Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1928, p. 16

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Publiahtd Wftklfl bv tht ~ehoo( cbild~m ol Wilmtrtt UIHI11 tllptruision of Wilmtttt Plau(Jround tmd Rttrtt~tion Board. VOL I NO 39 WUmette Grid Teams to Meet Evanston Entries Wilmette football teams have been busy since Monday, October 15, practlclnl! to meet the teams of other schools. It has been bad weather tor games because of the rain. The ftrst games of the season were to be played October 22 but were postponed because of rain so It was going to be next Wednesday. The Peewees and the ltghts play Haven at Roycemore fteld In Evanston while the heavies play Haven at Washington Park, Wilmette. . Wilmette has a good coach, Mr. Ball. He was captain and half-back of Normal Illinois team.-Allen RoBSman, SA Stolp. I WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 2, 1928 A Hallowe'en Party Helen T ella of Joumey to Observe Midnight Sun Last summer we motored throuJ!'h Sweden to Lapland to see the midnight sun. At 12 o'clock, It was as light as day. We climbed a mountain .and watched the sun go down to the honzon and up again. The sky was brilliant with the rays of the sun. All the large rivers we crossed, we ferried across. Some were electric and some were driven by hand. The rivers were full of lumber going to saw mill. When we looked Into a valley, we could see a white church surrounded by red buildings. The scenery was very beautiful-Helen Peterson, Miss Fox's room Central. I N ewesi /Jooks ' I ' Recreation Board Parties Attract Huge Gatherings The annual Hallowe'en parties which were .. ven by the Playground and Recreation . board were held October 31 from 7 :30 to 10 o'clock at Howard and Stolp school ~naslums. However, the children did not get away till about 10 :30 o'clock. At both gymnasiums the program Btarted by a costume parade. There were twenty-four prizes which were boxes of candy, There were movies at each R'l' mnastum which were enjoyed immen~~ely. Between reels there were a clotr dance and a group of accordion numbers. It was the best party held tn four years.-Lawrence Buckmaster, SB Stolp. Howard 8A Girls Capture All Games in Kickball Wednesday, October 24, the SA girl! played their last game of kickball. W t' have won every game we played in kickball. The scores for all the games are as follows: St. Joseph, 50-5; St. Francis. 28-1: 8B, 56-7; St. Francis, 25-6. We are going to start volley ball and hope we will win the games the way we won them In klckball.-Murlel Meyer, 8A Howard. Howard 88 Pupils Have Series of Book Reviews Monday, October 22, SB Howard had a. period of book reviews. Mrs. Stalling picked out the committee to pick out the best book reviews. The committee was as follows: Lee Blaylock, Olive Billlmack. and Betty Kirwan. The ones that were sent to the library are as follows: Betty Kirwan. Marjorie Paterson, Ruth Bersch. Lf>e Blaylock and Marshall Doose.-Helen Mlller, 8B Howard. ;_,----------------...: Bill and Jim were planning to have some fun on Hallowe·en at somebody else's expense. The boys were about 12 years old. The two boys had a meeting In Bill's garage where It was decided that they would go to all the houses In the neighborhood and soap the windows and ring doorbells. Hallowe'en came and the boys were all prepared with their bean shooters. soap and pins. At 7 o'clock two boys could have been observed stealing through the alley between Pine and Harvard streets. The boys stole along very cautiously until they came to Mr. Jones' houRe. They very cautiously walked up the back walk to the house. Bll1 Uptoed up to the door. ·soaped a window a.nd stuck a pin In the bell. Both boys let out a yell and began to run but before they had taken ten steps they felt somebody grab them. The boys · came to a swift halt, for in back of them stood old Mr. Mulligan the town policeman. He flnally said after looking at each boy for a while: "Well boys do you think you would like to be brought down to the station?" .Each boy very timidly said, "No." "Well then," began the policeman, "You can go up and get the soap off the window and take the pin out of the bell." "And," he added. "Beg )Jr. Jones' pardon." The boys very humbly walked up and tonk ·the pin out of the bell, cleaned off the window. After they had finished, the old Jtoliceman rang the bell and Mr. .Jones came out. "Howdy Mr. Jones," he said, "these boys have something they would like to say to you." "We--er-didn't mean to soap your window," began Bill. "We're really very sorry," put in Jim very timidly. "All right, boys," said Mr. Jones, "See that It never happens again." The boys left very crestfallen.-Chester Hansen, 8A Stolp. '----------------,.