Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1928, p. 56

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WILMETTE LIFE December 14, 1928 North Shore Society . Is Deep tn Plans for Holidays · Dance Guape Brings Junior League Players Name Patrons, Patronesses Society,s lntetest Rehearse for New Play Suggestion ~~ Paris for Dramatic Club Play Turns to Affairs A special performance of Racketty.When ucap and Bells," the Williams to Kenilworth Club for Younger Set College Dramatic club, makes its fir st Packetty House was given Thursday BY P. H. BY EVELYN DUNCAN W!Jh Thanksgiving and the. foot hall sea.;on over, all social interest is now centered in the Christmas holidays with the return of debutantes, sub debs and their brothers from school, and the many teas, luncheons, dinners and innumerable dances and balls which will more than· fill their calendar. . k . · k h . F our W mnet a gtr1 s wt 11 ma e · t c;r .. d · th h I'd d e b ut·, urmg e o 1 ay season, anc1 others who have already come out will give balls and dinners. Miss Louise Lackner, danghter of the Francis I [. . ac k ners, w1·11 be presented at a lar~c· luncheon to be given by her mother at Indian Hill club on D b f . . ece~ er 23· · H er 1 1st o ass1stants ts QUite. com· not A 1 P111 e t e. Sh e fan d hv er ·.s1ster D ntomette, b "t return rom assar on ecem er 22 . .Miss Louise Fentress' debut is fl) take place Christmas day at a tea at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr~. James Fentress. December 27 i·.s marked hy two affairs, one given by Miss Charlotte Picher and Miss Elizabeth Knode, a dinner dance, at the Blackstone, and later that evening Mr. ann Mrs. Bruce MacLeish will give a ball for their daughter, Jean, in the Red Lacquer room of the Palmer House. New Year's day Miss Harriet Leonard and Miss Louise Badgerow are to have their respective .. debut parties. Miss Badgerow is to be presented to society at a tea dance to br given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Badgerow of 576 Arbor Vitae road, on New Year's day at the Indian Hill club. She has chosen the following debutantes to assi.;t her at the affair, Miss Jean MacLeish, :Miss Charlotte Picher, Miss Elizabeth Knode, Miss El!zabeth Warren, Miss Barbara King, M1s·s Dorothy Ranney, Miss Betty B~rden Miss Mary Elizabeth Johnson, Mtss Jean Purcell, Miss Kathleen Whitcomb, Miss Jean Stevens and Miss Letitia Channon. Miss Leonard will be presented by her father, John R. Leonard, at his annual New Year's reception to be held at their home, Wildacre. Miss Leonard was graduated from Radcliffe colleg~ last June and one of her classmates fro~ Bo~ton, Miss Claribel Smith, is conung dtrect!v after Christmas to a 3 sist at }{iss Leonard's tea. She wilt spend several months here as Mis'i Leonard's housegue.;t. A partial list of. the other debutantes who will serve Wl.th her ?'.' New Year's day includes Mtss Lettt1a Channon, Miss Laura Jacoby, Miss Eleanor McEwen Mi~s Je~n MacLeish, Miss Charlotte Picher, Mtss Theresa Rew, Miss Ada Rew Mi.ss Peggy Waidner and Miss Cynthi~ Wtbon. Indian Hill club and Skokie Country club also have entertainments down on the social calendar for both adults and children. Jndian Hill will have its annual 'Christmas carol "sing" with an outdoor party and a tea to follow on Saturday afternoon, December 22 anci ~m New Year's eve, December 31, there IS to be a gala supper dance. Skokie has announced a Christmas and Winter Sports dinner dance for December 22 and a children's party for the after~ noon of December 29. Parties for the sub debs include J dance to be given on December 24. at which Miss Virginia Lamson, Miss Lucy Jacobs and Miss Welthyan Harmon will be co-hostesse.;, at Indian Hilt. Miss Chole Watson, daughter of Mr. and Yrs. Cornelius Watson of Wi·1- appearance on the north shore on December 28, at. the .. North Sho~~ Coun~ry Day, school, tt wtll pres_ent, The Ptg-eon, by 1ohn Galsworthy. This week 31nnouncement is made of those. who wtll act as patr~ns an.d Pfltronesse~ for the event whtch w1ll. attract Chtcago and north shore soctety. Thi.; list. includes the following north shore restdents : M r. an d M rs. Ro bert H . And rews, M d M H 1 H ld M d r. an . rs: a e 0 en, r. a~ · Mrs. Ir~mg Ftsh, Mr. and Mr.s. Austm