Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1928, p. 38

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WILMETTE LIFE November 9, 1928 News · o¥ the North Shore Qubs IllinoisVoters Women to Meet Eighth Annual Convention of Statt Leagot Held in Moline Novrmbtr 13-15 For the eighth time, the Illinois League of Women Voters will meet in convention. This year t.he members go to Moline, Ill., November 13-15. As becomes women voters, the pro. gram announced deals largely_ with public affairs ao.d the P!eparatt<?~ of Jea&Ue members for at:ttve partiCipation. Miss Bertha C. Btdwell of Freeport, the state president, .will be ~he chief leader of the conventiOn. Assisting her will be the chairmen of the league's departments and committeesMrs. Wiliiam G. Hibbard of Winnetka, chairman of the department of international co-operation to prevent war; Mrs. B. G. Jamieson of Hollywood, chairman of the department of efficiency in government; Mrs. Alfred D. Kohn of Chicago, chairman of the committee on child welfare; Mrs. Dow Harvey of Macomb, formerly of Winnetka, chairman of the committee on education; Mrs. W. Norman Graham of Chicago, chairman of the committe.e on living costs; Mrs. May Wood-Stmons ·of Evanston, chairman of the committee on citi~enship training; Dr. Rachelle S. Yarros of Chicago, chairman of the committee on social hygiene; Mrs. George Curtis of Chicago, chairman of the committee on legal status of women ; and Mrs. E. W. Morehouse of Winnetka, chairman of the committee on women in industry. Charles P. Taft, Jr. of Cincinnati, county attorney of Hamilton county, Ohio, will give one of the outstanding addresses of the convention on November 13, at the convention dinner. His subject will be-"The New Political Conscience." Mrs .. Roscoe Anderson of St. Louis, vice-president of the National League of Women Voters, will speak at luncheon on November 14, on "The League's Sense of Responsibility." M. V. O'Shea, professor of education at the University of Wisconsin, will be the main speaker on the evening of November 14, in a program devoted to public schools. His subject will -be "What Should a State School System Be?" The meeting will be in . charge of Mrs. Dow Harvey. The closing luncheon of the convention will be a discussion of the Multilateral treaty to renounce war Jed by Mrs. James W. Morrisson and Miss Mary McDowell of Chicago. The main business of the convention will be the adoption of the league's plan of work ..Jn.d legislative program for the coming year. Among the subjects which will he discussed will be ballot changes for Illinois, child health proposals, eight-hour day for women workers, women on juries, larger state school distributive fund, civil service, and other subjects of current importance. The convention is being entertained by the Rock Island County League of Women Voters, Mrs. Harold A. Weld, president. Mrs. Ellsworth Livingston of Moline is chairman of convention arrangements. Mrs. Charles D. Wiman will entertain the state board and local league presidents at dinner at her home "Overlook" on Monday evening, November 12. Women are coming to the conventio~ from all over the state: Several bus loads will go from Chtcago and vicinity. Amo. ng the women who will attend I Clubs Are to Send HNeighbors" Enjoy Christmas Baskets I !.---~-----__, · to Vets, Families · Papers on Lincoln Speaks at Club Last Monday a men of the ex-serv1ce mens commlttees of the clubs of the Tenth C?ngressional district, Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, was held at ~reat Lakes. At that tim~· each cha1rma~ was asked how many war !etera!ls families her club would provtde wtth Christmas baskets. . The plan this year· i3 .for club~ m the north section of the ctty and t~s ~~r rounding villages to care !or f~mthes on the north side. Anyone m W tlmette wishing to contribute a Christmas basket for a family of a World . w~r sufferer is asked to phone Mrs. \V 11lis H. Hutson,· chairman of the e~ service committee of the Woman s club of Vvilmette, at Wilmette 1447, or Mrs. A. J. Nystrom, Wilmette 1790. Monday was Tenth D~strict day, and during the ~11-day ses~t«?n each ward in the hospttal was vtstted by some group of woinen of the district. The committee from the Woman's club of Wilmette and the Kenilworth Neighbors gave a party for ~ne of .the wards of the U. S. Veterans hospttal, 105 the psychopathic hospital. These co~mittees provided refreshments and played games with the men from 2 until 3 in the afternoon. .. m~eting of, the cha!r- Art, Literature Depa~tments Meet for Talks on Btography, Recent Exhibit Ellery Walter, gay young adventurer, recounted the tale of his thrilling experie'nc~s o.n his round-the-world on-one-leg journey to members of the Woman's club of Wilmette Wednesday afternoon. His book, "The World on One Leg," has been published recently. Tenth Dtstttct Prestdents Guests of Honor at Club Presidents of the clubs of the Tenth district, Illinois Federation of V'fomen.'s clubs, will be guests of the Frtends m Council of Evansto.n a~ the n~xt meeting of that orgamzatton Frtday, November 9, at the Orrington. Luncheon will be ser':ed at 12:30 o'clock, an~ the prog,ram wtll follow at 2. Mrs. Lewis A. Peck will be in charge of the exhibit of heirlooms by club members. Included among the speakers will be Mrs. John F. Gilchrist, who will read a paper on "The First Thanksgiving," a.nd Mrs. L. Brackett Bishop and Mrs. A. H. Veeder, Jr. · · · . . Catholtc Club la Havtng Fine Arts Program TodafJ N ol)ember Sewing at Club Benefits Infant Welfare The Infant Welfare is benefiting by the sewing done at the Wilmette Woman's club during November. Mrs. Paul Roche is chairman thi'.; month, assisted by Mrs. Roger Williams, Mrs. James Elder, Mrs. Emmett Powers, and Mrs. Fn·d Parry. Friday, November 16, is .the next sewing day at the club. It 1s for all women of the village and is held under the auspices of the philanthropy department of the Woman's club of Wilmette. W~rk commences at 10 o'clock and lasts until late afternoon. Luncheon is served at 12 :30 o'clock. the eighth annual conventio.n of t?e Illinois League are the followmg: MJss Bertha C. Bidwell of Freeport, Mrs. D. M. Courson of Waukegan, M~s. William Griffith of East St. Lo!