Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1928, p. 63

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~ ~ ~~ : .- ~==========~~~~==========~======== tl =====·~~ SIT. WTD,-MALE .t FEMALE 87 FOR RENT-APTS. RELIABLE COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR FOR RENT-2 R.OOM KITCHENETTE houseman, cook or maid, University apartment, ·steam heat, janitor !-lervlce. 5061. 62LTN7-ltp near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-ttc IS FOR RENT-ROOMS 68 FOR RENT-FURN, APTS, FURNISHED .ROOM FOR 2 ADULT~ employed : light and pleasant : hot and FURNISHED KITCHENETTE APARTcold running water. Phone Wil. 42!l7 ment, also furnished rooms. Ph. Wil66L25-tfp ""'"t·, ?."Qq "r ~~4!l. 68LTN7-tfc November 9, 19~-- . . W 1 L M E T T E L 1p E 77 63 - FOR SALE-HOUSES FOR SALE-HOUSES IB3&ibrcdl & W ~lfiiD<elfS>~ . lE:%~llUll~llW<e (())~~telfllilll ~~ IN LINCOLNWOOD \VINNETKA'S BEST BlJY ARTISTIC BUFF BRICK RESIDENCE, tile roof, 4 large bedrooms, 2 colored tile baths, breakfast room ; paneled dining room; living room 15x30. Electric refrigeration, Har~ing oil burner ; attached garage, large well landscaped lot. An unusual value at $28,000. FOR RENT-SUNNY FRONT ROOM 69 FOR RENT-HOUSES to young woman employed, teacher, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - or students. $6. Phone Winnetka 2786. FOR RENT-ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM 66LT7-ltc bungalow, hot water heat, all large THIS FRENCH COLONIAL HOME with nine rooms and three baths. Rooms light rooms, garage, large well wooded ROOM- TWIN BEDS, PRIVATE BATH, lot. $115 per month. are generously proportioned and wellgarage in Hubbard Woods. Ph . Winarranged. Bedrooms are large and pronetka 2988. 66LTN7-ltc vide proper ventilation. Attached heated :> JTil o garage. The spacious grounds, as well as the proximity of ~pl e ndid schools, LARGE RM., PRIVATE BATH,· GAR., 340 Linden Ave. Wilmdte 68 near tra nsp. Ph. Winnetka 154~. make this home a fitting environment 69L7-ltc 66LTN7-ltc for growing children. THE PRICE IS $32,500 PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR 1 OR '< ROOM STONE HOUSE: 2 BATHS: 2 adults. 731 lOth st., Wilm ette. $100. 730 Center St. T£>1. Winn. 1530. 66LT7 -2tc 69LTN 4-tfc _F_O_R __ R_E_N_T--3-L-IG_H_T_ ·_H_O_U_S-EKEEP=' 70 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES ADJACENT TO THE HOMES OF SOME of the most distinguished citizens-this ing rooms with garage priv. Ph. Wil- FOR RENT- DEC. 1 TO MAY 1. BEAUcharming home with spa cious and caremette 849. 66L7-ltc tifully furnished home. 5 bedrooms, 3 fully plann~d interior. Two-storY living room with rich fixtures hung from baths. Rent very reasonable. Phone 2 FURN. PLEASANT ROOMS. IN cathedral type ceiling- in addition there Highland Park 2993. 7()LTN7-ltc private home., kit. priv. if desired . are a dining room, kitchen and maid's Prot. Glencoe 976. 66LTN7-ltc room and bath on first floor. Two bed72 FOR RENT-GARAGES rooms and bath on second. Gas heat. FOR RENT-ROOMS. NEAR TRANR- GARAGE-NEAR 11TH ST. ENTRANCE Attached l-ear garage. portation. 220 Wood Ct. Ph. WilmettP and driveway direct from Lake Ave. THE PRICE IS $33,000 2248 after 4 P. M. 66L7-4tc> Ph. Wilmette 20 4. 72L7-ltp CROSBY & Mci<ENDRY 566 Center St. · Winnetka 2033 77LTN7-ltc ~. MoJJ@1ffi liil~ttcw & CC© W .\ NT .I<~D TO RENT-HOUSES S9 _M_O_D_E_R-,..-,,--H-.O-U_S_E-,--B-E-TW--E-EN EV_ ..... ~toston & Highland Pk. Must have 3 or more bedrms. Occupancy Dec. 1. TPI. Glenc. 