Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1928, p. 12

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Publiahed weekly by tht achool cbildrtn o1 Wilmtttt under aupervision of Wilmettt Pl(lflground and Recreation Board. VOL I NO 41 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 16, 1928 WHO'S WHO IN STOLP SCHOOL Teachers Miss Perring-Grammar, CompositJon ; Miss Chase-Social Science, Writing; Miss Davis - Literature, Spelling; Mrs. Vernon-Social Science; Miss Gavon-Librarian: Miss Stevens-General Science : Mrs. Cla-rk -Music; Miss Wyman-Arithmetic: Mrs. .Jones-Art, Grammar ; Miss Hayes-Principal. om~ers Monday, October 29, the Girl Scouts had a Hallowe'en party in the Methodist church. The party began at 7 and ended at 8 :30 o'clock. We all wore masks and were dressed up. Miss Humphries told us to line up and hold hands. Then the leader told The Wilmette Heavyweight footbaH us to follow her and not to talk. She team has played three games, two with led us up some stairs and into a large Haven anq one with Boltwood. room. The chairs were put zig-zag and The first game with Haven was a 12our leader led us up and down the aisles and if you fell someone else would fall 12 tie, neither team being a!lle to score after the touchdowns. Th e second game in front or in back of you. Then she led us down a very steep was with Boltwood. This game was a and winding stairway. Finally you walkaway for Boltwood, the score being reached the bottom and were very glad 26-6. Cecil \\iilliams, \Vilmette's right of it. Then we lined up and went to a halfback, made our lone touchdown by booth to have our fortunes told. Then a 5-yard run. H e had good interference One fine day last week, Marjorie Jane we formed a large circle and had our from Arthur Kramer and Charles Knapp. Hecht and Juliette Rusnak visited the refreshments, while Miss Humphries told The fourth and last game is to be us a ghost story.-Ruth Anderson, 7A played at Boltwood, November 9.-ChesWilmette Telephone company. We asked if we might -be shown around Stolp t er Hanson, 8A Stolp and have their system explained to us. An operator very nicely said she would show us around. Fir~t !'lhe took us to the switchboard where thE>Y take local calls. Th<>~' have little yellow slips of papt-r 011 which they write down the Wilmette Light::; football played against Fall is the time to plant spring bulbs numbt:-r (':tlit'd who it's from, remarks, Kenilworth Monday, November 5. The and lt·ng-th of time you talk . ~core was 8 to 0 in K enilworth's favor: such a s hyacinth~. daffodils, and tulips. Next wr went to the Information desk . The game wa~ very E:'Xdting and nothing We planted many of th ese. In a few She had many books that she looks up was scored until the last half. A touch- days we will cover thf:' m with a warm blanket of dry leaves. Our bulbs will the · numh<> rl'. After we had seen In- down- was made by the ball hittinl! In the spring they formation's desk we went to the coin man on our team and then rolling baC'k sleep all winter. Then I switchboard where the operator receives of the goal. The touchdown was made will grow through the snow. ca11s from public telephont>s. On her by Howard Jordan of Kenilworth, thei· ·will pkk a bunch and hring- thf'm to board are levers which she uses to dP- ~ tar fullback and captain. There was a Mrs. Burtner.-Paul Culli<.:kson, Third posit or r eturn tht> money. To d epo:-;it pass for the extra point but it was in- Grade, Central the money ~he pushes the l<>ver toward complete. The Wilmette Lights agret> her. To return ll ~he pushes It from her. the Kenilworth gang is a bunch of good C'oming out we uoticed a desk on which sports.-G_eor:ge Fackt, 8A Stolp man~· of th P .·n m P ~·f'11ow ~lips W <' had seen before. They are separated so that at the end c.f the month eYery call that has The Wilmette Peewees have had very been (·ompl(·te is made out to the proper good lu ~.: k in . football. Their scores are number. charged and sent to them on as follows: their bill. Wilmette 0, Haven 0; Wilmette 0, The Wilmette Grammar school football The visit proved interesting. We de- Peewees defeated Kenilworth Peewees on Kenilworth 0: Wilmette 0, Boltwood 0; Cided to be more patient with our oper- Kenilworth grounds 6 to 0 last Monday. Wilmette 0, Haven 6; Wilmette 6, Kenilators when we saw how many difficulties Novembe1· 5. The lone touchdown was worth ·o. t.here are In calling one number.- Mar- made in thE> first seven plays by Verhalen. We hope that they will win their next jorie Jane Hecht and Juliette Rusnak. The "·ilmette lineup was a~ follows: game with Bolt\Vood.-Roger Fridman, Howard. ' Holtz, L. E. ; Booz r, L. T. ; Maxwell, 8AStolp L .. G.; Hermanson, C . ; Young, R. G.: HOOVER WINS! ~pecht. R. T.; Steen. R. E.; Towle~. The three sixth grades of C0ntral e Or Q. B.; Stackhouse, L. H.; Verhalen, R H . : O'Neill, F. B.