Oitober ~ J928 HOW Miss Ruth Holdoway of 723 Forest ..venue entertained Saturday afteroon at a towel shower for Miss Norma Fiske, sister of Rog'er A. Fiske, of 134 Seventeenth street. Miss Fiske, whose engagement to Richard Guy of' Santa Fe, N. M. was announced last spring at the Alpha Phi house, has been visiting in Wilmette the latter part of this summer. Her home is in Santa Fe, and she is a FOR BRIDE-ELECT now -the houseguest of ·Mrs. Robert Zimmerman of 303 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs Ralph Colville of 846 Hinman ave~ue, Evanston entertained Wednesday afternoon at a handkerchief show· e r, also. . . () entral-Laurel Bazaar November 9 Ja· · Benefit for Hospital The north shore members o£ t.he Woman's auxiliary of the Matermty and Children's charity ward of the Post Graduate hospital, 2400 South Dearborn street, Chicago, are giving their annual bazaar for the benefit of this charity Friday, November 9, at the home of Mrs. G. F. Suker, 10~ Starr road, Winnetka. As heretofore, the sale will include many beautiful things for both young and old as well as delicious home-made jellies, cake, and cookies. Tea will be served. The members on the north shore who are givinJ.! their time and much thought for this sale are Mrs. Duane L. Peterson, president ; Mrs. Louis M. Beale, Mrs. Edgar Crilly, · and Mrs. Emil Staehelin. ----:- OUR STAPP E. A. de Graft 1. B. Joaet X. LIDdttroa Olp Baek Leoaa Gattaaa X. Aadenoa L.WIIeos L. c. deGraft Realistic Permanent Marcel $10 SPECIAL All lines of beauty serYict by expert only. This is the final ·day of the drive for members of the parent-teacher assoMrs. F. A. Rye, who recently moved ciation conducted under the direction to Montclair, N. ]. from ·wilmette, is of Mrs. E. M. Antrim·, chairman. visiting her: daughter, Mrs. Brower Monroe, this week in her home at 724 The children of Mrs. Vernon's room Maclean avenue Kenilworth. are elated because they received the prize for first enrolling lOOo/o of parents' names. The room of Mrs. and Miss Stevens received second prize, and Miss Fox's room received third prize. · HAIR SCULPTURING Mr. Jones, formerly of Jim's, Hollywood, Cal., and Mr. de Graff, formerly of the Ambassador Hotel, Lor Anaela, Cal. The deGraff Hair Shops GEORGIAN HOTEL, Hiamaa aad Davis 1609 Sherman Ave. Greealeaf 41 oo Greenleaf I 7 3 A tea f()r Miss Chase and room mothers was held at the home of Mrs. Lincoln Torrey, 1341 Elmwood avenue, assisted by Mrs. Paul Leach and Mrs. J. R. McClure. assisted by Mesdames Jenkins, Fisher, Williams, and Boyless. Mrs. Samuel Rusnak, 1028 Chestnut avenue, was hostess to Miss Davis One of the objects of the Natio:tal and room mothers, assisted by Mrs. J. Congress of Parents and Teachers, A. Burrill and Mrs. R. D. Taylor. with which we are affiliated, is to stand back of all legislative bills pertaining Wednesday, October 31, is the day to the care and protection of women chosen for a tea in honor of Miss Scott and children. We have a legislative . at the home of Mrs. R. P. Huff, 706 committee to keep us informed en Washington avenue, and she will be these measures. A Revelation in deluxe Service GOLDEN STATE LIMITED TO c .. Seatte·lng bh-d·sbot Is aU ·lgbt lo· small game, bat the dh-eet bits In tbe business ol selling a.e seo·ed by tbe big gaas ol ea·elu_ l ly planned p·lntlng Co/ifornio · trip-and all previous ideas of superlative ONE travel luxury are discarded. In according Epecial care and attention to each individual traveler, the Golden State Limited sets a new and higher standard of service for every traveler. From Chicago's most convenient stations: La Salle StreetStation(ontheelevatedloop)8:30p.m.daily. Only 63 hours Chicago to Los Angeles. Shortest and quickest to San Diego. Other fine, fast Golden State Route trains, notably the Apache-convenient schedules. Sunny, low altitude, comfortable way. Through Arizona's "Garden of Allah"-painted desertsoases marvelously quickened by irrigationcolor, color everywhere-and romance. For further information or personal aennce, phone or mail thia coupon. · LLOYD BOL:LISTER INC. 12S2·S6 CBMDAL AVBIRJB Wilmttt1 Winnttb GtHnlHI SIHldt11lu 4JOO zooo 4 Joo 16 B7 ROCK ISLAND Y. J. l.all'ert)', TraY. P ...'r A~reat, Hoek lalaad Llnee '123 La Salle St. Station, Chlcqo,JU. Phone 1Vabub S . Pleue MDd me hookleta about Callt.,..nla and eeenee alons the CoLieaS~teBoute,at.ofulllnlormatlonre~rardlnstraia~~enlee. THE ROAD OF UNUSUAL SERVICE tiM& N..,..·---------·-------·------------------------------· ~....... _____ ·-------·------------· ------------------- 148