Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1928, p. 7

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OctPher 26, ·.t928 WILMETTE . LIFE apple and a doughnut for every person attending. The Hallowe'en program is the only .. purely entertainment" program sponsored by the Playground· and Recreation board and is given under the direction . of the Special Occasions committee of the board which is composed of Mrs. E. M. Simonds, Mrs. E. H. Freeman, Mrs. H. A .. Storms, Mrs. Herbert Leach, L. C. 'l'orr·ey, William Taylor, Stacey Bennet, and Milton Reed. Mr. Reed will be Master of Ceremonies ' at the Stolp gymnasium and Mr. Davis . will act in the same capacity at the floward gymnasium. Contibutions to the Hallowe'en fund, by w4ich the parties are financed, have bee_ n very generous thus far, Mr. Davis announces. Practically every civic organization in the village has contributed. 1 of "Good Roads" and for twenty years secretary of the . American Road Builders association. He is survived by his widow and a nine year old daughter, Margaret. Funeral services were held W ednesday aftetnoon . at 3 o'clock at Scott's funeral home, 1109 Central avenue, Wilmette. Burial · was private at :Memorial Park. URGE ALL CHD.DREN TO ENJOY HALLOWE'EN Emmett L. Powen Dies Suclclenly Monday, Oc:t. ·22 Recreation Board Estencla Invitation to Costume Parties at Stolp and Howard Schools Skeletons, witches, ghosts, pumpkins, and other characters emblematic uf the Hallowe'en spirit will be the only ' ones receiving recognition at the Playground and Recreation board's Ha11owe'en parties next Wednesday evening. In the past two years the annual Hallowe'en parties given at the Howard and Stolp school gymnasiums have been the occasions for Wilmette children gathering for ·a masquerade. And Spav.ish, Dutch, operatic, negro and every other sort of costume has been in vogue. Prizes were given for the most original costume but this year onlv costumes significant of Hallowe'en will be recognized. Start a't 7:30 P. M. Both parties will begin promptly at 7 :30 o'clock with a grand parade and 24 prizes win be. given at each school for the most original co~tumes. The jud~ing wiH take place immediatelv following the grand parade and as sooi1 as the winners are announced the profe ssional clog- dancer and two accordioni sts secured for each school will be introduced. There wi1t be some lively activity going- on f'ach . minute, Daniel M. Divis, Director of Recreation announces. Two movies, each more than three reels lonO', witt he presented at each place. Harold Lloyd in "Grandma's Boy" and Our Gang in ."M vsterious Mystery" w·m be shown at the Howard J!Vmnasium and "Shivering Spooks," another Our Gang Comedy and 'Let 'F.r n-o Gallagher" will be shown at the Stolp. For refrPshments there wilt be an - E~mett L. Powers. of 821 Fifteenth street, . Wilmette, died suddenly Monday morning, October 22, in the offices of the Wn.M£TT~ LIFt, where he had gone on business. Heart attack was thought to have been the cause of his death. Mr. Powers was president of the Powers Catalog company of Chicago and was a member of the Shawnee · Mrs. Edward B. Raub, Jr. and her Country club. He was a native of daughter, Marilyn, are visiting Mrs. New York and graduate of Syracuse Raub's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur university. He was at one time editor C. .Hammond of 5QO Gregory avenue. Waukeean's Lisrhtwei2hts Chalk Up 6 toO Victory Waukegan's lightweight team beat the New Trier Frosh-Sophs, by a · 6 to 0 score in a game played before the varsity battle, last Saturday. It was the Gray-Green players' first appearance away from home and they seemed handicapped by the different olaving conditions and the presence of "uch a large crowd. Wauke~an, tak:nO' ;~.dvantag-e of this, started a drive which was stopped only a few yards from New Trier's goal. The visitors tried to kick out, but a WaukeP.'an "'llan blocked the punt and one of his ~Pammates fel1 on it back of New Trier's line. The try for the extra ')Oint failed. Thg ;Ne'\' Trierites began to play a much hetter game in the second quar~ f' r and during the rest of the game they k,ept the ball in Wau',egan's ter·itorv moc;t of the time although they ... PrPn't ::~."'le to · out a touchdown over. FLOYD E. THOMPSON FOR GOVERNOR Saturday evening1 October 27th1 at eight o'clQck MATZ HALL, COMMUNITY HOUSE, WINNETKA To make that Hallowe' en Party a howling success, let us furnish our share of the refreshments.. the best frying medium. Pumpkin Pies and Tarts Funnyface Cakes Kisses and fancy cookies in profusion. Meeting begins promptly at eight and ends promptly at nine ONE SPEAKER-FLOYD E. THOMPSON All Citizens Are Invited and Urged to Be Present Are you interested in completing the job and putting all the Small crowd out of Springfield? · No matter what your party, you should hear this able exposition of the issues in Illinois. Give Illinois a new deal! Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard (Winnetka) (Winnetka) Harry H. Barnum (Winnetka) · Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Hinckley William Berger (Wilmette) (Winnetka) Preston Boyden (Winnetka) Mr. and Mrs. Roswell B. Mason Mrs. Arthur W. Cushman (Winnetka) (Winnetka) Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dammann Jr. John. S. Miller (Winnetka) (Winnetka) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Snyder · J. M. Dickinson Jr. (Winnetka) (Winnetka) 0. B. Farr (Glencoe) Mr. and Mn. Henry F. Tenney Mrs. Frank R. Fuller (Winnetka) (Winnetka) Robert H. Wallace (Winnetka) Mrs. Morris L. Greeley Mrs. Leslie A. Weary (Glencoe) (Winnetka) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman (Kenilworth) Home- made Doughnuts, fried in Crisco1 THE WILSON BAKERY 1162 Wilmette Ave. mOMPSON FOR GOVERNOR Preliminary Arrangements C9mmittee. Phone Wit. 414

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