W,ILMETTB LIFE December 14, 1928 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs Woman's Club Will Meet on Wednesday Illustrated Garden Talk, Whistler. Chinese Lecturer, and Pianist on Next Program . By H. H. S. The Woman's club of Wilmette is to meet next Vv ednesday morning, December 19, at 10:30 o'cl9ck. We are planni!lg to begin on time. Miss Marion Blomgren, a whistler, one of Faye Epperson's group of artists, will open and close our morning meeting with groups of beautiful bird calls and whistling solos. Mae Eleanor Kimberly will accompany her at the piano. The main program for the morning is in charge of the Wilmette Garden club. Mrs. David Cooke will give an informal talk on ."Rock Gardens" dealing with them from an entirely' practical standpoint and from her own experien~es with them. She will tell where to get all the seeds and plants of which she talks, and just how to work with them. Mrs. Cook has many beautiful pictures in color of all sorts of gardens which she will show us on the screen, and then will show t:s slides of our own Wilmette gardens taken last summer. At ~ o'clock, Mrs. Elsie Chang Lyon. a Chmese woman who was born and brought up in China, will talk on Ch!na. Mrs. Lyon is accurate, interestmg and clever, and she has speut the last summer traveling in China and the surrounding country, getting new and eye-opening material for her lectures! She has collected various beautiful things for her gift shop, manv of which she will bring with her for - our enjoyment. These mav be purchased if aQyone desires to have them, part of her profit going to our building fund. Miss Rutheda r..· Pretzel. Glencoe pianist, will play a group of modern French compositions, 4'Pavanne de Ia Belle au Bois Dormant," and "Les Entretiens de Ia Belle et de Ia Rete," by Maurice Ravel: "La Filte auz Cheveux de Lin:' and "La Cathedrale Engloutie," by Claude Debussy. I At the Neighbors Solicit Volunteers lor Christmas Baskets Volunteers for Christmas baskets for families of disabled war veterans arc now solicited by the ex-service groups of the woman's clubs of the Tenth district of the IJJinois Federation. The names of the families come through the War Veterans' bureau and are not on any other charity list. If any interested person would like to aid in this spreading of Christmas cheer and does not feel able to give a basket, he or she may contribute toward one, it is announced thr 0uJZh the chairman of the district, Mrs. Joseph Jovce of Kenilworth, who states: "We hope to have the Boy Scouts help us deliver the baskets, but the Christmas spirit really is manifested through personal contact. If you wish to help us. please phone Mrs. Joyce at Kenilworth, 2139 for the name of a familv. or send checks to her at her horne: 531 Essex road, Kenilworth." TO PLAN FLOWER SHOW The Garden club of Illinois is holding an important luncheon meeting on Tuesday, December 18, at 1 o'clock, at the Hotel Sherman, to consider plahs for the third annual Chicago Garden and Flower show. which is to he held from February 25, to March 3. The Neighbors met on Tuesday afterThe ex-service committee of the noon of this week for its final regular \\'oman's club of Wilmette held its program for 1928. In keeping with the regular monthly meeting with its vicespirit of Christmas, Mrs. H. W. Austin chairman, Mrs. A. ]. Nystrom, last gave an intimate talk on 4 'Some Ex- Monday. At that time final plans for periences in Palestine" telling of her the Christmas celebration at Great own interesting trip to the Holy Land. Lakes hospital and U. S. Veterans' Mrs. Austin has a charming person- hospital 105 were made. On Wednesday, December 19, the ality, and although not a professional lecturer, spoke with great ease. boxes for the four-hundred men at Music was furnished by Eloise Erwin Great Lakes hospital will be packed. Crounse, and she delighted her On the same day at 105, the morning audience. will be spent ·in sewing the men's The home and education depart- names on the sweater coats which each ment of the Neighbors is making plans of the six-hundred men there will refor the course of morning lectures · ceive. In the afternoon these coats which it annually sponsors. Mrs. Tom will be wrapped in Christmas fashion. Dix is chairman of this department The Woman's club committee has and announces that she has secured given $50 towards the se sweater coats Mrs. Esther L. Harcourt, formerlv of which were bought at wholesale. Northwestern university. a draniat1c On Saturday, December .22, the com reader and interpreter of plays. who mittee has been asked to go to U. S. will give five lecture recitals.- These Hospital 105 and help fill the tarleton recitals will represent five different stockings. Each man will receive one countries, Englan.d, America, France, filled with fruit, nuts and hard candv. Spain, and Russia1 and will occur in If anyone should care to volunteer February and March. Complete an- to help on these days, the committee nouncement wilt be sent to the mem- announces that it will be glad to have hers of the club in January. and the them. One member of the group ha~ committee is eag-er to have a fair idea given one thousand chocolate bars for of the number people interested so the Great Lakes boxes. they are asking immediate response to The U. S. Veterans' hospital at these announcements. Dwight, it is said, does not receive as Last Tuesday afternoon at the . home much attention as the hospitals near of Mrs. Joseph White on Sheridan the big city. The committee is helping road. the art and literature department bring cheer to those almost forgotten comhined efforts and interests with the men by contributing to the Christmas music department and presented a most entertainment anq buying tickets for timely and valuahle program. Mrs: all the men to attend a motion picture Arthur \\' akeley, Leicester road. Kcnil- show. worth, gave an informal discussion of Anyone wishing to help at this children's books. both for the verv lit- Christmas time with gifts of