Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1928, p. 63

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... October 12. 1928 POR UlfT-ItOOK8 17 WILMETTE PO& RBNT-APA&TMBlfT8 4 RM. APT. WITH GAR., ALL JMPROVments. Reasonable. Tel. Glen. 331. 67L N3 1 T - tc 4 RM. APT.; ALSO FURN. RMS. WITH kitchen priv. Ph. Wilmette 2564 or 1183. 67L3-ltc LIFE POB 8ALB-BOV8E8 POB u.LB-BO~BB8 FURNISHED ROOK FOR 2 ADULTS employed : light and pleasant : hot- and cold running water ; garage space if desired. Plaone WU. 776-M. 66L25-tfc 7'10 IDLL ROAD. OWING TO THE NEw 5. 6 AND 7 RM. PRESSED BRICK LARGE ATTRACTIVE ROOM EAST death of owner, this beautiful French residences. Iron construction. ~ot waside-In private family. . Breakfast if Chateau home Is being offered for less ter heat. Frigidaire refrigeration, club desired. Ph. Wilmette 779-R. than the actual reproduction cost. The room in basement with natural firehouse· Is of brick and stone, natural place. also fireplace In llvln« room, en66L3-1tp ·· FOR RENT-HOUSES slate roof, Insulated with Z Inch cork. closed sleeping porches, tile roof. The very ftnest materials available Lot 100x13Z, beautifully landscaped, FOR RENT - 1 OR 2 NICE ROOMS, have been used. The fixtures, hardsmall down payrraent, balance like rent. desirable Joe. Ph. Wilmette 1940. , ware and appointments are perfect. Electric transp. 39 min. to the loop. 14 66LTN3-ltc Spacious llv. rrn., walnut P.&neled, with Golf Clubs within a radius of 2 mi. large, handsome Jog-burning ftreplace from property. LARGE, PLEAS. RM. FOR SINGLE MODERN AND ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM and imported mantles, library, dining bungalow, hot water heat. large lot man; nr. transp. Tel. Winn. 415. & rm., bkft. nook, large recreation room. 50x200. 2 car garage ; 4 blocks to steam 66LTN3-"!.t(' 4 master bedrms.. 3 tile baths, sewing LAKE AVE. and North Shore stations. Home in rm., 2 maids' rrns. and bath, 4 car gar- Ph. Glenview 224. We gladly call at your excellent condition. $115 per month. · age, with chauffeur's quarters above. address. FOR RENT - ATTRACTIVE FUR- Substantial 9 room home, central east Agent will be on the premises this week Sheridan Road to Lake Ave., Wilmette, nished 1 rm. kitchenette. Ph. Wilmette section. 5 bedrooms. Rent $125 per daily between 3 and 5 P. M. By apwest 4 miles to oftlce and property. 439,. 66L3-ltc month. pointment Sunday. Waukegan Road north to Lake Ave., Glenview, east 1 ml. to office and propEXCEPTIONALLY. WELL FURNISHED erty. 77LTN3-1te room, gentleman pfd. Tel. Wino. 1915. 66 LTNa-ttc Bargain in 65 foot lot near "L." Sheri---------------dan Road frontage in Winnetka at $lOr; LARGE RM. PRIVATE BATH GAR. per foot. This is a buy. &If! near transp. Ph. Winnetka 1543. Because of business, owner must move -------66_LT_N_3-1-tc ©]hum~fc©liil to South side. Engli$h brick home, 7 FOR RENT - 2 SINGLE ROOMS. 731 rms.· 4 bedrms.· 2 tile baths, 1 bt-drm., lOth St., Wil. 66LT2-2tp 340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 68 24x18, has vaulted ceiling. Canvased 69L3-ltc walls thruout. Wooded lot. Oil burner, OWNER NEEDS LARGER HOUSE. Wants to dispose of present house Im2 car garage. Reduced for immediate 81 FOB BENT-AP ABTMENTS mediately. 4 bedrms., 2 baths, slp. pch. sale. FOR RENT TO MAY 1ST. BEAUTIFUL 2nd floer. Attractive layout 1st ftoor. English house in Glencoe Skokie Enclosed yard for children, beautifully Heights Sec. 2 baths ; 4 bedrms. ; H. landscaped yard. Plat 76x208, near lake. W. heat; 2 car gar. ; poss. Nov. 1st. 914 Sherman Ave., 1 rm. . . . .... . . $ 52.50 Frigidaire : garage. An unusual barRare bargain, $1.75 per mo. 385 Sun1320 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. . . . . . . . . 65.00 gain at $31,000. INC. set Lane. Ph. Glencoe 803. 69LTN3-ltp 746 Elm St. 943 Chicago Ave., 3 rm~. . . . . . . . 60.00 WINNETKA Winn. 1617 520 Lee St., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 77LTN3-ltc 2249 Ridge Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 72.60 FOR RENT - NEW 7 ROOM RESI2116 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . 75.00 dence, 2 baths, sun parlor, large wooded INC. 2208 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . 