Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1928, p. 38

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WILM B TTB 'LIPB November 16, 1928 News of the North Shore Clubs W:oman,s Club Has Club Building President,s Day Comn:tittee Meets on November 21 Sub-Committees Announced; to Visit Oak Park Woman's Club November 22 The second regular meeting of the building committee of the Woman's club of Wilmette was held November 13, Mrs. Frank Scheidenhelm presiding. The appointment of the following committees was announced by the chairman, Mrs. Scheidenhelm: Building Committee Mrs. F. J. Scheidenhelm .. .. chairman Mrs. H. B. Mulford . .·. vice-chairman Mrs. F. 0 . Ebeling .. ... . . . secretary Sub-Committee on Construction Mrs. J. C. Mannerud .. .. . . chairman Mrs. T. C. Moulding, Mrs. C. P. Berg, Mrs. R. T. Huff, Mrs. H. A. Bush, Mrs. Hayes McKinney, (president of the club), Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg, Mrs. F. E. Parry, Mrs. R. E. P. Kline, and Mrs. C. P. Evans. Sub-Committee on Finance Mrs. A.]. Dixon .. . ..... .. .. chairman Mrs. G. W. Kibby, Mrs. D. Anderson, Mrs. F. M. Bowes, Mrs. N. P. Colwell, Mrs. H. E. Porof!to, Mrs. L. F. Gates, Mrs. A. Howard, Mrs. Hayes McKinney. · Publicity Mrs. William A. Durgin Co-operation with Club Ways and Means Committee Mrs. C. P. Evans An outline of future plans was discussed at length, but no definite ' decisions were made excepting that the committee will make a trip to Oak Park November 22, to visit the new Woman's · club building there where the requirements of a similar club have been most satisfactorily met. The presidents of clubs of the Tenth district, Illinois Federation of Women's clubs will be guests of honor on November 21. the occasion of the next regular meeting of the Woman's club of Wilmette. Karl Borders, of the Chicago Commons, who is considered an authority on Russian immigrant problems, and who has ma'de a first hand study of Russia, will be the speaker of the day. During the afternoon session which commences at 2 o'clock, he will lecture on "An Unbiased View of Russia." Roger Bromley, baritone will provide the music program. Mr. Borders has spent a great deal oF his time in Russia where · he had the opportunity of studying the Russian people at home. He also has worked among the immigrants and interprets the immigrant in a clear and forceful way. Mr. Bromley is talented, and is acclaimed a "diseur" of the concert stage. The morning session commences at 10:30 o'clock with a talk on "Oriental Rugs" by Haig Shekerjian. The drama talk at 12 o'clock will be given by Mrs. Charlotte Chorepenning, director of the Playshop in Evanston, whose subject will be, "What to Look for in a Play." Luncheon wilt be served at 1 o'clock. French Influence on Fine Arts Subject of Meeting Mrs. w. P . Seng was hostess to the fine arts department of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette at its meeting held last Friday afternoon in the French ballroom of her home at 401 Lake avenue. The French influence on the fine arts was the study for the afternoon. Miss Jane Keefe gave an art talk on the "French Impressionists" and Mrs. Clifton Walker gave several readings from contemporary French poets. Walking rehearsals, in costume, of two one-act plays in the French style were given with the following club members tak· ing part: Mrs. William FitzPatrick, .Mrs. Arthur :hicMillan, and Mrs. George Schilbach in the first play, .and Mrs. Roy Hackett, Mrs. Edward Cunningham, Mrs. Henry Prosser and Mrs. Thomas Kullman, (the former Rosamund Barton) in the second. Mrs. Seng was assisted by Mrs. B. W. Lynch and Mrs. James F. Byrnes, and the members of the fine arts department, Mrs. Frank Thale, Mrs. Charles Broad, Mrs. M. B. Mor· ris, Mrs. Arthur Adams, Mrs. M. Kearney, Mrs. H. Lombard, Mrs. B. M. Lupton and Mrs. A. Meyer. District Clubs , M , EnJOY eettng Day of Education, Inspiration and Artistic Charm to Remain a Memory The clubs of the ·Tenth di-5 trict enjoyed a splendid day Wednesday, November 7, with their hostess club, the Woman's Civic club of Ravinia, at the delightful new Vi lage ouse. The meeting opened at 10 in the morning with Mrs. Harry S. Gradle, president of the Tenth district, pre·;,idin g. In the absence of the president of the hostess club, Mrs. Arthur Ruff, the vice-president, extended greetings to the district which were followed by ·a gracious response from Mrs. Gradle. Mrs. Henry Mason Etressed the Armistice day services to be held in various communities, and a delicious luncheon was served at 12:30 o'clock by memhers of the club. Mrs. William Collins, vice-president of the district, presided at the afternoon session. The musical program deserves the highest possible praise. It embodied all th~ beauty, quality, and charm befitting a program devoted to the art of music. Mrs. 'Vatter L. Vance, director of the Highland Park Music club chorale, has a beautifully trained voice of natural lyric quality and has been most ·.;uccessful in training and directing this group. The "Woodland Vignettes," by Berenice Bentley added great charm to the afternoon. These are to be published soon. Her compositions are filled with unique originality and inspire her listeners to a deeper love of nature. The speaker of the afternoon, ~1rs. J. !\{arc Fowler, state president of the Illinois Federation of Women's club s, gave an interesting address on "Federation Work," stres'3inf{ particularly its power for good in the small community. Mrs. Ernest Nolting, recording secretary of the Tenth district, gave a very complete and inspiring history of the progres· s of the Woman's Civic club from its beginning. The day, filled '£ith education, inspiration and artistic charm will remain as outstanding in the memory of all who attended. 