Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1928, p. 67

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WILMETTE . LIFE dressing table, mirror. H. Null, Lot No.1233 Floor lamp, EVENING DRESS LIKE NEW · bookcase, chiffonier, mattress crib size 17 ; $15. Ph. WH~ette 1512. ' dresser, bdl. shelves, shade sewing rna~ ON A LOT 72x182, A NEW HOME- OF bed, crib screen, 2 ~irrors wash stone and stucco In EngUsh architec- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~0~2~L~1~0~-l;t;;c chine, boiler, box. ' ture; contains two-story living room WANTED TO BUY-lUISC S. F. Philips, Lot No. 495- Kltchen 4 bedrodms and dressing room, 3 baths' 103 Frigidaire, electric dishwasher, 2 ca~ : ' : " : - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - · - - - 1 table, sewing m~chine, dresser, chiffonier, WANTED TO BUY _ STEINW A y 1buffet, 2 boxes, bookcase, library table, garage ; also a recreation room. Grand piano, late model, size M. per-! mirror. ' $37,500.00 fe<;t condition, antique walnut. Write ~i Ramsay, Lot · No. 561h-China Wilmette Life A-214, 103LTN10-ltc caJ nAe · Sh L . . . ane, ot No. 555-Plate glass Realtors :o; Ig~, bdl.! paper box, swivel chair 2 337 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 )();» lliSC. chairs, mirror, bdl. pictures 4 pictures 77LTN10-ltc drawing board, 2 signs, d esk: ' Dan Pierce, Lot No. 1536-Grand piano beneh. ' DIRECT FR0:\1 THE FARM DAI L ¥. Walter 'fhrane, Lot · No. 889-PhonoCOUNTRY HOME OF REAL VALUE. Call Winnetka 2275. 105LTN10-4te g-raph. ClosE; to transportation ; solid brick C. V. Baker, Lot No. 1606-2 rolls oil Library, 6 bedrooms, 4 baths extra eloth, bdl. curtain rods, phonograph lavatory. Fine old trees. $60,000 hom~> XOTICE OP AUCTION SALE OF checker board, ('arpet sweeper, 8 bed reduced to $45,000 for quick ~ale. ( ()()0 2 card tables, curtain stretcher 3 ends, Owner has moyed to New York. For ; :;-Xoth:e is hereby g·iven to R F. ice box appointment call Uacon, Emily Barnhou~e. ~trs. Esther tloor lamps, vacuum cleaner smol<ing stand, 4 sta ~ds, sewing ~TY BP_aumon t, W. T. Blasdell, Martha Byers, buffet_, .... Ehzabeth Butler, R. E. Ca lkin s, F. ~aehme, trunk, 2 baskets, paper box, Pietur~, 2 bdl~. pictures, bdl. cu!';hions, \Vinnetka 20 :> ,<>. Coop~"r, A . :\1. Crain, Richard Dalmer c. mag·azme 566 Center St. rack, table lamp, tool box tool - ) ~\1. Da\"i~. :\li ~s A. Fjellman, Edw'ard 77LT~10-ltc <luyol, J ame:-; Haxding, Philip Heisler, ("hest, pede.stal, dressing table, desk; bdl. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· - - - 0. J. Langfi>rd, J.lis~ :\L Linden, A. ~ose, gas HtO\'e, bdl. garden tools, dinFOR SALE AT BIG .SACRIFI 1:-J, BY ~lanke, ~Irs. A. F. Logan, H. Xull , mg· .table, wa:-;h pan, bucket, table top owner, 5 rm. bungalow in Glencoe. Lg. s. F. Philips, A. J. Ham~ay, J. . .\. sen-m&' table, 4 spring8, library table, 2 living· rm, plastered basement, new Shane, Dan Pi erce, \\'a lter 'l'hrane, c. Y. rolls linoleum, 2 stools, 4 rugs, 2 rungarage. Conv. to schools and transp. J~akt~r, J. t:. Hayes, U. 11. Lincoln,. Chas. ner:-;, l grass rug, 1 bdl. rugs, 4 matTerms to suit. Tel. Winn. 1878. H. ..\loreton, .\1. C. Dolan, and to all tres:;;es, 2 dressers, 23 chairs, 2 chiffoniers, 77L'l'N10-ltc others that may he interested hcrt·in, 7 ca rt~ ns, 4 rockers, 3 tables, 6 mirrors. J . G. HayeR, Lot No. 1373- Ironing that there will be sold at public audion, boa1·d, step. ladder, bread board, cheRt, at tht· ware-rooms of the RENSCH J8 FOR . SALE-VACA~'l' FfnEPROOl· \VAREH OV:;E, formerly wa!'lh machme, 4 bdl. carpet pads, porch Warhle Storage and Furnitut·e Co., 521 swmg, gas heater, lawn mower, desl{, MY LOT 57X134 KENILWORTH GAR- :\lain Street, \~ilm 4 lamps hades, dressing table dining ette, Illin ois, beginning dens $3,500 or will sacrifice my equity at 10 o'clock in the ~ bdl. cus hions , gas stove, hat forenoon of the lHh table, of $1400. Write Wilmette Life A-205. box, mirror stand, swing pad, kitchen day tJf Dece mber, 1928, to :-:ati~fy the 78LTN9-2tn \\· ar(:'hOU~t"man'ioi Lien, now he ld by thl" table, book stand, table lamp, basket, tea c~rt, curtain s tretchers, 2 bdls. tools, undersigned. stand, center table, sewing cabR. F. Ba<:on, Lot Xo. 126!)