Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1928, p. 9

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November 30, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE ,-9 GREAT WATER SUPPLY PROJECT NEAR REAUTY - ment and plans to make a thorough in. ROB PROCHNOW HOME A razor blade is the best medium vestig~tion of both. The home o~ Robert F. Prochnow, to remove paint spattered the uPrcatically every western suburb 106 Four~h street, w~s entered by bur- windows after the painter -has done . . . · of Chicago is growing rapidly, and glars wh1le the famtly was away dur(Continued from page 8) there is not one of them which can ing the afternoon Thursday, NovembP.r h1s JOb. If the blade 1s partly encased GREAT WATER - Galley Two . . . . 22. The thieves pilfered four oriental in leather it is not so likely to cut the hands. tract with us for it without delay. We say with certainty that its present wa- rugs. know of no other manner in which we ter supply will be adequate in two or can obtain positive assurance that our three years from now. We are sure water will be purchased when it is de- we have the best proposition for any livered. Hence we believe it reason- village whose water does not meet its able that any village which really presen.t or future needs, and we aswants soft, filtered water from Lake sur~ all communities that if they will Michig~ will be willing to pledge it- make a deal with us right now we will self beforehand to take that water for start construction at once. We could a period of time. start next week if we had the conare thoughtful · "Our offer stipulates that if we do tracts." . holiday gifts not begin con struction work within six Mr. Thrasher, according to Edward months of accepting a contract the vil- M. Fox, vice-pre.s ident of. P. W. Chaplage whi.ch gives the contract 'is auto- man & company, Inc., has been se .. WHAT a hearty matically released therefrom. We esti- lected as president of the Greater Chimate that to build the pipeline will re- cage Lake Water company because of · reception .w ill be quire at least two vears from the date his 25 years of experience in constructof commencing cOt1struction. ing and operating large public utiliaccorded a box of Furnish Water in 1931 ties. "Therefore we are frank to say that 1 Retain Expert Engineers fresh-cot :flowers we cannot furnish water under any The engineering features of the from Weiland's! circumstances before 1931. But if we Greater Chicago Lake Water comcan g~t a majority of villages with us pany's project are the joint product of at once we can certainly furnish it bv a group of nationally known water supIt's a certainty that that time, and of cour e having gotten ply engineers composed of M. G. no matter what you our money and begun work we " ·auld Barnes, Walter Smith, S. M. Savage. order here, you will have every incentive for completing it and the firm of Alvord, Burdick & always get the best as soon as poss ible in order to get our Howson. The legal phases have been earnings started. handled bv Alschuler, Putnam, Fla·.lthat is g r o w n , "\Ve are confident that any village nigen & Johnson of Aurora. noted for its long which contracts \vith us " ·ill therebv Among the communities to which freshness and beauty end its water troubles. Thi s certain!~· the Greater Chicago Lake \Vater comof bloom. cannot be sa id vvhcn a village tries to pany plan s to make its offer of water sulve its problem by drilling new " ·e ll s at once are Benson ville, Berkley,. Beror h.v contracting with Chicago. \vyn. Broadview, Brookfield, Ctcero. "Our so urce or supply will not de- Elmhurst, Elmwood . P~rk, Franklin crease steaclih' like the well s in the Park, F orest Park, Htllstde, LaGrange, west town eli -trict. nor will our water LaGrange Park. Lyons, · Mayw<;>od, Florist he of varying hardness or taste. ~!.elros e Park, Morton _Gro~e. N ties, Evanston Store: Wilmette Store: :!\either are we in politic , and so the :t\tles Center,, North. Rtverstde, c;:>ak I 6 1 4 Sherman Ave. 1 I 6 I Wilmette Ave. e fficiencv of our se n ·ice will not de- Park, Pa:k R~dge, Rryer Forest, R~ver University 502-8607 Wilmette 2128 pen.d upon changing political admini- Grove. Rtv~r stde, Schtller Park. Sttckstrations. Because we are in busin c-. s ney, Tessvtlle,r· \Vestchester, \Ve stern to make mone,· we can reasonabh· he Springs and \\ tlmette. expec ted t o conduct our affairs 'with CARS CRASH ON MAIN · STREETI----------------------------------------------~--that efficiencv which usuallv differenA car driven by P. Erickson, 551 tiate s privately o\\·necl frorn publici~· ov.-ned busin es . es . . ee ing t o it that our :Meadow road, \Vinnetka, last Monday, "The Wilmette Music Shop" _y> customers at all time s get fir st clas s crashed into a car owned by H. \\". Hammond of \Vilmette and which was se rvice. 1179 Wilmette Avenue ~~~ "The Greater Chicago Lak e \\' ater narked on Main street in front of th e Wilmette, Illinois company itn-ite s every village which is \ Vilmette Ice company offices. Mr. Wilmette 3006 not vet acquaint ed with it s manage- Hammond's car was badly damaged . I on JOHN WEILAND () aJV" ,... Vnffll' "Chickering. s:udios" 527 Davts Street Evanston, Illinois Greenleaf 3 2 3 o 3Jaut's ~ 4nppt 'Distinctive fM usical Instruments 1619 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON "'""""""A"""PREFACE""""""'"'"""""""""'""""'""""'"""'"""""'"""""'"'"'"'""""-" f[ln the first week of December we com· mence our Chtistmas Advertising. Our aim will be to convey to you the thought th.at-in keeping with our policy-you wtll find here only, "Distinctive Musical Instruments." · f[We stress no particular "name." We have chosen . only such instruments that we believe to be a privilege to offer to a particular clientele. f[Furthermore, we wish to convey to you the advantage 6f choosing a musical gift. f[And last, but by no means least, we want you to consider what it means to you in personal comfort, to make your choice in pleasant, restful surroundings (preferably i~ the evening) with the added advantage of courteous, un-hurried attention given to you by MUSICIANS qualified to assist you in judging TONE and PERFORMANCE. offers Transparent Velvet Dresses at Formerly priced at $75 and $85 in shades of brown, blue and black - Satin, Canton Crepe and Jersey dresses at a great reduction -And Remember We are a North Shore Institution, owned and o~rated by residtnts of this community. ~ ~~--------~~~ll~lll~lll ~llll~l'l~lll:lll~llll:lll:llll:lll~lll:llll:lll:lll:lll:llll~lll~lll:lll:llll~lll:llll:lll~lll:lll:llll~ll:lll:llll:lll~lll:lll:llll~lll:lll:lll:llll~fll:llll:lll~lll:lllmiiii:III~III~IJIJII[ ', tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . ~ Watch for Our Further Announcements

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