Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1928, p. 52

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_ PubliaMd WHitlg bv tht .ehool children of Wilmtttt un4tr euptrvision of Wilmette Plflf/(ltound and R«rtation Board. JUNIOR LIFE WILME.T TE, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 7, 1928 AN INTERVIEW WITH MRS. H~SSE Kindergarten Teacher ~ the Told by ~plls I VOL. I NO. 44 Book Week Proves Valuable Asset to 6th Grade Pupils Miss Gayton the public school librarian, told us about Book Week. She said, .. Each year during this November week, we learn more about books than in any other week. We try to help chlldren who have school libraries to appreciate them. Do you appreciate yours?" · Of course we all said, "yes." "Then," said Miss Gayton, "wouldn't you like to give a play during Book Week?" Of course we wanted to give a program. "But," said Miss Gayton. "I want you to understand you are not doing. this to have some fun. You are going to act your best for one big reason. Of course we like fun a s much as you do, but your teacher and I are letting you give this progra rr. for one reason and that Is to help the younger children of this school to rPad good books." I got a great deal out of that program I · learned so much about books that I want to read more. W:hen I saw the interested faces of our audience I knew that other children were enjoying it too. We repeated our program the following Tuesday at the Stolp schooL-Alice Dernehl, 6A Howard - Boys Practice Punting and Passing Football Wednesday, October 31, 7C Stolp and 7A Stolp practiced punting and passing. Here are the ones who punted and passed : Carlos Houghton, 21 yards, punt ; 27 yards, pass; Warren Young, 2S yards, punt; 27 yards, pass; Norton Po.t ter, 25 yards, punt ; 23 yards, pass ; Bill Zoerch, 30 yards, punt ; 21 yards, pass ; Howard Herbon, 31 yards, punt; 28 yards, pass; Bill Burrill, 26 yards, punt; 26 yards; pass; John Whidden, 24 yards, punt; 1S yards, pass ; Bernard Saxon, 25 yards· punt ; 20 yards, pass ; Paul Soule, 29 yards, punt; 26 yards, pass; Richard Preston, 33 yards, punt ; 31 yards, pass ; Robert Kiel, 2S yards, punt ; 21 yards, } Jass.-Howard Herbon, 7C Stolp Question : Where were you born? Answer : In Chicago. (I tried to find out the year but had no luck.) Question : What college did you go to ? Answer : I went to the Chicago Teachers' college and I had work at the Art Institute and also at the University of Chicago. Question : How long ha ve you been teaching? Eleven years. Question : Do you enjoy teaching your . present grade or would you rather teach an older class? Answer: I love to teach kindergarten. Question : Do you get many good jokes from your class? Answer: Yes. One little girl said, "Mrs. H esse, my mother wants to know if I can have a day off. I'm going to California." Question: How long do you intend to teach? Answer: Always. I felt she didn't have such · a dry life and went away feeling satisfied.Dick Steen, Howard SA View Paintings, Feed Pigeons in Art Institute Tour what a job It was! It took me a little. over a month to make it, working every week in the manual training time for 8B. I took it home Wednesday morning; tried it out that night. It didn't work. "We11, ·· I says to myself, "I'll have to get the way to connect this set up." The next day I wrote down the way to connect it up and took ft home. One thing was wrong. I fixed that and was all set for a tryout. I found that I couldn't test it Thursday or Friday nights. Saturday night came and I tested it and it worked. You can just bet that I did a ~~~:rd then.-Spencer Norrington, 8B HOWARD WITNESSES Sunday the Fire department was called out. It was about 10 :30 o'clock in the morning. It went down Central then down Wilmette avenue. Then down the alley. Lo, and behold, what was it but Hammond's Ice Cream Kitchen! The firemen put the - hose on to the fire plug. By then the roof had started a fire. One of the nearby n~>fghbors gave the alarm. Hammond'§ let Cream Kitchen was a frame building and there was another building next to it. The firemen were running to and from, trying their best to put out the fire. The flames were going ten or twelve feet high. They were working and hour and a half. All that is left now is the brick wall.-Howard Herbon, 7C Stolp · THE FOOTBALL STORY First a . signal then a thud - · And your· face is in the mud. Some one jumps upon your back And your ribs begin to crack. Hear a whistle, "Down"! That's all 'Tis the way to play football. · -Helen Miller, 8B Howard Patience Rewarded When Spencer Builds His Set Invite Boys to Join I have my radio set working at last. PIane Mode1· Tuesday I finished my crystal set, and 1ng Class Boys! There is an airplane modeling club started, if you have not heard. We hold our meetings in the ·Central school manual training room every Thursday night at 7 o'clock. We have about seventeen boys now and the limit is thirty boys. The man who holds the business part of it is a popular man by the name of "Hap" Ga thercoal. Our instructor is a man with a good deal of experience. Our room, 7B Howard, has two boys in this club. They are Allen Roth and Philip Hoelz.