Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1928, p. 67

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November 23, 1928 WILME·TTE LlFE 67 not open until Christmas." Christmas SHOP AND MAIL EARLY; do cards and gifts addressed to points within one day's travel should be · P. 0. HOLIDAY ADVICE mailed in no event later than December 20; within two days' travel, not later than December 18; wi thin three days' travel, not later than December ·16 · LOW RATES- 1 DAY SERVICE- NO RED TAPE for more distant points not later tha~ December 14. Parcels and card·s for "The Wilmette po~t office will make local delivery should be mailed not every effort to handle the Christmas later than December 21. 39U LA WRENCl.! AVE., CHICAGO Phone KEYstone 1100 mails ~vithout congesti<?n and delay, but owmg to the enormous volume this Hekn and Buddy H~den, 527 ~ar- ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ can be done only with the cooperation wick road, Kenilworth, are entertainof the public," Postmaster Joseph E. ing their Sunday school class for tea I~ATRONIZE Shantz announced this week. Com- on Sunday evening., pliance with the followin g suggestions will greatly aid the post office and insure prompt handling of your mail, Mr. Shantz states. Mail early for delivery before Chri'3tmas day, on which there will be no mail delivery. All parcels must be sec urely wrapped or packed. Use strong paper and heavy twine. Address your parcels on one side only. Thi s expedites the handling and the delivery. Place your addre'3s and the address of the person to whom you are sending the parcel inside of parcel. This insures delivery in case of the mutilatil;lg of the address on outside of parcel. Postage mu3t be fully prepaid. Size of Parcels No parcel may be more than eighty. four inches in length and girth combined. For delive ry locally and in the first, second and third zones, seventy pounds is the maximum weight; in all other zones fifty pounds. The U'3e of the speci~ll delivery stamp to will assur.e delivery on Christmas day, if mailed at the proper time. Special · d~very service means the handling and transportation of parcels with the same Less tubes expedition as first-cla'3s letter mail. Special delivery is for speed and not for safety. Valuable mail shou ld be registered or insured. Insurance fees: Value not exceeding $5, five cents; not exceed inq $25, eight cents; not exceeding $50, ten cent s; not exceeding $100, twenty-five· cents. Coin, currency, jewelry and articles of similar value should be sent as sealed fir'3t-class regi stered mail. First-class mail may be regi ste red up · to a value of $1000. Shop and Mail Early Shop and mail early. During the holiday season the volume An AC set whose r~ception matches audio, complete shielding, power of mail increa se'3 approximately 200 percent. the marvelous results hitherto atsupply for dynamic speaker, a jack It is a physical impos sibility to handle tainable only by special, complicated ,for reproducing phonograph records this great mass of mail matter efficientlaboratory apparatus. electrically. ly and promptly within a few days. Balkite has taken all that is known Therefore, to assure delivery of your Finally, the cabinets are by Berkey Christmas presents, cards and letters, in radio, including its own contribu& Gay, the most distinguished fumi. shop and mail early! This. will be a tions, and developed a simple, deture house in America. They set a new great aid to your postal '3ervtce and to that gives the quality of pendable set standard in appearance, as the Balpostal empbyees and e nabl ~ them ~o service of a fine car. spend Christmas day wtth thetr kite AC sets a new standard in perfamilies. This is an achievement of engineerformance. Your dealer will gladly Patrons sending a quantity ing refinement. It points the way of give you a demonstration. Christmas card3, say ten or more, future radio development for years should prepare and mail the~. two or Fansteel Products Company, Inc., three weeks in advance, as mtlhons are to come. North Chicago, Illinois. mailed and they cannot possibly be Specifically, here is an handled and delivered if mailed only AC set in every sense of two or three days bdore Christmas. To avoid thi'3, patrons may mail their that loosely used term, a cards two or three weeks before complete unit ready to Christmas if delivered at the post operate from your light office in ~erson. They will then be socket. It is AC without segregated, stamped with the dat.e on which to be delivered, and delivery hum. It has push-pull cABINETs Bv effected one or two days before Christmas. Omit Messages Do not seal parcels unless you wish them registered. . Do not inclose messages tn your parcels. Thi·s will subject the.m. to the first class rate. It is permtsstble. to inclose the inscriptions "Merry Chnstma·s," "Happy New Year," etc. r,arcels and envelopes may be .indorsed please .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Postmaster Gives Valuable Hints to Villagers Concerning Christmas Mail 2nd Mort1ace· - H. Manasse Sons ·Investment CO. OUR ADVERTISERS ··········· $125 $450 .__.~n9ineerin9 lRefinement qives you this new kind of Radio . . . saEikite 1\adio Berkey&c.ay Distributed by DANNEMARK ELECTRIC CO. 1151 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 214 ··························································

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