1 H Wellesley Circle Makes Art Tour Next Tuesday A departure will be made next week from the usual trend of meeting of the North Shore Wellesley circle. Its members will gather Tuesday, November 20, in the Orrington Hotel ballroom, Evanston, at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Lena McC~uley, art editor for the Chicago Evening Post, wilt conduct a gallery tour of the current art exhibit held by the University guild and the Evanston Art commission, an exhibit consisting of water colors by a group of the leading women water-color artists of America. Tea will be served. The hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Charles Jerome Tippet, Mrs. Alexander H . Gunn, Mrs. Albert R. Ellingwood, Mrs. Wilson V. Little, "Mrs. Alfred Newberry, Mrs. William E. White, and Mrs. Clarence V. Williams. Mary Bailey to Address Open Meeting of Club Miss Mary Bailey, assistant United States district attorney, comes again to the Business and Professional Women's club of Wilmette, this time to tell of the work of the United States District Attorney's office in connection with the enforcement of the narcotic laws. She will bring with her -for exhibition, pipes which have been taken as evidence of the traffic in dope. Those who heard Miss Bailey speak on the enforcement of the Pure Food Laws, know how she compels the interest of her hearers. The Business and Professional Women's club is making its meeting on Monday, November 26, an open one and invites interested persons to join its members at a 6:30 o'clock dinner, reservations for which may be mailed to Miss J ennie D. Shantz, Wilmette. , Those not wishing to attend the dinner. may come at 7:30 o'clock for Miss Bailey's talk. Both the dinner and the lecture will be held in the Sundav school. room of the Congregatiomil church. Thanksgiving Program Chosen for R. R. Club The regular meeting of -the Chicago and North Western Railway Woman's club will be held in the club rooms at 605 West Washington boulevard Chicago, at 2 o'clock.._ November A Thanksgiving program will be presented by Miss Dorothy Neill soloist · Mrs M Neil accompanist; Mrs. G. 'B. Vilas: who will read, "Our First Thanksgiving" ; . Mrs. S. H. Cady, who will give ·'~eminiscences of Thanksgiving," and Mrs. F. W. Hillman whose selection will be entitled, "Thanksgiving of Today." Mrs. A. L. Spear is chairman of the hostesses for the afternoon. Music and Lecture Ate Thursday evening, November 22, the on Sisterhood Program Ctricago and N-orth Western Woman's Mrs. Felix Levy, Miss Lorraine Silclub will give a diner at 6 o'clock, in the clubrooms for the women of the ber, and Miss Betty Louise Yonke~s club who are employed. Miss Edna will give the program at the next monthly meeting of the North Shore Means will be the reader. Congregation Isreal which occurs Wednesday, November 21. Visit uMum" Show Today Mrs. Levy, who has addressed t~e Sisterhood before, will give another The Wilmette Garden club will meet at the Orrington hotel today for lunch- talk Wednesday. Miss Silber and Miss eon. The members will attend the Yonkers, both accomplished violinists, chrysanthemum show at Garfield Park will provide the music. The members wilt come in the mornin a body instead of the National Chrysanthemum Flower show at the ·Stev- ing as usual to sew. ens hotel, as was previously announced WATSON LECTURE MONDAY in TB£ Wn.Mt'M'£ LIPt. Various groups of the members have attended . "Modern 'Architecture" is to be the the latter show this week, but the club theme of the next lecture Dudley as a whole will not attend. At the next Ct;afts Watson is giving under the ausmeeting of the club, December 7, in pices 9f the North Shore Art league. the hom..e of Mrs. Hope Thompson, His talk occurs Monday evening, No1119 Ashland avenue, }ens Jensen of vember 19, in Matz halt, Community House, Winnetka. Willuette wiD be the speaker. . l it. Winnetka Woman Named District Garden Chairman To Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden of Winnetka, wh9 has been identified with club and garden activity for a number of years, comes another honor. She just has been appointed district chairman of srardens for the First district, Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, of Chicago. Mrs. Alden is an ardent gardener and has put a great deal of personal interest and _care into her own charming and exten~tve gardens at 352 Linden street, for which she has raised all of her own plants. For five years she has been chairman of the garden department of the Illinois Women's Athletic club, said to be the largest club in the world, and even with her new duties she will continue in that capacity. Sew for Welfare Today Todav is the occasion of another day of se~ing under the auspices of the philanthropy department of the W oman's club of Wilmette. Women of Wilmette interested in doing a bit of work for Infant Welfare are invited by the departm~nt to come to the clubhouse on the corner of Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue, at 10, and remain until afternoo.n. Luncheon is served at 12 :30. TO SPEAK AT VASSAR CLUB The North Shore Vassar club will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday, November 19, at the home of Mrs. Lawrence A. Cole, 1111 Cherry street, Winnetka. Mrs. William C. Van Horne of Hubbard Woods who attended the summer school on euthenics, at Vassar, will talk on .her experiences there. · TO BROADCAST Miss Miriam Brubaker, director of the junior kindergarten in the children's scbool, National Kindergarten and Elementary college, will speak on · "What We Should Expect of the Pre-School Child in the way of Abilities and HabThe Wilmette senior Infant Welfare its," over WMAQ, the Chicago Daily board met Monday for luncheon and a News broadcasting station, on Monday day of sewing .Jt the home of Mrs. I. afternoon, November 19, at 4:30. K. Stover, 1044 Ashland avenue~ /'

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