Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1928, p. 70

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10 WILMETTE !7 LIFE INTERIOR DECORATING November 23, 1928 HELP WTD.-FEMALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Claa81fted advertlseruenta will be Ge.~ till N 0 tICIto residents of the dlstrlct from fta -· charged onl)' Evanston to Gleucoe lDclualve wboee names appear In the telephone directory, or who are ncuJa.r wbacrtbere to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLJD!.COOB NEWS. 16 cents a line in one paper. 26 cents a llne In any two papers. Ratea-30 cents a llne In all three papers. MINIMUM CHABG E 60 eeatt. Averace of ftve words to the line No black !ace type u's ed. 10% discount on all casb with order advertisements when brought to our otllce at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 66f Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 1 WANTED WHITE MAID FOR GENF. S. BRASOR ART STORE eral housework, small family. Ph. Silhouettes. Indivldua:l Winnetka 1057. 56LTN9-ltc Cuttings by Appointment 1312 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON. Untv. EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. 9179. 27LTN4-l6tp No laundry. Good wages. Tel. Winn. 1539. 56LTN9-ltc LOANS BO ,;;' HELP WANTED-MALE Charles H. Brethold 1st an<l 2nd Mortgages 545 Ma in St. , 'Vilmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc OPPORTUNITY YOUNG MAN WITH CAR, MUS'l' BI· fa miliar with North Shore, pl ea s ing pers ona lity, not soliciting, mod est sa l ary to s ta rt. Write Wilmette Li ff' A-206. 57LTN9-ltt: WAN TED BOYS TO SOLICIT HOLL l: wrea thes. Ph. University 3561. 57L9-ltc Deadline for lnsertions-~~:~:~t1e~P ~~vW!~~~:3!; 6wt~·c1 !~ ~~; the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers , Thursday 5 o'clock tor the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. GLENCOE NEWS. .. FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-AUTOS Successfully treating Rheumatism, Lum- =~~~ ·· ~~~~~~~~~~~= bago, Colds, Neuritis, Neuralgia, etc. :,o (a:~ERAI~ UEL' .\IRS 1703 Sherman Ave. Ph. Gr. 5125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-A-LTN8-4tc .Jl~\\' ELUY HEPAIRI~G AND RE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod (:.'i ing· br a c r a fts ma n o f rare abilll BUILDING AND COYTRACTING ity. P a ul Da Yel ;l Jew~~.1 ;· l16 5 Wil1 111 1 mH t.- An- nu f'. E0' mette 6· ' \Vl\1. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. 50L4-tfc N ew and r epair work. Get our e~tlmate. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc .-;;;_._ _ _ _ L_,_,s_ · '_I'_A_~_ .I_l-}' t_)_l · _~_J_·- - - - COOKING AND SERVING DINNERS or parti ef'. Tel. Glen. 709, Mrl-i. Sa n LOST WIRE HAIR E lJ FOX TETIRIER DRESSMAKING 17 ders. 60LTN9-ltp a bout a rr. old with hl aek a nd whit e ---------------ma1 k ! Jtg· ~. Bro\\'n h t.ad, white ch eJ-;t SEWING, ALL OR PART 'l'IME, Vv ANTED WASHING AND IRONING wi t h r ound llro wH ~ pot < ·n st oma t: h. R edressmaker or dress H hop. So me sho p to take home; will call for and d eliver. ward.. H. c: . 1\: t> lllJH·r, 11 20 ( 'heMnut experi ence. \Vrite ·wilme tte Life A-209. Wilm(;tte 3246. 60LT.:\f9-ltc AYe., Wilme tt e. :>ii LT~9-lt c USED CAR DEPT. 17LTN9-ltp REFINED YOUNG WOMAN DESfRES 1027 DAVIS ST. WIIJ, 3750 LO~T-T UJ:R. EVENING, NOV. 20TH, care of children by the hour. Ph. Wil ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 4LTN9-ltc 28 a t T ea tro del L a go , 9:30 P . M., large mette 6R5. 60L'.rN9-ltc tan a nd brown s ilk scarf. Return to CLOCKS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. Lht<llrt. : recei\·e r eward. 55LT9-ltc GER~fAN LADY WITH REFERENCES Clocks called for and delivered. P a ul \\'ants day work Ph. "\\"ilmette 3412. Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Avt>- I >OU F O lT~D-BOSTON BULL, WHITE 1928 Nash Special Ca b1·iole t .... $850 60L9-ltp nue. Phone Wilmette 6. 23L34-tfc 1929 Nash Standard S edan . . . 800 body with brown ears. F emale. Kenil1927 Nash Special Sedan . . . . . . 625 worth Police D ept. 55LTN9-ltc .-\ C O~fPETE~T WOMAN WILL COOK 1926 Nash Advanced Sed a n . . ... .. 575 26 INSTRUC1.'ION and :->ern· dinne r s and luncheons. Ph. 1928 Nash Standard Sedan ..... . . 