- Philip Hoelz, 7B Howard Begin Annual Sale of Christmas Health Seals Mrs. Hoffman has been over again to sell seals. She said to start selling Monday. Every year she has them for sale. In every room there is a colored sign as a reminder. A~ a hint, she said that they didn't like to have the children go on a hom;e to hou::;e canvass but to sell to friends and people in the family. Per:->onally, I think that this is a good idea as children were always pestering people who already have seals.-James Kraft, Howard 8B MIXED ON ECLIPSE Miss Stevens, our general science teacher, told us to look for the eclipse of the moon on November 27. Several people looked for it late in the night of the 27th, but saw nothing. In class it came out that it was the 26th, but after 12 o'clock it was the 27th. Few of the class were wise and sat up for it. That explains the sleepy people at school on the 27th.-James Kraft, SB Howard TEST ON SHAKESPEARE The 8B and 8A classes of Howard had a test an Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice." Mrs. Stal1ing who is our LiterATTENDS STREET OPENING ature teacher said that -she thought the Monday evening, November 6, I heard grades were pretty good and that she a lot of whistles. It did not take me was well pleased with the grades.-Rolong to find out what It was for. They bert Klemm, SA Huward were opening the new Main street. There was music and the whistles on Nelson's WOULD IMPROVE GRADES lAundry were blowlng.-Robert Werden, The 7B class had to make out a pro8A Stolp gram for next week for all the studies that we were low ln. We hope _ to improve 'l A WINS VOLLEYBALL GA:ME gradE's for next month.-Ruth Solo7B and 7A of the Byron StoJ.p school our had a volleyball game November 27. It mon, 7B Stolp. -----------------was very Interesting. I wu In the ftrst .JUNIOR POLICE RECRUITS half but did not get to bat the ball. The Howard 7B has two new Junior Police s_core was ~0 to 13 In 7A's favor.-Janet boys in our room. The boys are Alfred Mayhercy, 7B Stolp Brown and Thorne Edwards.--Jack Stein, 7B Howard. · HOLD CAKP REUNION A camp reunion was held for all the WELCOME. XATHEBINEl Girl Scouts who went to Camp Juniper Howard 7B welcomea Katherine HoffKnoJl this BUmmer. It was held at the Drake hotel, December 1.-Ruth Solo- meyer back after an abeence of two mon, Grade 7B, Stolp weeks.-Helen Perry, Howard 7B. -------- fB GIRLS WIN lfAXBD CLASS BDITOB November 20, the 7B ctrla Ruth Williams Is the 78 class editor played 7C gtrla In their tlrst game of for JUNIOR J...IFB. We like her very much volley ball, The 1B «lrra won I to 11.- for abe hel.- u to write cWrennt thtnp. Rudl Solomon, 7B Stolp -Ruth Solomon, 7B Stolp TuMday, . Last Tuesday the Howard SB went to the Art Institute. We caught the North Shore train at the Wilmette station and had a private car. Miss Donnelly and Mrs. Stalling went with us. We got off at Adams and Wabash and walked over to the Art Institute but before we went in we fed the pigeons. Mrs. Stalling had brought a box of puffed wheat with her. After we fed the pigeons we went in and took off our coats and hats and then Miss Upton took us upstairs where we studied some pictures of great artists as Van Dyke and Titian. She showed us the difference in the paintings of .Jabies then and now. When the artists of a f~w centuries ago painted trees in the distance they showed each leaf separate instead of a mass. We left the Art Institute at 4 :15 The Aihi Camp Fire group had a ceremonial November 10 at the home uf Mar- o'clock and had a private car going back, too.-Olive Billimak, Howard SB jorie Seibold. June Kehl, Marjorie Seibold, Margaret Hughes and Eleanor Jackson were taken into the group. Frances Ellis and Janet McNulty became a Firemaker-the second rank in Camp Fire. Every Tuesday morning, which Is asDorothy Neal had the most honors and Allison Burge the second highest num- sembly morning at Stolp school, you wm ber. Each of these git:_ls received local find the boys of SA occupied with the of setting up the chairs in the gymhonors. Jean · Munro received a local job honor also for having the neatest honor nasium. The job must be finished during the fifteen minute recess period. This is ·paper. Miss Beatrice conducted the ceremonial done by the "Chair Brigade" system, for us. She has a campfire group of her which operates similarly to the familiar own in Rogers Park.