Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1928, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE ·November 23, 1928 Benefits and Football Festivity Now Holding Sway "Racketty-Packetty I House" Is Charming · BY JEAN TEN BROECK In Charge of Junior League Ball Play for Children'-·----------"!""---------· Dartmouth Alumni Planning W eek~end · Gay With Festivity · The Dartmouth-Northwestern game is the reason for an unusual amount of social activity this week-end on the north shore. The many affairs being given by the alumni during these hectic three or four days seem almost to dwarf the importance of the game itself. Many north shore people especially the alutnni are giving up the entire week-end, and staying at the Stevens, where most of the . festivity will take place. Friday evening the alumni banquet holds the center of interest. Saturday noon one of the largest luncheons will be given by Mr. and Mrs. George Leach of 515 Sheridan road, Winnetka. They will entertain about two hundred guests, bringing those who have come from the east without their cars, in large busses, and taking them to the game after luncheon. President Hopkins . o f Dartmouth and members of the Alumni council will be among the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnes 716 Virginia avenue, Kenilworth, ar~ also giving a buffet luncheon before the game. Following the game Mr. and Mrs. \Varren Agry of Winnetka, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forman of Glencoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Marsh of Geneva will be co-hosts and hostesses at tea from 5 until 6 o'clock in the Crystal ballroom at the Blackstone. :Mr. Marsh is president of the Dartmouth alumni of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ward Starrett, 333 Richmond road, Kenilworth, are giving a small buffet supper following the game and prior to the large Alumni ball which will be held at the Stevens Saturday evening. On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Keeler, 631 Walden road, Winnetka, will have a small tea. The \iVilliam T. Cre~mers, 542 Longwood avenue, Glencoe, are among the many north shore peo!_)le who will en 7 tertain for their week-end houseguests. The Kenilworth club is having a football dance and buffet supper Saturday evening, November 24, after the Northwestern-Dartmouth game. Supper will be served at 7 o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs. Leon Ellis, Mrs. Samuel Clark, and Mrs. Ralph Huszagh. Eager anticipation lit many little faces last . Saturday morning in the Harris theatre as an audience of children, sprinkled withh adults, awaited the rising of the curtain upon the season's premiere of the Chicago Junior League Theater for Children. Anticipation transformed itself into chuckles of delight as the nursery of the scene of the prologue of "Racketty-Packetty House," came into view arousing an interest that never lagged until the final curtain descended upon the happiness of Peter Piper and his bride, Lady Patsy. The performance of this clever little troupe of actors, members of the Chica~o Junior league, is entirely capti\'ating and done with an enthusiasm and naturalness that makes one feel it is hard to tell who derives the more pleasure from it, actor or spectator. The story of "Racketty- Packetty House" by Frances Hodgson Burnett, known and loved by children for many years, is made vital by the tittle girl Cynthia, who, child-Jike, is tired of the Racketty-Packetty House and Photo by Tolotf its old-fashioned dolls and turns to The group pictured above is the committee on arrangements for the the new plaything, Tidy Castle with annual ball to be given by the Junior League of Evanston, Wednesday eveits new duchess, lords, and ladies. The ning, November 28, at the Evanston Country club. The affair will be one story is made a Jiving thing by Old of the large society events of the Thanksgiving season and will attract many Nurse, who keeps her ~entiment for the residents of the north shore. doll house of Cynthia's graqdmother, (Top Row-left to right) 1\Irs. Stanley K. Peirce (Dorothy Day of Winand who with the aid of a band of netka), Mrs. Gordon McKeldin, Mrs. Harry A. Kimbark. (center) Mrs. Kingsimpish fairies and the clever machina- ley Loring Rice, Mrs. ~Ta llace Thompson. (Bottom Row) Mrs. Louis A. Tilden, tions of Queen Crosspatch and the help Mrs. Edward S. Clark, president of the league, and Miss Alice Judson, chairof the Princess keeps th.e Racketty- man of the ball committee. Packetties from the dire misfortune that threatened them and their dilapidated house, and by all of the dolls · Church Dinner Tonight Williams Dramatic Club themselves. . The Neighborhood circle of the Conto Appear on N ortb Shore Three of our north shore members gregational church of \iVilmette will The \Villiams College Dramatic club, of the league are in the cast and do serve dinner at 6 :30 o'clock tonight at their work very well indeed. They the Congregational church. The sup- Cap and Bells, will produce its play are of Winnetka; Mrs. John Waller per will follow an ail-day sale · which this year in the auditorium of the Marshall, the quaint Old Nurse, Mr.s. is being given by the women of the Xorth Shore Country Day school, Robert