-us, Mrs. Gaius Paddock of Edwardsvtlle, Mrs. G. K. Worden of Alton, Mrs. Paul Colp of Marion, Mrs. A. M. Ferry of Winnetka, Mrs. E. C. Hayes and Mrs. R. E. Hieronymus of Urbana, Mrs. Dow Harvey of Macomb, M~s. Arthur Smith of Peoria, Mrs. Lee Ltttleford of Downers Grove, Mrs. W. R. Stephens and Mrs. James Fyfe of Oak Park, Mrs. B. G. Jamieson of Hollywood, Mrs. May Wood-Simons of Evanston, Miss Nettie Baumann, Mrs. Eric W. Stubbs and Mrs. A. P. Anderson of Chicago. This afternoon at 2 o'clock, the fine arts committee -of the Woman's Cathotic club of Wilmette will present a program at the. home of Mrs. W. P. Seng, 401 Lake avenue,. at 2 o'clock. Mrs. WH1.!9m _F.itzpatrtck, Mrs. A.rthur McMillan, Mrs. George Schtlbach, Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, Mr.s. Henry Prosser, Mrs. Roy Hackett, and Mrs. Thomas Kullman (Rosamond Bar~on) will give a walking rehearsal of two one-act French plays. . . , A talk on "F~ench lmpresstoms.ts by Mi~s Jane Keefe, a French re~dmg by Mrs. Clifton Walk~r, a~d mus1c .of the corresponding peraod wtll compnse the remainder of the program. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. B. W. Lynch, Mrs. James F. Byrn~s., and members of the fine arts comnut- Mrs. Felix Levy Next tee, Mrs. Frank Thale, Mrs. M. B. Speaker for Sisterhood Morris, Mrs. A. F. Adams, Mrs. M. Kearney, Mrs. H. Lombard, Mrs. B. The members of the North Shore M. Lupton, Mrs. Charles Broad, and Congregation Israel will hear Mrs. Mrs. A. L. Mey~r. Felix Levy give a talk at the next monthly meeting of the North Shore Congregational Israel Sisterhood WedFood Sale Tomorrow nesday, November 21. The committee Tomorrow Schultz and Nord's will in charge is arranging a splendid probe the locale for a food sale sponsore9 gram. · by the ways and means committee of Miss Lorraine Silber and Miss Betty the Woman's Catholic club of Wil- Louise Younkers will provide the mette. The committee will receive do- music. Both are accomplished violinists. nations of food including bakery goods, As usual, the members will come in canned goods, jellies, pickles, and an.y the morning to sew. other foods. Mrs. Samuel Moore ts chairman, with M,rs. John H. Down~y, OPERA LECTURE' MONDAY Mrs. William J. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. RobTina Mae Haines, who again this ert Fontham, Mrs. John J. Janette, season is giving a series of lectures in Mrs. F. Joe Koza, Mrs. William F. the music course offered by the music Kripes, Mrs. G. Wallace Moore, Mrs. department of the Woman's club of J. J. Tracy, Mrs. Arthur Wernecki, Wilmette, wilt lecture Monday afterand Mrs. Frank Wedger, the mempers noon, November 12, at 2 o'clock. At of her COlJlmittee. this time she will discuss French and German operas. The art and literature department of the Kenilworth Neighbors met on Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. E. John Hicks on Melrose avenue. Mrs. William Moulton ~nd ~rs. Joseph White gave most mterestt!lg and studied papers on the recent btography, "AbrahaJ? Lincol~," .by Senator Albert Bevertdge. Tht.s 1s a carefully worked-ou~, authentic, encyclopedic type of b10graphy and a great addition to modern hterature. At the same hour in Evanston, the departme~t of literature of the Evanston Women s club was considering Carl Sandburg's "Prairie Years." Mrs. E. D. Snydacker gave a rep<;>rt of the recent exhibit at th~ . Art mstitute of Chicago. ~h~ exhtbtt sho.ws a decidedly modernistic mfluence whtch in many cases is often misunderstood, disliked, or disproved of by the layman but Mrs. Snydacker spoke of the best, and is, herself, a lover of the modern in art. . It was a well attended meeting and the members ·ar:e enjoying the plan of the chairman who presents at each meeting a report aRd an informal talk about some current art exhibit and a · review of -some recent book. The next regular meeting of the Neighbors will occur Tuesday afternoon at the regular hour in the Kenilworth Assembly hall. Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, chairman of the philanthrophy department has charge of the program. She presents Prof. Arthur j. Todd of the sociological department of Northwestern university in place of Dr. Rachell Yarros, as scheduled. Dr. Yarros is out of the cjty. Professor Todd needs very little, if any, introduction to Kenilworth or Evanston Hardin Van Deursen, who has been heard in Kenilworth a number of times much to the satisfaction of his listeners, will give some of his delightful songs. Pianist Thrills Audience Andre Skalski was the artist giving the recital at the recent meeting of the North Shore Congregation Israel Sisterhood. His brilliant playing held his audience thrilled and spellbound . . At the tea following Mr. Skalski's program, Dr. and Mrs. Louis Kopald were the guests of honor. EX-SERVICE' GROUP MEETING The next regular meeting of the exservice committee of the Woman's club of Wilmette will be held MondaY., November 12, at the home of Mrs. ·H. 0. Weishaar, 1331 Chestnut avenue, beginning at 11 o'clock. Luncheon will be ser..yed by the hostess.

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