Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1928, p. 71

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- October 26, 1928 WILMETTE LIPE _._,_ ~_ --:-_._ ~ =------_.;._·---··-~-~- ~M~J~;:.;&:.:.._ _ _ · -1 __ n. POK 8A.LB-ROU8B8 - 78 THIS PROPERTY · JS VERY 'DESIRable, beautifully wooded, and well located: near achool, N. W. and North Shore tralne. Not far from the Jake All lmprovemente In : highly restricted. Terms can be arranged. An early Inspection and selection Ia recommended . ' . p s )· - . Evanston Apartments 914 Sherman Ave. ' 1 rm· 1320 Chi 943 Chl cago Ave., ! rms. . . . . . . . . 520 Leecs:fo Ave., 2 rms. . . ... _. . . . . 2149 Rldge t., 3 rma. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 1116 Sberman Ave. 3 rms 2Z08 Sherman Ave.: 3 rms: :: : :::: : 701 St. . 4 rms. .. .. .. . . . . 806 Emerson s d s 1315 ~'kar t., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . a Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 902 El mwood Ave. 4 rms 2261 Ridge Ave., f rms. .'. : ::: : ::: ·1621 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 830 Gaffteld Pl., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rms. · · · · · · · · 72S Seward St., 5 rms. ........ . . 811 Simpson St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 1014 MDain Sst., 5 rms. ...... . . . . . ... 1125 av 1 s t 5 rms 1305 Oak Ave·· 5 rms· · · ·· · · · ·· · ·· 1009 G s ., 6 rms.· ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. A r~ve t., 8li0 Hinman Ave., 6 rms. . . . . . . . . · 845 RRilddge Ave., ' · rms. ..... . ... . 6 1615 g A ----------'s·so ~ ~\!iiWi~~ ~ ~111\\.n.il~mm~""P<'Ii . ........ ·· ~ WJ..LW G» 86.00 60.00 10·00 '11.60 '16 oo '1'1.50 Only $75 per Foot TUT '"'1?\fi\ . lib J.ruwww~ DECLARESREQIJIREIIIrS FOR TEACIIRS TOO LOW Secretary of State T·eher·' , · p ~ d p · ' Smm~ &<G:n~~ n~~: ~ Pri~d ~:~; ~·000~ 1564 Sherman Avenue 15.00 80.00 80 00 82:60 90.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 100.00 105.00 110 00 116·00 · 110.00 120.00 130.00 so'oo . OVERLOOKING Beautiful Skokie Golf Course CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Winnetka 20~2 SpaCtOUS · 78LTN5-ltc grounds With many priceless large oaks. Tht·s 8.. .. BEAL ESTATE very dest·rable rest·dence has ------FOR SALE SMALL COUNTRY 5 large bedrooms, and 3 estate west of Winnetka. 'l rms. ; bath, all city conveniences, gar., small horse ba th s, 3 fi rep 1 · barn, chicken house, apple orchard, aces, K e]vtnanear br1dle paths and new airplane t or, H . W . gas h eat ,· 2 car taxi sta. 1% mi. north of Wlllow St. d H Rd an app . 40 mi. to loop. Price heated garage. $14,000. Inspect property or Ph. Kenllworth 309. 84LTN5-ltc in WTD. TO RENT-APARTMENTS Aaaociatioa ·Presata HiaYJeWS The following article by R. C. Moore, of Carlinville, Ill., secretary of the Illinois State Teachers' association, was submitted to the WILMt'I'T£ LII'£ by J. R. Harper, superintendent of the Wilmette Public schools, as being of interest to teachers and parents in the village: T eachen and Cbiropodiab "At a recent meeting of Illinois schoolmasters, the question arose as to whether the upper end of a human being requires less expert treatment than his nether extremities. Or, in other words, are teachers of less importance than corn-doctors and bunionbinders? This question was prompted by a statement that Illinois .has higher professionctl requirements for chiropodists than for teachers. "According to a law enacted last year, chiropodists are limited to medical, mechanical, surgical and massage treatment of the ·feet, ·and are not allowed to make amputations, may use only local anaesthetics, and may use no medicines . or drugs except local antiseptics. It is universally admitted that teachers have a most important, comple.x and delicate work in training mind and character · f or citizenship, usefulness, mQrality, and happiness. For the teacher to do this work requires maturity, knowledge, character, and a professional skill that can come only from professional training or long practice or both. "But according to this recent law, chiropodists in order to obtain a license to practice their very limited profession must be at least 21 years of age, must have four years of high ·school education, must be graduates of at least a two year course in a recognized professional school of chiropody, and must pass an examination. Teachers may be legally licensed at only 18 years