Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1928, p. 1

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WILMETTE VOL. NO. XVIII. NO. 9 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 23, 1928 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS DEDICATE NEW GYI AT NE' TRIER DECEMBER 7 High School Board Members to Formally Present Structure to Township Citizens New Trier High school's new $675 ()()() gymnasium will be dedicated Fridav December 7, when the public will b~ invited to inspect the building. The new gymnasium will be officially presented to the township by J. R. Gathercoal, representing the New Trier ·s·chool board. Mr. Gathercoal is president of the board. The program planned for the dedication will be so arranged as to give patrons of the school an ·idea of the various activities that may be centered in the building, according to Miss Elizabeth E. Packer, acting principal of the school. Doors will be open at 7 o'clock . and the program will start at 7:30. Musical Pt'op-am Music~l numbers will be furnished· by the htgh school band, orchestra, and glee clubs. Mr. · Gathercoal's short presentation ·speech ·will be followed with a talk by Edward J. Phelps, chairman of the committee on student activities of the New Trier school board. Three numbers representing various phases of the physical education work of the school will be given after the speeches. The program will close with the first basketball game of the season. New Trier will play Englewood High school of Chicago. Started Year A 0 g . G roun d for t he new gymnasmm was broken late in the winter of 1927. The structure wa·.; used for the first time last June, when the ::tnnual commencement exercises were held there. It contains two gymnasiums, one for boys that will be used for all general activities and games, and a ·.smaller one for girls, in addition to the offices for coaches and athletic department heads, club rooms, and locker rooms. The building has be~n so laid out that the larger gymnasium can be turned into an auditorium that will ·seat 3,000 people, and the smaller one used as a sta!re. CaD Villagers to Union Thanksgiving Observance Wilmette's annual community Thanksgiving service, participated in by the Protestant churches of the village, will be held Thanksgiving day morning at 10 o'clock in the Wilmette Baptist church. Dr. Horace G. Smith, pastor of the Wilmeue Pari·sh Methodist church will preach the Thanksgiving service.· There will be a special progr~m of music. The service will continue until 11 o'clock. Ministers of the variou·.s ~hurches associated with the Wilmette church, will preach the Thanksin the services. The community Thanksgiving service has become a tradition in the village. It has never failed to attract a capacity audience and thi·.s year's observans_ e is expected to be no exception to the rule. Tells of ~Holy Wars, LOWELL THOMAS SPEAIS AT SUNDAY EYE. CLUB World Famous Author-Esplorer to Recount Esperieacea "With Lawrence in Arabia" d d d fif W'l un re an ty . 1 m~~te M~sons and membe.rs of thetr famthes et!Joyed a t~rkey dmner Tuesday evemng of th~s week, served by the newly orgamzed Daught~rs of J~b. and offered under §.POnsorshtp of Wtlmette C:hapter, Royal Arch Ma·sons. The dmn~r was followed b.Y. a program of dancmg, cards, and . btlhards. J?r. George ~· Alhson, pastor of t~e Wtlmette .Baptist. church, gave a bnef a~d.ress, appropnate to the. Thanksg!vmg season, at the conclu·swn ~f the dtnner. :"rthur J. Taylor was chatrman of the dmner program. T wo h IN PRESBYTERIAN PULPIT Dr. E. C. Pires, pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian church, Chicago, will preach at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning, November 25, at the 11 o'clock services. His sermon subject will be, "The Image of God in Man." Masons Get Early Taste of Thankagi~ing Turkey Begin Christmas Seal Campaign Thanksgiving At a recent meeting of Christmas seal chairmen from all over Cook county, the master ship model from the National Tuberculosis Association servel as a center-piece at the luncheon. The luncheon was held at the Woman's City club and the other sessions at the office of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute in the same building, 360 N. Michigan avenue. Mrs. Theodore B. Sachs, superintendent, presided. Homer J. I:Juckley, of the Association of Commerce, spoke on direct mail as a method of handling Christmas seal business. Nearly every community of the county was represented and the