November 23, 1928 WILMBTT·E LIFE Regional Planners Prof. Franklin B. Snyder · Addresses Teachers' Club · Seek U ni/ormity in Prof. Franklin Bliss Snyder of the Traffic Ordinances department of English at NorthwestEvery mayor or president of the 280 municipalities within fifty miles of Chicago has been asked by the Chicago Regional Planning association to con sider revising the traffic ordinance of his community to conform to the Model Municipal Traffic ordinance just completed by the National Conference on Street and Highway Safety. "With a different traffic ordinance on the books of every town," says H. R. Olson, highway engineer for the association, "a driver cannot hope to become even remotely acquainted with them all. "Uniformity in general provisions of traffic ordinances throughout the whole country is desirable, but more especi-. ally in the Chicago region where, for instance, a motorist._ drives through fifteen separate municipalities in going from Chicago by the way of Washington boulevard to Geneva thirty miles west of the city. "To bring a local ordinance up to date is easy with the model devised by the national conference which was called by the now president-elect Herbert Hoover who was then Secretary of Commerce. Plenty of directions, explanations and reasons why. accompany each section, and blank spaces are indicated for inserting local titles, restrictions and special regulations. Copies of this model have been furnished to the mayor or president and to the engineers of each city or village in the region either by the Automobile Club of Illinoi s or the Chicago Regional Planning a ssociation. "The new traffic ordinance recently passed by the City of Chicago conforms to the general provisions of the model. It is now up to local officials and citizens of each community in the. Chicago region to make their own orrlinance uniform with this national standard." ern university, gave the second of two lectures before the Wilmette Teachers' club at its regular monthly meeting in the Stolp school library Monday night. Professor Snyder's . subject was "Art, Literature, and Contemporary Civilization." The teachers' club is making plans for its annual Christmas dinner to be held at the Howard school next Month, probably about December 17. Miss Hazel Frankell, daughter of Mrs. C. Frankell of 1506 Wilmette avenue, will be at home this week-end from the University of Illinois where she is ·a student. She is attending a · formal military ball and banquet here. Make .Your Christtnas Cards Personal Greetings .. ., ,.. . ~ We make Christmas Cards from your owri k~dak negatives <?f photograohs on heavy stock paper,' ba~d embossed ready to · mail in · an attractive lined envelope. samples and prices. Just call Wilmette 3 6 7 2 and we wiJI submit Anderson's Photo . Service 621 PRAIRIE AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. SUPERIOR IN UNIVERSITY BAND Robert Harper, son of Supt. }. R. Harper, of the \Vilmette Public schools, visited his parents in \Vilmette Saturday and Sunday. Robert is a freshman ·at the University of Illinois and plays in the university band. He came from Urbana for the Illinois-Chicago game at Stagg field Saturday. Mrs. P. D. Davis of 1733 Washinghas left for New York City where she will meet Mr. Davis and remain over Thanksgiving. Mr. Davis has been in Europe for the past two and a half months. hm a venue -oKeith Drake of 933 Lake avenue has returned to his home after a month's business trip to New York City. . Bowman's Milk ·bas f ears · .t.tcal housevvtves. F or over fi ty y roong crt ·t held high. favor a is widely known for t s It is a mtlk that superior flavor. to .lk" o of the cow the rot tn& ery step, from . d final delivery' Ev . · g botthng an · · f the pasteurtz1n ' vi ilant supervtston o . taken under the g . They are the ts d · pectors. nrman-traine 1nS \y the hardest B o~~ milk supp ouardians of your t·re dairy industry. & · f . the en 1 to satts Y tn men ' reaches your mans 1 h. That is whY B ovv . tended-full-ric tn · l nature ~n d et table exact y_ as fresh an svve t of the pure, cream, pures . of the year. every day GLEN GABLES TEA ROOM Park Avenue, Glencoe DAIRY COMPANY Will Serve a Special THANKSGIVING DINNER Twelve-thirty to Sis O'clock MILK · THE MILK OF SUPERIOR FLAVOR per $1.15 plate