Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1928, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE November 9, 1928 News of Interest to the .Church-Goers of Our Village St. Augustine's Church Sunday, November 11, wlll be the twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church schools and Bible classes at 9 :45 and Morning Prayer with address at 11 o'clock. · The Women's Associated gullds will meet today, Friday, Nov. 9, in the Club House at 10 :30 A. M. Luncheon will be served at noon. The Fathers and Sons banquet held on Wednesday evening in the Club House, which was primarlly for the boys of our Scout troop at St. Augustine's and their fathers, was very succe§sful · and much enjoyed by those who attended. After dinner together in the Club House, all adjourned to the Parish House where the boys themselves provided the program. for the benefit of their fathers. Mr. McPeek, executive head of the Boy Scout troops for the North Shore, was a guest of honor. Mr. Henry Fowler, treasurer of the North Shore Area, outline~ the progress made with the new camp in northern Wisconsin and the arrangements planned to pay for it. Talks on Church Membership, which are intended to be mainly in preparation for those intending to be confirmed, will begin next Sunday, November 11, in the church otflcej! at the rear of the Parif.;h House, 1144 Wilmette a venue. The talks each Sunday afternoon at 4 · o'clock wlll. be for boys and girls under high school ~e. At 7 :JO P. M. on each Sunday the talks will be for those of high school age and adults. It is expected that Conftnnation wtll be held Sunday morning, December 23, at the 11 A. M. service. The vestry met In the rector's office on Monday evening of this week for the transaction of routine husine~~Plans were also made for a dinner for the men of the parish towards the end of the month, of which fuller notice will be Jiven later. age goods, canned goods and preserves around Thanksgiving time as a thank offering, and to take these Immediately after Thanksgiving to one of the charitable institutions of our church. Last year the offering w~s a \rery large one and we expect it will be still larger this year. St. John's J;lereby invites all of its members to bring whatever they can: J....et each one bring a little. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done It unto me." The Christmas eve program for the children's service has been decided on, and will be begun very soon at St. John's. It wlll consist largely of Christmas carols sung by the Sumtay schoool. V\re hope that such parents as are contemplating sending their children ·to .our Sunday school will do so real soon so that these children may take part in the service on Christmas eve. The regular monthly meeting of the voting members of the congregation will be held on Tuesday evening next at 7 :45 o'clock. At this meeting the new slate of candidates will be presented, since the election of officers of the congregation is to take place in the December meeting. A full report on the services of October 21 . to 26 will also be rendered. All votIng members are urged to be there without fail. Russian violinist, }Vlll furnish the r:;pecial music. Please see Mr. Roy R. Marquardt concerning reservations. Spoke 10 will have an all day meeting at the church Tuesday, November 20. A bazaar and tea is to be given by the Congregational Church Vere V. Loper, minister William E. McCormack, minister of education The Woman's guild is meeting today at , the church.. The Executive board will meet at 12, and the luncheon for the guild will be served at 1 o'clock by the Northwest circle. At the afternoon meeting Mrs. W. A. Tucker is to conduct the, devotional service and the representatives of this church at the Decatur l}nd Milwaukee conferences will make reports. Presbyterian Church The First dially Invites not a church with us and services and church home. Presbyterian church corstrangers and all who have home elsewhere to worship to enjoy with us all the activities centering in our Reverend Frank A. Hosmer, D.D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Greenwich, Conn., will