422. 89I.T~7-ltc ANTIQUES 9-9---------------ANTIQUES! ANTIQUES! CENTRAL EVANSTON ~- ----------------------------CHERRY BED COMPLETE WITH Antique furniture, Penna. Dutch corner cupboards and sideboards, set of 8 Chippendale chairs-table to match, sewing tables in cherry, curly maple and mahogany, Governor Winthrop Inlaid desk. Sofas, chairs, old Statrordshire figures, colored goblets and brlca-brac. 808 WASHINGTON ST. (1 Block South of Main St.) Phone University 9890 EVANSTON 99LTN7-lt\. box springs and mattress, $100 ; matching chest, $75; shaving mirror, $10; Tel. Winn. 2572. 99LTN7-ltc 67 FOR RENT-APTS. 73 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES EVANSTON ESTATE Evanston Aparttnents 9H Sherman Ave., 1 rm. and ln-a-dor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.50 943 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. and fn-a-dor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 1320 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. and in-a-dor . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 57.50 520 Lee St., 3 rms, and ln-a-dor . 70.00 2204 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . 72.50 2249 Ridge Ave., 3 rms., elec. refr . . 72.50 2114 Sherman Ave., 3 rms., nr. ... .. .... .. . . ..... 75.00 N. U. . . 804 Seward St., 4 rms., newly dec . 72.50 729 Seward St., 4 rms. and in-a-dor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 1315 Oak Ave .. 4 rms. . . ........... 80.00 902 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. and sun par. . ... . .. .. .. ... .... . ..... 80.00 2251 Ridge Ave., 4 rms., elec refr .. 82.50 2118 Sherman Ave., 4 rms., 2 bedrms. . . ................. . 90.00 701 Emerson St., 4 rms. and sun par. . . . .. ........ . ..... ... 90.00 1617 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. and sun par. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 1114 Maple Ave., 4 rms., and elec. refr. . .... .... .. . ... .. . . . . 100.00 830 Gaffield Pl., 5 rms.. duplex . . 75.00 2020 Shc::rman Ave., 5 rms. . . . . . . . 80.00 727 Seward St., 5 rms., front apt . . 85.00 800 Seward St., 5 rms. and sun par. 85.00 811 Simpson St.. 5 rms. and sun par. . . . . . . . . . ......... . .. 100.00 1014 Main St .· 5 rms., elec. refr . . . 105.00 1125 Davis St., 5 rms. and sun par 110.00 1311 Oak Ave., 5 rms., front apt. . . 115.00 2002 Harrison St., 5 rms., elec r efr. 130.00 1009 Grove St., 6 rms., newly dec . . 110.00 820 Hinman Ave., 6 rms., 3 apt. hldg. . .. . . . . .. ............ ' ...... 120.00 845 .Hidge Ave., 6 rms., elec. refr . . 1ao.oo 1615 Ridg·e Ave., 6 rms., 2 baths ... 165.00 STORE OR OFFICE IN LINDEN CREST Building. Suitable for small shop . or pro(essional man. 24x13. Low rent. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Wilmette 460 73LTN7-tfc LAHG.E SECOND FLOOR CORNER office, suitable for real eetate, doctor or dentist. Wlll divide. Franklin Bldg. Elm & Center Sts., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 382. 73LTN51-tfrLinden Ave. LOVELY HOME SET ON ALMOST half an acre of ground, within block of the lake. Eleven spacious rooms-four 100 FOB S :\LE-HSEHOLD. GOODS master chambers and three master baths. Two servants' bedrooms and CABINET GAS RANGE-2 LARGE ovens-broiler & warming oven. Floor bath. 2-car garage with living quarspace 21x451h in. Perf.e ct condition. ters above. H. W. heat-oil burner. ·.rei. Winn. 883 after 6 P. M. Sunday for Beautifully landscaped grounds with appointment. 