82 . WILMETTE LIFE December 14, 1928 OOOOOOCOUCCUOOCCJUCCSUU0$0$$6oo$o$05oCooooooooooooo4 I Pboae <Jencoe Phone Wilmette Pord Now Building 35,000 Cars in Week of Five Work Days The optimism of Automobile manufacturers all over· the country and the prediction that the coming year will result in the establishment of a new all-time produc.tion and sales record would seem to be justified by information from Detroit that the Ford Motor company has just stepped production up to 35,000 units weekly, according to D. W. Leonard of the Skokie Motor company of Wilmette, north short:! Ford dealer. "I have just learned that the Ford company has scored a new mark in pressure production of the new Ford A. model" ·said Mr. Leonard. "Only a short time ago the daily production was 6,000 cars and now it has jumped one thousand." NEW COLORS AFEATURE OF CHICAGO AUTO SHOW Something Different Ia Advance Dope for Benefit of Motoring Public-Opens Jan. 26 When the annual automobile show epens in Chicago on January 26, the motor fans will get an eyeful if advance information can be relied on for it is stated that this show will be featuted by radical departures from e.xhibits of other years. New and dtfferent are a couple of the terms used in explaining what the motor fans are going to see. The modern use of color on cars promises attractive displays. Numerous new color combinations and departures in handling the color masses of bodies, with certain modernistic touches, will be noted. Another element is the change in silhouette, both front and side view, of the new models, which is refreshing to the eye. The application of symmetry to low hung car bodies and chassismost appropriate for such dynamic things as motor cars-and the tendency to make the lines rhythmic and simple, will be apparent on many show models. Another feature 'is to be the international aspect, foreign makers being invited to exhibit this year for the first time. British, German, and French cars will be shown. At the New York show, opening January 5, there will be shown more than 200 passenger cars, 44 American and 5 foreign. There will be several hundred exhibits of parts and acces~ sorir.. The shop equipment section again will be featured, with 60 or more exhibitors. .385 4350 - ~· Daily Service to GLENCOE KENILWORTH WINNETKA WILMETTE We believe we are employed in the choicest business -that of safe guarding the health and strength of our women. uTalk the better and build the better trade/· 7379-89 Rogers Ave. ...... 0 ·· Chicago, Ill. _ . _ !" 1gnition Cabies of High Tension Are Best for Cars The importance of high tension ignition cables on automobiles is stressed by U. C. Abel, of the Abel Battery and Ignition Service of \Vinnetka. An interesting thing is the effect which corona has on spark plug cable, accord: ing to Mr. Abel. Corona is an electrical phenomena which is present in all high voltage circuit. The present high speed, high compression engines u3ed in automobiles demand much higher voltage for proper ignition than \Yas in use years ago, with the result that a g ............ . burden is continually being placed UPQY the ignition cable. The corona whi~ develops around the cable releases free ozone from the air and free ozone is one of the greatest enemies of rubber in3ulation. It very shortly deteriorates the rubber to a point where it begins to lose its original. efficiency. By laboratory tests it has been discovered that the average car on the road could be improved in operating performance characteristics from ten to sixty per cent when the old, worn-out high tension ignition cable was replaced by Packard Lac-kard Cable. The reason for this is that vibration, water, heat, and corona, cau3es the plain rubber covered cable (which is generally used) to rapidly deteriorate and leak electricity, with the result that the full voltage does not reach tJte spark plugs. Due to a weak, as wel! as a delayed spark, the power of the tn«;ltor is very seriously affected. The Packard Lac-kard Cable is made with high quality insulation protected by a stout braid, which in turn is coated with multiple coats of special pyroxilyn lacquer which hermetically seals the insulation from the attack of corona and also excludes grease, oil, and moisture. ell LA SALLE Sedan most marvelous of Christmas gifts Imagine the thrill of such a gift. The thrill to those who receive It-the even greater thrill to the giver thereof! A gift that will give pleasure for years to come. A beautiful LaSalle Sedan. In front of the door on Christmas morning. A superb gift, mounted on a wheelbase of 134 inches ··· powered by the famous Cadillac..built engine, 90-degree, V ..type, s. cylinder ··· Gentle to drive ··· Luxurious to ride in ··· Incomparably satisfying to own. A gift that gives the exclusive Cadillac-LaSalle advantages of the SUent Shift Transmission (even a novice drives noiselessly with this) ··· the greater safety of Duplex Four..Wheel Brakes and Security Plate Glass. Give this 1reat 1ift this year. Let us help yo\.llllllake it a real surprise. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Ave., Evanston