM. TABLE, WAL· Sunset Road Colonial IHiiillll & §lteo>Iril<e Paul Schroeder Co. nut, good cond., cheap; Adams .consol~ t!).ble, $5 ; porch furn. ; victrola ; fern stand ; elect. washing machine ; twin walnut b~ds, box springs, mattresses; ice box & gas stove. Mrs. Lee, tel. Highland Park 1335. 100LTN52-ltp Exclusive Agents .HEINSEN REALTY CO. Glencoe's Best Buy Fascinating Highland Park IHIunlblh>(ID.Ircdl W <axaxdl~ Best Buy of the Season PIANO, RED. MAH. GREA'l' BARGAIN, Ubrary table, dining rm. table, side board, china closet, fine imported china, kitchen utensils. 100 ft. hose. House for rent, 7 rms., 2 sleepiug rms. 1036 Forest Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2736. 100LT52-ltp MOVING, MUST SELL OAK DIN. SET; oak library table ; sect. bookcases ; gas range; porch chairs; child's brass bed; toys~ dolls, etc., & other articles. Tel. Winn. 638. 245 Ridge Ave. lOOL52-ltp BEDRM. SETS, SMALL RUGS, BABY carriage, tricycle, kitchen table, cedar chest, electric victrola, radio, dishes, wicker turn. Ph. Wilmette 3557. 100LTN52-ltc LARGE SERVEL FRIGIDAIRE, G BUR· ner, 2 oven Jewel gas range, Loraine a.ttach. 200-lb. ice box, Conover dish~· ll.Rh.-r. Reas. Apply btw. 9 & 12. 546 Cheatnut Ave., Winn. 100L52-1tp DINING ROOM. TABLE &: CHAIRS· ,.,.!l!ll,: also mahog, table. Tel. Wlnn: 1402. 100L52-ltp BILLS REALTY, INC. Crosby McKendry --------------------------· Wilmette Owner Offers 125-Sth St. lEol&o§itnnllitzJReallityCCO>

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