D. Jenkms, Mr. and Mrs. Louts Northrup, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace D. Rumsey, M d M ~ W'll' .r 1 tam p · S'dl 1 ey, -.. r. an r,. .1.nr. and Mrs. Henry F. Tenney, Mr. and Mrs. ·'Hallet fi'hornq, bf W&nnetka: Mrs. R u d o1 · p h M a t z, M r. an d Mrs. M arcus R' 1c h ar ds, o f H ubb ar d w oo d s; M r. an d M rs. A ugus t e c. B a b'tze of Glencoe; Mr. and Mrs. Richard ]. Harman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russell Platt, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Stevens Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Tuthill, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Tulli·.s, of Evans ton; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen Mason, of l:Iighland Park; Mr. and Mrs. Keit!1 C arpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert r.. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart ]. Temp· teton, of Lake , Forest; Mr. and M r~· Scott Durand of Lake Biuff. morning at the Harris theater for the benefit of crippled children. The las~ performance of the play will be given on December 29. Junior League girls are now preparing for Treasure Island to be presented January 5, and to be run for eight consecutive Saturdays. Then· have been several reheanals for the play, but the cast has not yet been announced. Several of the girls who have had parts in Racketty-Packetty Housl! will take part in Treasure Island, among whom are Mrs. ]. Waller Marshall of Winnetka, and Katherine Adams. The Junior leaguers are delighted and greatly encouraged over the popularity of Racketty-Packetty House. There always has been a crowded th<'ater · and the audience has respond<'rl enthusiasticallv. Tickets may- be purchased in advance from Roberta Harvey, 340 Barry av:'nue, Chicago, or at the hox office two weeks in advance. T bird Week in December Busy for Vista del Lago The third week in December at the Cluh Vista del Lago opens Monday \\·ith a luncheon and pivot bridge for memhers of the club and their guest 3. \Vednesday and Thursday evenings of the same week. respectively. are the occasion s of a family dinner bridge and a family dinner. Saturday evening, De cember 22. will bring the customar:: dinner dance. The same schedule is followetl this \veek. with a clinner dance Saturday <.'\'C'ning. Dectmher 15. concluding it-; evenb. The one digression from· next week\ program occu.rred Monday when the hridge following the luncheon was a progressive game rather than pivPt. Welfare Auxiliary Gives Afternoon Bridge Monday Members of the Junior auxiliary of the Infant \iVelfare society have invited the members of the senior board an<! the waiting list to join them at theit· Christmas fund bridge Monday aft~r noon, December 17, at 2 o'clock, at t~~ e home of the second vice-president. Mrs. A. ]. Ruby, 191 Park avenue. Glencoe. The hostess will be assisted hv the other officers of the auxiliary, M r~. J W . Shedden, Mrs. E. M. Antrim, Mr~. H. ]. Smith, Mis. Ella Butz, Mrs. C. Winnetkan Is Chairman H. Redding; Mrs. R. Armstrong, Mr'. for Triangle Club Show J. J. Johnson, Mrs. Roger William s. \Villiam B. Me Ilvaine, Jr., of WinMrs. L. W. Benson, Miss Alice Wheelock, Mrs. William Balhatchet. netka is chairman of the Chicago Princeton club committee on arrangt· and Mrs. A. L. Fuller. ments for the annual Princeton Triangle cluh's mu.;;ical show to be give1 1 Wellesley Club to Hear this year at the Auditorium on Decem Christmas Carols Tuesday ber 28. The North Shore \Yelleslcv circle is The title of the show, which is alto have what is alwavs one of its most ways of such importance to Princedelightful affairs. its. Christmas meet- ton graduates and others on the north ing which, again this year, as in seasons shore, is to he "Zuider Zee." past, is to be held in the home of Mrs. Irwin Rew. 217 Dempster street, E,._ anston. The singing of carols and Club Dance Saturday Christmas music will commence at 3 :15 Tomorrow evening the fourth of t'w o'clock. and tea will be served at the serie.;; of eight subscription dances giv ·· close of the program. en :-~s a benefit by the ways and mean <:. committee of the Woman's club of Wilnetka, will give a tea dance on the mette takes place at the cluh house. afternoon of December 28. and that The affairs are in charge of Mrs, Earlt' evening Mr. and Mrs. Ht.