Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1928, p. 64

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WILM8TTE ·LIPB October 5, 1928 PROPOSAL " PO& 8ALB-ROU8B8 l.. FOB 8ALE-H8EHLD. GOODS . ·White Elephants Sought for Guild Rummage Bargains (Contributed) Have you any White Elephants in your home ? If ,so, do yourself a good turn by getting rid of th~ and do somebody else a good turn by giving them to the Woman's Guild and Auxiliary of Christ church, Winnetka, for the Rummage sale to be conducted Thursday, October 18, at the .. Parish House 482 Linden avenue, Wmnetka. Alm~st anything will be acceptable, clothes, shoes, hats, hosiery, gloves, kitchen utensils or equipment, lamps shades, furniture, books, china, bric a brae pictures, jewelry, or what have vou? Just telephone Mrs. William J Eldridge, Winnetk.a 1784, and she wi}l oick up your Wh1te Elephants, or, tf it is furniture you have, call Mrs George Parker. ·W innetka 992, and a truck will call for it ~ day or two be forP the sale. Articles may be sent to the Parish House at any time. The women in charge of the sale are busy sorting the contributions and every day they unearth dozens of things which may have been termed White Elep.h ants by their former own ers but certainly wilt not be considered anything of the sort by those who l?ur· chase them at the sale. A combma tion coal and gas range which has been in use in one of Winnetkas fi~est homes for only five years, a beauttful antique settee which graced the old fashioned parlor of one of the most palatial homes in the village for many years, a washing machine. in perfect condition, a set of ten-ptns, several tennis rackets, a hobby horse to de light the heart of some small boy, snow-shoes, beads and necklaces, and some beautiful pieces of silverwar~ are a few of the articles already recetved. Among the women in charge of the sale, which will open at 9 a. m. and continue ~util 9 p. m., are Mrs. ~~d ridge, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. C. C. McKm ney Mrs. Wyndham Channer, Mrs. Joh~ Vander Vries, 'M rs. William El liott, Mrs. John Guthrie::, M~s. Godfrey Atkin, Mrs. Gross T. Withams. Mrs. J C Cobb Mrs B. K. Smith, Mrs. W. A . Barr, Mrs. ·Houston Clinch, Mrs. Henry Urion, Mrs Ralph Hobart, Mrs. J. R. Graff, Mrs. G. A. Johnstone, Mrs. Emory Andrews, Mrs. H. H. Ba~num, Mrs. Seth Shepard, Mrs. Gtlbert Crowder, Mrs. James W. Marshall, Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard and Mrs. Warren Crawford. The latter, the head. of the Order department of the . Gutld, will have an exhibition of the work done by this department at the s~le and will take orders for the attractive articles made by herself and her c?rps of able assistants. Among the arucles are blanket coven, children's spr~ads, bibs, beverage napkins, servettes, hne.n and cotton crepe luncheon sets, boud01r ' and baby pillow cases, tray cloths and napkins and fancy match boxes. llimcdliizJPXeliDI&]b)lle AS THE TIME GROWS SHORTER The home hunting problem becomes home-hunting simplicity It you make It a point to depend on the Smart & Golee organization in assisting you to SINGLE BED, COIL arrive at an early decision concerning WARDROBE, springs and mattress, small dresser, your living arrangements for fall . brocade rocking chair, 6 pc. bedrm. set. The Smart & Golee list of s elect offerCopper bottom wash boiler, hand ringIngs places before you a choice of ex er. Reusch, 521 Main St., Wilmette. tremely desirable possibilities. A tele 100L 2-ltP phone call will place this list in your ---....:.-----------hands. · 9 PIECE OAK DIN. RM. SET; REAS. Tel. Winn. 1007 between 6 & 8 P. M. 100LTN2-1tc ---------------1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston Univ. 285 NEW OAK EXTENSION DINING 77LTN2-ltc table. 2127 Noyes St., Evanston. Ph. University 3816. 100L2-1tp FOR SALE TEA CART ; RADIO cabinet; chltronler; dressing table ; 4 dlning rm. chairs: 4 rockers: kitchen ca.blnet: 3 army cots, mattresses & springs ; 2 living rm. tables : 1 tan Caracul coat in perf. cond. Tel. Wlnn. 394. 100LTN2-ltc W iimum<e1tlkCB1 ~mtcdl (Gll<eim~coxe WE HAVE AT THIS TIME SEVERAL very attractive bargains in desirable homes and homesites. Now is the opportune time to buy. 