Gardner, Queen Crosspatchf church. Mrs. A. N. Clagett is chair- \Vinnctka, Friday evening, December the piquant, winsome, and impish man of the circle and has appointed 28. This organization has not given queen of the fairies, and Miss Margot Mrs. Edward Scheidcnhelm to be a performance in Chicago for a numAtkin, the haughty, austere and snob- chairman of the supper. She is being ber of years and never has appeared bish duchess of Tidy Castle. assisted by the entire circle acting as on the north shore. The Racketty-Packetty dolls are her committee. Final arrangements The p1ay \viii be followed by a dance. entrancing with their quaint costumes for the dinner \Yere made at an all- :\!rea dy a large number of dinner parand their light, mechanical postures. clay !Tiecting of the circle Tuesdav ties have been planned preceding this Miss Dorothy Schmidt, as Peter Piper, afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank event, as the interest is unusually keen the leader of the little band, with his Scheidcnhclm, 804 Forest a\·cnue. this year because of the many north many inventions and his cheerful shore boys attending \Villiams college. ph.ilosophy, is entirely captivating. Marty Tomorrow Th e appearance of Cap and Belts is MISS Margaret Hambleton, as Cynthia, being spo nsored bv the Williams Saturday evening of this week brings plays her role well, as does Mrs. RoAlt~mni association ·of Chicago, of bert Morrisson as Lady Patsy, Miss the wedding of Miss Eugenia Jones, \\'hich \i Vallace Rum sey of ·\Vinnetka daughter of Professor and Mrs. HilBarbare Neff, as . the Princess, and is president. Marcus D. Richards Mrs. John R. Winterbotham Jr. as ton Ira Jones of \Vilmette. to Clyde 1340 Tower road, Winnetka, is chair~ E. Peaster, son of Mrs. Henry J. Ridicklis. ' Peaster, of Glencoe. The service will man of the committee in charge of <;Jther _members of the cast are, Nip, take place at 8 o'clock in the \Vilmette arrangements for this presentation Tnp, Skip and Flip, the Misses Mar- Methodist Episcopal church, and will which will be the only one in Chicago: ion Olcott, Ethel Harmon, Kathleen b_e read by Dr. Horace G. Smith, asWhitcomb, and Anna Louise Curtis; Sisted by Rev. Harold C. Case of GlenBenefit Nets Over $3 0 0 Miss Laura Jacoby, the New Nurse, co e. and the Poli'ceman; Miss Jean Purcell One of the social as well as financial John; Miss Judith Walsh, James; successes of the Wilmette fall season Mrs. Boyd Hill, Gustibus; Mrs. Lyell Gives Series of Affairs was the afternoon bridge given as a Ritchie, Peg; Mrs. Robert Adams, 1\frs. Harold E. Spinney has been benefit for the philanthropy departMeg; Dorothy Wegener, Kilman- hostess at a series of parties recently ment of the \Voman's club of Wilskegg; Mrs. Russell Stafford, Lady at her home, 927 Ashland avenue. Last mette, \Vednesday, October 31. The Mur~el; Miss Margaret Hambleton, Friday evening she entertained at din- committee in charge of the affair gave Lady Doris; Mary Gardner, . Lord ner and bridge and plans a similar af- to the philanthropy department its net Rupert; Gertrude Lucey, .Lord Hubert. fair for this evening. On Tuesday profit of more than three hundred dolThe scenery, properties, and cos· afternoon and again on Wednesday Jars, the largest sum, it is announced tumes are delightful and the incidental afternoon she was hostess at luncheon ever contributed from such an affai~ to help in carrying on the philanmusic, played by piano, 'cello, and sec- and bridge. thropic work of the club. ond violin lend a music·boxesque charm to the production. To Give Tea December 1 · "Racketty-Packetty House" is conSaturday, December 1, Mrs. Fred- Tea for Goucher Club tinuing its half-after-ten-o'clock per- erick Bulley will entertain at tea at The Evanston Goucher club wilt formances for children on Saturday her home, 220 Sheridan road, Kenilmeet for tea this afternoon at the mornings, November 24, December 1 worth, at 4 o'clock, in honor of Miss 8, 15, 22, and 29. Its proceeds go t~ Lucille Kile of Ivesdale, Ill. 1 who is the home of Miss Elizabeth Bass of Evanston. hfrs. George will read African charity. fiancee of her ·son, ~lien E. Bulley. folk lore from Uncle Remus. N ortb Shore Debutantes to Be Mannequins at Ball Three north shore debutantes of this season, Miss Harriet Leonard of Winnetka, Miss Charlotte Picher of Glencoe, and Miss Jean Stevens of Highland Park will be am ong the mannequins for the fashion revue to be given as a part of the Arden Shore carnival and ball on November 30, in the Red Lacquer room and the Grand ballroom of the Palmer House. The remainder of this group displaying the fashions of the hour will be the Misses Bertha Palmer, Jean Purcell, Jeanette Peterkin, Isabel Greenlee, Mary Elizabeth Johnston, Margaret Crossett, Barbara King, Letitia Channon, Florence Crane, Eleanor Durbin, Virginia Dixon, Mary Fortune, Katherine Drake, Mary Seaman, Laura Jacoby, Theodosia Smith, Dorothy Wilson, Maurice Murphy, and Cynthia Wilson. Mrs. Francis Edwards of 257 East Delaware place, Chicago is in charge of tickt:ts for the affair, which is spon· sored by the Chjcago Arden Shore committee. The affair is to be more elaborate than ever before arrangements indicate.

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