-Two grips, ~mokmg98 WTD. TO Bl:Y-HOl:SES 2 su it cases, 1 basket, 1 package, 1 stool, m ~t, bdl. hose, carpet sweeper, wash boiler, small ladder, vacuum cleaner, W ANTED-7 OR 8 ROOM HOME I~ I bundle, :: pillows, 1 trunk, 2 barrels. bag, electric heater electric fan Emily Barnhou~e. Lot :Xo. 460- 1 up- laundry East Kenilworth or Wilmette. Mu~t 2 b.dls. grass rugs, wash 'basket, flag: have 2 baths and be under $40,000. right piano, 1 piano bench, 1 ga::; sto,·e, s~wmg stand, outfit, basket, 1 g·arbage burner, 1 oi l stoYe, 3 chair~. vtctrola, 4 rugs,camping W"rite Wilmette Life A-211. da\"enport, trunk, 8 !t6I...:rx 10-1 te l rucker, 1 table, 1 mattre~ s. Dr. Edith Hale Swift of the Amerihoxes, 7 bdls., 3 cartons, 3 springs, 3 mat!\lrs. Esther Beaumont, Lot No. 4ii::- tre:-;_:-;es, 2 tables, 2 stools, 2 dressers, 15 can Social Hygiene a.ssociation, New t ·prigh t piano and bench. <:hatrs, 6 rockers, 2 floor lam 11~· . stand, 99 ANTIQUES \~l. T. Blasd el l, Lot ~o. 1508-Dining bed endH, card table, 3 pictur~.:.:; 5 mir- York city, will lecture before several table, 2 bed:-;, 6 boxes, 2 chest~. crate, 6 ror~ ' · groups on the Northwestern universiGENUINE ANTIQUBS. 4 \VALXl T b::~rrel. . G. H. Lincoln, Lot No. 456-Stove, din- ty campus, Tuesday, Wednesday and and maple ~pool bed~. $10-$20 each; :\lartha B;\·crs, J..ot Xo. l101_:Box ·. tahle. 3 chairs, 3 rockers, fern stand, clock, $6 ; writing case, $6 ; all unElizaiJeth Butler, Lot Xo. 1442-:: cases, IJ:tg Thursday, Dec. 4, 5 and 6. ~o;Ide table. finished but can he re~tored at ~mall l carton, (·rib. C"'has. H. Moreton, Lot No. 585-2 bdls. expenHe. Tel. Highland PI{. 2522 or call · Dr. Swift, who has graduated from · R. E. Calkin~. Lot Xo. 1604-Dining paper pa ('kages, ('arton, box. corner Lambert Tree Rd. and Ashland tahle, 6 <:hairs, 1 lw d ("OJ11J)Iett-. :\f. C. Dolan, Lot No. 566-Bdl. rugs Radcliffe cqllege and the Johns HopAve., Ravinia. 99LT~l0-ltc F .. Cof,lll' r, Lot Xo . 770- Dining table, 2 rockers, bed complete, mirror: kins medical school, has gained an enpiano hen<.:h, a bdl. ('UShions, floor lamp dre~:-;er, ANTIQUES FOR XMAS, FROM THE and ~-;hade, davenport, rifle, axe, porch se wmg machine, desk, suitcase, paper viable reputation as a speaker to coleast and · Europe. Moderate prices. swing, ~tep ladder, trunk, doll house , box: wash stand, 2 boxes books. . Rtght reserved to reject any and all lege audiences in America. Her exGlanyr-Afon Farm House, Crescent Rd. fern :-:tand, 3 pails, 2 wash boards, stool, btds. perience in the practice of medicine East. Glen Ellyn, Ill. Phone 188. stand, bdl. screens, ironing board, bdl. RENSCH FIREPROOF and in institutional work enables her 99LT~9-3tp rodr-:, wringer, garden tool~, mop, sprinkWAREHOUSE ler, 3 boxes, 2 dressers, 1 chiffonier, 1 Wilmette, Ill . to speak with authority on social hybed, 3 :-:prings, table, 4 rockers, 9 chairs. 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GDS. giene. A. :\l. Crain, Lot No. 1216-Dressing SLIGHTLY USED HAIR :\JATTRESS, table, pa d, bdl. cushions, rocker, 3 beds, Dr. Swift's point of view is that acCARD OF THA:-JKS $10. Heavy blue and r ose Yelour por- porch bench, 2 mirrors, bdl. mats, phonocurate presentation of scientific inforgraph, high chair, buffet, ga~ ~tove, :l " Tt:' wi~h to thank our many friends tieres and fixture, $5. Ph. Wilmette 1195. 