Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1928, p. 50

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WILMETTE LIFE November 23. 1928 I Soccer Schedule Schedules of Wilmette Grammar school soccer games sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board have been announced as follows: Senaiii·Eirbtll Gra4ee All games are called ·t 8 :30 o'clock. The ftrst two teams ready to play will play ftrst. Friday, November 2s-8t. Francis 8 vs. Stolp 88, Washington Park ; St. Francis 7 vs. Stolp 7B, Washington Park: St. .Joseph 7 va. Howard 78, VIllage Green ; Howard 'lA va. Stolp 'lA, Vlllace Green. Monday, November 26-St. Joseph 8 vs. Stolp SC, Washington Park ; St. Francis 7 vs. Stolp 7D, Washington P~Lrk; St. Francis 8 vs. Howard 8B, Vlllage Green ; St. Joseph 7, vs. Howard 7A, .Vlllage Green. . Wednesday, November 28-St. Joseph 8 vs. Stolp SA, :Washington Park ; Stolp 7C vs. Stolp 7D, Washington Park; Howard SB vs. Stolp '8C, VUlage Green; St. Francis 7 vs. Howard 7B, Village Green. Monday, December 3-Stolp 8C vs. Stolp SB, Washington Park; Stolp 7A vs. Stolp 7D, Washington Park; St. Joseph 8 vs. Howard 8A, Vlllage Green ; Howard 7B vs. Stolp 7C, Vlllage Green. Wednesclay, December 5-Stolp SA vs. Stolp 8B, Washington Park ; Stolp 7B vs. Stolp 7C, Washington Park; St. Joseph 7 ANNOUNCING The Most Mod811D, Most V811satlle llasleallasta-ameat Bv.. Oll. .ed! vs. st. Francis 7, Vlllage Green; Howard 7A vs. Stol» 7D., VIllage Green. Friday, December 7-Btolp 7A vs. Stolp 78 · Grades , All games are called at 3 :30 ° clock. Philip A. Born, 46, of 810 Forest ave The ftrst two teams ready to play will P1Vue~~:;, November 2(}-St. Joseph 6 vs. nue, Wilmette, shot himself with a Central 6A; Washington Park ; Centra~ pt'·s tol Monday in the bathroom of his 5A vs. St. Francis, Washington Park. Howard 6A vs. Central 6B, Village home. His wife, Marian, and a maid Green ; Howard 5 vs. Central sc, ·VIllage heard the shot and found him dead Green. Thursday November 22-Central 6A vs. with the gun in his right hand and a Howard 6A Washington Park ; Central 5B vs. ce~tral 5C, Washington Park: wound in his temple. St. .Joseph 5 vs. Lo,an 5, Village Green · Mr. Born was founder and president St. J oseplt 6 vs. St. Francis, VIllage Green. of a wholesale drug c.ompany at .152 Tuesday, November 27- Logan 5 vs. West Kinzie street, Chtcago. Offictals Central 5B Washington Park; St. Joseph of ht's comnany stated that he had been 5 vs. St. ' Francis, Washington Park! ~: b kd Howard 5 vs. Central 5A, Village Green, suffering from a nervous rea own st. Joseph 6 vs. Howard GA, Village for the last few months. Membe~s. of Green. his family found no notes explammg Tuesday December 4-Central GA vs. ur. Born's act. His financiC\1 affairs Central EiB Washington Park ; St, 1\'.L Francis s · vs. Central 5B, Washington. were said to be in good order. Park ; St. Joseph 5 vs. Central 5C, VilA widow and four children survive lage Green ; Howard 6B vs. St. Francis, h 'ld Village Green. . Mr. Born. The two younger c 1 re!l ~ Thursday, December 6-St. Francis 5 Helen and Richard, attend school m vs. Logan 5, Washington Park; Central Wilmette. PhilipJ Jr., is a student at 5A vs. Central 5C, Washington Park; New Trt'er High school -and Marian St. Joseph 5 vs. Howard 5, Village Green; Howard 6B vs. Central 6A, Vil- attends Northwestern university. lage Green.December 10-St. Francis 6 vs. · Monday, Funeral servtces wer e h e ld a t th e Central 6B Washington Park ; Central family residence Wednesday afternoon 6B vs. Ce~tral 5A, Washington Park; at 2:30 o'clock. Burial was at MemCentral 5C vs. Logan !l, Village Green; ort'al· Park. Howa rd 6A vs. Howa r:_:d:_.:,:6B::·:_..-.._ _:_.::.__:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ washln::~~.:.~~:· Sert·ices wednesday . for p h'·[· ·P A · Born From Residence Here ... CLIFF CWIELLING ON APACHE TRAIL GOLDEN STATE THE V1croa ELECTROLA RADIOLA 9-18 LIMITED The Electrola, offered in combination with the Radiola in the No. 9-18 is the most powerful, ftexible and versatile instrument of its type. Its repertoire is the sum total of the repertoire of all the world's greatest musicians and entertainers; it is all instruments, all voices, known to human ears. It speaks in an intimate ' whiaper, or, at your will, brings to you the mightiest outpourings of the full symphony orchestra, undimin· ished in power, unaltered in quality. Through it, you play your favorite music, on your favorite instrument, by your favorite artist, when your mood dictates--and you play it with precisely that degree of power suited to your taste or the acoustic properties of your room. You not only select the program, ·but you conduct it I The Radiola is the famous new R. C. 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Pase'r Agent, Rock leland Linea 455-lE 72 3 La Salle Street Station, Chicago, Ill., Phone W abaah 3200 Please send me booklets about Arizona and California and complete train 1emce information. "_ Naae.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Addre~t ... 148 ·

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