Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1928, p. 16

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November 9, 1928 Church News (Continued from Page U) · Methodist Church Tbe chief Interest of the church now t"enten In the laying of the corntrstone. Thla llb.)ressive service will be held next Sund&7 morning at 10:45. This brings It In-between th~ Church school and the ID()rniD.C worship, therefore making It poaslble for all the children as well as the adult8 to attend. Evening club which meets at the Congregational church at 1 :30 each Sunday evening. The service Sunday night Is a <Jpeclal Armistice Day service at which Dr. George Craig Stewart wUJ speak, and In whfch the American Legion wlll participate. The Senior High league will meet at 5 :30 Sunday evening In the church An Interesting program has been planned. ~hapel. The Junior High lea8'1,le had its first meeting last Sunday evening. This group will meet at 5 :30 this Sunday evening in the Junior room of the church. Boys and girls In the seventh, eighth, and ninth Last Sunday there were 324 at the grades are cordially invited to join this Church school. It Is expected that this group. number wlll be swelled to nearly the four hundred mark for the cornerstone laying The Woman'B Home Mlsslonary society ceremony. Every member present at the will meet on Thursday at the home of school next Sunday morning will slgn Mrs. C. A. Lundberg, 1010 Elmwood avethe roll, and this wlll be placed In the nue. Devotions, Mrs. Horace G. Smith. cornerstone. The two remaining charter Speaker, Mrs. Balch, conference corremembers of the church, Mrs. S. M. sponding secretary. Thls Is to be a Dingee, and Mrs. William Panushka, wlll "Christmas Gift Party." participate ln the service. The four Women's societies will be represented The Woman's Exchange Is conttmilng by a number of their choosing, and cer- its varied activities at 1024 Lake avetain of their records wtll be placed in the nue. A very considerable new stock has box. A brief history of the Boy Scouts been placed thl_s tall, Including many and the Girl Scouts, as well a.a a rostrum articles desirable for Christmas gifts. A of the various troops, wlll also be In- bakery sale is held each Saturday. cluded. All members and friends of the A fellowship ~~ervtce Is held each Wedchurch are Invited. nesday night at 8 o'clock. The book to This church co-operates In the Sunday be reviewed next Wednesday night ill "Sorell and Son," a story appropriate to dial welcome to be with us. The WornFather and Son'l!l Week. A devotional ens' Missionary Society ls sponsoring the period will close the hour. dinner. · Mrs. Fred Janssen ls chief In the kitchen. A real Dutch dinner and a very interTbe Luther league of Unity Lutheran esting lecture on Alaska - will be held Monday ntgbt at the church. Price tor church of Chicago has Invited our league · both, seventy-five eents. This is under to be their guests at a dinner and dethe auspices of the Third division, pro- votional meeting In Unity church next ceeds to go toward the building fund. Sunday evening. Autos wlll leave the 1.'1ckets may be secured from any mem- chapel at 5 p. m. promptly. We wlll have room for all of the young people who ber of the !hlrd .division. desire to accept the invitation. But be The Scout meetings are held every sure to come on time. If you should be late and cannot get to the chapel at 5, week as follows : Monday, 7 :15 p. m.--Girl Scouts, Troop I take the "L" to Edgewater Beach staTuesday, 3 :45 p. m.-Glrl Scouts, Troop tion. Get off ·at Edgewater· Beach station and walk west two block~ to MagIV nolia, .thence north two blocks to the Tuesday, 7 :30 p. m.-Boy Sco~ts Wednesday, 4:00 p. m.-Girl Scouts, church. Troop II Tbe Mea's Brotllerllood wlll meet at Thurscfay, 7 :00 p. m.-Junlor Boy Scouts. At the present time the Girl Scout the church Monday, November 12 at & troops have reached their full quota. Any p. m. Arthur Wernecke is chairman ot girl wishing to join this y_ ear should put the entertainment committee and he her name on the waiting list imme- promises us a good time. Chester Stark and David Larson wlll ccmaborate on diately. · the eats and oijler features. We Invite all unchurched men In the community to meet with us. You wlll enjoy our Brotherhood. Armistice Day, November 11 We extend a eordlal lavltatloa to those The Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity of this community who have no church 9 :45 a. m. . ............... Sunday school home to worship wlth us. People usually feel at home In our chapel. They bear Joseph Johnson, Supt. 11 a. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morning worship the word of God, which we belleve and preach. They find a cordial reception. Sermon: "A Call to Arms." If you have been wanting to go somewhere to church and Just haven't gotten Ofterlng Envelopes have been sent out for a fpeclal offe_ring next Sunday, the, started, come and worship with us. You tenth anniversary of the end of the will want to come again. World War. This offering will be used to help pay the salary of a chaplain at To Discuss Local Affa:ra U. S. Hospital No. 76, Maywood, Ill. Our disabled veterans need our spiritual for Women Voters League minfstery. They are passing down the valley one by one. We dare not allow The Wilmette League of Women them to go without hope. Voters holds its next meeting Monday. Wilmette Eng .. Luth. Tbe sermon will be appropriate to the day. War is all that Sherman said It was. Those who have seen it from the front lines will tell you that many of us· have the wrong kind of a picture of war. We are glad that we have peace. We are sorry that so many of our finest young men must bear in their minds and their bodies the scars of Mars. modations are limited, we must therefore limit the attendance. We would like to Lewis B. Springer, 430 Maple avehave as many of our own members present as is possible. Friends are always nue, will leave tomorrow on a three welcome, and we extend to them a cor- weeks' business trip to Georgia . November 12, with a luncheon at 12 :30 o'clock. J. Robb Harper, superintendent of the Wilmette Public Schools and Charles W. Leggett, chief of police, will be the speakers. The former will give a talk on· "School Taxes," the latter on "Village Protection." Mrs. William A. Durgin and Mrs. Our Annual Fall dinner will he served S. H. Moore are chairmen of the meet. in the church basement next Friday evening, Nov. 9 beginning at 6. Our accom- mg. ... NEAREST THING TO . INVISIBLE! These lnconspin;ous Rim_less Styles Especially fiJitJ. tile rJJJ.lte goltl mo·nti·gs fJOrD so jarJOred New scientific advancements in eyeglass design have now produced rimless styles, unobtrusive and of graceful simplicity, that conform to facial contour. Three advanced styles are now ofFeredthe Leafshape, the Puritan, and the Colonial. These are favorites with men and women who value good ·appearance. A great many beautiful homes in E"anston and along the North Shore have well appointed dining tables that have been done by TATMAN'S. The large selection of both English 9hina and Glass displayed here, make tt. ~ easy matter to suit perfecdy any dtntng room regardless of period, color or style. See if you will not pr.efer these inconspicuous styles. I nS'pect thent at any Almer Coe Store. VIILISS YOUa CLASSES ARE RIGHT, · YOV ARI IIOT WELl. DlESUD AlmerCoe ~Compuw . SclentificOpticilllu BVANSTON A recogni~eJ TATMAN autllority on corr_ect table 6ettints CHICAGO 625 N. MICHIGAN AVB. --J EVANSTON 517 DAyis ST. 1645 Orrington Ave. Univenity 6804

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