1OOL 10-1 tc hdl::;. tooli-i, floor waxer, ('roquet s t, elec- ~\'hn so kmdly assisted us during the long mation on the subject of sex is the tric . hcatt> r, oil stovt:>, wringer, pail, wa:-:h tllne:-;s and recent loss of our daughter essential factor in the normal educa-· FOR SALE-OAK \VER:\'I CKE BOOK- board, hdl., sewing macbine, radio, ~r a r;\'. and especially aH the little chilcase sections, 615 Laurel A \"e., 'Vil- · dresser, lawn mowe r, hammer, hamper, dt:en who came to comfort us. We also tion of individuals. Because of her mette. 100LJO-ltc battery, desk, lounge, child's chart, sew- wish to express our a.I!IJreciation to the adequate and sane presentation of a ing ba~ket, ice box, costumer, doll, mete r, persons who loaned their· cars for the well-mastered body of facts from this 2 SLOAN 'S STERLIXn CHEXILLE mirror fram t', cot, pail, jar and can 6 fun e ral. viewpoint, she has become a speaker 1.1r. and MrH. Gideon Soderstrom rugs taupe, one is !lx12; other 9x11. boxei-i, 2 andiron~-;, fir e grate, end screens, Tel. Winn. 629. 100LTX10-ltc tea cart, 2 rugs, 2 runners, 9 chairs, 2 and Family. in wide demand by colleges and unistand:-:, 3 tables, stool, 3 rockers, chifversities. Her success at Northwestern fonier, 2 mattresses. 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSl:JILU. (;Ds. in the past insures her a hearty welRichard Dalmer, Lot N"o. 12!\1-2 shelf,. 6 rails, floor lamp, settet', t 0 come with this current visit, those in WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND springs, furniture and other household goods. t bed ends, 6 chairs, bdl. cushions, table, charge believe. mattress. davenport. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- rocker. C. M. Davis, Lot No. 1409-Buffet, ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- window pad, 2 window seats. table. tabl e anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc boards, 2 stools, 2 mirrors, wash machine, · 5 rugs, 4 ('hain'l, 2 stan~s. 4 dre~sers.· 4 \Vhen the automobile sho,., ooe 11 s 1 'n · beds, :3 mattresses, 4 :-:;pnngs, 1 Chiffomer. · . ·v · 102 :F OR SALE-MISC. 10 :VJiss A. Fjellman, Lot No. 982-2 fold- 1 Chtcago on January 26 one of the outSMALL WALNU'l' ROCKER; 2 ing rack~o;, wash basin, 2 boxes. standing features of the exhibition of Both the rtorth and. southbound ternwhite wicker tables; 1 wieker seat; 1 Edward (1u~ol, Lot ~o. 1230-1 trunk. . foreign and American car . . b h porary trestles beanng the elevated 11 floor lamp and s hade: 1 boy'ioi tl ee~.:eJam~s Hardmg, Lot No. 742- Desk, doll . "'.WI e. t e tracks between Church and Isabella lined leather jacket, size 16; 1 girl's bed, kttchen table, hall seat, basket, ('ar- number of convertible bodtes on vtew. h brown fur trimmed coat, ~ize 12; 1 ton china, tin box, ('arpet sweeper, ice 1 Famous cnachmakers Fr h B · · h streets have. been completed and t e fleece lined jacket, size 10; 1 pr. box- box, lamp :-:hade, 2 wheel barrows, pail, I r d A . ' . enc · ntts , I work of laymg tracks on the southlng gloves; 1 shee1> lined coat, size 18; card table, stand, linoleum, step ladder, ta .1 a 1 ~ an mencan, wtll all show us ! bound structure is being . rushed ac1 single antique walnut bed : 1 antique broom and mop, b~l. shovels, mirror, thetr tdeas of what this type of bo<lv cording to D H Howard the 'railwalnut rocker; 1 drum trap outfit; 1 davenport, bdl. 4 cushwns, mattress, cup- should be · . , . · · ' . don buggy ; 1 doll bed ; 1 doll dresRf·r, J hoard, 2 paper boxes, book rack, 2 win- · · roads engmeer for track elevation. 