WILMETTE LIFE women Have Much to Say in Buying Cars, Industry Notes Cl!mmentators Say....___________. It is an acknowledged fact that women exercise a potent influence in the purchase of almost everything, according to the Automotive Daily News of New York. The automobile industry long since realized this. Some commentators hold that women's influence represents 85 per cent of the sale. Whether this figure is exact or not women in America certainly have ~ considerable say with regard to the buying of motor cars, which are essentially family purchases. This being so it is rather remarkable, in an age when women have invad~d almost every field of human endeavor, that so few women have entered the field of motor car selling. An automobile dealer in Louisville, Ky., recently remarked that he had tried out two or three women as sales folk, but that either he had gotten the wrong kin.rl or women were not adapted to this line of endeavor. He placed the failure to the fact that male clients did not take women seriously and considered demonstrations something of a lark. Further, the women of the prospective buyer's household, resented the saleswoman's activitv. The green-eved monster, jealouslv, entered the situation. In spite of this we feel that earne st wome11. with an und erstanding of the mechanism of the car. can carve out a nlace for themselves in automobile selling. Forty new and revised standards for motor vehicle and aircraft parts and fittings are covered in reports submitd te to the United States bureau of standards by. the standards committee 0 ! the Society of Automotive Engmeers.. Eighteen of these relate to a.e ronauhc. standards, such as dimen~ 1 o.ns, 'Y·elght and other charactertsttcs, aircraft s.tora~e batteries, propeller hubs, tad-sk1d show lintings, · ···~ ""'rl'.. ' ' I engine starter countings, instrument ' contract received from automotive mountings ~nd a_ir_cra_ft hardwar~. companies_._ _ _ _ _ __ The Grand Rapids plant of the Airplane Not to-Replace Hayes B-ody corporation, makers of Automobil S H F Chrysler and Marmon bodies, is now · e, aya · 0 working on a contract manufacturing "The airplane never will replace the more than sixty various parts and ac- automobile," Henr¥ Ford declared cessories for the model T Ford. while discussing the future of aviation. Special machinery was. required for He predicted a composite airplane this job. which will combine the features of the balloon bag with wings and a motor It is reported that the United Alloy and with the heli~opter and the amSteel corporation will soon begin work phibian. uThe .future of ·the composite on an addition to its plant in the airplane l have described is to be northeast section of Canton, 0., to bound up with distance flying," said cost $250,000. It is said that a large Mr. Ford. n1 Today's Best B~ts by Long Odds Tlae Ne~ Six 85 HIS new Six has fairly leaped into favor from coast to coast -Seizes your eye with its stylishness-Quickens your pulse with its performance-Alive with ginger and gimp and great staminaThe sweetest, snappiest Six ever turned into the world at less·than $1200-You owe it to yourself to see and drive it. ~0 PP·r.P.nt of Automobiles in Finland American-Made The vast predominance of American makes of automobiles over the make s of foreign countries in the smaller countries of Europe is strongly shown in the cas e of the small nation of Finland. in the upper Baltic. Of a total of ?<>.512 automobile s in th e countrv. 26,620 are Am erican. Th ere ar<' 20,n77 passenger cars. of which 18.1153 art> American: 1.398 buses. 0 f which 1,199 are Amt>riran. and 7.437 truck s, of which n.768 are American . In oth er words, 90 per cent of the machine s Finns ride in are American. Some considerable increase in the marketing of foreign cars in the country h~c;; taken place since Decemh~r 31, 1927. hm'l.'ever, for at that dat e 97 per cent of all the cars in the country were of American make. I-IUPP 20 YEARS OLD The Hupp Motor Car corporation, which is reoresented in Evanston by the Ridge Motor sales, 1822 Ridg-e avenue, Evanston, last week rounded out the twentieth year of its business and last month rolled up a new all -time Septemlwr production and '3hipment record. The company was formed in 1908 and that year turned out 1,618 cars and small runabouts. During the first nine months of 1928, 56,992 cars were shipped and there were weeks durin~ which the production figure was higher than during the whole first year of the company's existence. BIG YEAR FOR TRUCK MAKERS Truck makers are experiencing their best year, both from a production and profit viewpoint. The total truck units manufactured to Sept. 1 this year numbered 377.954, compared with 358,234 in the same period last year. Gains in truck output this year are shown in the number of fast light carriers having capacities of one-half to two tons. FISHER GETS BIG ORDER The Fisher Body Ohio company is shaping- its production plans to buitrl 250.000 bodies in Cleveland for the 1929 Chevrolet The production scheduled will exceed 1928 production by 25 per ceflt, when the Chevrolet plant built 1,000,000 Chevrolet bodies. T ~ $ Four-Door Sedaa ~OUPE ~ f87S The Ne'\V Royal. Eight 75 ~ simply magnificent-Strik.. ;:!1 JUST ingly smart-Rich as the rusde · of silk-And the eight-cylinder sensation of the year in all-around ability to perform-The kind of car you love to get into and hate to get out of-Has Westinghouse Brakes and "One Shot" central.. ked lubrication-Come and see it. Two-Door Sedaa FOUR-DOOR SEDAN ~ SI3DS .4U Pr-ica f. o. b. Factory TOM BAY AND SON,. lne. North Shore Branch 1819 RIDGE AVE. Open EVANSTON Evenings and GREENLEAF 50 Sundays CLEVELAND, OHIO CHANDLJ!R .. CLBVBLAND MOTORS CORPORATION