Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1928, p. 63

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September 21, 1928 ·WI~MBTTB · LIFE ' 0 0 0 0 SPECIAL ASSESSM:ENT NOTICE· VILL.\GE OF WILM:ETTB FOR SALE-BRASS BED, SPRINGS and · mattress, white enameled ice box, SPECI~t, ASSESSMENT NO. tU kitchen table and othet pieces ,of household furniture. Ph. Winnetka 2369. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons 100L52-ltp Interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wllmette, USED STEWART GAS STOVE, ICE in the County of· Cook and State of Ilbox, several pieces of furniture before linois, havtnc ordered that the first and Oct. 1st, very reas. Ph. Wilmette 3816. second alleys west of Flfth Street from 100LTN52-ltc the south curb llne of Gregory Avenue to the north llne of Isabella Street, and F:URNISHINGS OF 8 RM. APT., RUGS, the central· eighteen (18) feet of the first davenport and chair, odd chairs, victrola, alley south of Gregory Avenue connectbeds, dressers, vacuum cleaner, Misc. ing said alleys be Improved by grading paving with concrete and otherwise Ph. Mohawk 3475. 100LTN52-ltc and improving the same .In the VUJage of Wilmette, Cook County, IlUnols, the OrMAH. DBLE. BED, BOX SPRINGS, dinance for the same being on ftle in mattresses, $12. French Wilton rug, the omce of the VIllage Clerk, and said 9xl2, $3. Tel. Wlnn. 1205. · VIllage having applied to the County 100LTN52-1tc Court of Cook County for an assessment of the costs of said improvement, acSEVERAL VERY OLD PIECES OF cording to benefits, and an assessment hard walnut furn. also roll top desk therefor having ·beeJl made and returned and swivel chair. 1232 Greenwood Ave., to said Court, Docket No. 241, the fl.nal Wilmette. 100LTN52-1tc hearing theron will be had on the 1st day of October, A. D. 1928, or as soon CLARK-JEWEL RANGE, $1; ICE BOX thereafter as the business of the court $3 ; beverage jars ; wine cask ; gas o; will permit. All persons desiring may oil tank; furniture. Tel. Glen. 1175. file objections · in said court before said 815 Grove St., Glencoe. 100LTN52-1tp day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. BABY GRAND PIANO: LARGE FRISaid ordinance provides for the paygidaire 5elling cheap. Tel. Winn. 356. ment of said assessment in ten (10) in100LTN52-ltc stallments, with annual interest thereon at · the rate of six per cent per annum. STEINWAY UPRIGHT PIANO. CHEAP Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 14th day easy terms. Ph. Kenilworth 207a. of September, A. D. 1928. 100LN52-ltc CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the FOR SALE-EBONY UPRIGHT PIANO. President of the Board Ph. Kenll. 3766. 100LTN-ltc of . Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County Il101 WTD TO BUY-HOUSEHOLD GDS linois, to make said assess.ment. WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND L51-2tc furniture and other hou~ehold goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., EvSPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tf<' VILLAGE OF WILliETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 24! 10! FOR SAL~-MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the President and Board BEAUTIFUL HAl\TJ) TAILORED BLACK of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, caracul reversible coat; size 38 ; fine in the County of Cook . and State of Illicond., $75 ..: also brown cloth coat, and nois, having ordered that the first alley a few lovely dinner dresses; size 18. southwest of Park Avenue from the Phone Glencoe 1267. 102LTN52-ltc southeast curb line of Washington Avenue to the northwest curb line of Central BEAUT. WINTER COAT, : SIZE 18-20 A venue be improved by grading and pavlike new. Lovely soft red brown cloth; ing with Portland cement concrete and trmd. with luxurious beaver; wide col- otherwise improving tbe same in the lar, cuffs and band on bottom, $50. Village of Wih'nette, Cook County, IlliTel. Winn. 954. 