Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1928,

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WILMETTE Publlahed toeekiSf bl/ L'loJ!d BoUwter ltao., 1111-1181 Cnmrl A"e., WU·ette, lnt11ote. March 11, lii.J, at tAe poet olloe at WtJmette, IIUtaOta, oa eeOOtld olau .alter ··m the Acto/ Jlarch J, 1871.··tered Subeoriptfotl price ll.tt a 11ear. LIFE PRICE ·FIVE CENT~ VOL. NO. XVIII. NO. 10 WILME'rTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 30, 1928 DISTRmUTE $95,124IN XMAS SAVINGS DEPOSITS 'I Churches and Homes ,_'_'T_he_ . ~_ea_n_e_v'_. . "_. Join in Obs·e rv.ing Golden Rule Sunday 1 More than 800 churches in Chicago and suburbs have signified that they will observe Golden Rule Sunday, December 2. This number includes several north shore churches. The pastors or voluntary speakers in these churches will tell of the reason for Golden Rule Sunday, which benefits more than 30,000 orphans still under the care of Near East Relief. This. the sixth and last Golden Rule Sunday to be conducted under the auspices of this American philanthropy, promises to be the greatest of all in p0int of · observance. Besides the churches a number of lodges and clubs as welt as ,..,·omen's organizations and thousands of individual homes will ob:;erve the day by eating a simple meal and then sharing of their abundance so that Near East Relief may complete its program of child-feeding, education and training in the Bible lands. Generous co-operation in making known the dav is being given by a number of radio stations in the Chicago area as well as the daily and weekly newspapers and scores of magazines. Dr. George Craig Stewart, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal church, Evanston spoke over WGN Wednesday, Nov~mber 21, and on Than.ksgiving night at 9 :30. Dr. Fredenck F. Shannon, pastor of the Central church, Chicago broadcasted a Golden Rule sermon over KY\V. A number of loop radio stations are co-operating, and on Golden Rule Sundav Dr. Preston Bradley will broadcast- a sermon on this subject from his Peoples' church on th~ north side. dEGIN CHRISTMAS SEAL DRIVE HERE THIS WEEK School Children to Have Prom· inent Part in Dispensing Health Wilmette Banks Prepare to Send Out Great Volume of Coveted Club Checks Soon Cash Christmas presents averaging at least $60.70 will go to 1,567 members of the Christmas savings clubs of Wilmette's two banks this year. A total of $95,124, not including the three per cent interest which the banks pay on deposits made regularly, will be distributed among persons having the Christmas savings accounts. At the Wilmette State bank the 867 club members will have $60,124 plus interest to spend for Christmas presents this year, while .the 700 members of the First National bank's ChristtnJS club will get $35,000, plus interest. Savers on Increase Promotion Stickers Although there were over 300 more Christmas savings accounts in \Vilmette this year than in 1927, the average amount received by each person having such an account ,Yill be somewhat les s than la t year. Th e J;"irst National bank reported Count f_elix von Luckner, famed 462 C~nstm;ts accom.1ts for las~ year German sea raider during the World as agatnst 7·J0 for thts year, \\"htle the war, will speak before the Wilmette total am.ounb of these accounts at the j Sunda Evenin club Sunda Decemclose ol the vear were $28,000 and Y g fi y, $35,000, respectivelY. Eight hundr·:d I h.e r 2. A great . ghter by nature, Christmas accounts at the \Yilmette I CoUt.l~ Luckner dtsp.lay~d ~ven finer State bank last vear netted a total of l qualtttes as a humamtanan. 111 that he ~58,507.25. and i;1 1928 this hank re- 'learned t~1e secret .of wagmg 1~1o~.crn ported 8()7 accounts with a total of v;arfare mthout tak111g human hfe. $60,12-t The interest is not figured in on these comparisons. The one-dollar and two-dollar cluhs provt.'d the most popular. it vras stated by officials of both hanks this week . At one bank it was said that the\' were about a 5 to 1 rhoice over the others. The annual bazaar sponsored by the Savings Idea Popular Girls' club of New Trier High school That the Christmas Savings club idea is meeting with the approval of will be held Saturday, December 8. As Wilmette residents is evidenced by the in former years, the chief purpose of increase in the number of accounts holding the bazaar is to raise money during the last year. Already · the for the scholarship fund. This fund is banks are urging their patrons to join used to pay the college expenses· L1f the 1929 Christmas clubs. Several twelve or fourteen girl graduates of clubs are sponsored hy each bank for New Trier who would otherwise be persons wishing to make large or unable to continue their education. small week]~, deposits, and