1 don house. 639 Lincoln AYe. 'fel. dow sereens,. 3 rugs, 1 bed, 3 boxes, 1 . For the past few years the convert- The northbound trestle has been in use Wlnn. 206. 102LTN 10-ltc table! . 5 cha!r!'l. jtble body has been gathering popularit for some time and it is hoped to have PhiliP Hetsler, Lot No. 1408-Kitchen . . . . Y FOR SALE FIELD'S CHEXEY ('abinet, ironing hoard, 2 wash tubs, 21m thts country. The tdea of bemg able all traffic permanently off the ground phonograph and records, $?0: ~ ~iYing ~b)!';.,. lawn mow~r, radio, 2 dressing j to transfo_rm a dosed model into an by Dec ..1. . rm. mantle 8 day mah. cloc~. $a , lad- table!-i, 1 rug,_ wash board, 3 beds, 2 m~t- open one 111 a fe t. h d Meantime the ctty of Evanston had ies' brown winter coat, s1ze 40-42 tresses, 2 m1rrors, stand, dresser, chtf. w momen "' as ma e . d · . beaver coUar, $\§; · black Lynx scarf fonier, sewing machine, 6 chairs, rocker, a defimte appeal to many car buyers. gone raptdly ahea With the excavation and muff, almost new, $20; re<;I beaded box. . The convertible still has a varietv of for the S';tbway u_nder th~ tracks to evening dress; also black satm dress. 0. J. Langford, Lot No. 612- 6 dinmg om 1t E d h kcarry the mtersect1on of Rtdge avenue size 36 to 38, $15 and $12. Ph. Wilmette chairs, rocker, dining table, 1 case, mat- ? enc ~' ure. 1n ng1 an t ey now and Lincoln street Th ea t app oa h 492. 1042 Greenwood Ave. tress. 1t as an all-weather body." Elsewhere . · · e s r c. 102LTN10-lte Mis:" M. Linden, Lot No. 890-Gras~ rug, it is · called "all-purpose dr "tr n f _ for Lmcoln had been dug early th.ts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - curtam rods, ron paper, trunk, wrmger, bl , a s orm week and crews were ready to begm NEW PERSIAN LAMB COAT BEAU- canvass case, wash boiler, hamper, parts a e. on the· north approach for Ridge ave}~~~l~r~~;~o w~~c~~iN!~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~s d~~~~~:· 2de~as:afub~~w~ft 1 ~~1~~~t Development. o~ the con.vertible body nue. wm sacrifice complete for $395. Phone couch, mirror, hamper, pail, oil heater, has beef a dtstmct achtevement for Greenleaf 5531. 102LTN10-ltc bookcase, folding table, bdl., shelves, body engineers. The task involved EARLY OP~NING OF G. M. PLANT basket, 3 boards, 3 trunks, 3 rockers, 4 f h d · · paper boxes 1 dresser 2 chairs 8 carmany actors t at rna e tt more dtfficult Heavy schedules have forced the Tof300 8x12 CHALLENGE-GORDON JOB ' ' than the production of an ordinary ledo pl;~mt of General Motors, which press and motor, excellent condition, tons, 13 box'es. $100; lead-cutter; type rack; job cases. A. Manke, Lot No. 974--Uprlght piano, body. To begin with the body had to makes all Chevrolet and most Pontiac l Call Wll. 2381. 102LT10-ltt> plano bench, baby's exerciser, cot, bdl. pictures, wardrobe, 2 rockers, table, be abso utely weather proof, free from tran3missions, to reopen two weeks FOR SALE-FUR COAT, SHORT, SIZE stand, 2 sleds, basket of jars, rocking rattles and easy of operation. In earlier than expected after taking in40; 2 evening gowns, size 16 and 18. horse, 4 clamps, gas stove, go cart, 1 rug, addition the resultant body must be ventory. Addition being built will en. · 1039 Hollywood Ave., Apt. 210. ·2hic:tgo. ~arpet sweeper. 1\frs. A. F. Logan, Lot No. 1323-1 bed, attractive m appearanc~. 102LTN10-ltl large plant's capacity. FOB SAL~HOUSES 101 WTD. TO BUY-MISC. South West Glencoe $65 Social Hygienist WALTER P. SMI).H & CO. Hubbard Woods Special Jt FRESH EGGS CROSBY REAI CO. C onver/ "b/e B dy Jn Cars a Feature of Ch tea · g o Sh ow . Due to Have All Traina Up the At·r by Dec. 1 I I i

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