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN48-tfc 10! FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS NO-KOL OIL BURNER WITH 50 AND 100 GALLON TANKS. IF INTERESTED, PHONE WILMETTE 3745. 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winnetka 1617 102L1-2tc 77LTN2-ltc FOR SALE CHEAP Bids wtll be received by the Supt. of Public Works at the Vlllage Hall, Wilmette Illinois, up to 'l :30 o'clock P. :M.· Oct. i6th, 1928, for the following motor equipment: 1 _ 6 cylinder touring car with front & rear bumpers, spare tire, motometer, siren, 2 Lorain spot lights and letterl~g as selected. 1_ Combination patrol and ambul~nce to be mounted on not less than 140-mch chassis and to be furnished with following equipment: Front bumper 2 Lorain spot lights 1 Bomgardner stretcher 1 Siren 1 Rear step with hand rails . 1 Spare tire complete with carrier 1 First Aid Kit 1 Pyrene Fire Extinguisher 1 Canvas Stretcher 2 Dome Lights Body to have one rear door with outside lock. Door to have adjustable window and wire guard. There are to be two folding seats the length of the bodr, partition to be Installed back of driver s seat with window In same with wire guard. Lettering and painting to be as selected. All glass , used to be what is known as wire glass. As part payment two used cars are to be turned in for credit when new equipment Is delivered . .The Superintendent o~ Public Works reserves the right to reJect any and all bids. CHAS. C . SCHULTZ Supt. Public Works . A REAL BARGAIN AT$45,000 EXCELLENT BRICK HOUSE ON EXtremely large lot ; 3 blocks from transportation. Huge living room fireplace. BLACK SATIN SCREEN, 4 PANELED; 3 master bedrooms, 2 master baths, 2 emb. in cherry blossoms ; very reas. sleeping porches ; 3 maid's rooms and Also large console mirror, suitable for bath. H . W. heat oll burner ; 2 car tailor barber or beauty shop. Tel. Glengarage. Children's finely equipped play coe 4SO. · 102LTN2-ltc yard. ALBERT N . SMITH GRAY TWEED FUR TRIMMED SUIT; size 18 silk jersey and evening dresses 16 and' 18. $5 to $10. Ph. Winnetka 2208. 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 3740 102LTN2-1tp 77LTN2-ltc FOR SALE-STEELE CHUTE OPENing 21x15 ln., also set of Arco grates, shaker, rod handle and shovel. Ph. Wilmette 3421. 102L2-ltc Will not be responsible for any debts UNUSUAL ASSORTMENT, WONDER- contracted by anyone but myself. John T. Kalmes ful colorings. Reas. priced. Ph. Glenview 203. Warren, Glenview Borders, Glenview. 102LTN2-4tc HOOKED RUGS Kurtis Brownell, Juillard Fellow, Visits North Shore BILLS REALTY INC. INDIAN HILL DISTRICT. TEN LGE. rms. splendidly arranged. Landscaped yard. Rubber flr. in reception hall & din. rm., electric refrlg., oil burner included in sale price. MARTIN & MARTIN SADDLE, JUST broken in; Tel. Winn. 511 or 561 Cherry St., Winn. 102LTN2-ltc lOS WTD. TO BUY-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED- CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave. Wilmette. · 103LTN.48-tfp 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winnetka 1617 77LTN2-1tc EXCHANGE lOt FOR SALE OR FOR RENT-6 Rl\l. brick veneer, 2 tile baths, extra lav., H. W. heat, 2 car gar. best construction throughout; conv. to transp. 1 yr, old bargain. Wilmette 3335. EXCELLENT 6 ROOM WILMETTE 77L2-ltp house. Sun room ; 3 be.d rooms, bath, extra lav., breakfast nook, other feaIN NORTHBROOK 5 RM. BUNGALOW, tures. Newly painted and decorated. lot 60x300. $6,500, terms, no brokers. Landscaped lot, 2-car garage. 3 blocks Ph. Wilmette 1582. 77L2-ltc from R. R. and Electric. Price $18,500. Mortgage, $9,500. Owner will trade ·equity for North Shore vacant. iS FOB SALE-VACANT ~<emtnll ~CO)rrtlffi Real Opportunity Lake Frontage Riparian Rights PRICES FAR BELOW CONSERVATIVE valuation ; one of the best vacant buys on the North Shore : prompt action necessary. 1177 Wilmette Ave. lOi Wilmette 273 104L2-1tc MISCELLANEOUS WHY NOT BUY YOUR DRESSES AT wholesale prices and made to your measurements, for particulars call Wilmette 3154. 