77.50 lot, close to school and transp. $110 Wino. 1617 WINNETKA 746 Elm St. S) 729 Seward St., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 per mo. Concession. Ph. Owner at 77LTN3-ltc 806 Seward St.; 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 Kenilworth 1955. 69LTN3-ltc 1315 Oak Ave., 4 rms. . .... . .. , . 80.00 902 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . 80.00 FOR RENT-250 RIDGE AVE., WIN2251 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 82.50 netka, until May 1, 1929. 7 room house, 1319 Oak Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 4 bedrooms, 2 porches. $100 per month. 2118 Sherman Ave .. 4 rms. 90.00 Phone Winnetka 1300. 69LTN3-ltc ATTRACTIVE STUCCO CONSISTING 1621 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. . . 90.00 of 7 bedrooms and 3 baths with extra 830 Gaftleld Pl., 5 rms. . . . . 75.00 FOR RENT OR SALE, 5 RM. BUNGAlavatory and shower on 1st floor. At2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rms . . ....... · 80.00 low with gar. in Winn. Key at 1160 tached garage. Well landscaped lot 800 Seward St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 Ash St. from 8-4:30. 69LTN3-ltp 125x150 fe-et. Location very convenient 729 Seward St., 5 rms. . . 85.00 to transportation and schools. Owner 811 Simpson St., 5 rms . ... . ...... 100.00 1 RM. HSE.; 4 BEDRMS.; 2 BATHS; has left town and advises us to get the gar. $150 mo. T el. Glencoe 1158. . 1014 Main St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.00 best possible offer on his house. 1125 Davis St., 5 rms. ... .. ....... 110.00 69LTN3-ltc & 1305 Oak Ave., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.00 743 E~m St Winnetka 2850 1619 Ridge Ave., 5 rms. . .... .. .. . 120.00 8 RMS. SUIT. FOR COMB. BUS. & RES. . 77LTN3-ltc 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530 1009 Grove St., 6 rms. . ...... . .... 110.00 69LTN3-ltc-69L4-ltp 820 Hinman Ave., 6 rms. ... .. . .. 120.00 3 845 Ridge Ave., 6 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 130.00 1615 Ridge Ave., 6 rms. . . . . . 165.00 70 FOB RENT-l"URXISHED HOUSES OPEN FOR INSPECTION-NEW 7 room res., artistic French design ; InBEAUTIFULLY FURN. HOME, 7 RMS. sulated: 4 bedrms., 3 baths, 2 colored 2 baths; H. W. heat; garage. Very tile : tiled solarium : brkfst nook : on reas. Tel. Winn. 2589. 70LTN3-ltc heat, automatic heater ; wooded lot 1564 Sherman A venue University 285 75xl40, located 470 lackson Ave. Best 67LTN3-ltc 71 FOR BENT-8TOBES A OFFICE~ buy on North Shore. Might trade. Owner on premises. Niles Center 461-J. 77L3-1tp 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 77LTN3-ltc OR OF'FICE IN LINDEN CREST 9 ROOM HOUSE ON 50 FOOT CORNER Building. -Suitable for small shop or lot in Wilmette's choicest location. There are 5 bedrooms, 2 porches. 2 baths (one professional man. Low rental. tile), 2-car garage. Just reduced to $26,000. Owner will help finance. & 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 NORTH 73LTN52-4tc IF YOU ATTRACTIVE 2-3-4 RM. APARTShore will continue to grow during the 424 Linden Ave. Wilm7~t~-1f: menta, light and airy rooms of good FOR RENT-GROUND FLOOR SPACE next ten, fifteen or twenty years- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - : : : : : size and arrangements, convenient to in Winnetka. Excellent location, with that well-situated real estate will in- BEST BUY, BEST SECTION OF WILcrease in value-that the demand for if 1 1 schools and transportation. stenographic services if desired. Smith homes. business space and the like will mette. A real home with beaut u e m, & Brown, 736 Elm St., Phone Winnetka continue-oak and walnut trees. 2 large living 142. 73LTN2-tfc Why not invest a portion of your inrms. : sun porch: 4 bedrms. : 2 baths; come in a way that will permit it to gas and coal H. W. heat. Garage. Call LARGE SECOND FLOOR CORNER grow with the communi~y? Jackson, Wllmette 3740. 77L3-ltc 460 Winnetka AvE'. Winnetka 1800-01 office suitable for real estate, doctor or Smart & Golee Firfit Mortgage Real Es67LTN3-1tc denti~t. wm divide. Franklin Bldg. tate Bonds are issued in convenient OWNER MUST SACRIFICE 6 RM., 2 ---------------Elm & Center Sts., Winnetka. Tel. denominations for the selection of 1 Winn. 382. 73LTN51-tf(' every conservative investor, large or bath, Spanish stucco hse.; adjoin ng 8mall. Descriptive leaflets concerning garage. H. W. heat. 1484 Scott Ave., FOR RENT-STORE IN HUMPHREY attractive current offerings may be had H. Wds. Tel. Winn. 3086, by appointon request. mc:.