100LTN7-ltc lovely rock garden. An inspection of these premises will prove a real deFOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINE light. condition-good tone. Ph. Glencoe 346 PRICE LOWERED TO $115,000 before :l P. M. 100LTN7-ltp ON NORTH SHORE 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GD$. OFFICE FOR RENT-LARGE SPACE on main floor, desirable locatloP. 22%x171f.z. Tenant can sublet space. Ph. Winnetka 201. 73LTN4-tfc THE BEST RESTAURANT LOCATION on Waukegan Rd., in Deerfield. Room is 141;~ by 55 ft. deep. Call Vant and Selig, Ph. Deerfield l!l5. 73LTN7-ltc 77 }'OR SALE-HOUSES ----------------- ,. r OVERLOOKING THE GROUNDS OF A WANTED TO BUY - SECUN LJ-HAND prominent golf club-this excellentlyfurniture and other household goods. constructed nine room home. Large Highest prices for same. Crost Furniand attractive living room, library, ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evdining room, kitchen, lavatory and :tn~ton. Tll Ph. Unfv. 189. 101LTN48-tfc screened porch. Second floor has four master bedrooms and three baths, as 102 FOR SALE-MISC. well as two servants' rooms and bath. Third floor has ample space for billiard BLACK VELVET EVENING GOWN; room, storage or c hauffeur's quarters. silk jersey dresses ; silk blouses ; tweed 4-car garage. suit; misses coat, size 16-18. Tel. Winn. 2208. 102LTN7-ltp $160,000 IS THE PRICE FOR SALE-BOY'S OVERCOAT, " size 12, also child's large velocipede and sidewalk bicycle: Ph. Wilmette 3287. 102L7-ltc FOR SALE-TUXEDO SUIT FOR BOY 17 years. Good as new, outgrown, $16; cos t $50. Ph. Winnetka 820. 102LTN7-ltc OLD VIRGINIA STYLE FRUIT CAKE, 85 cents a pound; sample furnished on request. Address Mrs. Melvin Humphrey, Keswick, Virginia. 102L7-ltp FOR SALE-BOY'S · COAT, SIZE 14, black fur like new. Ph. Wilmette 2868. · 102L7-ltc SIMMONS TWIN BEDS; MAHOGANY fernery ; dt·ess form. Tel. Winn. 2572. 102LTN7-ltc ~RESSES, Real Safe Investtnents $3,700 CASH - $4,000 TERMS- BUYS deep, beautifully wooded lot on high Greenleaf 1855 ground convenient to Elm Str·eet Sta- 528 Davis St. tion, Winnetka. Nothing left like it 77LTN 7-1tc under $5,000. ----------------W ell built 7 room residence : immense sun porch; hot wate r oil heat; just Craftexed ; garage ; 85 foot lot ; choice east section; $17,000. Buy lik e rent brand ne w Eng-lh;h :-;t0ne r e!'iidence : spacious livinA" room: i l" t-! tlrooms : 3 baths ; attn ched garage ; OF BUSINESS, OWNER beautifully landscaped grounds: $26,500. BECAUSE must move to South Side. English brick home, 7 rms., 4 bedrms., .2 tile baths, 1 bedrm., 24x18, has Vltulted 720 Elm St., Winnetka, Ph. Winn e tka 254 ceiling. Canvased walls throughout; 77LTN7-ltc wooded lot, oil burner, 2 car garage. Reduced for immediate sale. Chance to buy a little home you may (ellf have already admired in passing ; a delightfully cozy-looking 7 rJTI., shingle TWO LARGE HOUSES, EACH 10 RMS., residence with roof lines blending har6 bedrms. and music rm., screened moniously with charming well shrubbed porches, 3-car garages ; lots corner grounds. Big screened porch opening 47¥.zx199, inside 50xl99. An excellent on quiet garden. Oil burner. Vapor location with re-zoning possibilities. heat. Price $22,500. Own~rs of these two homes are out of the city and prices have been reduced to $17,000 and $18,000. Down payment (Q) liD and terms to suit purchaser. Properties are located in Central Evanston. 