--Dick steen, SA school, Mr~. .Julian's, Miss JohanHen's, and Miss Scott's rooms, all voted for Howard. president. Friday afternoon, October 26, there In Miss Scott's room there were 25 for was a le~ture given about "The Cellar THE BIRD Hoover and four for Smith. In Mrs. of the· World." There was an after- A little bird who likes to sing, noon performance at 3:30 o'clock and At bed time hideH his head beneath his Julian's room there were 28 for Hoover another at 8 o'clock. wing, · 'and :{ for Smith. In Miss Johansen's room there were 26 for Hoover and 2 for The lecturer ·first talked all about the He goes to bed like a good little bird different ca \' s and how they were · di!"- And then he ne\'er says a single word, Smith. Mr. Hoover won in all the three Mary Ella Waidner, Mrs. Julian's covered. He then showed moving pic- And when he gets up he drinks his milk rooms.room. tures of them. It Is very hard to take from his acorn cup, pictures underneath the ground and it Then he sings a pretty song all the whole KICKBALL CHAl\fPS Is dark and they ha\'e to take a light day long. Wednesday night, November 7, the 8A along with them. - Helen Barry, St. Frances Xavier, girls played theh· last kickball game this The pictures "howed people with a Grade 2 season. with the 8B girls of Howard. The torch to light the cave up.· It sho\\'E:'d game was played in the gym due to bad the opening to the caYe where you go in WI~ P. T. A. A WAllD weather. The score was 48 to 26 in the and In one place It showed where the For the first time BB class of Howard 8A's favor. It was a close game in the people are in a boat and they came to ~chool won the award for returning the beginning but in the end SA won. The a place 80 small that they had to be P. T. A. slips first. Mrs. Stalling, the 8A girls have won every kickball game down in the boat and paddle with their tfln<'hflr. want~ to buy a fern so a fern ,t his season.-Dorothy Vollman, 8A Howbanda.-PhyJlls CarlP.ton. 7A St.olp It will be.-Lee Blaylock, 8B Howard. ard. Our room, 8B Stolp, went to the Art Institute November 5. We left the Wifmette station on a special North Shore train about 12:54. We had an uneventful tr.Jp and at 1 :45 o'clock arrived at the Adams street station. We left our train there and walked In couples to the Art Institute. We waited there about five minutes and then our guide, Miss Upton, told us to take off our wraps and take a camp stool. . We went to the same room that we went to last year and reviewed what we had studied the year before. We remember that most of the pictures of the middle ages were well balanced by ha ving the center of Interest in the center and by having the smaUer and less important people on the side. We also remember that most of the pictures were of the Christian religion due to the lack of books and people who could read them. The pictures were used to teJI Bible stories. We found that the perspective In the pictures was poor and they used too much detail. · We then went to the Hutcheson gallery and Miss Upton asked us questions and we answered them. Miss Upton told us that Da Viney was the first painter to paint babies correctly but that the painters we were to study were Northern painters who came 100 years later· than Da Viney. Van Dyke we were told was a Dutchman who painted very realistic babies. We also found that his shadowing was good. We then studied other pictures and went downstairs about 3 :30 o'clock to get our wr11ps. We took the 3 :45 ~pe cial train home and got home about 4 :15 o'clock.-Willfam H. Klein, 8D Stolp Stolp 8th Grade 7th Graders Make Study. of Architectural Works ,Pupils Make Trip Friday, November 2, Howard 7B went to the Art Institute for the first time this to A rt.lnstitute year. We took a car at the Wilmette avenue station at ten minutes of one and from there we rode down to Adams street and walked the one block to the Art Institute. After we had taken our wraps to the cloak room, we foJlowed Miss Upton to a room that had quite a bit of Gothic and Roman architecture. We listened intently while Miss Upton explained about the great massive church front that was in l'ront of us. She explained how several sculptors worked on this church and how their different Ideals of architecture was modeled out on tqe wall. This church was made over in Europe for the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893. We saw many other interesting designs of the Roman and Gothic architecture. When we had finished, Miss Upton com: plimented us on our good conduct and sensible que~tions. \Ve were very surprised, too, when we found it was 3:30. because the time had gone so quickly. We then went to the cloak room and got our wraps.