Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1928, p. 66

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WILMETTE LIFE LOST AND FOUND November 30, 1928 I I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Genertd Notice- Clauifted advertisements wUl be to residents of . the district from Ratel cha.rce4 OD17 Evanllton to Gleacoe lncluatve whose names appear In the telephone dlrectoey, or who are ~lar subecrlben to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLEfCOB NEWS. 16 centa a line In one paper. 26 cents a line In any two pa.pen. · -ao centa a line In all three papers. IIINIKUH CBA.B.GE i l eea&t. Averaae of ftve words to the line No black face type used. 10.., dl8COunt on all eaah with order advertisements when brought to our oftlce at 1211 Central Ave.. Wilmette, or 584 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. I LIBERAL REWARD AND NO QUES- FOR RENT - ROOMS. NEAR TRANStlqns asked for return of new Century portation. 220 Wood Ct Ph. Wilmette bicycle taken from Del Lago theater, 2248 after 4 P. M. 66L7-4tc Friday, Nov. 23. Tel. Winn. 1~05. 55LTN-ltc ONE NICE LARGE ROOM FURNISHED. 66L10-ltp Call Wilmette 1844. LOST- A MALE COLLIE DOG, SIX months old, in Wilmette Saturday 87 .OB BENT-APTS. night. Reward. Ph. ·wilmette 4476. 55L10-ltc " ·· POB BENT-BOOX8 58 IIELP WTD.-FEMALE LADIES. YOUNG, 'FOR SALES WORK 4 AND 6 ROOMS Apply in Home Made Candy shop. Ring Ting Candy Shop, 1553 Sherman Here In Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will ftnd well-arAve., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf 2030. ranged apartments. All apartments 56LT10-ltc Classified advertisements win be achave outside rooms which provide an 10121-cepted up to Wednesday 6 o'clock . for abundance of light and alr. Ample WAN TE D IMMEDIATELY, EXPE;RIthe WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the closet space. Schools, churches, and enced white girl for gen. hswk. Small WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCCJE NEWS. shopping faciUtles within Immediate family, good wages. Tel. Winn. 1403. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. access. See these apartments today. 56LTN10-ltc Agent on premises. WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HSWK., no washing ; good wages. Tel. Winn. 1205. 56LTN-ltc 4 Linden Ave. WII. 460 l~ OR SALE-AUTOS 23 ELECTRICAL REP AIRS 67LTN2-tfc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hs wk. No laundry; good wages. CLOCKS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. Tel. Winn. 2551. 56LTN10-ltp Clock s called for and delivered. Paul Davey, J eweler. 1165 Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 23L34-tfc \VANTED- WHITE GIRL FOR GENTHESE OVER BEFORE BUYING era) hswk. Small house and family. 1928 M. 6 Buick Red, 5 pass. cpe. Tel. Winn. 2119. 56LTN10-1tp INSTRUCTION Gold Seal guar., down payment, $475 !I) 1927 M. 6 Buick rumble seat spe. SEVFORMER COLLEGE TEACHER GIRL FOR GENERAL HSWK. Gold Seal guar., down payment, $400 A RM. APARTeral hours daily; Go home nights. Tel. ATTRACTIVE 2-3-4 will tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic, Model "70" Chrysler sedan, reftn- · menta, llght and airy rooms of good Winn. 1525. 56LTN10-ltc Geometry, English, French and Gerlshed, 4 wheel brakes, down paysize and arrangements, convenient to man. W11liam R. Morrow, 5530 Winment .............................. $280 schools and transportation. throp Ave., Chicago. Ph. Longbeach 58 HELP WTD.-MALE II, FEMALE 1925 Stand. 6 Buick, 4 dr. sedan, :l900. D. P . .......... . ... .. . ........... . . $200 25LTN7-ttp GERMAN COUPLE-HUSBAND FOR 1924 Dodge sedan . ................. $175 hou sework and gardening; wife for 27 All Buick cars carry Gold Seal 90 INTERIOR DECORATING cooking and laundry. Two adults and Day Guarantee. Trades Accepted. Winnetka 1800-01 child. $150 per month. Winnetka 1130. 460 Winnetka. Ave. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 67LTN10-ltc 58LTN10-ltp FRANKLIN BUILDING USED CAR DEPT. 59 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Offer a charming apt. of liv. room, brkfst. 1027 DAVIS ST. WIL. 3750 ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL ALroom, kitchen, Frigidaire, bath, Rollways react to the appeal of beauty. A WANTED-MAN OR WOMAN TO 4LTN10-ltc A-Way bed. Bargain, $55. Ph. Wlnroom Is attractive when Its lamps and make investment of $1,000-$2,000 in safe netka 382. 67LTN9-tfc shades are In perfect harmony. We and sure enterprise which is producing study your home and carefully analyze handsome yearly income. Write Wil- FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE Buick Sedan . ...... . .............. $ 75.00 YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. mette Life A-208. 59LT10-ltp apartment, steam heat, janitor service. Moon Sedan .. . .. ....... .... . ..... 100.00 near transportation. Call Wllmette Dodge Sedan .. ..... ......... .. ... 275.00 SIT. WTD.-FEMALE 1800. . 67LTN33-tfc Greenleaf 816 GO Dodge Sedan, Fine Condition . . . . 300.00 632 Church St. Dodge Sedan, Runs Like New . . . . 425.00 27LTN10-ltc COL. GIRL WISHES POSITION HALF PLEASANT 7 RM. DUPLEX, GOOD Dodge Sedan, 1928 Fastest 4 ... ... 515.00 or all day work, go home nights . 10 condition, excellent location across from Oldsmobile Roadster, Sport . ..... 300.00 F. S. BRAS OR ART STORE yrs. last place; people leaving for winpark ; near school and transp. 819-15th Dodge Roadster, Exc. Shape ...... 300.00 Silhouettes. Individual ter home. A. L. Murphy. Ph. Glencoe St. Tel. Wil. 846-J. 67LT10-ltc Dodge Victory Six Sedan, A-1 . . . 750.00 Cuttings by Appointment 623 ; after Dec. 1st. call Atlantic 3373. OUR USED CARS ARE WORTH 100 1312 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON. Unlv. 60LTN10-ltp 89 FOR RENT-HOUSES CENTS FOR EVERY DOLLAR PAID. 9179. 27LTN4-16tp OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK OF GERMAN PRACTICAL NURSE TO 8 ROOM STONE HOUSE ; 2 BATHS; EVERY ONE care for small children . Good refs. ·LOANS 30 $100. 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. 2710 Mildred Ave. Tel. Bittersweet 1699. 69LTN4-tfc 60LTN9-2tp Dodge Motor Cars PHONE WILMETTE 224 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES 70 1019 Davis St. Evanston, Ill. care of children afternoon and evening. 4LTN10-ltc TO JULY FIRST, POSSIBLY LONGER, · Ph. Wil. 779-R. 60L10-ltp 1s t and 2nd Mortgages completely and comfortably furnished new 8 room Colonial type home. 2 full 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 PERM. POSITION FOR GEN. HSWK. tile baths with showers, extra lavatory, Good r efs. Tel. Univ. 10257. 192G Jordan Coupe ....... ....... . ... $625 double drive, corner lot. Ph. Glencoe 30L17-tfc 60LTN10-ltp 1927 Whippet ... . ..... .... . . ... ..... 325 1398. 70LTN10-ltc 1925 Hup Tc;mrlng ................... 125 COOKING AND DAY WORK. NORTH Rickenbacker Sedan ............ . ... 275 AUTOMOBILE LOANS, REASONABLE Shore references. Tel. Drexel 6930. 73 FOR RENT-STORES II, OFFICES rates, immediate service. Motor Accep1926 Ford Roadster ......... .. ....... 90 60LTN39-ltp tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. 4 cyl. Essex Coach ... .. ... . .... . .... 75 Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. Dodge Touring FRANKLIN BUILDING 40 30LTN4-tfc WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, Large second fl. office suitable for doctor will call and deliver. Wilmette 3599. or dentist. One small private oftlce, $15 60LTN8-3tc ]lENDING 555 Chestnut St. Winnetka 330 3t per mo. Best location in town. Ph. 4LTN10-ltd HIGH Winr.etka 382. 73LTN9-tfc CLASS HAND WORK ON LAUNDRY BY THE DAY- 1ST CLASS worker. Call Kenwood 8356 after 4:30. mending fine laces and hemming tine ' FOR SALE-VARIOUS REPOSSESSED 60LTN10-ltp OFFICE FOR RENT-LARGE SPACE linen. Graceland 9423. 34LT10-ltp automobiles at prices 25% less than on main floor. desirable location. elsewhere ; down payment $25 to S50, 22l,2xl7%. Tenant can sublet space. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS, WILRADIOS balance In semi-monthly payments. Mo- 42 Ph. Winnetka 201. 73LTN4-tfc mette r eferences. Call Greenleaf 790. tor Acceptance Co., Ph. UniversitY 1204. 60LTN10-ltp FOR RALE CHEAP-7 TUBE SUPER 4LTN4-tfc 77 FOR SAIJE-HOUSES Radio with new E. S. B. Battery, triple LAUNDRY BY THE DAY, FIRST charger and B eliminator. Tel. WilCU ~NINGHAM SPEEDSTER. 605 class worker. Call Kenwood 3856 after mette 2094 . . 42L10-1tc GLENCOE Sixth street, Wilmette. Reasonable. 4:30. 60LTN10-ltp 4LTN10-ltp 43 REPAIRING II, REFINISHING 81 SIT. WANTED-MALE I· A BATHS WATCH REPAIRING DONE .BY EXpert. Watches cleaned and adjusted. BY A. W. PORTER, L I C E N S E D TUMALTY MEDICATED Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette · chauffeur, all around man, can do any VAPOR BATHS Avc·pue. Phone Wilmette 6. kind of work. Best city 'ref. Greenleaf 43L34-tfc Successfully treating Rheumatism, Lum5474. 61L10-ltp bago, Colds, Neuritis, Neuralgia, etc. 45·A SPLENDID SILVER PLATING MODERN RESIDENCE 1703 Sherman Ave. EXP. PRIVATE CHAUFFEUR, 6 YRS. Ph. Gr. 5125 now under construction, finest central last place. James. Ph. Untv. 10116. 6-A-LTNS-.ftc SILVER PLATING -HAVE YOUR location block f.rom the lake and park good old pieces renewed at a reason61LTN10-ltp and three blocks from stores and trans11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING able price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 11G5 portation ; a home of spacious proporWilmette A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. 62 tions with the maximum of light and SIT. WTD-1\IAL'E & FEMALE WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. 45A-L34-tfc air; living room 36x20; beautiful 11New and repair work. Get our estimate. brary: 5 big master bedrooms, 2 servEXP. COL. COUPLE DESIRE POS. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc 50 GENEBAL REPAIRS ants' rooms, recreation room in basealong the N. s. Cooking, general ment. 4 baths, double garage ; farge housework, chaurteur and butler. Ref. DRESSMAKING JEWELRY REPAIRIN_G AND RElandscaped · lot, south front, aU metal Ph. Mohawk 3439. . 62LTN10-ltp modeling by a craftsman of rare abillath ceiling, all plate doors . and steel DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING tty. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wllcasement windows ; · completely lnsuat home. Call Wtlmette 1844. mette A venue. Phone Wllmette 6. lated; oil burner; Frigidaire. Provable 17LTN10-2tc 50L4-tfc value at $75,000. 1616 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 6130 University 934 ·~ The oldest and most reliable agency on North Shore. We are In a position to ~ov furnish you the most reliable help either male or female. Inc. This 08ice will accept classified advertising to be run PROMPT SERVICE 746 Elm St. WTNNETKA Winnetka 1617 62LTN10-ltc 77LTN10-ltc ia THE EVANSTON RBVIEW1 reaching 16,000 fami- LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE Deadline lot InSett. ·· guiNLAN & TYSON, INC. IL<O><O>Jk ll~m<dln!\Inl lHiiillll A JP)&rttmm<eimtt~ !oJ&oSttlUlllb~<e~lltty(C(Q). North Shore Buick Co. Dependable Used Cars PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER GOODRICH STUDIO C. M. McDONALD Charles H. Breth old USED CARS ···················· 0 HANSON 1IOTOR CO. (Q)w<eirll©©IlKnml~ ftlhl<e 1Lta1l1K® !7 N. S. Employment Agency aaa Waat Ad Ia Bv8118toa, too - IHI@~ &rrn~(Q) illl & JJ<eillllk~ ~ ~ lia ia Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by S p.m. oa Tuesday. ~ ~ 88 FOB. BENT-BOOMS .... Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Wiunetka 2000 - FURNISHED ROOM· FOR 2 ADULTS employed ; light and pleasant ; hot and cold running water. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp FOR SALE-MODERN HOME ON 80x165 lot at 544 Earleton Rd., Kenilworth, 9 rms., 3 baths, H. W. heat, garage. 2 yrs. old ; 2 blks. from steam trans. Attractive price. Chas. Howe . Ran. 1046. 77LT10-ltc

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