1 blk. W. of Ridge Ave. See us for 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winnetka ·1617 further details. 77LTN 7-1tc ---------------- Iffi ~lf ~ te1lllTil Srnmte11fft & CGcwll®®S) llliil~o HEINSEN REALTY CO. 1564 SHERMAN AVE. UNIVERSITY 285 67LTN7-ltc LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 4 AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-arrangt!d apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, ~ne shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. IE w~llll~ tt© liil IE ~ te1n Im~ GEORGETTE, VELVET, silk, tweed, sizes 16-18, prices $3-$15; Tel. Winn. 2572. 102LTN7-ltc IHI UK ta1.IID~© lTil & JJ<e ilK~ B;.tOWN ULSTER WINTER COAT, size 40. Worn once, $25. 337 Sheridan rd .. Winnetka. 102LTN7-ltc 103 WTD. TO BUY-MISC. WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave. Wllmette; 103LTN48-tfp 67LTN2-tfc ,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. JEJE:o§fcDJlllb~®~ll1tyCC© 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 46U _____ _ 1108 Davis St. University 80RO 77L7-ltc Share in the Community's Prosperity lliiD cdlii ~liD IHl nnn $3,500 CASH 7 ROOM HOME, 4 BEDROOMS, .2 baths, breakfast nook, hot water 011 heat. Garage attached; two bloclcs from steam and electric st:;ttions. Immediate possession. Will consider vacant as part payment. AIPJ!\lfftmm<eiiDfc~ ATTRACTIVE 2-3-4 RM. APARTments, light and airy rooms of good size and arrangements, convenient to schools and transportation. SMI1"'H & 736 Elm St. BRO\VN~ INC. EolE:o§ft.unllbJR<e&llfty(C(Q) 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 14~ 77LTN7-1tc Wonderful Opportunity Winnetka lS00-01 67LTN7-ltc TO SECURE A CHOICE N. E. LOCAtion, with house sui.table for remodeling at little above land value. Priced 4 RM. APT. WITH GAR.; AJJL IM· $25,000. For particulars see provements. Reas. '.rei. Glencoe 331 67LTN7 -ltp IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THE NORTH Shore will eontlnue to grow during the next ten, fifteen or twenty years-that well-situated real estate will increase in value-that the demand for homes, business space and the like wiU continueWhy not invest a portion of your income in a way that will permit it to grow with the community? Smart & Golee First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds are issued in convenient denominations for the selection of every conservative investor, large or small. Descriptive leaflets concerning attractive current o1ferings may be had on reque~t. HILL & STONE §m~Irtt & G(Q)ll<e~ S> llliil<eo f ROOM HEATED Kenilworth 4on. FLAT $60. PH. 545 Lincoln Ave. 67LTN7-ltc Winnetka 1544 77LTN7-ltc 1564 Sherman Ave. PROPOSAL Bids will be received by the Secretary of School District No. 40, at School House, Wilmette Avenue, West of Ridge, at 7 :00 P. M., November 19th, 1928, for: Install 6 in. sewer line from riser in parkway into building; 1 in. extra heavy lead water ~ervlce ; 1 ln. tap ; % ln. water meter. 5-K-6043EF water closets ; 1-K3215A-36 in. Urinal; 1-K332P-18"x24* lavatory; 2-K959G drinking fountains. Install present sink in boys' toilet room, furnish two faucets and traps for same. Install 1-30 gallon water tank In basement. · The above fixtures have been selected from Kohler Catalogue. The Secretary of School District No. 40 reserves the right to reject any and all bids. GLEN R. lANSON, Secretary School District University 286 No. 40 77LTN7-ltc L7-ltc

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