preach at the regular morning worship service at 11 o'clock next Sunday, November 11. It wlll be remembered that Dr. Hosmer ~Uf' ; 1 1ied our pulpit one Sunday in SeptemL ~ r. and we are fortunate In securThe rector wm represent the ministers ing ~im . again. of Wilmette at the installation of the Rev. Vere V. Loper, the new minister of the On November 18 Reverend Arthur Congregational church, next Tuesday eve- Frederick Ewert, D.D., pastor of the ning, November 13. Central Pre~byterian church of Chicago. wlll supply this pulpit. The Church club of Chicago will give a dinner and reception to the Rt. Rev. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. The school John Gardner Murray, presiding bishop is divided into Beginners, Primary, Junof the Ept_scopal churcll of the United ior, Intermediate, Senior-Young People States, TJ:!ursday evening, November 15, and Adult departments with a graded in the Louis XVI Room of the Hotel course of study. All are welcome to any LaSalle at 6 :30 ; all men and women of of the classes in our Sunday school. ~be congregation are invited to attend. Musical program, Armistice Day, The women of the Associated guilds anNovember 11, at 10 :55 nounce- a sale of work to be held on Organ Prelude, "Jn Memoriam" . Nevin December 7, of which details wtll be Anthem, "He Maketh Wars to Cease" given later. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott Anthem, "Flanders' Requiem" . LaForg~ A delegation of laymen from St. Or~an Offertory, "Contemplation" Augustine's wlll represent the parish at (The Holy City) . . ..... . . Gaul the Racine Conference on Evangelism, Duet, "The Unknown Soldier" .. . . . .. . beginning this evening and lasting until ... . . . . . . Schubert-O'Hara Sunday noon at Tayl01: Hall, Racine, Wis 7 Mrs. Gannon and Mr. Otis Organ Postlude, "Pax Vobiscum" .. Next Sunday evening, November 11. the .. .. ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schubert Wilmette Sunday Evening club wlll celeAll people are asked to be m their brate Armistice ~unc;lay. Dr. George places before 11 o'clock. At 11 o'clock Craig Stewart, rector of St. Luke's, Ev- the audience will riRe and face the east, anstOJl, will be the speaker. for a moment of silent prayer, in commemoration of the Armistice. Quartette: Catherine Bushou9e, soprano; Rose Lutiger Ga,n non, contralto; .John B. Miller, tenor ; Edward Otis, bass; Erma Rounds, organist and director Wilmette and Park av.e nues, 'Wilmette Herman W. Meyer M. A., pastor Chri~tian Endeavor at 5:30 Sunday 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 evening. Boy Scout Troop 5 regular Church telephone 3111 meetin~. Monday at 7 :30 p. m. several spokes of the Women's society Thursday, November 22, at the home of Mrs. J. F. Rowley, 1128 Greenwood avenue, who has graciously opened her home again for- this occasion. A cordial in vita tion is extended to all women. Proceeds of the sale for our building fund. Time: Thursday, November 22, from 2 to 5:30 p. m. ~lace: 1128 Greenwood The new group of Blue Birds, t}le junior avenue. Camp Fire organization, for girls 9 and 10 years of age, is meeting on Fridays The annual Harvest Home dinner is t(' at 3 :30 under the leadership of Miss be held at 6 :30 o'clock this evening. A Florence Mitchell. musical program is to be given after the dinner· by the church choir. A genuine On Sunday · the Church school will meet treat is assured everyone who attends. in . the following departments: 9:30 A. M., Primary, Junior and Intermediate deThe church office is open daily, except partments ; 10 :45 A. M., Cradle Roll and Saturday, from 9 :30 to 11 :30 a. m. Calls Beginners' departments ; 12, noon, Senior for service of any kind, including pastoral department and forum for adults. service, can be furnished at all times by communicating with the church secretary, Armistice Day will be observed in the phone Wilmette 1575 or Wilmette 688. morning worship service at 10:45. Mr. Loper's sermon will be "The Creation of Peace" and is one of his series based on the Sermon on the Mount. Special muThe Wilmette Baptist church will have sical