102LTN52-ltp nois, the Ordinance for. the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk, FOR SALE - EVENING GOWNS AND and said Village having applied to the several afternoon dresses, size 16. Ph. County Court of Cook County for an asGlencoe 1312., 102LTN52-ltc sessment of the costs of said improvement. according to benefits, and an asl<...,OR SALE - LARGE SIZE VELOCI- sessment therefor having been made and pede and scooter bicycle, both In good returnE:d to said Court, Docket No. 242, .102L52-ltc the final hearing thereon will be had on cond. Ph. Wilmette 3287. the 1st day of October, A. D. 1928, or as FOR SALE-GAS RADIATOR, SUIT- soon thereafter as the business of the able for home or garage. Inquire at court will permit. All persons desiring Woltf-Griffis, $25. 102L52-ltp may file objections in said court oefore s~id day and may appear on the hearing TEAROOM EQUIPT. AS A WHOLE OR a11d make their defense. separate. Apply btw. 9 and 12. 546 Said ordinance provides for the payChestnut St., Winn. 102L52-ltp ment of said assessment in ten (10) installments, with annual interest thereon FOR SALE-LADIES' WINTER CLOTH at the rate of six per cent per annum. coat, fur collar, size 36, $10. Tel. Glen. Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 14th day 1175, 815 Grove St. Glen. 102LTN52-ltp of September, A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS 2 BOY'S OVERCOATS 7 AND 10 YR. Person appointed bY' the old size. Ph. Kenllworth 1212. President of the Board of Local Improvements 102LTN52-ltc of the Village o! WilCHILD'S YARD, PORTABLE PLAYmette, Cook County, Ilhouse ; cost $250 ; as Is $50 ; Tel. Glencoe linois, to make said assessment. 1267. 102LTN52-ltc L51-2tc FOR SALE-BABY'S CRIB AND HIGH chair. Ph. Wilmette 2764. 102L52-ltp SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE VILJ,AGE OF WILMETTE 103 WANTED TO BUY-MISC. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 941 NOTICE is hereby given to all persons WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, Interested that the President and Board 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave. Wil- of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, mette. 103LTN48-tfp in the County of Cook and State of 1111I nois, having ordered that the fl.rst alley 104 EXCHANGE southwest of Main Street from the north curb line of Oakwood A venue to the CHOICE OFFICE SPACE southeast line of the first alley northwest The best location In Winnetka is available of Linden Avenue, except across the roadfor professional or business offices, the way of Linden Avenue be improved by southwest corner of Elm and Center grading and paving with Portland cement Sts. About 500 sq. ft. over Adaml!l concrete and otherwise improving the Pharmacy. Will divide. same, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook FRDK. B. THOMAS & CO. County, Illinois, the Ordinance for the 743 Elm St.,- Winnetka Phune 2850 same being on file in the office of the LTN-ltc Village Clerk, and said Vlllage ·having applied to the County Court of Cook \VANT CLEAR FARM, GOOD IM- County for an assessment of the costs provements, vicinity Barrington and of said improvement, according to beneWoodstock. Appro~. $25,000 in trade fits and an assessment therefor having for North Shore home, 2 blocks from bee~ made and returned to said Court, lake and transp. Write Vnlmette Docket No. 243 the final hearing thereon Life A-151. 104LTN52-ltp will be had on the 1st day of October, A D 1928 or as soon thereafter as the b~sin.ess o't the court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in flaid court before said day and may appear on the hearing an~ make their de- 101 FOB SALE-HSEHL.,. GOODS PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISE·RS 'a t the rat~ of six per cent per annum. c~ C'" ~· ~ <' ~~c · Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 14th day of September, A. D. 1938. · C}JARLES N. EVANS, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Vlllage of WU· mette, Cook County, nIntramural football was started m the 1 llnols, to make said as- ·fifth sixth seventh and eighth grades sessment. ' '· h 1 1 