Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1928, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIPB GIVE CONCERT DEC. I The next Georgian musical will be held December 9 at the Georgian hotel in Evanston. The new Swig!lrt instrumental quartet, including George and Estelle Swigart of Wilmette, wit"t play. On December 23, a male q~artet, under the leadership of Arthur Ranous, will give a Christmas program. Mrs. Harold B. Foster of 120 \Voodbine avenue has just returned from a visit . of over two weeks with Mrs. Thomas K. Carpenter, formerly a resident of Evanston. November 30, 1928 Country Day VaucleviUe Proves Splendid Success The annual school vaudeville performance given by the North Shore Country Day school Friday afternoon and Saturday evening, of last week, was a pronounced success, it is reported. The various stunts were staged by both students and teachers. The Saturday evening entertainment was followed by a dance. The Friday afternoon program was for the children of the lower grades. 'C ountry Day Hockey Team Winds l)p Play With String of Wins The hockey team of the North Shore C()untry Day school closed its season Saturday morning of last week with a 10 to 1 victory over the Chicago Latin te~m. The game was played at the Lincoln park field and completes a successful season for North Shore, in which its entry won ~11 of its three outside matches. In Saturday's game the first · half ended with a 4 to 1 score, the play up to this· time having been very slow. Both teams began playing with more vigor · at the opening of the second bali. North Shore charged down the field, putting the ball through Lalt_n 's goal six times and also preventing scoring by the opponents. The North Shore line-up follows : V. Lamson, R. W.; M. Street. R. I.; R. Beardslee, L. \V.: A. Beardslee. R. H.; D. Gerhard, C. H.: J. Hill, L. H.; H. Fulton, R. F.; A. A. Clark, L. F.; F. Well, goal. Thursdav of last week North Shore team defeated the Carl Schurz team, 6 to 0. GREATWATERSUPPLY PROJECT NEAR REALITY Greater Chicago Lake Water Company Solicits Contracts; Includes Wilmette Declaring that it will be able to supply Chicago~s west, northwest and north suburbs with an unlimited supply of soft, filtered Lake Mich igan water at a reasonable cost, the Greater Chicago Lake Water com·pany, with offices in the Bankers build ing, Chicago, has announced that it is beginning at once a drive to obtain 30~ear contracts for th~ service fron1 a group of thirty-one villages. · "All legal and other wfficulties are at last cleared away," declared Chari ~-; S. Thrasher, president of the company, "and we are going to present our water contracts to the boards of tru stees as fast as appointments can be mad e for hearings. "I want to make it clear right at th e start that ours is in no sense a stock selling scheme. \Ve are positively not going to obtain contracts. from the vill~ges and then come around to th e residents and ask them to buy stock so we can go ahead with the work. "Ample financial backing has been pledged to our company by E. H. Rol lins & Sons of Chicago, P. W. Chap man & company, Inc., of Chicago ancl F. L. Putnam & company, Inc., of Boston, three of the largest and he t known banking houses in the United States. all of which make a specialty of public utility financing. Crib at Wilmette "These companies are right now under contract to advance $12,000,000 for construction purposes ju st as soon as we show a sufficient number of water supply contracts with villages to inc1icate that our sales will be large enough to insure earnings. This method. it may be mentioned, is the usual one in finan<;:ing gas, water and other ouhii c utility enterprises. Many of the- most uccess ful utilities in the United States have been put into operation in exactly this way. "Vv e are going to build a crib in the lake at Wilmette, run a tunnel from i1· to a pumping station and filter pla11~ on shore. and run a pipeline southwa:·cl around the western citv limits of Chicago and connect with- the water systems of each western suburb at its cor porate limits. "The water will be soft, filtered, and will be delivered at a guaranteed minimum pressure of 50 pounds. Measurement will be made by meter, and the orice to the villa~e corporation will be based on the volume consumed, there being only one scale of prices for large and small communities alike. The maximum price is 15 cents oer tho'.tsand gallons for communities usin~ 50,000 gallons a day or less. The minimum price is 8 cents per thousand gallons for communities using 7,000,000 gallons a day or more. The scale for quantities between these extremes is proportioned on the same principle as power, light and gas charges are prooortioned . Awaits Town Verdicts 11 We have been asked manv times how soon we can start building onr crib, pumping station and pi~etine. We are forced to replv that this deoend~ upon the villaR;es themselves. We and our financial backers are all convinc~d that there is need for our water suoplv service in the west towns. But -anv business man will agree that we c~ui not in fairness be expected to build a $12.000.000 job unless we have positive :lssurance in the wav of contracts that it is P'Oin~ to be orofitahte for a oeriorl lonP' -enough to make it a worthwhile proiect. uThis is whv we are urving- all vHlages wh;r.h nesir~ take water to con(Continued on page 9) ... tr k c: w 1i' al \ ~ 54 a 11 11 BARRY'S BIG CARPET, RUG aad LIROLEUM SALE Open Saturday Evening· Until 9 P. M. 1c n Starting December lat and continuing all month. n q 0 DAVID G. BARRY Established in 19!0 \1 806-810 GROVE ST. · · · · · · · · Private Parking Space Phones: University 5712 Greenleaf 2300 The Lm·ge8t E::cchurive Carpet, Rug and Linoleum Stm·e c c a t North of the "Loop" a r a This is a year ol uselulgilts Jobason's Eleetrie rloor Polisher Why not a gilt lo· tbe hea.tb! Worthy of a place before the finest n1antels are these Wolff-Griffis fireplace fixtures. Whether you choose andirons, matched firesets, a shiny coal scuttle, \voodholder or fire screen, you \Yill find the satne statnp of quality and tasteful design on all. What gift is tnore useful, n1ore characteristic of the spirit of Christmas, than accessories for the fireplace? Give the family the 'gift of fine, bright floors that look like ne_ w and stay like new. The Johnson Electric Floor Polisher does exactly this with a great saving of time, of money-and of floors. This outfit includes a 1928 Model floor polisher, wax mop and .0-gal. can of Johnson's Liquid Wax. FORMERLY U2.iiO-NOlV $29.50 .A saving of SUJ.OO TOYS · DoD Pualtue · Wheeled To~· · Edueadonal Toys-TOYS WOLI'F·GBIFFIS HARDWARE 1119·2.1 Ceatatal A ·eaae Pboae WU111ette 183·184

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