numbers have been planned for the a special Armistice Day service on Sun- occasion by Amy Leslie Toskey, director day at 11 o'clock commemorating the · of music, and the program follows: tenth anniversary of the close of the Prelude, "American Rhapsody" ...... Yon World War. There will be special music An Anthem, "Land of Hope and Glory" including Kipling's "Recessional" with lts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgar theme : · The Choir Lord God of Hosts The Offertory, "Chant for Dead Be with us yet., Heroes" ...... .. . ..... ..... ... ... . Gaul Lest we forget, A Solo, "The Americans Come" .. Foster Lest we forget." Oscar Heather The sermon by Rev. G. D. Alllson is Postlude, "War March of the Priests" ba~ed on the 28th chapter of Jeremiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn and is entitled, "Patriots and Patrioteers." This church co-operates with the Sun· day Evening club which meets in its In the midweek service an unusually auditorium at 7 :30. In celebration of interesting program has been planned Armistice Day Dr. George Craig Stewart, with readings from "Leaves of Grass·l rector of St. Luke's Episcopal chur~J:t in by Walt Whitman. Dr. Allison has made Evanston, will speak, and the Wilmette a special study of Whitman's life and Post of the American Legion will attend poetry. the services in a body, Baptist Church On Tuesday evening will occur the installation ceremonies for Mr. Loper, the most important event on out calendar for the church year. Further announcement of these services will be found elsewhere in The Baptist Young People's union holds this issue of WlLMETTE LlFE. an interesting discussion meeting each Sunday at 5 :30 P. M. The attendance of The re·g ular meetings of Roosevelt young people of high school and college Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts and Sea Scout age is welcomed. The officers are : Eliza- Troop No. 7 will be omitted this Tuesday beth Burns, president : Paul Redhead, vice on account of the installation. president; polly Bellamy, secretary and treasurer. The mid-week meeting will be omitted On Tuesday evening Dr. Allison speaks on Wednesday evening because of the into the parents and teachers at the How- stallation on Tuesday. ard school. On Thursday the Boys' club will meet The Mission union will meet at the ~~ ~~:. ~:J&~~ma:.c~.:45 under the direction Woodlawn church on Tuesday, November 13. This will be Baptist Training The Junior choir will meet for rehearsal School Day. Will tho.s e going please 3 45 Th d d i phone Mrs. w. M. Burns. Wilmette 14977 at : on urs ay, un er the direct on of Amy Leslie Toskey. The Boy Scouts meet as usual 'fhursday evening at 7 :30 in the church. The Senior choir will rehearse at 7 :30 P.M. The Sunday Evening club celebrate Armistice Day this Sunday. The Wilmette_ Post of the American Legion will attend in a body. Dr. George Craig Stewart, the well known rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church, Evanston, win. be the spealter. will On Tuesday at 3:45 the Wekeacafila Camp Fire Girls will meet at the church. St. John,s Lutheran Church 1 The Junior choir meets Thursday eveThe Blue Birds will meet at the church nings promptly at 7 o'clock. This newly on Friday at 3 :45. formed' choir is under the direction of --------Madame Scott. The choir wlll rehearse Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The links will meet next week for 1 luncheons. Link H will meet T~day, November 20, at the home of Mrs. S. P. lfoster, 2421 Greenleaf street. Chicago, Mrs. A. Bremmer is leader of Link H. Link R, under the leadership of Mrs. W. Huggins, will meet Thursday, November 15, at the home of Mrs. F: G. Sutherlan.d, 1621 Fore$t avenue. Link s; under the leadership of Mrs. J. D . Dingle, will meet Thursday, November 15, at the home of Mrs. C. H. Jones, 1514 Forest avenue. Link E. under the -. Jea'P-· ership <'f Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, will meet Friday. November. ~6. , at the home of ..::.'flr,R. Ellen Storm, 1514 ·Forest 4venue. .t!.Jrtk N, under the leadership of ' Mrs. A. Heerens, will m~et ,FridayJ November ' 16, at the home of Mrs. D. P. Gr.