Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1928, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE November 16, 1928 News of .Interest to .the Church-Goers of Our Village the program and the refreshments. Members and friends are urged to be ·present. Sunday morning 'the Rev. George D. These meetings are worthwhile. Alllaon will preach on the "Curse of The Every-Member Canvass wlll be Cant." No American ever hated hypocrisy and insincerity more than the made Sunday afternoon, December 2. Every member of the church wlll b~ · givprophet Jeremiah. Hear this appeal for en an opportunity to pledge something reality In religion. to the upkeep of the church. Our budget for next year calls for an outlay of at At our fellowship meeting Wednesday least $4,200. evening, November 21, we continue our study on "The Spiritual lt{essages of the A 4 o'clock Vesper service will be held Poets" with Edwin Markham, America's Sunday afternoo~ November 25. It Is great Christian poet of today. the annual Thank Offering service of the Women's Missionary society. The chllBoys and girls like to attend church dren of the Sunday school are assisting services ·when sucb Interesting stories the society In a pageant in connection are told as our putor gives them each with the service. Thank-offering boxes Sunday mornlq...Tbe Nlghtwatchman's are to be turned in at this service. Sei'IDOJ)., Is the chlldren~s topic this week. ~ The Luther league of Unity Lutheran Tlae Baptist Young People's Union of church, Edgewater Beach, will be guests this·; church Is now organized on a com- of our league Sunday evening, November mls4fon plan. Every member Is assigne<J 25. The Rev. Paul C. White wUl be the' to one of four commissions and each speaker of the evening. Last Sunday evegro1Jp undertakes spe£ial goals for ning we were guests at Unity. TwentyachJevement during the year. The group nine of our people went down In five 1ea¥,rs are as follows: Service, Beulah auto loads and another load came later Lovell ; FeJJowshlp, Paul Redhead ; De- in the evening, making our total reprevotic;mal, Elizabeth Clark; and Steward- sentation thirty-three. A splendid eveshll\ Winifred Dingle. On Sunday eve- ning program was enjoyed by all. Much ning at 5 :30 our minister, the Rev. credit Is due our president, Wallace A. GE>orge D. Allison, will speak on "What Stark. the · Bible Means to Youth." There will be a question and answer period following. Any young peo~le Interested are cordially welcome. Sunday, November 18, wlll be theBeginning Monday, November 19, our twenty-f()urth Sunday after Trinity. church offtce will be open from 9 to 12, There 'vill be Holy Cpmmunion at 8 each day. Miss Louise Seipp, church A. M., Church schools and Bible classes secretary. will :t>e glad to cooperate in at 9 :45, ~ nd MClrning Prayer with address any way with various church organiza- at 11 o'clock. tions. · Today, Friday, the women of the AsTbe Sunday Evening club presents Dr. sociated Guilds will . meet in the Club Robert E. Speer, one of the best known House at 10 A. M., to sew for their sale ministers In the United States. As of work which is to be held Friday, Desecretary of the Presbyterian Board of cember 7. . All the help possible is needed Forei&n Missions since 1891, he has from the women of the parish to make visited the ChristlQ Missions in Persia, the sale a success. lndta,· China, Korea, Japan, South At the request of the presiding bishop A~trlca. the Philippines and Slam. He w tt moderator of the Presbyterian of the church the offering in all the c · i-ch In the United States In 1927 and Eoisconal churchel'i next Sunday mornis ~ a former president of the Federal Ing will be given to the Porto Rico and Cduncll of Churches of Christ in Ameri- Southern Florida Relief fund to reca. He fs the author" of many religious establish devastated homes and church books. institutions. .lmelle Ba/JII.SI W· Y. W. M. S. ; fourth Tuesday night, Mrs. L. K. Glllson, Mrs. H. R. Hitchcock, Friendly circle ; tlrst Thursday, Ladles· and Mrs. G. R. Harbaugh. Aid society; second Thursday, W. F. M. S.; third Thullsday, W. H. M. S. ;. The Wekeacafila Cam,R Fire Gll'ls will fourth Thursday, Division meetings. meet at the church at 3 :45. This list ts publtshed In the .hope th'at conftlcting engagements may be avoided Roosevelt Troop No. 2. Boy Scouts wUl as far as possible. meet at the chur9h at 7 :30 p. m. The pastor is to give an address on Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will also meet "Biography and Preaching" for the Postat the church at 7 :30 p. m. Graduate club. This is a group of ministers in the Rock River Conference who· Wednesday at 8 o'clock the regular meet from time to time for advanced Mid-week meeting wlll be held. "Per- study. sonal Prayer Life" will be the topic for further discussion. This church wlll co-operate in the an nual Thanksgiving service which will bt> Thursday the Boys' club will meet at held this year at the Baptist church at the church at 3 :45 p. m. 10 o'clock Thanksgiving morning. The Junior choir w111 hearsal at 4 p. m. meet for for