Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1928, p. 63

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.. November 16, 1928 FOR RENT-ROOMS WILMETTE LIFE EoEoS1tlUlllbR<eallttyC<a>APARTMENTS 71 FOR RENT-GARAGES FOB 8A.LE-HOU8E8 NICE COMFORTABLE Rl\1., VERY GARAGE SPACE, 923 ELMWOOD AVE., FOR SALE-A FIELD'S CARD CLOCK. reas., near transp. Call evenings, Ph.· Wilmette 105. 72L8-ltc Riparian Right Home perfect time. $12. Oak toy ehelvea, Kenilworth 3501. 66LT8-ltc FOR RENT-FURNISHED FOR YEAR $10. And an old violin, fine tone, 860. or less ; 7 bedrooms ; 3 baths ; sun and Wilmette 3059. 10nll'N8-1tc 71 FOB RENT-STORES &; OFFICES sleeping porches ; 3 acres superbly wooded grounds; convenient to trans- MAN'S BROWN ULSTER COAT, SIZE portatlon. $500 per month. 40. Worn once, $30. 337 Sheridan road. OR OFFICE IN r;INDEN CREST REAl~TY Tel. Winnetka 2170. 102LTN8-ltc Building. Suitable for small shop or 720 Elm St., Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 254 FOR SALE-DRESS SUIT SIZE 40. 4 AND 6 ROOMS professional man. 24x13. Low rent. 77LTN8-ltl" Ph. Kenilworth 1895. 102L8-ltc Here In Wilmette's moat convenient and & exclusive location, you will find well-arFIVE ROOM FRAME COTTAGE TO BE ranged apartments. AU apartments 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 removed from present lot by purchaser. LOST have outside rooms which provide an Price $250. 931 Willow rd., Winnetka. 73LTN7-tfc abundance of light and air. Ample Man's pocket hook containing C& Tel. Winnetka 2828. 77LTN8-ltc closet space. Schools, churches, an~ NW RR tickets, Masonic cards, memo. shopping facilities within Immediate LARGE SECOND FLOOR CORNER FOR SALE-7 ROOM HOUSE, CONV. book bearing A. E. F. events and curoffice, suitable for real estate, doctor or location, close to public & priv. schls. access. See these apartments today. dentist. Will divide. Franklin Bldg. For information call Winn. 1930. renrv. Lost between New Trier ConAgent on premises. Elm & Center Sts., Winnetka. Tel. LTN8-ltc fectionary Store and Lloyd Hollister 77 Winn. 382. · 73LTN51-tf~ Tnc., building on Wednesday evening 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 FOR SALE-VACANT November 14th. . 67LTN2-tfc OFFICE FOR RENT-LARGE SPACE 78 on main floor. desirable locatlo11. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . . Finder may keep currency but re22lf.lxl7lf.l. Tenant can sublet space. 73 LTN 4-tfc 180 FOOT WOODED RESIDENCE LOT tutn nocket book to R. D. Rodenberg, Ph. Winnetka 201. care Lloyd HoHister Inc. Papers and &liil with riparian strip included at $115 per cards of no value to anybody but own FOR SALE-HOUSES foot. Nothing like this today on the er. Tel. Wil. 4300. North Shore. Fine residence lot ready to bulld on. 50x180. 2 blocks from Indian Hlll I will not be responsible for any debts ATTRACTIVE 2-3-4 RM. APARTStation. $7,000. contracted by my son, Willard Utten ments, light and airy rooms of good reuther. & size and arrangements, convenient to FOR SALE-CHANCE TO BUY A LITJohn Uttenreuther, Sr. tle home you may have already ad- 418 Linden Ave. schools and transportation. Wilmette 698 mired in passin_g ; a delightfully cozy 78L8-ltc !ooking 7 rm. shingle residence with roof lines blending harmoniously with BUSINESS MAN AND INVESTORS. channing well shrubbed grounds. Big Tri. bus. cor. on Hammond's prin. bus. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800-01 screened porch opening on quiet garden. St., for one third . price of opp. cor. 67LTN8-1tc Oil burner. Vapor heat. Price $22,500. Priced for action. Investigate. A few thous. will handle. Write Wilmette CHARMING WHITE SHINGLE HOUSE Life A-203. 