of age and with only two years of high s<:hool education, and the passing of an examination in a few elementary branches. "Therefore, the corn-doctors must be at least three years olde r than teachers, must have two years more of high school work, and must have at least two years of professional training, while no training is required for obtaining second grade teachers' certificates, of which there are many in Illinois. "This indicates that the state deem~ it important that children's feet be cared for by expert professionals, but that their minds may be submitted to the care and culture of mere novices. Children must be enabled to walk nimbly to school whether they there get anything worth while or not. "However, there is now a growing demand that the requirements for beginning teachers be raised to something near the requirements far beginning corn-doctors, and it is hoped that the next general assembly will heea this demand." ------------------------------ University 285 ~lf(O)~I.Q)J ~ 1'1llCI&(f)Ifil{Qllf:f 67 LTNS-ltc 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 77LTN5-1tc WTD. TO RENT - 2 RM. APT. AND kitchenette, preferal)ly tn private house.. Write Wilmette Life A-183. 87L5-1tp 88 llinlcdln&nn IHriillll AIPJ~n1tm~imb ATTRACTIVE 2-3-4 RM. APARTments, light and airy rooms of good size and arrangements, convenient to schools and transportation. WTD. TO BENT-F1JRN. APTS. Eol&oSfttulllb~e!1llityCCCOJ 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800-01 . 67LTN5-ltc FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, Janitor service. near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfc 4 RM. APT. WITH GAR.: ALL IM- provements. Reasonable. Tel. Glencoe 331. 67LTN5-ltp WANTED-3 OR 4 ROOM FURNISHED apartment or flat in Wilmette. Address Dyer, % Lloyd Hollister Inc. 770 HILL ROAD. OWING TO THE 88I.. 5-ttp death of owner, thts beautiful French Chateau home Is being otrered for less ANTIQUES than th~ actual reproduction cost. The 91 house is of brick and stone, natural - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - slate roof, Insulated with 2 Inch cork. The very finest ma.terlals available have been used. The fixtures, hard- ALL SIZES-REAS. PRICES, GOOD ware and appointments are perfect. colorings. A few good antiques. Worth Spacious llv. rm., walnut paneled, with a visit. Tel. Glenview 203-Warren. large, handsome log-burning fireplace Glenview Borders, Glenview. and Imported mantles, library, dining 99T.li'N4-ltr rm., bkft. nook, large recreation room. 4 master bedrms., 3 tile baths, sewing 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GOODS rm., 2 maids' rms. and bath, 4 car garage, with chauffeur's quarters above. SOLID WALNUT DINING TABLE. Agent will be on the premises this week side board, serving table and 6 chairs, dally between 3 and 6 P. M. excellent condition. Original cost $1400. Wlll sell very reasonably. Tel. Winn. 1243. 100LTN5-1tc H QQKED RUGS lH[(O)lk&llilZCO>Inl !t JJeimlk~ FOR RENT- 5 ROOM FLAT AT 660 746 Elm St. Center St. Ph. Winnetka· 202 or 2555. 67L~N5-tf.c INC. WINNETKA Wlnn. 1617 77LTN5-ltc FOR SALE-MAH. CHAIRS, DRESSING table, dresser, 9x12 Khlva rug ; prices reas. Ph. Kenilworth 1889. 100LTN5-ltc t8 FOR RENT-FURN. APARTMENTS TWO ROOK. FURNISHED KITCHENette apartment, private entrance and lJOrch. Garage, good location. Wil. 801. 68LTN5-1tc ~~~~~~~~~~~ ·· FOB BENT-HOUSES DIN. RM. SET; DARK OAK; 9 PCS. bargain ; also coal grate, and fireplace screen. Tel. Winn. 2030. 10'0LTN5-ltc ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM FRAME HOME In very finest northeast section. 2 tile walled baths. Beautiful wooded lot HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. PH. Wilmette 3429 or call at 724 12th St. 75x185. Substantial 2 car garage. Price 100LT.f-2tc $25,000. Splendid investment and home. Ill WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND FOR RENT OR FOR SALE - 1 RM., 340 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 68 furniture and other household goods. white stucco residence, large wooded 77L5-ttc Highest prices for same. Crost Furnilot 75x175, 4 bedrms. ; 1 bath with exture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evtra lav. on first floor, 2 car gar. with Distinctive Colonial Hon1e """ton. T11. Ph. TTnlv. 1R9. 