WILMBTTE LIFE December 7. 1928 ------- Victor Klebba Is Legion in Midst New Chief Deputy of Annual Drive · for New Members · to Count:v Coron·er Wilmette Post of the American Legion is conducting a membership campaign, started November 15 and ending December 15. Only those serving in the military branches during the world war are eligjble for membership. It is conservatively estimated that there are 400 such pro:;pective members in Wilmette. Wilmette Post is hampered in interviewing all prospects by not 'having all names. Residents are invited to cooperate by handing in the names of all relatives, friends, and neighbors who are eligible to W. E. Richmond, 1223 Elmwood avenue, or to Dr. G. A. Stone. 11'/'/ Wilmette avenue. The legion supports a nation-wide program of legislation and service for the benefit of all disabled veterans. · Pianos Sohmer Kurtzman PRESENTS for Radios Atwater-Kent Brunswick Columbia Christmas -·1928 . Kellog Kolster Radiola Sparton Phonographs Brunswick ' <' ~ There's a Corner · ~In your,liying-rooni that may become alive with en.ter~ain ment possibilities this ·Christmas-and for many Chri~tmases to come. ··~~ · Radio-a Phonograph~ · wilt , transform that corner into a constant source of enjoyment f<?r the whole family. Coluinbi~ I I ' ( . Victor and . PhonographRadio COmbinations Fire departments of both Wilmette and Winnetka were called out Mondav night about 'I :20 o'clock to Winnetka avenue and Happ· road. Northfield, three miles west of Winnetka, to extinguish a stubborn blaze which started in the basement of a house until recently occupied ·by William Boesch. The fire worked its ·way to the roof of the house, and did considerable damage to the interior before it was· broughf under control. The cause of the . fir.e is. unknown. The damage was estimated ·by Chief Zibble of .the Wilmette Fire department at ~bout $2,000. Firemen of Two Towns Battle Northfi eld Blaze Victor Klebba, 1526 Central avenue, a prominent citizen of Wilmette and a first lieutenant in the Officers' Reserve corps of the United .'tates Army, has been appointe~ chief deputy coroner of Cook county by Coroner Herman N. Bundesen, with whom he has been associated for the last five years. During the last year he was Dr. Bundesen's first assistant in his duties as di rector of health of the Chicago Sanitarv district. Mr. Klebba has taken an active interest in the work of the Wilmette post of the American. Le~iot:t ana is chairman of the Amertcamzatton committe of that organization. He is also drum major of the Legion Drum and Bugle corps. The war record of Mr. Klebba brought him praise from Gen. John J. Pershing, in command of the American Expeditionary .forces, and a decoration hy the king of Montenegro. After serving a y~ar in the army . medical corps, Mr. Klebba was transferred to the army railway engineers. He was made chief clerk to restore order in the demoralized Paris office which ·regulated all American traffic in ·the district of Paris. For his success in this task he was cited by General Pershing. Also while engaged in this work Mr. Klebba was decorated bv the king .of M9~tenegro, whose sold~ers ·i~ France were clothed with untforms sal:r.~ged by ~~~~ba:s men. · .· Mr~ Klebba was tnducted mto office Monday of ·this week, taking his oath ·Jqs Jqs J.tts u-qoJdatU!lW3{qoJd e J~~' of office wi~h.' Coroner Bundesen. Records :. Obh . Victor Brunswi.ck Columbia 1f A beautiful Grand piano-a Albert Edward Wistgam, whose ·netrv Mrs, .Joseph White,' 159 Sheridan ~ooJr, "~~Qioring. Your ~in~," w4s . road~ entertained guests for luncheon recently published IS lecturtng JUSt nOW and bridge yesterday afternoon. in the West. ·· Small Instruments Ukuleles Musical Toys. etc. 1f May . we assist you in that age-old problem of "what to give?" Satarda~ .Speoial Cameras 1f The service we offer is a complete one-a genuinely interested one, offered in a neighborly spirit. Q. R. S. Qotion Picture and Still Pl'iaeess Pineapple Cake A wonderful . new .cake recipe filled with a delicious pineapple cream and with luscious glace pineapple chunks tn the icing. Cameraa Sheet M u.sic All the Latest "Hits" Radio Service Gift Bonds I · · You will like this one early selection of Radios and RadioPhonograph Combinations is advised, due to the demand f~r the many new models that have just been announced. ~ We will be pleased to hold any instrument for you for Christmas Eve delivery. 1f An THE WILSON BAKERY ~ 162 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 4 1 4 Open Every Evening for Your Convenience Our delivery service is particularly con~enient in stor~y ~eatbet