cigarets. tie children and those of the grades. candy, or Christmas dinners, is asked She gave a list of books suitable and to communicate with Mrs. W. H. Hutdesirable for children of atl ages, sub- son. 1112 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette divided for boys and for girls. also in- 1447, or Mrs. A. J. Nystrom, 714 Cen cluding books for mothers to read to tral ~venue, ':Vilrnette 1790. children. It w~s a verv valuable list at this time when moth-ers are selecting books for Christmas gifts. Mrs. \\Take- Catb0lic Club Ex-Service ley had a large assortment of books to Group Seeks Christmas Aid illustrate her remarks. It was a most Mrs. P. J. McGurk, chairman of the painstaking and carefully .thought out committee for friendly co-operation discussion and very sincerely appre- with ex-service men of the Woman's ciated. Catholic club of 'Vilmette, announces Mrs. Paul . Gilbert. a member of the that any individuals or groups wishing music department, sang groups of songs to contribute money or food and cloth-:, for children and gave a verv cultured ing for the Christmas baskets for the taJ1( on "Children's l\1 usic." She shmH'd families of war veterans this vear mav a thorough musical background. communicate . with her at ·Wilmette Miss Margaret Bluthardt, one of the 2o72. The committee '"ill be glad tn Junior mernhers of the Neighbors ac- have volunteers who wilt help them companied Mrs. Gilbert and, alt h~tt~h with baskets, or with the scrap hooks. a young musician, Miss Bluthardt has one of which wilt he included in c\·erY alreadv passed the committee on cre- ha(;kct. The members of Mrs. McGurk's dentials of the Chicago ' ; Vomcn M usician's club and is a very fine pianist. committee arc Mesdames Harrv BetThe work of accompanving is a dis- tin.srhaus. John Bovlston. C. F. ·r.untf'. tinct field and a very difficult one and .T. E. Dt>mpsey. Charles Hauber, P. J. she displayed excellent skill and ta5te .T oyce. E. F. Ketle,·. G. E. Lu(h\'ifY. Martin Lvnch. Edward J. McArdle, T. in her v..-ork on Tuesday afternoon. The next regular meeting of the .T. Mills. Frank Oclcrich, Henry Pro~ Neighbors will occur after the new veat'" scr. R. C. Ross, Albert Satisburv. and · 'o nens. The date wilt be Tanuar~r R Julian Ti ffan~·. The program to be presente'd is ra-the~ ttni(Jue. "Watch Your Handwriting", h.\' BEDECK VETSt TREE Bertha ,V, Hall, graphologist, and Stolp school seventh and eighth song. from the Chinese hy Ilse Fnrs- grade nupils have been . asked to bring ter. one Christmas tree ornament, each, to be used in the decorating of Christmas trees at the Great Lakes VetFriends in Council Meet erans' hospital. The children plan to The Friends in Council of Evansto:1 this as one of their Christmas proare holding their December meetinrr Jects. today at the Orrington hotel. Mrs. G~ A. Spalding wilt review 14 Up the Ye~ .. " 0. OF M. TO SEW from Bloomsburg" by George Arlis·~, \Vilmette Order of 'Martha will meet and Mn. H. M. Paynter wlil give a to sew at the horne of Mrs. P. J. Klapreview of the "Biography of Don Perich, 412 Central avenue, Monday at Byrn·e ." 1:30. ------------------------~ Ex-Service Group Asks Aid in Giving Christmas to Vets Jens Jensen Gives Garden Club Talk Famous Landscape Architect Addresses Club and Show! s Color Pictures Although the Wilmette Garden club, now completing its seventh season, is an afternoon club, it is having one evening party each year in December whe~ the husbands are invited. This year, the annual party took place Fri- . day evening, December 7, at the home of Mrs. Hope Thompsont 1219 Ashland avenue, vVilmette. More than seventyfive members and guests were present. The · guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jensen. The president. Mrs. 'Vatter Gore Mitchell, opened the meeting. welcoming the guests, an~ introduced the program chairman, Mrs. Benjamin E. Gage. Miss Luella Wilson gave a piano solo at the beginning and another at the close of the program. Mr. Jensen, one of America's greatest landscape architects, a resident of Wilmette, gave the most inspiring address it has ever been the good fortune of the club to hear. He spoke on "Some Phases of Landscape Gardening." Later, he showed on the screen, a number of beautiful color pictures of gardens which he had created. Mrs. David Cooke, the first president of the club, was in charge of the next part of the program, the showing on the screen of slides in color, of the members' gardens. During the past spring and summer, these pictures were being taken, some by David Cooke, some by Harry Wells, in preparation for the December meeting. The social hour followed the program. A large committee assisted the social chairman, Mrs. Edward H. Burge. Mrs. John Clark Baker and Dr. Alice Tuttle presided at the tea table. Calla lilies in the dining room, chrysanthemums and roses in the other rooms, logs burning in the fireplace, all added to the charm and beauty of the party. . On 'A' ednesday, December 18. at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, the \Vilmettc Garden club wilt have charge, with the art department, of the morning program of the Woman's club of Wilmette. Mrs. David Cooke wilt give an illustrated talk on "Rock Gardens." The slides of the members' gardens will be shown by request at the conclusion of the program. This meeting is an open meeting and everyone is invited . of Card Party Today Is Junior School Benefit .M rs. Arthur Schwarz, 1405 Jarvis avenue, Chicago chairman of the card committee of the North End Branch. Friends of Chicago Junior school, announces a card party to be given at the hom,. of Mrs. Victor E. Freeman, 1634 Chase avenue at 2 o'clo~k Friday afternoon, December 14. The regular monthly meeting wtll be held Tuesday, December 18. at 8:30 at the Soverign hotel. Mr. William 0. Hodgdon, 7702 north Marshfield avenue, assistant warden under the late Warden E-:-· ]. Murphy of the Joliet penitentiary, will give an illustrated talk on 44 Crime, Criminals, and the Penitentiary." ?o r