M d ·L51-t~c of the pubbc s~ oo s · ast on ay. --------------Four games are played each afte.rnoon at Washington park and the VtJ,.. SPECIAL ASSESSIIENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE Jage Green under the sup~rvision of SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. Iff . Dudley C. Stone and Glen W. GatherNOTICE Is hereby given to all persons interested that the President and Board coal, members of the Physical Educaof Trustees of the Vlllage of Wilmette, tion and Recreation staff. in the County of Cook and State of IlllResults of the games played this nois, ha vlng ordered that the fl.rst alley west of Wood Court from the south curb week are: line of Oakwood A venue to the northSt. Joseph (0) Central GB (0) east curb line of Prairie A venue be Improved by grading and paving with Port- James Kivland ... . L.E. . . . Don Anderson land cement concrete and otherwise Im- Gerald Zopp .. . .. L. T. . ..... Da.v id Miller proving the same, in the V1llage of Wil- Leonard Hoffman L.G·.. Howard Culver mette, Cook County, Illinois, the Or- Jack Schlldgen .. C ...... Ralph Varney dinance for the same being on file in George Nuveen ... R.G. . .... Charles Ford the office of the Vlllage Clerk, and said William Hydjick . . R. T. . ..... Robert Reid Village having applied to the County William Stordeur R. E. . .... Paul Ogilvie Court of Cook County for an assessment Lawrence Roemer Q . . . . . Tom Finlayson of the costs of said Improvement, ac- Thomas Meier .. . . L. H. ... Frank Hooper cording to benefits, and an assessment Edward Curtz ... R. H. . . Bill Stackhouse F . . . . . . Bill Burrough therefor having been made and returned to said Court, Docket No. 244, the final hearing thereon will be had on the 1st St. Francis (25) Central 5C (0} day of October, A. D. 1928, or as soon Don Oilenich ... . . L. E. . .. George Oakley thereafter as the business of the co~rt Arthur Flood . . .. L.T·.. . Jervis Barnhlll will permit. All persons desiring may Ted Harvey .. ... L.G. . . . . . . . . ........ . file objections in said court before said Bob Freiberg ..... C ........ Homer Stock day and may appear on the hearing and David Krafthefer R. G. Walter von Rein make their defense. sperg Said ordinance p~ovides for the . pay- Tom Seng ....... R.T. . ...... . ... ·...... . ment of said assessment in ten (10) in- Don Dressel ..... R. E. . . Harry Anderson stallments, with annual Interest thereon James Maguire . . Q ·.·....... Allen Mills at the rate of six per cent per annu.n. Tom English ..... L.H. . . . ......... ..... . Dated, Wilmette, ' IIUnols, this 14th day Bob Klein . ... . . .. R.H... . Bob Blanchard Bob Rich .... ..... F . . . . . . Robert Strube of September, A. D. 1928. Jerome Powers ... R E. . .. ...... . ...... . . CHARLES N. EVANS Touchdowns : Klein 3 ; English 1. Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements St. Francis 7 (0) Stolp 7C (25) of the Village of Wil- Arthur Zach ..... R.E. . . . Bernard Saxon mette, Cook County, Il- John Byrne ... . . R.T. .... . . . . Dick Bo.rn linois, to make said as- .Joseph Kolb ...... R.G. .. .. Warren Young sessment. Dick Mooney . . ... C ........ .. Blll Burrlll L51-2tc James Hall . . . . .. L.G.. . .... Jim McClure Tom McCann ... .. L. E. . ..... Russ Wyle Jim Tarleton ... . Q. B. .. . . Jack Gaither Bill Lynch ...... . . R. H. . . Howard Herbon NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Norman McDaniels L. H. . . . . . . Paul Soule Joe Lynch ........ F.B. .... Norton Potter Bids will be received at the office of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Dick P~~stpn C. C. Schultz, Superintendent of Public · Lester Ball, Referee · \Vorks at the Village Hall in Wilmette, Illinois, until 8 P. M., October 2, 1928, by St. Francis 8 (0) Stolp 8C (6) the "\"illage of Wilmette for the follow- Ossie Towles . .. . R. E. . ..... Bill Morris ing: Bryan Moran .... R. T. Edward Commis key ITEM 5: Installing Pumping Units, Electrical Equipment and Piping at John Black ...... R.G. . ... . Jack Davis Sanitary District of Chicago Jack English .. ... . C . . . . . . . Harry Shank Pumping Station at Sheridan George Logan .... L.G. . . .. Eon Denholm Road and North Shore Chan- Don Peterson .... L. T. . . . .... Otis Gooch nel. Bob Meter ........ L :E . .. Miles McDonald Plans, specifications and proposal forms Clifford Walker .. Q.B. .... Dick SulUvan for this work may be obtained at the of- John O'Neil .. . .. R.H. ..... Ned Shapke~ fice of the Superintendent of Public Joe Blake ........ L.H. . ..... ...... · . · · · Works in the Village Hall, Wilmette, Jack Fallow .... F.B. ................ · Lester Ball, Referee Illinois, or at the office of the consulting engineers, Consoer, Older & Quinlan, 205 Howard 5 (0) · Logan 5 . (0) West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois. Bob Brumbaugh .. R.E. Lawrence HaughAll proposals must be accompanied by ness a certified check equal in amount to 10% Robert Eldridge .. R. T. . ... Harry Cramer of the bid, payable to Village of Wil- Stuart Edmonds .. R.G. . . Ralph McGinnis mette. Dan Mic'key ... . . . C . . . . . . . . Carl Franco Payment will be made in cash by the Harlow Triplet . . L.G . . Albert Andersoq Village of Wilmette, Illinois, upon esti- Jack Norris . .. .. . L.T . . Robert McMoran mates of the engineers. William Anhault . L.E. . .. Wllllam Wade Bidders will be required to furnish a Frank Koenen ... R.H·.. . Gerald Spinner ... H. . .. Robert Cramer surety bond for the satisfactory comple~ Edwin Colegrove .. T tion of the work in accordance with the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q. B. . . . John Sp~redes plans and specifications, equal in amount St. Joseph 5 (24) Central 5A (0) to the bid. The right is reserved by the Village Board to reject any and all bids. Ralph Schneider . . R E. . . Roger Williams 'Robert Bond .... . R. T. . .... Jim Chromis C. C. SCHULTZ Frank Brown .... R G. . ...... Hall Clark Supt. Public WQrks. L52-ltc Dlno Bastoli .. .. C ........ Rolltn Davis Gilbert Hoffman . . L .8. . . Rollin Gullekson Carl Michelson . . L. T. . . Herman Beerlotf Public notice is hereby given that the Jim Kraft ..... .. . L.E. ...... ... .... .. . copartnership heretofore carried on by Howard Hoffman lt. H. . ... ~lph Elllson Petruskl . .. L. H. . .............. . Carl E. Sterner and Albin Carlen in the Frank Lynch ....... Q. B. . .. Homer Bonnen painting business at 1213 Wilmette Ave- Don nue, Wilmette, Illinois, under the firm Anthony Birge .. . F.B..... Gordon Keith name of North Shore Paint and Wall Howard SA (0) Stolp 8B (6) Paper Co., has been dissolved and that William YoungAlbin Carlen has retired. The business Richard Haughness ........... R.E. .. ... .. .... . quist will henceforth be carried on by Carl E. ·Stt..rner as sole proprietor, beginning June Charles Anderson R. T. . . . . . Ed Solomon Ray Jones ....... R.G. . .. Richard Simon 1st, 1928. John Pearson .... C . . Roy Warshawsky Carl E. Sterner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L.G. . . Sellm Ttdemann Albin Carlen . Ronald Feurman . L. T. . ...... . Joe Hayes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · Fred Leason ..... L.E. . .. ... Rex Martin William Sorsen ... R.H.... Herbert Naper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. H. . ... Don Campbell fienry Von der Hoff F.B...... . John Cutler Richard Steen .... Q.B...... Jerrett Lake Miss Agnes J. Daly, of Chicago, sister of Mrs. Peter T. \Vhite. 717 GreenMr. and Mrs. George E. · Reid and wood avenue, Wilmette, died Sunday Mrs. W. A. Tucker of Wilmette reat a hospital in Oshkosh, Wis. The turned Monday evening from an auto hn~. · remains were brought to Chicago, and trip to . Spider Lake, Wis., ~here they Said ordinance provides for the payment of said assess111ent In ten (10) in- burial was at Calvary Tuesday after- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bond. stallments, wtth annual Interest thereon noon at 3 :30. - ·1ntra·Mur.al . Football -- Miaa Agnes J. Daly Dies Sunday at Oshkosh, Wis.

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