rere· - St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue, telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111. ServiN's 24th Sunday after Trinity, 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible 9 :45 A. M. Fir~t ~e n· ice and sermon 11 A. M. SeC'ond service and sermon : classe~ The Senior choir will meet hearsal at 7 :30 p. m. St. Augustine,s Cburch Friday the Woman's Guild will hold its annual Bazaar in the church. Each Circle has charge of a booth in the bazaar . or some other part of the enterprise. There will be booths for hand painted and decorated boxes, trays and other articles, kitchen accessories, cushions, aprons, food, candy, soft drinks, and a general gift booth. There wUl, of course, be a grab-bag for the boys and girls. Coffee and sandwiches will be served at noon and a dinner will be served in the evening at 6 :30. "The Last Go~pel gin'n by our Savior." 4: 1Jectlugs Jill ethodist C burch Following the Corner Stone Laying of last Sunday morning, the church resumes its regular schedule of activities. This brief but significant ceremony brought out the largest attendance that has been present at the church and school for many, many months. The building has now progressed so far that the various organizations and activities can locate the portion of the structure which will be assigned to · them. Monday and Friday at children Monday at 7 :30: Choir Wednesday at 7 :30: Boy Friday, Novemher 1C: league Classes fot~ r ehearsa l Scouts, Troop G. Junior WalthH Wednesday enning, Xovember 21, a meeting will he h eld of delegates and pastors of all the Lutheran churches comprising the North Shore Visitor's circuit. This meeting will take place at St. Paul's. Lutheran church, Niles Center, at 8 o'clock. Brief seven-minut addresses will be given by several of th<' delegates on topic.s r elating to organized church work. Link H, under the leadership of Mrs. A. Bremmer, wlll meet for a one o'clock luncheon Tuesday, November 20, at the home ot Mrs. S. P. Foster, 2421 Greenleaf street, Chicago. F. A. S. will meet at the home of Mrs, J. Kehl, 415 Maple avenue, at 5:30 SunDr. Robert E. Speer, last year's Modday afternoon. W. Wilson wll1 lead the erator of the Presbyterian church ot the J116etiJl&'. United States and former president of the Federal Council of Church'es of The Woman's class, of which Mrs. .\.. Christ In America, wlll be the speaker E. Gebert Is president, wlll meet Mon- next Sunday evening at 7 :30 at the Sunday evening at 7 :30 at the home of Mrs. day Evening club, in the auditorium of W. J. Weldon, 1~40 Greenwood avenue. the Congregational church. This claBS has organized and Intends to hold meetings the thlr4 Monday of every The rector represented the mintsters of month. Wilmette and the churches of the vlllage in extending their welcome to "the Rev. Link F, under the leadership of Mra. Vere V. Loper at the installation servA. E: Gebert, will meet for a 1 o'clock ices In the Congregational church Tuesluncheon at the home of Mrs. W. ~.... day night. Crawford, 1415 Gregory avenue, with Mrs. W. 0. , Haas assistant hostess. The women of St. Augustine's are invited to a meeting for women to be Tbe Junior choir meets at 7 o'clock held at the rectory in Kenilworth, MonThursday evenings for practice. day, November 26, 2 p. m., to hear addresses by Mrs. Harry G. Edwards and The Boy Scouts wlll hold their regular Mrs. George A. Nelson, delegates from the meeting Thursday evening at 7 :30. Woman's auxiliary to the recent General Convention of the Episcopal Church Tbe · choir, under the direction of Ma- held at Washington, D. C. dame Gllderoy Scott, rehearses Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The Wilmette Baptist churdt is the church of the lighted cross at the conwr of Wilmette and Forest avenues. A delegation of St. Augustine's people attended the reception and dinner tn honor of the Rt. Rev. John Gardner Murray, presiding bishop of the Episcopal church In the United States, last night at the Hotel La Salle. Congregational Church Vere V. Loper, minister William E. McCormack, Minister of education The Northwest Circle Is meeting today at the home of Mrs. G. H. Redding, 15!'6 The Twenty:.fourth Sunday after Trinity Elmwood avenue, for luncheon at 1 o'clock. 9 :45 a m. . . . . . ... Sunday school Joseph Johnson, superintendent The Church school will meet in all of its regular departments on Sunday: 9 :30 11 a. m. . '. . :\Iorning worship a. m. Primary, Junior and Intermediate Sermon: "~laking Eternal Friends" departments; 10:45 Cradle Roll and Beginners' departments; 12 o'clock. Senior A picture of the new church has been department and Forum for Adults. completed by the architect and is on display In the chapel. Of course change~ Mr. Loper's sermon at the Morning will be made. But we want you to see Worship service at 10:45 will be "The what the proposed new church will bt.! Deepest Hunger." Ilke. This church co-operates with the SunTbe Men's Brotherhood held a splendid day F.vening club which mE:ets in its meeting last Monday night. Six new auditorium at 7 :30. This week the members \Y_ere added to the roll, and Rpeaker will be Dr. Robert E. Speer, one twenty-four men were present. ArthUl· of the best known ministers in the United Wemecke, who Is chairman ot the en- States. He has held high official positertainment committee, · promises us a tions in the Presbyterian church and is ftne program for our meeting Decerr.bP·r the author of many religious books. 