-Allison Burge, SA bucket brigade. The chairs are taken from the stack, handed down the line, Stolp · opened, and finally ending in their places in the gymnasium. After school the reverse order is followed in putting them away. In payment for this work, we get the gymnasium every Friday afterFollowing is a list of the "Tardy noon.-Richard Pickard, 8A Stolp Folks" in SA Howard during November: Carl Anderson, Virginia Maine, Jean Dunning, Alice Nord, and Fred L eason. At the beginning of the new month, Mr. Todd collects all the "Tardy Folks" to7A's work with Miss Madsen has been gether and a ssigns them to a different seventh and eighth grade teacher each proverbs. Each boy and girl has taken a proverb and is writing a story about night. They have to stay three quarters of an hour after school. But it depends it. This is a list of proverbs taken from upon how many times they have been different papers: "Birds of a feather late and what kind of excuse they have.- flock together," "People who live in glass houses must not throw stones," "Don't Robert Klemm, SA Howard count your chickens before they hatch," "A watched pot never boils." We are trying to have our papers the bes t in the room.-Virginia Jones, 7A Howard The seventh grade girls are going to ~lAKE VILLAGE MAPS start their volley ball season December The seventh grades of Howard school G. The games will start at 3 :30 o'clock making maps of Wilmette. Mrs. is in the Howard gymnasium. The games for the seventh grade girl s are scheduled Groves our Social Science teacher is teaching us. We started by putting in as follows: December 6, Howard 7A vs. St. Joseph the railroad. We then put in the streets December 11, Howard 7A vs. St. Francis 7 running into it. We drew the lake, harDecember 20, Howard 7A vs. Howard 7B bor, schools, and even our own house. Our captain is Emily Symons and our We colored the map each of us coloring coach is Miss Skidmore. We hope we as we liked.-Reginald Green, 7A Howwill make a better showing in volley- ard ball than we did in kickball.-Ellen JorHOWARD DEFEATS STOLP dan, 7A Howard Monday, November 19, Howard 7A had a soccer game with Stolp 7C. The score MAKE BOOKLETS In Art Appreciation we are making in the first half was 1 to 0 in Howard's booklets with six different cathedrals in favor. The field was very muddy and After a few minutes of play th~m. The Milan, Notre Dame, Rheims, slippery. Amiens, and Chartres. Everyone in the in the second half, Stolp scored a goal C'lass looks up reference on the cathedrals which made the score 1 to 1. The final t·eads it and other people take down notes score was 2 to 1, Howard's favor.-Bob that they have not got. Our bl)flks wm·e Hermanson, 7A Howard handed in to Miss Scheidler Friday, NovPRACTICE VOLLEY BALL ~ mher 23, at noon.-Helen Perry Howard The girls of 8A and 8B Howard are 7R ' practicing volley ball every Tuesday night after school with Miss Skidmore VIEW ECLIPSE coaching. Miss Skidmore said that alThe alarm clocks must have buzzed though we won all of the kickball games plenty November 27 for about twelve peo- we did not know enough about it. When ple in our room arose about 2 :30 o'clock the practicing is over, which will be next In the morning to see the eclipse of the week, we ought to know something about moon. I got up to see it about that time volley ball.-Betty Hurtt, 8A Howard R!ld when I saw it there was just a small Ptece to be covered. The shadow color DIDN'T MIND MISSING TES'r to me looked orange instead of black. Mrs. Groves was going te have a tte>st -Marjorie Wedell, 7B Howard. Monday but she had so many test papers from our final test that she was too tired . ELECT CAPTAIN · to correct any more. The cblldrP.n didn't November 23, the 7B girls had to vote seem to mind missing the test.--Genevieve over for a captain for their volley ball Blrlauf, Howard 7B. t~am because they are going to have one team instead of two. La Verne Poppis FIRST SNOW FIGHT now our room captain for volley ball.After the snow storm Wednesday the Ruth Solomon, 7B Stolp 8B and 8A boys of Howard school had a snow fight at recess, tbe ftrst of the CAKP FIBB DllfNER season.-Lee Blaylock. 8B Howard The Alhl Camp Flre group had a dinner at the Central school November 27. VISITS IN' ELKWOOD We sewed on our moccaains and bad Thanksgiving we visited Junior who 80me tallra on Camp Flre.-Alllson Burge lives in Elmwood.-Jack Potter. Grade 3, SA Stolp ' Ct>ntral Aihi Camp Fire Group Enjoys a Ceremonial Use Fire Brigade Style in Placing Gym Chairs All Is Not Rosy for Those Who Are Tardy Seventh Graders Write Stories From Proverbs Arrange Schedules for 7th Grade Volley Ball r

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