78L8-ltc with green blinds, Georgian style ; loIn The picturesque Skokie staged a cated on N. E. corner; wonderful trees 99 ANTIQUES and landscaping; lot 127x187 ft.; near _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __... spectacular TUDOR-PARK BUILDING celebration Wednesday PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE Sheridan Rd. : spacious solarium; livANTIQUES! ANTIQUES! evening folJowing the announcem<·nt are now ready for occupancy ing room 21x24 ; large breakfast room furniture, Penna. Dutch cornet of the North Shere Mosquito Abate or den ; 6 bdrms. and 3 baths ; canvased Antique cupboards and sideboards, set of 8 ment district, on Tuesday, that it had, Walter P. Smith & Co. walls throughout ; 2 car garage. Price Chippendale chairs-table to match, AGENTS $57,000. For further information see sewing tables in cherry, curly maple on that day, terminated its mosquito 337 Park A venue Tel. Glencoe 702 exclusive agents. and mahogany, Governor Winthrop In- warfare for this season. 67LTN8-2tc laid desk. Sofas, chairs, ole\ StaffordA large area of the Skokie, from shire figures, colored goblets and brlcFOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE Winnetka avenue to Wittow road and a-brac. apartment, steam heat, ;;A.nitor ~ervlce. extending westward from Hibbard 808 WASHINGTON ST. near transportation. Call Wilmette 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winnetka 1617 (1 Block South of Main St.) road almost to the river branch, was 1800. 67LTN33-tfc 77L~t~ Phone University 9890 the scene of a great conflagration earEVANSTON PLEASANT 7 RM. DUPLEX, GOOD 99LTN8-1tc ly Wednesday evening. The fire atcondition, excellent location across from tracted hundreds of motorists whose park. 819-15th St., Tel. Wil. 846-J. 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GOODS cars lined both Wiltow and Hibbard 67L-ltc BEAUTIFUL WELL CONSTRUCTED MUST SELL AT ONCE, AT BARGAIN, roads for blocks, while the occupants FOR RENT APARTMENT, 2 ROOMS, brick residence 1h block from lake. 1st leaving city. Living rm. table; bench; "~n ioyed" the spectacle. kitchen and bath, 2 blocks from Elefloor has large sun room and breakfast desk ; chiffonier ; chairs ; Victrola ; oak High wind prevailing at the time Yated Station. Wilmette 2106. room. 2nd floor 4 master bedrooms, glass cabinet and servette; music cab- swept the flames northward at a rate 67L8-ltp 2 solariums, 2 tile baths and servants' inet ; floor lamp ; electric washer ; rooms and bath. 3rd floor has recreakitchen table and chairs; folding equallinv the prairie fires of old. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT HEATED, tion and dance room. Hot water oil chairs; dishes; aluminum ware; chilCart Miller, proprietor of the Win~ blocks to depot. Garage if wanted. heat, electric refrigeration, 4 car gardren's wheeled toys ; garden tools. Tel. netka Furniture company's store, loWilmette 3804. 67L8-ltc . age. Interior tapestry finish. Lot 153 Glencoe 1262---385 Washington Ave. foot front. Ground well landscaped. 100LTN8-ltp cated at 1500-02 Willow road, just east FOUR RM. APT. WITH GAR. ALL This property must be disposed of at of the river branch, spent another improvements. Reas. Ph. Glencoe 331. once. Owner will take vacant or apart- FOR SALE-RADIO, LEATHER COV- night's vigil at his store to guard 67LTN8-ltp ment building for equity. Call us for ered bed davenport, morris chair, 2 against an advance of the flames upon further particulars. wicker chairs, tea cart, buffet, piano the building. FOR RENT-4 RM. APT. $50, AND bench, gas range. Call after 5 :00. light housekeeping apt. Ph. Wilmette LarJ?e areas north of him have Wilmette 1859. 100L8-ltp 1183 or 2564. 67L8-ltc burne_d out during the past two weeks, SMALL ORIENTAL RUGS; SOLID he said, and recent fires to the south University 8080 3 walnut FOR RENT 1 OR 2 WELL FURNISHED 1108 Davis St. living rm. table ; 1 standing 77L8-ltc front rooms in east side home. Ph. lamp & 1 table lamp; 1 tilt top table, and west had about cleared the Skokie, 'Vilmette 1940. 66L8-ltc black lacquer ; for sale, reasonable. with the exception of the vast area Tel. Winn. 1161. 100LTN8-1tc which was swept clean Wednesday &S }'OR R·E NT-FURNISHED APTS. OWNER MUST LEAVE TOWN ON even in~. 667 Garland Avenue As the hlaze beszan to show siR"ns of acct. of Illness. Will sell entire houseFOR RENT-FURN. APT. H. W. HEAT, 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 2 CAR GARhold goods of 5 room house. Very abating. Mr. Miller heaved a siszh of near transp. Ph. Wilmette 3082. a~e on Lot 70xl32. Living room, Hall reasonable. Good condition. 