10. On Tuesday the Neighborhood Circle The Congregational Get-together will will hold an all-day meeting at the home be beld the evening of November 3. The of Mrs. F. J. Scheldenhelm, 804 Forest Me~!! Brotherhood will have charce of avenue. The assisting ~ostesses wlll be English Lutheran The sermon next Sunday morning will The annual Christmas Sale and Supper seek to answer the question, "Who are given by the Ladies' Aid with the coyou?" It will review the answer given operation of the Senior and Junior in one of the most popular books of all Walther leagues, will be given Thursday time. afternoon and evening, November 22, at the Sunday school- rooms of our church. The Senior High league will meet at Among the booths will be the following : 5 :30 Sunday evening in the church Fancy work, towel, apron, infants, linen, chapel. This group has been having an candy, bakery, parcel post and other~. excellent attendance each Sunday evening, and some very interesting proWork has been begun on the annual grams have been planned for the re- Christmas service given by the Sunda~' :nalnder of the year. school on Christmas eve. The name of the cantata to be presented this year The Junior Hi league will hold its third is "Glory to God in the Highest" a serie!' meeting on Sunday evening at 5 :30 in the of Christmas carols and reci tat! om: Junior room of the church. Members of glorifying the Christchild. Children the seve-nth and eighth grades and high wishing to take part in this service and school freshmen are eligible to join this not yet enrolled in the Sunday school· group. A very fine set of stereopticon should enroll now. slides will be shown Sunday evening along with other interesting features. On Thursday, November 29, THANKSGIVING DAY, we shall have our cusThis church co-operates in the Sunday tomary service at 11 o'clock in the mornEvening club which meets at 7 :30 tn the Ing. The members of our church are reCongregational church. The speaker for quested to arrange their appointment~ this Sunday Is Dr. Robert E. Speer, one and engagements so that they may atof the best known ministers in the United tend this service of thanks. States. He has visited the Christian Missions in Persia, India, China, Korea, Japan, South America, the Ph11ipplnes, and Slam. Kenilworth avenue and Warwick roa .l The annual Thanksgiving dinner for Kenilworth the Old People's Home will be heid FriDr. Herbert L. Willett, minister day, November 23. Supper will be served at 5 :30, and wtll be followed by an adSunday morning, November 18, at 11 dress by Carlysle Hubbard, the new pas- o'clock, Dr. Willett's subject will be tor of First Church, Oak Park. "Vision and Achievement." The sermon The Fellowship service on each Wed- wlll be an Interpretation of the recently nesday night is developing in increasing completed chapel at the University of interest. The book reviews, pictures, and Chicago. Bible studies offer a source of strength Sunday school at 9 :45 A. M. CJasses and inspiration to those who come. for all. and all welcome. The ma,terlal Next Thursday Is Division Day The used is that of the Revised International divisions will meet as follows: · Grades Lessons. First-2 :00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. The Young People's club will meet Carl Nylund, 1634 Forest avenue. Second-10 a. m. at the home of Mrs. Sunday evening from 6 to 8. All high S. E. Leeman, 1004 Lake avenue. school freshmen and sophomores are parThird-Place to be announced. ticularly welcome. Fourth-10 :30 a. m. at the home of Mrs. R. M. Campbell, 631 Central aveThe Ladies' Guild meets Monday at 10 nue. o'clock for work In connection with its Fifth-10 :30 a. m. at the home of Mrs. program of benevolence. All Interested Paul Hardman, 2740 Ridge avenue, Evans- are asked to come in for as much time ton. as they can devote to the xork. Kenilworth Union The Ladies' Aid society is planning a The teachers and officers of the Church "Good Will" supper and sale for the eveare asked to meet Wednesday evening of the first Thursday in December. school ning at 7 :15 for conference regarding the Sehedule of the Activities of This Cbnr~h work of the school. . Every Week-Monday night, Girl Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Dr. Scouts : Tuesday afternoon, Girl Scouts ; Tuesday night, Boy Scouts; Wedne~day Willett will continue his series of lectures afternoon, Girl Scouts; Wednesday night. on "Great Poets of the Ages." The subFellowRhip Hour: Thursday, Women's ject wlll be "Mllton, the Poet of the ReDay : Thursday night, Junior Scouts and formation." Later lectures In the series w111 deal with Goethe, Wordsworth, choir practice. Once a Month-First Tuesday night, Browning and Tennyson. Preceding each Pbllat)lea class: third Tuesday nlgbt, (Continued on page 16)

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