-Enid Henderson, 7B Howard. Views of Hawaii Presented Before 8th Grade Pupils Last Tuesday we had a very interesting assembly. Mr. Alva Janes showed us some pictures from the Hawaiian Islands. The pictures were colored. Some of the pictures he had taken himself and that made it all the more interesting to us. The pictures gave us a very good idea of the life on these islands and the side the visitor sees when they go there. These islands have only been civilized 72 years. There was one old lady who was 87 years old when Mr. Janes was there two years ago and so she was a cannibal fifteen years of her life and lived on the flesh of her own people. He showed a picture of her and she certainly looked queer. He showed many other pictures of the people who live ov the islands. A certain kind of these people look alike or rather the boys and the girls look alike. Their hair sticks right out from their heads and it can't be made to stay down. We saw pictures of their houses and the materials they are made from. We learned about the trees and such things that grow on on the land and what a different country it is from ours. We saw pictures of the only active volcano. There were pictures of it before it went into action ·and pictures of it when it was in action. Mr. Janes said it was about 300 or 400 feet deep and more than 200 feet long. He went down in it when he was there. Mr. Janes did not have time to finish showing us all the pictures before the bell rang. He showed us a few more until about ten minutes after 1 o'clock -Beth Mcllraith, 8A Stolp Girl Scouts Enjoy Own · Hallowe'en Festivities 8A: Janet . McNulty, president : Frances Ellis, vice president ; Donald Briggs, secretary ; Angus Stevens, · treasurer. 8B : Glenn Roberts, president ; Marjorie Houghton, vice president ; Robert Hewitt, secretary; Margaret Hughe~ treasurer. 8C: Ned Shapker, president; Miles McDonald, vice presideQt ; Dorothy Kimball, secretary; Helen Winslow, treasurer. 7A: Bill Bowen, president : Dick Hall, vice president; Eleanor Shapiro, secretary ; Ruth Anderson, treasurer. 7B: Chris White, president: Courtney White, vice president : Md.l'J' .rtura, secretary: Regina Swirles, treasurer. iC : Marjorie Hecht, president ; Richard Preston, vice president ; Bernard Saxon, secretary : Frances McNulty, treasurer. 7D :John Bartholomew, president; Jack Alworth, vice president : Marguerite Curll, treasurer-secrf>tary. -Bob Werden, 8-\ Stolp Wilmette Griddera Drop Games to Evanston Squads Howard School Pair Visits Telephone Co. Offices in Wilmette Howard 7th Grade Grid Team Has Great Season Howard 7B had a successful footbal season. We won four games, lost two and tied one. Our games were as fol lows: 7A Stolp, 0-7B Howard, 6; 7A Howard, 0-7B Howard. 13; 7D Stolp, 0 7B Howard, 12; 7B Stolp, 0-7B Howard 12; St. Joseph, 29- 7B Howard, 0; 7C Stolp, 13-7B Howard, 6; St. Frances, 6 7B Howard, 6. Our lineup was : Donald CasseH, F. B.; Thorn e Edwards R. H.; Hem·y Hoffmeyer, L. H.; Fran! Christy, Q. B. ; Allen Roth, R. E. ; Walter Fo~lund, R. T.; John Brumbaugh, R. G. Alfred Brown, C.; Tom Lively, L. G. ·Edwin Horn. L. T.; Phil Hoelz, L. E. Frank Christy, 7B Howard. Kenilworth Grid Team Pupils Plant Many Bulbs Trims Wilmette Entry to Beautify Schoolyard Hears Interesting Lecture on England and Scotland Friday evening, November 9, I went down to Orchestra hall to hear Mr. New man's lecture on Scotland and Englnnd He showed us all through the principa cities of botn countries, among then Ed in burgh, Canterbury, and Glascow. He showed us many ca::;tles and ruins of other castles. Last week he showed us pictures of London, among them pictures of West minster Abbey, statues, paintings and other interesting things. He showed us the chair all the British Monarchs use as a throne.-Mary Finlayson, 8B Stolp. ·Wilmette Peewee Gridders Trim Kenilworth 6 to 0 Peewee Football Team Enjoys a Good Season "Cellar of th w ld" .ect for Lect ure I SubJ Robert Witnesses Auto Crash on Laurel Ave There was an automobile accident on the corner of Laurel and Seventh street. One of the cars was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled in. The other car was thrown up into the · bushes on the other side of the street. The car coming down Seventh did not have on 1ts lights. The only thing that saved the occupa~ts being killed was the wet slippery pavement. The accident hap pened about 5 :30 o'clock.-Robert Fletcher, SA Stolp WORK ON RECIPES Miss Perring our Composition teacher has given us a month to make a small notebook of recipes for the girls and diagrams for the boys. We have until November 15 to finish them. Miss PerrinJ:t assigned this October 15. It is a little hard but very interesting.-Ed Wittmann, SA Stolp ---------------- I ·

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