550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i·'OCXD- SMALL, BLACK KITTEN. \Vilme tte 4228. 60LT9-ltp 1926 Nash Advanced Coach ....... 450 A FORMER COLLEGE TEACHER Ph . \Vilmette 497. 55L9-ltc 1924 Willys Knight Sedan, new tires 275 will tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic, WILL C ARE FOR CHILDREN AFTERGeometry, English, French and Ger- :16 noon, e Yening or by the hour. Ph. Uni HELP WANTED-FEMALE versity 3442-W. 60L9-ltc man. William R. Morrow, 5530 Win- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - throp Ave., Chicago. Ph. Longbel"ch ".ANTED-LAUNDRESS, WHITE, F'OR 3900. 25LTN7-ltp ::\1ondays, permanent, must be thorough- WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, 547 Lincoln Ave. ·winnetka 2707 ly experienced, wa s hing machint>, man-· will call and deliver. Wilmette 3599. 4L1'N!l-ltc gle and dryer. 379 Ridge Ave. Te l. 60LTN8-3tc Winn. 1379. 56LTN9-1 c .JANE TRIGGS, B. A. WELLESLEY. WANTED LAUNDRY WORK. WILL Tuto1·ing in grammar and high school DEPENDABLE LADY TO TAKE CARE call for and deliver. Wilmette 4288. 1926 Jordan Coupe . . . . . . . . . .... $625 l-'UI.Jj ects. Ph. ·wilmette 3588. 25LT8-2tc of 2 yr. old girl in exchangt> for room 60LTN9-ltp 1927 Whippet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 and board. Ph. Wilmette 1271. 1925 Hupmobile Touring .. 125 PIANO TEACHER, ..__._____________________________________________ EXPERIENCED, SIT. WTD.-MALE 56L9-ltc 61 1926 Ford Roadster . . .. . . . . . . . 90 will call at your home. First class ref. J ewett Coupe ........ 90 Ph. Irving 6305. 25LTN6-4tp WANTED-"\VHITE "\VOMAX FOR GEN- MARRIED STUDENT (25) WISHES 4 cyl. Essex Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 e ral housework by hour. :1 <lavs a EMPLOYMENT EVENINGS AND Jordan Coupe · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 50 :!i ISTF.RIOR DECORATING week. Phone ""innctka 2576. · SA1'URDAYS; CAPABLE; RESOURCEFUL. WILLING TO DO 56L'l'N9-lt<' l\101~0R ANYTHING TO HELP FAMILY 5 ~5 Chestnut St. Winnetka 330 BUDGET. PH. GREENLEAF 6694. WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GEN4LTN9-ltc eral housework ; has to sleep horne ; 61LTN9-ltp references. Ph. Wilmette 1527. BY COLORED MAN AS CHAUFFEUR ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL- ._......,__...,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _56L9-ltp Guaranteed Used Cars _ _____. and yard man. Best references in WUways react to the appeal of beauty. A WANTED-WHITE GIRL, GENERAL GOOD TRANSPORTATION AT . LOW mette and Hubbard Woods. Ph. Wllroom is attractive when its lamps and investment and upkeep. Our used cars hswk.; small family; good wages. Tel. mette 142. 61L9-ltc shades are ln perfect harmony, We are reconditioned rightly. They look Glencoe 1343. 56LTN9-ltc study your home and carefully analyze good and they're priced right. EXPERIENCED HOUSE AND WINYOUR lighting needs. Vaeea wired. WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEdow cleaning, basements white washed work, small family, light laundry. $18. or painted ; also odd jobs. Ph. WilPh. Wilmette 2046. 56LTN9-ltc mette 2088. 61LT9-ltc 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 632 Church St. Gr('enteaf 816 4L1'N9-1tc 27LTN9-ltc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR BY A. W. PORTER, FIRST CLASS --.~-----------------------------------~n&~ ~~w~~ oo ~n~~ ~ ~~~~illarou~rn~~n~~Y · - ~OU BYaD8tOBt Wilmette 2898. 56LTN9-ltc ~l~:. of work. Best clty ref. G6'i£s~~~ WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork, home nights, half or whole day, HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING; This Oflia will accept ·classified advertisina to be rua no Sundays, Wilmette 1512. · 56L9-ltc also gardening and odd jobs. Wllmettf ref. Ph. Kenwood 9892. 61LTN9-ltp ill THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16.000 famiNEAT, COMPETENT WHITE GIRL lia in Evansron. REVIEW copy must be ia by 5 p.m. for general housework. Ph. Wilmette . R! li'IT. )VTD.-MALE & FEMALE 2441. 58LTN9-ltc oa Tatlday. · SMiTH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, CAPABLE WOMAN FOR GENERAL couples, chauffeurs, maida . and day housework.' · Go home nights. Tel. wprkers supplied. Ph. University 6464. Wtnn. 1925. 