December 14. 1928 -·-·-·-·-······-·. At the North Shore Theaters 'I'· f : WILMETTE LIFE DOG SHOW AT TEATRO Milton Sills and · Rin-Tin-Tin, w~ Dog, Scorea Thelma Todd Star Aeain in Hia Lateat Picture~ ."Land of the SilYel" Fox" I "Land of the ~ Fo~," a thriller of the snow country, starring the famous dog, Rin-Tin-Tin, will be this Saturday's attraction at the Teatro del Lago. Rinty is seen fighting for the life and happiness of a young furtrader who bought him from a har:-h master. In the cast also are Nanette, Rinty's white wife, and their seven latest puppies. Ray Enright, who directed Rinty m "Jaws of Steel" and "Tracked by the Police," also directed him in this picture. George Bancroft portrays the role of a coal-heaving ship's stoker in his new ·picture, "The Docks of New York," coming to the Teatro del Lago this Sunday, December 16. Bancroft has found his new role ideally suited to him, and his characterization in this picture has Wf?n him loud acclaim. He is ably supported by Betty Compson, Baclanova, Clyde Cook, and Mitchell Lewis. The film was directed by Josef von Sternberg, who directed the star in "Underworld" and "The Drag Net." "The Battle of the Sexes" will be shown at the Teatro del Lago next Monday and Tuesday. Jean Hersholt as a business mogul greatly distresses a happy family by becoming entangled with a gold-digger blonde, Phyllis Haver. Don Alvarado is good as the power behind the 'blonde, and Belle Bennett adds susperise to suicide as the distraught wife. · .., Milton Sills and Thelma Todd, playing the important roles in "The Crash," Norshore picture for next week, do some excellent work in a story which · has considerable of excitement and a great deal to hold one's interest. SilJs has the part of Jim Flannagan,, a two-fisted, fighting Irishman, w!1o comes back from the World war to be put in charge of the wrecking crew of White Cloud, a railroad junction high in the Sierra mountains. The duty of himself and the gang he commands is to clear up wrecks along the hazardous main line. On one of the derailed trains that requires his attention is a burlesque troupe, billed for White Cloud, where it is eagerly awaited by the town fathers and, viciously, by the town wives and mothers. Jim has never had much use for girls, but he sees Daisy McQueen (Thelma Todd)-and it's all off. A little reconnoitering assures him that she is decent, and after whipping the gentleman whose advances to Miss McQueen have furnished the proof of her virtue, he asks Daisy to marry him. Daisy does, and is straightway snubbed by all the supposedly "nice" people of the village. She tries her best to live down the allegations of 'the local gossips, but Jim permits his mind to become poisoned, the Flannagans separate, Daisy leaves, and Jim start~ drinking · and gets fired. ..;n Nor. C!'ho p·1 re I m Bill-0-Fare I in uNo Mm'a lAnd" Sheridan ROIUl &tw11n Wilmette and .l{,nilworth Ph. Kenilworth 3980·3981 ~-------...:..-----: Sat·rday, Deeember li "Companionate Marriage" . ... . ... Varsity "The Crash" . . . : . ..... .. ....... Norshore "La.nd of the Silver Fox" . . .... .... Teatro Swnday, December II "1'he Crash" .. . . . ............... Norshore "Docks of New York" . . ... ... . . ... Teatro Monday, Deeember 17 "The Woman Disputed" . ... . .. .. . Varsity "Battle of the Sexes" ... .. ... . . .. Teatro "The Crash" ...... ..... .... ... . Norshore Tuesday, December 18 "The Lion and the Mouse" .... ....... . .. .. . . . . .. ... ........ Community House "The Crash" ...... . .. .. ....... N orshore "Battle of the Sexes" .. . ... . ..... Teatro "The Woman Disputed" .. .. ...... Varsity Wednesday, Deeember 19 "The Gate Crasher" . ........... .. Teatro "The Woman Disputed" .......... Varsity "The Crash" .. . ...... ...... . .. . . Norshore Thursday, December !0 "Show People" .... . ....... . ...... Teatro "The Crash" ..... ............. . . Norshore Friday, Dtcember 21 "The Crash" ..... ..... . . ..... . . Norshore. "Show People" .. . ......... ........ Teatro MATINEES SATURDAY. SUNDAY SATURDAY tf SUNDAY Doors . Open 1:30 Show Starts 2 p. m.. Continaoaa Evenings During Wt~lt. Doors Open 6:30 Show Starts 7 p., m. · PROGRAJI STARTING DEC. lith Sat., Dec. l i Rln·Tin·Tin COMMUNITY HOUSE Tues. Dee. 18 Lionel Banymore May JfcA ,·oy In Fri. Dee. It Tom Wilson Jlyrna Loy Heinle Conklin "Ham & Eggs "The Laad or tbe lOver Pox·· Jerry Drew "The Qul.-t Worker" "Care or Kili"-Aesop's Fable ·R e,·lew ADDED JIA1'INEE ONLY Joek Luden and Sharon Lynn "ADame Ia the SkJ'" Snn~ay, "The Lion and the Mouse" at the Front" December 18 George Bo ncroft Xmas Party at l'Uatlnee With Orchestral Sound! "Doeks or Mew York" · "Tile Chicken" The Smith Family "A Hort~f' Toll"-Oswald Cartoon Dolly News & Klnogram N.-ws Jrondoy & Tuesday, Dee. 17·18 Jean Hersholt & Phillis Honr "The Batde ol the Sexes" STARTING SATURDAY "She Golntr Sailor" Billy Dooly Paramount Xews Wf.'dnesday, Deet>mber 19 Wf'Uil Tryon & Jlarlon Nixon December 15 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Judge Ben B. Lindaey'a treatise on Modern Marriage Trutha. ·~The Gate C..asher·· ALKVALE and his JAZZ COLLEGIANS in a riot of Syncopated Fun "Companionate Marria1e" Alec Francis-Betty Bronson Star Vaudeville Acts in Sound "Newlywtds Need Help" Newlywe(lS Klnogram News 'fhurl'day & Frhlay, Del'. 20·!1 William Jlnlnes & Jlarlon Dades ~~show People" "Hold On!" -On the Screen- Cbie Sales in "They're Comibl to Get Me" "Dear Old Calford" Collegians Paramount News Saturday, December 22 Ro·l La Rocque & Sue Carol ~~captala Swagger·· Pasquale Amato Operatic Baritone MILTON SILLS with DORIS KENYON In Extra Collegiana-Movietone-Newa "Hold Tbat Monkey" 1\lonty Collins "llonkey Love"-;\esop's Fables Review ADDED JJATINEE ONLY Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. ~oead Maa'· Curve· M_ ONDAY, TUESD~Y, WEDNESDAY Norma Tallmadge in Sunday, , December !I Buddy Rogers & Kary Brion ~·vu_sltJ"' Jlonday & Tuesday, Dec. !.J·Ii Special lla&lllee Christmas Day N onna Talmadge "The Crash" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS NORTHWESTERN NIGHT EVERY FRIDAY EVENING t P. X. ··woman Disputed" The Stranreat Love Trianile ever known. ~~Tbe Wo·aa D111pated" Star Vaudeville Ada in Sound Gertrude Lawrence and Rio Rita Girls Robert Benchley iD . "Tbe Tr·surer·s Report" Movietone News wed., Dec. zc. "The Baby Cyeloae" Thwrs. & Fri., Dee. 17·!8-"Coa· panlonate Mn.rrlage" Rat., Dee. !9-"Beware of Bache· lors" Rnn;, Det. 10-"Honeymoon Flatt" Jfon ·· Dt>e. 11-"The Racket" wltla Thomas Meighan