· WILMETTE LIFE December 14, 1928 Mn. Katherine W. Manball · Mrs. Marshall is survived by four Taken bw "--·th'Laat Mondav daughters. Funeral services were held J ~ J Thursday afternoon from the Dudley Mrs. Katherine W. Marshall, born in Chicago ·70 years ago, died last monday at the· home of her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Dudley, 414 Warwick road, Kenilworth. Her husband, the late Henry Marshall, was a Charles prominent manufacturer and · real estate owner,. and her father, Thomas Benton, was one of Chicago's first flour millers and a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. residence. Burial was at Graceland. Mary Alice Husting, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Husting, 1620 Washington avenue, entertained eighteen girls Wednesday afternoon on the occas~on of her sixth birthday. -oThe city of Chicago has gained more in population in seven years than the total population of any city in the United States excepting only four. Future meetings of the Kenilworth · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Girl Scouts will be held in a room in the old wing of the 1oseph Sear., school, formerly occupied by. the fourth grade, . which .lJas moved to , the new school addition. The seats have been removed, and the room will be usee by the Scouts as their permanen~ headquarters, it was announced thi5 week by Miss Gertrude Herrick, assistant athletic director ·at the school. 'rh e following girls became regular tenderfoot Scouts at investiture ceremonies held last week: ] ane Harrison, Mary Huck, Marsha Huck, Barbara Clark. Elinor Clark, Dorothy Deacon, . Annette 'liH11liam3, Jean Cosner, and Jan(' Widen· . Russian Pianist Girl Scouts Get Large Kenilworth Headquarters · Advertisers of National Scope Utilize Home Paper More anq more, s1,1burban newspapers are being recogniz"d by the large ad vertisers of the country,' as tl:le real home pape'r. Another of the most recent examples of this recognition is the case of the Union Tobac~o company which owns, among other brands. the Melachrino cigaret. In choosingWILMETTE LIFE to advertise Melachri nos, one of the officers and directors ot the Union Tobacco company made the significant statement, that in his opinion, no paper is read with greater interest than the home paper, and that no paper offers more to a worthy product. Confidence The deciding factor in the purchase of a product or service, in most instances, is the organization back of it and the public confidpnce it has built. Qual~ty builds public confidence. Pure soap. modern equipment, careful, skilled employees, strict supervision, a clean and tidy plant ... are deci,ding factors why women send their family laundry here. 3,ooo housewives give the weekly la.undry bundle to Bill the Washington Laundry Man, because they are confident he ·Will return Quality work, finished as carefully as it would be at home, and at a figure in keeping with the family budget. Vladimar Horowitz, the brilliant young Russian pianist, will give a recital at the New Trier High school gymnasium Dec. 26 under the auspices of the Winnetka Music club. He is hailed by critics as the out3tanding pianist of the decade. The membership of Illinois churches total 3,357,954 as compared with 2,522,373 ten years ago. CHRISTMAS TREES AT LOWEST PRICES 3 foot size ...... 45c 4 ~ 5 foot size ... 75c 6 ~ 7 foot size, $1.45 8 ~ 9 foot size, $2.25 10 ~ 11 ft. size, $3.00 12 ~ 13 ft. size, $5.00 14 ~ 15 ft. size, $7.00 16 to 18 ft. size, $1 0 I'RBSB CARLOAD .JUST Washington Laund.y ,...... 'rua .,._, ~.ILL ~h, . RECEIVED Phone Wilmette 145 1887 . Fortv-One. Yec~ta · of · Quality · Work · 1928 MERCER LUMBER CONPAKIBI EVANSTON YARD 2738 W. RAILROAD AVENUE