101LTN4R-tff' front driveway. Rare bargain, $175 per mo. 1038 Greenwood Ave. Ph. Wil- OF YELLOW BRICK HAVING FOUR tel FOR SALE-MISC. bedrooms, 2 tile baths on second ; mette 814-M. after Oct. 30th, call at 340 maid's room, bath, playroom, storage Woodland Ave., Winnetka. 69L5-ltc MINNEAPOLIS THERMOSTAT, PERF. on third ; 2 sun rooms, canvased walls, cond. 2 yrs. old. Cost $85 ; sell $%5. beautiful decorations and fixtures, oil 8 ROOM STONE HOUSE; 2 BATHS: . burner, 2 car garage. If you are lookAlso black caJ:'acul coat $35. Marble $100. 730 Center St. Tel. Wlnn. 1530. and wrought Iron table lamp, parchIng for a perfect modern home call 69LTN4-tfc ment shade, $20. Tel. Winn. 2677. & INC. 102LTN5-ltc 4t FOR .RENT-FU.RN. HOUSES 424 Linden A venue Wilmette 460 77L5-1tc FOR SAL~ - WOMAN'S SUIT, COATS. FOR RENT - FURNISHED, FROM WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO SELibrary table ; tea chair. Eastman ennow on for 3 or more months or tlll larging machine. Dishes ; curtains ; cure a choice N. E. location, with house spring. Comfortable well-equipped fernery. Tel. Wlnn. 1236. 102LT5-ltc suitable for remodeling, at little above reBrdence ; 3 bedrooms ; glazed sun land value. Priced $25,000. For parand sleeping porches: 2 baths;· ~arage: 120 GALLON GASOLINE TANK, AND ticulars see excellent condition. $135. per month. pump. $25. Tel. Winn. 744, 1163 Asbury. Wlnn. 1470. ·· 70LTN5-ltc 102LTN5-ltc Winnetka 1 544 545 Lincoln Ave. FOR BENT~ARAGES RACCOON COAT AND DRESS1! 77LTN5-1tc GIRL'S es. Size 14, 16, 18. Ph. Kenilworth 2794. LARGE HOME WITH SEVERAL 102L5-ltc GARAGE FOR RENT, REAS. 215 GOLF choice acres in most desirable section ; Terrace, Wllmette. 72L5-ltc all modern conveniences including CHILDR~N'S CLOTHES ; SIZE 10-14 ; garage and quarters, splendid Investalso man's o'coat. Tel. Wlnn. 1012. il FOR RENT-STORES .t OFFICES ment opportunity. Write Wilmette Life 102LTN6-ltc A-185. 77LTN5-ltc LARGE SECOND FLOOR CORNER GOOD LOOKING BABY LEOPAhD ENGLISH COUNTRY HOME oftlce, suitable for real eetate, doctor or fur coat, gorgeously trimmed with red dentist. W1ll divide. Franklin Bldg. Studio liv. room, 2 bedrms., large porch, fox, worn only 2 seasons, $95. Ph. Elm & Center Sts., Winnetka. Tel. 2 car garage, wooded ground~. near Greenleaf 5531. 102LTN5-ltp Wlnn. 382. 'l3LTN61-tfcstation. Owner wlll sacrifice $12,500. Terms. Write Wilmette Life A-181. OFFICE FOR RENT-LARGE SPACE 77LTN5-ltp FOR SALE-SODA FOUNTAIN. MEAT slicing machine and Era 6 tube radio on main floor. desirable locatioll. complete. Call Sheridan Delicatessen. 221hx17%. Tenant can sublet space. WINNETKA, 8 RM. HSE. WITH RE1208 Washington Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Winnetka 201. 73LTN.f-tfc modeling possibillties. Most select lo102LTN4-lUc cation of N. E. sect. Priced low, FOR RENT-GROUND FLOOR SPACE $25,000. Land worth $20,000. Winn. 545 101 WTD. TO BUY-MISCELLANEOUS in Winnetka. Excellent location, with or 1729. 77L5-ltp stenographic services If desired. Smith PLAYGROUND APPARATUS; RINGS, & Brown, 736 Elm St., Phone Winnetka 78 FOR SALE-VACANT slides, parallel bars. Also outdoor doll 142. 73LTN2-tfc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - house. Reasonably priced. Tel. Glencoe 1430. 103LTN5-ltp FOB SALE-HOUSES WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave. WilTWO WELL LOCATED WILMETTE mette. 103LTN48-tfp lots, 50x170. Lat·ge trees, etc. $9,500 SIX ROOM STUCCO AND SHINGLE. and $10,000. Terms. Buy now for Highland A venue, Wilmette ; prompt spring and future building. ~ssesslon. Cash payment of about Conrad Nagel and Lois Wilson will $3,000 will buy equity and permit takln.ov~r contract $100 monthly lncludln.have the leading roles in "Kid Gloves," lnterest. Broker ftndlng buyer will be paid full commission. Addre88 P. E. production of which was to start this Wilmette 273 Stgpre, 818 F St. N. w .· Washington, 1177 Wilmette Ave. 7~L6-ltc month. D. C. 11LTN4-,tp QUINLAN TYSON, HILL & STONE SCOTCH PICTURE Percy Marmont, who has been one of the most successful English players on the American screen, has returned to his own country, where he is now at work in a British production, a filming of "The Lad¥ of the Lake," being made in Scotland. Edith Wharton's latest novel, "The Children," one of the recent best sellers, has been bought . by Paramount with the intention of making a talking picture of it. I will not be responsible for any billa contracted by any other than mnelf. W. R. Dyon, 1229 am St., Wllm~tte, Dl. $13,500

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