both banks This year, however, the Girls' club have the added convenience of auto- is attempting to raise enough addimatic charge plans whereby the Christ- tional money to furnish its club room mas sa,·ing is charged on the deposi- in the new gymnasium. The surplus tor's checking account without the from the bazaar proceeds '"ill be used necessity of a call at· the hank. for this purpose. The affair will be held in the mess WILL YOU HELP? hall at the school beginning at 10 The urgent need for contributions o'clock. There will be ten booths. An of used clothing for needy \\ ilmette added feature of the bazaar will be a families is stressed in a communica- play to he presented in the afternoon tion receiYecl this week from the \Vil- and again in the evening by the Dramette Board of Local Charities. D{ma- matic club of the high school. Dancing tions ui this charactet: ma~· be brought wm follow the play in the evening. to Village Manager C. C. Schultz. a member of the board, or will be called for in response to a call to Mrs. Lil- Hold Church Night Dinner lian D. Northam, \Vilmette social serv.at Congregational Church ice worker, phone \Vilmette 2550. · The monthly Church Night dinner at the First Congr~ational church is scheduled to be held the evening of ROB GAS STATION WORKER Arthur Winslovv, attendant at the Wednesday, December 5, at 6:30 Texaco filling station on Sheridan o'clock. A special program has been road in the Spanish court business sec- arranged for the occasion including tion, was robbed last Saturday evening a showing of motion pictures by Dr. when accosted bv a lone bandit. Win- W. A. Mann, Jr., of Church school slow ,~~,·as relieve-d of all his available activities in the parish, and an address cash. The bandit leaped into a nearby by Mrs. Marguerite Bro, an authority car and traveled north on Sheridan on political and economic conditions in Chin-a. · road. . Girls' Club Holds Annual Bazaar ·at New Trier Saturday Final arrangements for the sale of the Christmas health seals in Wil· mette was made recently at a meet· ing of the board of the Grosse Point Health enter, at the home of Mrs. F. G. Stecker, 1618 Lake avenue. The campaign opened in Wilmette on Thanksgiving day and will continue until Christmas. The sale again will be largely in the hands of the public school pupils. Room prizes are to be given, and the children will work for the silv er cup offered by the Chicago Tuberculosis institute. A few years ago the institute prepared health bonds to be sold for five, ten and twenty-five dollars. The local health board is mailing forty-five of these bonds to \Vilmette residents, hoping that they will meet the approval of those receiving them. Window posters are to be given to everyone who buys one dollar's worth of seals this year. All of the money raised by the sale of the seals in Wilmette is used to carry OJl the work sponsored here by the Grosse Point Health Center. Mrs. S. M. Cozzens, 906 Elmwood avenue, is general chairman of the sale. Mrs. John Hoffman and Mrs. William Flynn are in charge of the sale at St. Joseph's school, Mrs. A. L. Grinnell at the Avoca road school, MAKE PARISH CANVASS Miss Engles at District 37, Mrs. E. ]. An Every-Member canvass of the Hoffman and Mrs. F. G. Stecker at parish will be conducted Sunday after- Howard school, Mrs. D. H. Maxwell noon. December 2, in the interest of at Logan· school, Mrs. Walter Miller the Wilmette English Lutheran church. The funds are used to meet the yearly at St. Francis, and Mrs. F. Z~- Favor and Mrs. Cozzens at the Central and budget of the pari~h. Laurel schools. Winnetka Man, Companion Victims of Auto Bandits Richard Edwards of 917 Willow road, Winnetka, and · Miss Hattie Boehm, 1249 N. Campbell avenue, Chicago, were robbed by two auto baftdits cnqmntered while he was driving near Wilmette avenue and Hibbard road early last Sunday morning. Accoste5f at the point of a gun, Edwards was relieved of $17 while his companion was forced to contribute a diamond ring to the bandit loot. Edwards and Miss Boehm were returning to her home from a party when the car containing the two thieves forced them to the roadside. The keynote of all our printing is "quality" LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. WILMETTE Baptist Woman's Society Plans Interesting Meetin1 The monthly meeting of the Woman's society of the Wilmette Baptist church will be held Friday, December 7, at 8 o'clock in the evening. The Evening Link will have charge of the program. A dinner will be served. Following a business session there will be a social program including a Christmas play, and an exhibit of White Crou work done by the various links of the society, · · 4 300

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