Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1928, p. 1

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. · · I ·'" WILMETTE VOL. · NO. XVIII. NO. 8 PubJfahetl wee1dlf blf L'loJitl HoiJfater Inc., 1111-1111 Ontml A."e., WUMeHe, llnaota. ··teretJ aa aeOOfiCJ claaa .offer March u, J9!.f, . at the poat olf,ce at w·Jwaette, IIHtaota, taftder the A~t o! IIarch I, 18U. SwbaoriptCofl price 11.00 a ~tear. LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS· WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 16, 1928 .open Widened Main Street Tomorrow Night . DR. ROBERT E. SPEER · Big Turkey Dinner l I OFFICIALS OF 3 TOiDNS Club '" HERE At Sunda . SUNDAY aUB SPEAKER Awaits 1Wasons of JOIN IN CEREMONY· Famous M1ssion Leader, Author Wilmette Masons, members of their and Preacher Comes to households and all friends of the Wilmette Sunday, Nov. 18 fraternity have been invited to attend Dr. Robert .E. Speer, former moderator of the Presbyterian Assembly, widely known author and preacher, will address the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, November 18. Ilse Forster, noted contralto, will be the soloist this Sunday. Dr. Speer is a graduate of Princeton. studied in the Princeton Theological seminary. He has received honorary degrees from Yale, University of Edinburgh, Rutgers, Otterbein...,. and Juniata college. He has been secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions since 1891. His visitations of Christian Missions include journeys to Persia, India, China, Korea, and Japan, in 1896-97; S. America in 1909; Japan, China, Philippines, and Siam, 1915 ·; India and Irak and Persia, 1921-22; Japan and China in 1926. Author of Many Books Books from the pen Qf Dr. Speer include: "The Man Christ Jesu·.;," "The Man Paul," "Missions· and Politics in Asia," "A Memorial of a True Life," "Remember Jesus Christ," "Studies in the -Book of Act'.;," "Studies in the Gospel of Luke;" "Christ and Life," "The Principles of Jesus," "Missionary Principles and Practice," "Presbyterian Foreign Mission'3," "A Memorial of Horace Tracy Pitkin," "Missions and Modern History," "The Marks of a Man," "Christianity and the Nations," "The Light of the World," "South American Problems," "Studies in Missionary LeadershiP,," "One Girl's Influence," "Stu.dies in the Gospel of John," 11 The Stuff Manhood," "The Gospel and the:! New World," "The New Opportunity of the Church:' "Race and Race Relations," "The Unfinished Task," "The Church and Mi'3sions," "Seeking the Mind of Christ." Active In War Work Dr. Speer was a member of the advisory committee on religious and moral activities of the Army and Navy during the war period ; and c~airman of the General Wartime Committee of the Churches. He . is a former president of the Federal Council of Churches of Chri'3t in America. . - Com·m unity Tuesday'-·__________, J ll' · Mayor Bartl~t of Evanston to Assist President Orner in Opening Highway · of the second annual Turkey . dinner scheduled to be served at the Masonic temple, Tuesday evening, November 20, through the good offices of Wilmette Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. Members of the Daughters of Job, recently instituted and comprising in its membership girls in Masonic families, will serve the dinner. The entire pro:.. ceeds will go into the coffers of the new order. Those in charge of arrangements for Tuesday's festive occa.;ion stress the point that invitation is extended to all Masonic families, whether or not the home is represented in the local lodges of the fraternity. These gentlemen, who are the past High Priests of the Chapter, also issue the warning that re servations will be claimed at a remarkably rapid gait, if the pace established last year is any criterion. A year ago, all reservations for the dinner were sold two days before the Turkey was brought to the festive board, with the result that a large number of potential diners were disappointed on the evening of the feast. , Dancing will follow the dinner, with the Blue Dragon Syncopators offering the coaxing strains. There will al·5o be tables of Bridge, Bunco and Five Hundred in the lodge lounge. . This is important! Reservations are tv be made at once with George R. Harbaugh, 1219 Fore.;t avenue, whose telephone number is Wilmette 140. Do it now, is the warning to all who expect to have a place in the banquet hall. Dinner will .be served at 7 o'clock. Owners Quick to Improve Walks Skirting Main St. Rapid progress is being made in reestablishing sidewalks along the west line of the newly widened Main street~ Busine'ss firms owning property along the highway _ have been particularly