105LTN2-ltc 746 Elm St. Winnetka Winnetka 1617 78LTN2-ltc Name Lincoln C. Torrey Children'a Aid Director Only $7 5 per Foot THIS PROPERTY IS VERY DESIRable, beautifully wooded, and well located; near school, N. W. and North Shore trains. Not far from the lake. All improvements ln ; highly restricted. Terms can be arranged. An early Inspection and selection is recommended. CROSBY & McKENDRY 668 Center St. Winnetka 2032 78LTN2-ltc 1· FOR 8ALE-H8EHLD. GOODS LIVING RK. HIGH GRADE KIDNEY ~ mohair and · frieze ·t. dlnllll' riD. &net bedrm. aet. radio, orie ·sx10 aa4 l'txlJ velvet rue·. Wilmette 3520. 100LTN2-1tp Lincoln C. Torrey, of 1341 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, secretary-treasurer of the Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee railroad, and assistant secretary of the Chicago Rapid Transit company, was elected a director of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society Thursday of last week at the regular meeting of Library Board Conaiden New Building Proposition the board of directors of that organization. Mr. Torrey will represent the Discussion of a proposed new pubUtility Employees chapter of the society. lic library for Wilmette was one of the chief topics taken up at the regu"Companionate Marriage," which is lar monthly meeting of the Board of scheduled for release this month as a Trustees of the library last week. No picture, has in the cast Betty Bronson, committees were appointed to make a Alec B. Francis, Richard Walling, study of the matter, but considerable Mrs. J. B. Olwin of 820 Lake aveHedda Hopper, Edward Martindel, interest was shown, and ·the plan will nue, who has bee~ . ~eriously ill in the Arthur Rankin, . a nd other well-known probably come up for further discus- Evanston hospital, now is convalescing names. sion at the next meeting of the board. in her home. Kurtis Brownell, formerly of Winnetka, and who_ se na~e is. now familiar in Chicago mustcal c1rcle.s. ~as been spending the past week vtsttmg friends and relatives on the north shore. Mr. Brownell .is enroute to ~ew York from his home in Santa Momca, Cal., where he has spent the summ~r with his parents,. In N e"!' Y or~ he ~111 again take up hts work 1~ mus1c at the Juillard Musical FoundatiOn, where he has been studying for the past two years. . . h This coming year's work ts tn t e nature of an exceptional triumph, for it signifies the winning of a J uillard Fellowship by Mr. Browne.ll for the third successive year. It ts unusual enough for a young singer to w!n ~ second fellowship, so that to wm a third one is a great achievement and a distinct honor. Mr. Brownell posses~e~ a rich tenor voice which he uses With rare ability and skill. Friends on the north shore ha,:e prophesied a brilliant future for thts young singer, and he seems to working right ahead to fulfill ~hese pr'?phedes. During his last year at J utllard he sang as soloist in a New York church as well as broadcasting frequentl; over WJZ and WEAF in New York. He also appeared in concerts at the J uillard. Although nominally taking a vacation this past summer, Mr. Brownell continued to work. He ' filled the position of tenor soloist in· the Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran church at Santa Monica and broadcasted frequently over KNX in Los Angeles and from a Santa Monica station as well. On his return to New York M·r. Brownell will return . to his work as a church soloist and to his radio broadcasting, while continuing his studies at the J uillard. ALBERT DARWIN LANGWORTHY Albert Darwin Langworthy, one of the oldest alumni of Northwestern university, died Sunday at Cape Cod, Mass where he and his wife went a few ;eeks ago. Mr. Langworthy lived in Glencoe. He was born in Charlotte Center, N. Y., and came to Evanston with his parents when a boy. He was graduated from Northwester.n . in the class of 1874~ He was captam of the university's first baseball team and a charter member . of Omega of Sigma Chi, the N. U. chapter. Mr. Langworthy, who was 70 years old, was a member of the Glen View club and the University club and for 30 years was an agent for the John Hancock Life Insurance company. Besides his widow, one daughter, Mrs. F. W. Wood, survives.

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