~~n. 392 Chestnut street, Winnetka. Linlt D, under the leadership of Mrs. J. F. Buckle, will meet Friday, November 16, at the home of· 1\frs. P. Arden, · 122 Washington · avenue. Link I, under the leadership of Mrs. B. R. Taber, wlll meet Friday, No"~mb~r lll. at the home of Mrs. W. C. · Buethe, 1357 Greenwood avenue. Evening Link r. under the leadership of Mrs. C. P. Dubbs and Mrs.-. .G. D. Allison, will meet at 8 o'clock Friday ~vening, November 16, at the home of Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, 1333 Elmwood avenue. . o'cloc~ Kenilworth Episcopal C'hurch SERVICES · 23rd Sunday after Trinity 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes 9:45 A. 1\f, First service and sermon 11:00 A. 1\f. Second service and sermon Sermon : "The Twofold Citizenship of the Christian" . MEETINGS Sunday at 3 :3Q-Walther League at The annual Praise meeting of the Waukegan Wdman's Missionary society of the WilMonday and Friday at 4--Classes for mette Pre~byterian church is ~ lJe held children . Tuesday afternoon. November ,~. at 2:15 Monday at' 7 :3o-cholr rehearsal o'clock. Mrs. R. H. Henderson will have Tuesday at 7 :45-Voting members at charge of the devotionals. The speaker church will he l\fi~~ Rachel BE-nfer of Lang-don Memorial school, Mt. Ver:non, Ky. After The North Shore Zone of the Walther the program there will be a social hour league will hold its quarterly meeting on and tea will be served by Spoke 1. A Sunday next in the afternoon and evening, cordial welcome extended to all women. bcinlng at 3 :30 o'clock, at St. Paul's Mid-week meeting every Wednesday at Lutheran church, Waukegan, Illinois. 8 p.m. The regular business session will make up the afternoon program. tmmediately ~J'lok~ 9 will hold an all day meeting following It will be au Inspirational ad· Jtt the home of MrR Harley D. Long, 815 tress. Supper will be served in the Park avenue, Friday, November 16. tburch parlors for a. BOminal sum. Films 011 the mtNlonary work of the Lutheran Tuesday, November 20, the Presbyclturcb wJU be "hDwn In the eveping. t~rian l!;;ion of Chicago will hold the first 'tbe day's ofterlogs are for Christian ban(Juet of the season at the Hotel ..Saeatlon. LaSalle at 6:30 p. m. Rev. Hugh K. Walker, D.D .. moderator of the General The Wilmette Baptf.st church Is the euatomary for a number Assembh·. will be the sP~kPr of the eve- church of the lighted croSB at 'the comer upa~ot~ nlnJ. Mr. Ale~n4er Kamlnak7, aot.a · ~f Wilmette and Forel!it avenues. Recreational nights : Monday-Men's howling, volley baU. 7 :30, Howard school. Tuesday-Married couples' night, 8 o'clock. Wedne~day-ba:;;ketball. Presbyt~rian team, Howard school, 8 o'clock. Thursday-Young People's night, Presbyterian church. Friday-Boy ' Ranger~. Junior Scouts for boys 8 to 12 years of age. :Meeting at 7 o'clock. · The service next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will be morning prayer. The ~ermon will be preached by the rector, his subject being "My Sins." There will be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8 a. m. for those who will find it impossible to be present at the later service. The .Sunday school wlll meet in the church at 9 :30 beginning with a service of worship followed by a period for the study of the day's lesson. Bi~liop : ··Edward M: · c ross, · S. T. D ., Ph.D.,·· of the Diocese of Spokane, will be the guest . of. the parish on Wednesday, No-trember 14. The Rector's Aid society Is serving a ·dinner at · the Kenilworth club to · a grouP. of men on this night before whom the bJshop will speak. · - I f'. Mrs. Harvey G. Edwards and Mrs. George A. Mason, delegates for the Diocesan Women's Auxiliary to the re· cent general convention . of the Episcopal church held in Washington, D. C., are to address the women of this parish at the rectory November 26. ·They will speak on their Impressions --of this convention and concerning the more important matters decided upon there. The au~llaries of Wilmette and Glencoe have been invited to comE:. . . (Continued on Page 16)

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