disc~ssion of plans for the December campaign was enthusiastic. The sale of Christmas ·seals will berin Thanksgiving and last until New it's worth printing, then it's worth printing well. LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. WILMETTE 4300 Year. Lowell Thomas, well known explorer, author and lecturer, will speak on "With Lawrence in Arabia" at the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, November 25. His lecture will be illustrated by stereopticon and moving picture'3. The soloist for this Sunday will be Madam Edith Bideati Normelli. Mr. Thomas' lecture, given last year, at the Union League club of ChicagQ, drew one of the largest crowds of the season. Colorful Career The lecturer has had an interesting and colorful career. At nineteen he was a Bachelor of Arts, at twenty a Master of Arts. Explorer in ·Alaska and the Arctic, gold miner, star reporter on metropolitan dailies, literary free lance, magazine Vvriter, both professor and student at a great college of law, and at Princeton university in quest of a degree of Doctor of Philosophy and a member of the facultyhe had been an these when he was twenty-five. · Ia Midst of War Then the war came. It took him to Europe on a special mission with credentials from the President's cabinet and a colonel in the army as his aid. Lowell Thomas, author, explorer and In the words of Lord Northcliffe .,he lecturer, will speak at the Wilmette saw more of the world war than anv Sunday Evening club November 25. other man." He traveled from FlanMr. Thomas, an American, went into ders to the Argonne and the Alps, the Holy Land early in the World war from the Piave to Egypt, and then to as official hi·.;torian of the epochal Arabia and ·Palestine. In Paris on events then being developed by the Armistice day, he hastened to the Allied forces in the Near East. He frontier and crawled through the Allied accompanied Allenby's cavalry army lines by night to see Central Egypt which swept the Turks from Palestine, amid the convulsions of revolution. Lowell Thomas' lectures have been and he was the only person to bring acclaimed in all parts of the world. back the pictorial record and eyewitnes·s story of the astonishing deeds At the end of his London run be rean invitation from .the Prime of the mysterious Colonel Lawrence in ceived Minister of Australia to present his Arabia. It is of these deeds that he epic story and films in the Antipodes will speak more particularly in his as the guest of the commonwealth lecture this Sunday. government. This led to invitations· from other countries. Mr. Thomas has returned to the United States to Chamber of Commerce continue his long postponed tour of Group Names Candidates this country. Enthralls Audience· The nominating committee of the The lecturer was invited to appear Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, consisting of E. B. Knudson, chairman; at the White House before the PresiF. J. Budinger, Joseph E. Shantz, Dr. dent, and on that occasion Dr. Paul C. H. Eldred, and Carl Renneckar, was F Reinsch. American financial advisor to meet yesterday to name candidates to the government of China, stated for the Chamber ot Commerce offices that it was the most impressive and for the coming year. Nominations will enthralling entertainment he had ever be made for president and members of seen. On behalf of China he urged the board of directors. The terms of Lowen Thomas to make that country subject of. h'is next produdion. four of the board of director members the Many reviewers have proclaimed expire this year. The nominating committee's slate of candiates will be Thomas' book, "With Lawrence in presented at the regular December Arabia," the greatest book to come meeting of the Chamber a week from out of the World War. next Monday, and the election will occur at the January meeting. P. 0. CLOSED THANICSCIVINC The Wilmette postoftice will be MEN'S CLUB DINNER cl~sed all day Thursday, ThanksThe Men's club of the First Congre- giving day, it ·was announced this gational church will have a dinner and week by Postmaster Joseph E. meeting next Monday evening ·at 6 :30 Shantz. There will be no deliveries o'clock. The Rev. Vere V. Loper, of mail, but the usual afternoon col· mirditer of the ·church, will be the Jections will be made. The mails principal speaker. Plans for the year's will close at 5 p. m., Postmaster activity in the club will be discussed Shantz announced. at a buainen session.

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