>nt 77LT3-ltc Building. Possession October 1, 1928. 4 AND 5 ROOMS Call Winnetka 98. 73LTN50-tft Here in Wilmette's most convenient and §mro~lffc G©ll®®~ lliiD.~o 7s_ _ _ Fo_a_s_AL_E_vA_c_AN_T __ exclusive location, you wllf find well-arranged apartments. All apartments _7_ .7 _ _ _ _ F_o_R __ s_A_L_E __ H_o_u_sE_s:---have outside rooms which provide an University 285 15G4 Sherman Ave. 77LTN3-ltc THIS PROPERTY IS VERY DESIRabundance of light and air. Ample o (Q)~/e o closet space. Schools, churches, and ~~n'lrl lfta)lfllllil c&~ able, beautifully wooded, and well loshopping facilities within immediate w~~ (g.> \9 (6> cated: near school, N. W. and North AT Shore trains. Not far from the lake. i~~e:r on s;:e~i~::~ apartment today All improvements in : highly restricted. Terms can be arranged. A~ early InFOR 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette spection and selection is recommended. 424 Linden Ave. WI I. 460 Del La go District 67LTN2-tfc HH1-HLAND PARK VACANT 125x200 YOU CAN BUY A BEAUTIFUL ENGlish stlye 6 room brick residence with 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 ---------------feet adjoining fine lakeslde home. All attached garage on large lot, including 78LTN3-ltc FOR RENT-WILL LEASE MY BEAUthe beauty of a riparian lot, without the tiled floor and walls in main bath and tlful Orrington Hotel apartment at expensive upkeep. Not only :undertoilet room. Also large living room FOR SALE gratifying reduction. Complete hotel priced at $140 per foot. but exceptionwith real' ftreplace. Landscaping of lot Fine building site In Hubbard Woods: service. Kitchenette with electric ally well financed. This is a real opincluded, all east of Sheridan Rd. and close to transportation and schools. range. Large rooms and closets. Furportunity for an acceptable buyer. within 3 blocks of main station on Lot 49x150 with some nice fruit trees. nlshed or unfurnished. West exposure Riparian home in Wilmette at ground .both the steam and electric rd. For full Located just west of 1099 Tower Road. particulars write at once to Wilmette Airy and light. Garage In building value only. $15,000 cash will handle. Price $5,000. Address P. 0. Box 12, HubPhone evenings Greenleaf 4660. Life A-173. 77LTN3-ltp bard Woods. Ill. 78LTN3-ltc 67LTN1-tfp Winnetka Dutch Colonial. west side, 6 ---------------blocks from transportation. 4 bed- REAL HOME, 9 RM. STUCCO HSE. 2 81 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE rooms; hot water heat; oil burner; baths; extra Iav. ; 38 ft. screened pch. ; apartment, steam heat, Janitor service, Frigidaire. Built by construction enkltch. pch. ; large slpg. pch. with glass ; WANTED TO RENT-6 OR 7 ROOM near transportation. Call Wilmette gineer In 1926 for his home. Excellentgd. attic : H. w. heat ; gar. 100 ft. house. Immediate possession, moderate 1800. 67LTN33-tfc ly cared for. Corner lot 50x190 feet. corner lot; enc. with fence & high rental. Ph. Wilmette 4484. 89LTN3-1tc $24,000-llberal terms. hedge ; large tree8 ; playgrd. equipt. FOR RENT-5 ROOM FLAT; HOT WAALBERT N. SMITH $28,800. Del. Dec. 1st. 1051 Cherry St. ter heat 14-48 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette WILMETTE 3740 77LT.N3-ltc Tel. Wlnn. 1261. · 77L3-ttp MORE WANT ADS ON· PACEM . 67L3-ltp INVESTIGATE THESE· REAL BARGAINS I H. F. RITTER CO. l&utt WihmJID<eitlk~ lre.o Mo JJ & CC©o Iffi ~llliD IHiii!lhlll&IIilfdl IF ~1rllK §tttWC<e(Q) CC(Q)ll(O)JIDR&ll Evanston Apartments 1Hlro>llK&IID.~©liil & JJeliDllKI A G(eJIDttllemm&IID. ~ IHl<IDmm<e . OVERLOOKING Beautiful Skokie Golf Course Spacious grounds with tnany priceless large oaks. This very desirable residence has 5 large bedrooms, and 3 baths, fireplaces, Kelvinator, H. W. gas heat; 2 car heated garage. Priced under $38,000. Fred'k. B. Thotnas GLENCOE Co. CClf©~lby & MI~OC~mlcdliry Share in the Con1n1unity's llimcdlii &liD IHI iillll A JPJ&Irttmm~Im~ STORE QUINLAN TYSON, INC. BELf:~:~~~!YTHE QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. JgJE:o§fctulll~rre.~~llfcy(C(Q) LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMET'fE & . .:. . § n Only $75 per Foot QUINLAN & TYSON, BILLS RE.f\ L TY INC. HIGHLAND PARK JN,C $19,750 CROSBY & McKENDRY 1------------------- 1-----------------

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