18 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE WILMETTE LIFE DecemQer 21, 1928 Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wit· New Trier Starts Vacation; "Is the Universe, Including ,Man, ·mette, Sunday morning, December 23, Prepare for New Semester at 11 o'clock. · Evolved by Atomic Force?" will be The Sunday school convenes at 9:45 Christmas vacation · at New Trier the subject at the service in the First o'clock. High school began this Friday, December 21. The vacation will extend over three week-ends, and classes will be resumed Monday morning, ] anuary 7. Preparations are being made for the second semester registration, which is to be held immediately after the reopening of school January 7 and ~· Bulletins were issued to students th1s week listing the subjects offered, and the complete schedule of second semester classes will be arranged after Vanilla they have made kno·wn their preferbttween ences. Ice Cream Moulds Report cards were sent out on \V cdtwo layers nesday. It was stated at the school of this week that there were a large numNnStlrodt ber of incomplete marks on the cards Pudding Wilmette because so many student have been absent. New Trier . Cagers Trim Cran·e Tech; Team Looks Better New Trier made up for last · week's defeats, by defeating the Crane Tech cagers, last year's city league champions, in both the light and heavyweight games, at the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium, last Saturday evening. The heavies won easily, making just twice their opponents' points, 22 to 11. The ponies trailed behind until the last quarter, when they forged ahead to a 25 .to 21 victory. Both games were rather slow and showed that the Gray-Green quintets have plenty of room for improvement. The heavies have impToved a great deal since last week, but as they have only had a week of practice they will probably be able to hit a much faster pace when the season is older. \Vay Thompson caught a pass from Captain Nelson and dropped the batt through the hoop for the first score of the heavyweight game. New Trier kept the lead all the time, being 1 point ahead at the end of the first quarter and leading 10 to 5 after the half. I\ew Trier also made the first point in the second half, a free throw by Borncamp. · Bob MacLean lead the Gray-Green scorers with three baskets and three free throws. Captain Nelson seemed decidedly off form Saturday, but he was able to make six points and play the whole game without having a foul called on him. Borncamp didn't make a foul either. but the other members of the team made three personals apiece. · The 'J'echs stuck to the rules so welt that they didn't make a single foul in the first half. They forgot themselves to the extent of four personals in the second half, but even that was a good record when compared to the nine fouls made by ~ew Trier. Xo Crane player was able to make more than one field goal during the game. Frank lead his team with one basket and two free throws. Captain Saxton lead the Gray-Green lights with fifteen points, twelve of them from field goals. Shwartz, the fast Crane forward. was the only player to get more than half of the number that Saxton made. His total was ten. Hart, New Trier's center was put out on fouls near the end of the game. The home lights seemed superior to their slow opponents all through the game. but it wasn't until the last period that they were able to overcome the Crane lead and stay ahead. New Trier ~elson (C) :\facLean Hoagland Thompson Rossitter Orders taken for fancy Snider-Cazel Drug Co. · The Testimonial of a guest. roll When The Orrington says it is home-like, exclusive, full of happy living,- this · is, after all, but the honest conviction of it8 management. The more convincing proof must come from Orrington guests. Of these-fully 70%-have dwelled here, continuously, ever since the hotel opened. This record of holding, year after year~ the high esteem of so many guests, indicates, in some degree, what Orrington service can offer you in a comfortable. carefree, happy home. . 1 ·] ~· { A /ruJ tlairable I to 4 room suites ""' ·ow able at The Orri,gt·n-some unfurnished""" with llitchmettes. Libiral discounts on long-term kases WU~Iu Orri,gto" rates unusually t~llradi&~& IINil-1 Sum marie!' Heavyweight (22) Crane (11) R.F. Frank L.F. Bocek L.F. J. Rubenstein C. Diduch C. Cornell (C) C. Riordan Schuettge R.G. Bloomberg B. Richards R.G. Gold T. Hicks R.G. Born camp L. G. Brakman Schrader L.G. P. Rubenstein Lightweight New Trier (25) Crane (21) Saxton (C) R.F. Mat'fin Kaufman R.F. Gomberg Re!d L. F. Walkowiak Klunder L.F. Rief I... F. Shwartz Hart C. Leskovitz Mcintosh C. Balkin A. Berol R.G. Dennemberg (C) Milton H. G. Thompson L.G. . Melind Ellis L.G. Fleishman J. Berol L.G, ~ EVAN~TON·S LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEl Mrs. W. H. Becker of Youngstown, Ohio, returned to her home last Sunday after a week's visit with Mrs. William T. Hapeman of 1008 Ashland avenue. -oKarl C. Parrish of Lawrence N. ]. will spend the Christmas holidays with his aunt, Mrs. Wilford W. De Berard, 802 Elmwood avenue. ~--------------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------·--------------------J