-JI Following are some of the new books in the school library: Adams, "Gateway to American History" ; Wilder, "Pqssy Letters" ; McSpadden, "Book of Holidays"; Lester. "Great Pictures and Their Stories" ; Olcott. "Good Stories for Great Birthdays" ; Dickinson, "Children's Book of Thanksgiving Stories" ; Dickinson. "Children's Book of Christmas Stories" ; Towde, "Marco Polo" ; Valkle, "Ancient Palestine"; Flalkner, "What We .Hear in Music": Ingratn, "Story of Democracy"; Letrerts, "Neighbors North and South" ; Victor Co., "VIctrola Book of the Opera"; Duval, "This Earth We Live On"; Bryant, "Gordon and His Friends"; Snedeker, "Theras and His Town"; McCoy, "Tale of the Good Cat Zuppe" ; Meyer, "Sunshine Farm"; Perkins, "'fhe Pioneer Twins." This week the seventh grades have been coming Into the library for lessons on arrangement of books on the shelves so when we go to the library we can find our books easily. · Next week the eighth grades are to know how to use the Card Catalogue In the library.-Bettye . K. Kirwan, 8B Howard. · Teachers, Parents Have Tea at the Howard School Tuesday. October 23. the eighth grade of Howard school had their tea. There were five teachers and thirty-one parents present. More parents from the SB than. from the 8A were present. The teachers who were present are as follows: Mrs. Stalling, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Groves, Miss Madsen, and Miss Scheidler. The refreshments were tea. cookies, and mints. The tables were decorated with lace doilies and yellow chrysanthemums. The teachers also got better acquainted with the parents.-Fleeta F. Freeman, SB Howard. Book Notations Command Interest of Many Pupils Miss Bright of the Public library asked Pveryone in both ei~hth grades of the Howard school to write a notation for the .Junior Life. 'You could write about the books you read that were on the book lif;t. or about studies you have at school. like in "Social Science." There is a Jist of books at the end of the chapter of Socia 1 Science book and you can find many intere~ting books there that are nice to read.-Murlel Meyer, SA Howard. Howard School Girls in Athletic Teat Rehearsals The girls of SB and SA are starting to practice for the Athletic Badge .Test. In this test there are the volley ball throws, kicking a ball, overhead throws and many other events. This is not the only test of the year. By working and getting points on this test, it wlll help the girls to get the letter W, standing for Wilmette, and the different colol,'ed stripes to put on their sweaters. All the girls are Interested and very enthusi astic.-Dorothy Yetter, SA Howard. Arranges Schedule for Domestic Science Work Miss Woodly, our domestic science teacher, has made plans and arranged for cooking the first half of the year and sewing the second for Howard eighth grades. The 8A class has already had two lessons In cooking. The first lesson, we had the glorious task of polishing silverware for our school cafeteria. The second lesson we made fruit stuffed apple. -Virginia Maine, SA Howard. FOOTBALL The Peewees. Lightweights and Heavyweight~. had . their first games Wednesday, October 24. The Heavyweights pleyed at Washington park and the Light~ played at Roycemore field. Evanston. The scores were as follow~: PeewePR: Wl1mette (0), Haven (0); Light~: Wilmette (7). Haven (0); Heavies: Wilmette (12). Haven (12).-l\lartin Herberholz, 8B Howard. SA HOWARD WINS The girls of SA Howard had a game of kickball with the girls of 8B in the Howard gymnasium Wednesday, October 17. The game was too one-sided to be exciting. It ended with the score 56-7. In favor of SA. So far the girls- of SA have not lost any of the games they have played.-Ruth Robinson. 8A Howard. Spell-Downs Interest Howard Sixth Graders Every Thursday our class has a spell down. Raymond Nelson and I are captains of the twi sides. We've had three spell downs so far. Raymond Nelson's side won the first and my side won the second and third. So far we're winning. We will keep the same sides and our score all year and at the end of the year we'll see whose side wins. We're going to have names for our sides but we haven't decided as yet what the names will be.-.J ean Perrlll, 6A Howard. OPEN REMEDIAL PERIODS The Remedial periods have been inaugurated at Howard. The remedial periods give us a chance to get extra help or to do study work. These classes are held the last period In the morning every day. If you are behind In arithmetic or any other subject now ts your chance to make it up.-Robert Klemm, 8A Howard. Girls' Glee Club Makes Progress With Rehearsals About three weeks ago, a Girls' Glee club was started consisting of seventh and eighth grade. The girls meet on Thursday. The teacher of this club Is Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Clark gives us exercises every day at our meeting In order to give us fine tones of voice. She has taught us the Wilmette Loyalty sop~ and we are working on others also. We all like the Glee club. Our meetings a··e held from 11 :30 to 12 o'clock.