·nry Stanton. D. Lvon of 1504 Elmwood avenue, and also of \Vinnetka. will entertain for are for the purpose of raising mom~~· their son and daughter. Henry and for the club building fund. Louise, at a dance at Indian Hilt'. Thr following evening, December 29, Mr. Welfare Board Meets and Mrs. Alfred Cushman and Mr. The Wilmette Senior board of the and Mr~. Rosewell B. ~la.;on of Winnetka will entertain at a dancing part\· Infant welfare societv met for a day to be gi,·rn at Indian Hill for therr of sewing Monday at ·the home of Mrs. daughters. 1\£ ary Cushman and Annk T. B. Marshall, 1040 Elmwood avenue During the afternoon the regula~ Mason. Jnonthly meeting took place. ~frs. Hamon Butler will issue invitations for a small skating party anc.l luncheon which she will give in honor Luncheon Hostess of her two grandsons, Hermon and Mrs. George D. Rich.ards entertained Claude Beck, for Thursday, Decemb~r at luncheon and bridge Thursday De27. The boy.; and their parents witt cember 6, at her home in Deerfield in spend the holidays with Mrs. Butler at honor of Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner of her home in \Vinnetka. \Vilmette. . Every once in a while some one who ·has charge of the affairs of the Kenilworth Club attempts some novel and unique idea in the way of entertainn1ent. It is difficult to arrange card parties, either bridge or Military euchre, in any . but the usual way and it takes a clever hostess to plan a luncheon or dinner which is "different". On last Friday evening the two hostesses, Mrs. DeWitt Stillman and Mrs. Jacques de Ia Chapelle, together with their respective husbands presented a "Dance Guape" - Soiree Parisienne, and it was a real French dinner dance. Even the orchestra appearing in smocks and French berets giving the appearance of the Latin quarter of Paris. Those in charge had gone to nb end of trouble to decorate the rooms of the club with French posters and over the door of the way to the dinin~ room was the large sign "Au Rat Mort." The tables were laid with red and white checked oil cloth and the onlY lighting in the room came from candles of all sizes, sha.9es, and colors, stuck in old French wine bottles. "Red Wine" had been announced so the two head waiters. the hosts of the soiree duriTig the evening brought in two big wash tubs filled with cracked ice and olrt wine bottles filled with a red claret punch. It caused a great deal of merriment. A real French dinner was served, some of the courses having been pre pared at the French restur-ant in Chicago. It was a "real" party and very successful. The following parties are scheduled for December: December 14, supper bridge; December 21, an entertainment: Decem her 28, Young Peoples rlance and Children's party: Decem her 31. New Year's Eve dan<;e. ' Stutson-Pruden Wedding Takes Place December 2 7 Thursda,·, December 27, has bee11 cho3en by Miss Elizabeth Stutson ;-~~ the day of her marriage to Bradle,. Pruden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Pruden of DeLand, Fla .. formerlv oi Wilmette. The Rev. J. W . F. Davie ~· ::>f the Winnetka Congregational church will read the service at 7 :45 o'clock in the evening in the presence of ~he two families and a reception wilt h<:> held between the hours of 8 :30 and 1fJ . Both the ceremony and the reception following will take place in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stutson, 479 Sun.;et road, Winnetka. Miss Lorraine Thoms of Winnetka wilt attend the bride as maid of hon0r and Paull Schumacher of Cleveland will serve as Mr. Pruden's best man. Mr. Pruden and his bride wiil tnClke their home in Cleveland·. Hold Arden Shore Meeting The Wilmette A'r den Shore board held its December meeting Thursday of last week at the home of "Mrs. Leslie W. Millar, 510 Washington avenue. During the day sewing was done for the encampment and plans made for Christmas at the Arden Shore winter camp for undernourished boys. Miss Dorcas Branson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Branson, 817 Central avenue, who will return this evening from Monticello seminary, Godfrey, Ill., for the holidays, will give a luncheon at her home December 22.

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