324 Lin- relief, declaring, "wett, it will soon be 68LTN8-1tc and Dining room, canvassed and atcoln St. Ph. Glencoe 1227. 100LTN8-ltp over now for another year." tractively decorated; 2 sun rooms and FOR RENT-HOUSES 19 sleeping porch. I have taken this home FOR SALE-BARGAIN: BEA~FUL in trade for one of my larger homes, ivory Jennie Lind suite, consisting of FOR RENT-ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM and offer it for sale at $26,000. Liberal bed, dresser. vanity, chifforobe. bench bungalow, hot water heat, all large terms will be extended to a responsible and chairs, like new. Price $100. Phone JD light rooms. garage, large well wooded buyer. Would consider good building 8 Wilmette 378. lOOL -ltp The Junior Hikers of Kenilworth, lot. $115 per month. lot as part payment. Christy Brown, 736 Elm St. Phone FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL WALNUT organization of boys between the ages Winnetka 147. 77LTN8-ltc dining rm. furniture, like new, includ- of ei~ht and twe1ve years, this week ing oblong table, upholst. chairs & d b dd' · f b t ~arved silver cabinet. Tel. Glencoe announce t ~ a Jtlon o ten oys O Wilmette f.8 340 Linden Ave. 883. lOOLTN8-ltc itc; m~mbership. brin{!'ing the total to 69T...S-ltc go. Robert W. Townley, athletic FUMED OAK LIV. RM. CHAIRS AND director at Joseph Sears school and N. E. SECTION, 6 ROOM FRAME. SUN- 3 sec.coal bookcases, Bee-Vac clean-' room, breakfast nook, tile bath ; metal . er H. W. heater. Ph.Electric Wilmette 476. advt'sor of the cluh, stated tht's week weather strips ; insulated. Landscaped ' 100LTN8-1tc that the membership is expf'cted to ' lot; garage. $19,000, small cash payreach 90 before Christmas. . The club ment, terms on balance. 101 WTD. TO RUY-HSEHLD. GOODS is now the largest bovs' community orWANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND ganization on the nor:th shore. furniture and other household goods. The club serves to emphasize the Highest prices for same. Crost FurniWllmt>tte 273 ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- outdoor phase of boy life and to 77L8-ltc anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc stimul~te group meetings at regular 1730 WALNUT AVE., WILMETTE, 6 rooms newly dec. Fur. heat, rent reas. intervals in the boys' homes, according FOR SALE-MISC. Ph. ·Edgewater 4279. 69L8-2tp to Mr. Townley. The program of the 8 ROOM STONE HOUSE; 2 BATHS: ARTISTIC BUFF BRICK RESIDENCE, GIRL'S BEAVER COAT, DRESSES club for the year includes a meeting tile roof, 4 large bedrooms, 2 colored size 14 and 16, $1 to $3. Ph. Kenil- each week and one big hike per month. $100 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. tile baths, breakfast room ; paneled din. 69LTN4-tfc worth 2794. 102L8-ltc This month the boys witt go to the ing room; living room 15x30. Electric FOR SALE-EXCEPTIONALLY BEAU-· forest preserve west of Glencoe next refrigeration, Hardinge oil burner; atFOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES '40 tached garage, large well landscaped tiful "1928 Alaskan Lynx fur. $85. Ph. Saturday, November 24. WELL FURNISHED 8 ROOM HOME, lot. An unusual value at $28,000. Greenleaf 6247. 102¥8-ltc The club is making an effort to obNortheast locality, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, FOR SALE-GREY ENAMELED TWIN tain a one hundred per cent enroUbreakfast porch, Oil heat. For six A beds & girl's bicycle. Ph. Glencoe 1230. ment of all boys in Kenilworth bemonths or a year. Call Wilmette 69. 566 Center St. Winnetka 2v33 102LTN8-ltc tween the ages of eight and twelve. 70LTN8-1tc 'l7LTN8-ltc LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE STORE HEINSEN CO. QUINLAN TYSON, INC. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. llliilcdHi IHinlln A JP)S\lfttnmlcerrutt~ GOOD BUYS P/\UL SCHROEDER CO. Strong Winds Fan Skokie Fire Into Big Conflagration JH[@~$.Ifil~@Iffi & JJ®Iffilk~ §&~lfll~ll~llllll~ --------------· . FOR SALE Junior H1kers Add Ten to Memberah· RolMI o JJ ©lhnm~it©rnl &·CCQ?o \VINNETKA'S BEST BUY CROSBY & McJ(£NDRY

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