-Dorothy Yetters, 8A Howard. ... Katblyn Named Captain of Volley Ball Players Kathlyn Welter of SA Howard was elected captain of the girls' volley ball team. October 24. There were also nominations for Allee Nord, Jean Dunning and Marjorie Iverson. Then we voted and Kathlyn and Alice tied. We voted again and It turned out 10 to 8 in favor of Kathlyn.-Dorothy Yetter, 8A Howard. NEW TRIER VS. 'WAUKEGAN The game sta··ted by Waukegan kickIng to New Trier. Near the end of the first quarter Johnny Borncamp carried the ball for a touch down making the ACore 6 to 0. There was no more scorln~ until the third quarter when AI Richards went over for 6 more points and Rossiter added one more point by kicking the goat. The outstanding run was made when Nelson intercepted a pay with about three minutes to go and ran eighty yards for a touch down makIng the score 19 to nothing, favor of New Trler.-Gordon P. Keith. Mrs. Fancboner Has Charge of Volley Ball Practices RECEIVE REPORT CARDS At Howard school Thursday, October 25. we received our first report cards. Some of us were pleased while others. WORK ON WOOD· WINDS I think, were a little disappointed. But Mrs. Clark. who teaches music in the everyone expects to do better in the folHoward school. asked for the 8B note- lowing months.-Bettye K. Kirwan, SB books on the string family of the or- Howard. chNtral instruments. We are now workIn& on the wood-wind family of orchesMOTHERS GIVE TEA tral lnstruments.-Spencer Norrington, 8B The eighth grade mothers gave a tea Howard. Tuesday, October 23. Two or three times a year they get together and talk over STUDY ARTISTS the children and their studies. We are The P1Upila of the Stolp elghtb grade trying to have every mother there every are looking up on the different artists. tlme.-Betty Hurtt, 8A Howard. We also are studying the picture and then writing about what we think tbe ORCHESTRA REHEARSES picture'· about.-George Fackt, 8A Stolp. The senior orchestra Is now practicing at the Howard school because most of CHANGE KEETIWG TIKE the pupils are from Howard and It takes The Scouts of Troop 12, Wilmette, three cars to get us to school In time have chan&ed their meetings to Wednes- and lOme times there aren't enough cars day from 7 :30 to t o'clock.-George and the teachers don't like It when we raclrt. SA Stolp. come ln late.-Ruth Bersch, 8B Howard. Wednesday, October 24, we started practicing volley ball for the first time this year. Mrs. Fanckboner Is our gym teacher and she was telllng us our posi tions and how to hit the ball or to relay lt to the other girls so they could push it over the net. AU the girls think Mrs. Fanckboner Is · a v~ry good gym teacher and we hope we shall be as sue cessful In volley ball as we have been WHEN I HAD A COUGH When I had a cough, I stayed home In kickball.-Allce Nord, SA Howard. from school. I stayed· In bed till 12 PLAN VENGEANCE o'clock. I read the newspaper and I Now that we have been defeated ln talked to my canary bird. In the afternoon I was very much better. My bil'ld kickball our team has decided to de will miss me tomorrow.-Paul Gullick- feat everybody else In volley ball. Of course we had to choose a new captain son, Third Grade Central. but our team chose our old captain, Ruth Williams. She surely is a dandy "BUSY D'S" Last Friday SB voted on its name, player and I hope our team will show motto and colors. They decided on the better sportsmanship than last season "Busy B's" for the name, "Courteous Lucy Jonas, 7B Stolp. Always" for their motto and their colors GO TO .ART INSTITUTE are purple and white. Their only wish October 30, the eighth grades will make Is that they can live up to them-Lawtheir first trip to the Art Institute this rence Buckmaster, SB Stolp. year. The last year seventh graders-now eighth graders-remember the good HA JJLOW'EN PARTY Monday, October 29, there was a Hal- times had last year and are looking forlowe'en party at the Methodist church ward to this trlp.-Dorothy Vollman, SA for the Girl Scouts. Each troop had to Hr,ward. get ready for it. Troop one had the proSTART "MERCHANT OF VENICE" gram. Troop two had to decorate and The two eighth grades of the Howard Troop four had the refreshments.-Phyllls school today started on the "Merchant of Carleton, 7A Stolp. Venice." We were all eager to start and ------------------we hope we ·Uke lt.-Ka.thlyn Welter, SA LIKES VOLLEY BALL We have started volley ball In gym Howard. and I like It very much. We wlll choose our captain pretty soon.-Ruth SanderTEACHER HELPS TEAMS son, 7B Stolp. We have two klekba.U teams. Mrs. Fanckboner Ia very nJce and hel1>11 us In ' RELECT CAPTAilf every way eo that our teams can win. Dick. Preaton bas been chosen captain We are tryln« to ftnd JIOQd names that of our Wilmette lightweight team.- will fit our teams.·-Eleanor Steen, 6A George Fackt, 8A Stolp. Howard. ------------------------

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