active in effecting this improvement concurrently with the completion of the street paving project. Work in the blocks between Central and Lake avenues was complett:d a week ago, while construction was in progress on sidewalks from Central avenue southward this week. In many instances it was necessary to alter the sidewalk level to conform with the grade of the new roadway. PAUSE and think what the result may be if you don't give your printing a chance to say uquality, ' LLOYD HoLLISTER INC. WILMETTE 4300 Ceremonies marking the official opening of Main street in Wilmette will be held this Saturday evening, November 17, at 7:15 o'clock. The street has recently been paved with concrete to a width of 52 feet from the south limits of the village, at Isabella street, to Elmwood avenue on the north, at a cost of $145,000. Village officials have hailed the improvement as one of the most important in the history of Wilmette. Representatives of both Evanston and Kenilworth, as well as Wilmette, will take part in the ribbon~cutting ceremonv. The new street is Wilmette's iink in the proposed through highway extending along the entire north shore. Ceremonies Begin at 7:15 The ceremonies are scheduled to ·b egin promptly at 7:15 and the. street will be closed to traffic after 6 :30 Dr. Robert E. Speer, former moder- o'clock until conclusion of the proator of the Presbyterian assembly of gram. The Drum and Bugle ~orps of the United States, noted author, Wilmette Post · No. 46, American Lepreacher and mission leader, will ad- gion, will start the proceedipgs at 7 o'clock, marching south ·on Main street dress the Wilmette Sunday Evening from Elmwood avenue, . the northern club November 18. limits of the new paving, to a point midway between Wilmette arid Central D. Roth New Member of avenues where the ceremony will takl" place. \ Wilmette Board of Appeals A speakers' stand will be erected on J. D. Roth has been appointed a the east side of the street here and member of the Board of Appeals in two ribbons will be stretched across Wilmette to succeed Ralph C. Wessell, the street a short distance apart. who moved to St. Paul, Minn;, last Mayor Charles H. Bartlett of Evansspring. Mr. Roth's term will expir-e ton will assist Village President Earl in FeQruary, 1930. F. C. Huffman and E. Orner in cutting the ribbon to the F. ]. Newey have been re-appointed south, while George R: Benson, chairmembers of ·the board, Mr. Huffman's man of the Street committee of theterm to expire in 1932 and Mr. Kenilworth Village board, will repre ~ Newey's, in 1933. The appointments sent the village in the cutting of the were made by Village President Earl north ribbon. Orner Will Speak E. Orner and confirmed by the Villag~ J. R. Harper, superintendent of the board in session Tuesday night. The Board of Appeals is now composed of Wilmette public schools. is to be mas-Robert Stoddard, chairman, Lloyd C. ter of ceremonies and ·will introduce Ayres, J. D. Roth, F. C. Huffman, and the speakers-Village President Or.. ner, Mayor Bartlett, and Mr. . BenF. J. Newey. . son. On the speakers' stand also will PRESENTS PUPILS IN RECITAL be the Wilmette village trustees : Winifred Townsend is presenting Oscar W. Schmidt, of Wilmette, a her pupils in recital Thursday evening, member of the Board of County Com .. November 22, at her home, 779 Foxdale missioners ; and one other representative of that body. avenue, Winnetka. Following the ceremonies the Drum and Bugle corps will continue ib march along Main street south .to tllf' Today's Opportunity Day limits at Isabella street. Villagers with for Wilmette Shoppers automobiles have been invited to jom Today and tomorrow are Opporthe parade. tunity Days in Wilmette, when Dr. C. B. Blake, chairman of th~ business men of the village will committee in charge of the ceremonie!, offer unusual bargains. Opporhas arranged to distribute horns to t.he · tunity Days . are held once each children followin~ the speeches. Red month on the first Friday and flares, provided by the fire department, Saturday after the 15th of the will be placed at intervals along Main month. The plan to hold these bar:. ·street, and the speakers' stand will b~ gain days, sponsored by the Wililluminated with flood lights furnished mette Chamber of Commerce, was bv the Public Service company of inaugurated last month. It has been Northern Illinois. · acclaimed by merchants and cusThe Main street opening ceremonies have been arranged under the joint tomers as highly successful and auspices of the Chamber of Commerce satisfactory. and the Wilmette Village board. J.

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