56LTN9-1tc ·· · .. · . 8%LTNS-!tp THESE OVER BEFORE BUYING 1928 M. 6 Buick R ed, 5 pass. cpe. Gold Seal guar., down payment, $475 1927 M. 6 Buick rumbl e seat spe. M~do~r ~~~~~~C~~::i~r ~~e'~~n.P~~~:nt, $400 I8 h e d · 4 w h ee ) b ra k es, d own pa ym2 ··k·, · 4 · .· · · · · $280 ·1: .· .:,.d a·n ·· 1 19 5erstttan.d .· ·6· ·BuJ·( D. P. '" ........ $200 1924 Dodge sedan .... ..... $175 All Buick cars carry Gold Seal 90 Day Guarantee. 'l.'rades Accepted. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS · t c · , FOR SALE-VARIOUS REPOSSESSED automobiles at prices 25% less than A good used car is a b etter buy than a elsewhere ; down payment $25 to $50, cheap new car. balance in semi-monthly payments. MoBuick Sedan, a buy ........ . . .. .. . $ 75.00 tor Acceptance Co., Ph. UniversitY 1204. Ford Touring, a good car . . . . . . . . 65.00 4LTN4-tfc Dodge Sedan, W estinghouse Shock Absorbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 39 Dodge Roadster, fine condition . . . . 250.00 PETS ()Jdsrnobile Roadster, Sport Model . . 300.00 RUN 9,000 MILES, EXCELLENT COND., FOR SALE-CH. D . HED CHOW, Dodge Coach, completely recondifully equipped, $750. 337 Sheridan road. Schna uzer pup!'. R ea !ionabl e. 688 Ce n tioned ..... . .... .. . . ........ . ... 400.00 'l'el. Winn. 2170. 4L9-ltp ter St. Tel. "-'inn. 3085. 39LT.:\f9-ltc Dodge Sedan, exceptional value .. 390.00 Dodge Sedan, worth more money . . 325.00 OL DS-:\IOBILE 1 ~2 8 2 DOOR SEDAN, &:t UEPAIRI.XH & ltEFINISHING \ USED CAR SOLD ON OUR GUARused 5 months, $150 ca sh , balance ANTEE TS NOT ONLY A GOOD BUY, monthly payment~. including Fire and WATC H REPAIRING DONE BY EXBUT AN INVESTMENT Theft. insurance. For information Tel. J Wrt. ·w a tchPs cleaned a nd adju s ted. Winn~ 1136. 4L'.rN9-ltp Paul Da vey, J e weler, 1165 Wilmette rAve nu e. Phone Wilmette 6. 43L34-tfc STEARNS-KNIGHT SEDAN, 7 PASDodge Motor Cars senger. A-1 cond. $175. Tel. Winn. tiJ·A. PLATING PHONE WILMETTE 224 838. 4LTN9-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101 9 Davis St. Evanston, Ill. ~TLYEH PLATING - HAVE YOUR 4LTN9-ltc S·A BATHS good old pieces r en e wed a t a reasona bl e pri ce. Paul Da,·ey , J eweler, 1165 TUMALTY MEDICATED \\"ilnw tt Aw nue. Phone \Vilmette · 6. VAPOR BATHS 45A-L34-tfc GOOD USED CARS HELP WTD.-MALE k FE~IALE ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES aS at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · conftential service.. WANTED-MAN OR WOMAN WITH some sales experience, to l!!ell attractive A-1 investment proposition in Wilmette 16H Orrington Ave., Evanston, Univ. 8383 vicinity. All or spare time. (Not real 30LTN6-4tp esta t e, stocks or ins urance). Offer s unu sually nigh returns to investor, and big commission to the salesman. State . AUTOMOBILE LOANS, REASONABLE experience. Write Wilmette Life A-208 rates, immediate service. Motor Accep58L9-ltp tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. BUSINESS OPPORTUNI'fiES 30LTN4-tfc !)9 MONEY TO LOAN" MCKENDRY REALTY Co. Chrysler "70" Brougham ----------------------------------------------------------WANTED-PARTY TO MAKE IN vestment of $1,000-$2,000 in s afe and ~ ure e nterprise which produces hand :-ome yearly income. Write Wilmette Life A-207 59LTN9-ltp . 60 SITUATION W'l'D.-l'EMALE " C.M.McDONALD PRACTICAL NURSE T O care for small children. Good refs. 2710 Mildred Ave. Tel. Bittersweet 1699 60LTN9-2tt CHILDREN CARED FOR BY DAY part day and eves.; whole days pref West Sidf·. Also TYPEWRITING done at h om e. Ph. Wil. 2261. 6:.tL9-ltp WHITE EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS washing, ironing or cleaning by the Jay, l\Irs. Jacqu es, Juniper 5073. 60LN9-ltp MOTHER' S HELPER OR CARE FOR p W'l children. Half days only. h. 1 mette 3672. 60L9-ltc · LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK MON . and Tues. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 4487 . 60LTN9-ltc n ERMAN North Shore Buick Co. USED CAR BARGAINS --------------------------- TUTORING USED CARS H.AN.SON CO.. --------- . PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER WERSTED MOTOR CO. GOODRICH STUDIO Waat Ad Ia tOO - Telephone Wilmette · 300 ·or ·winnetka 2000 -

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