December 21, 1928 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WILMETTE determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or, as soon therE:: after as the business o! th~ court will p ~ rmit , at the room of . s~1d County ~ourt in the County Btuldmg, in the City of Chicago in said Cook Co~nty, as the time and place for the hearmg. _ on said application. All persons des1rmg may file objections in said . Court before said day and may ap pear on the hearing and make their de· fense. Dated, December lOth, 1928. EA~L E. ORNER ERNEST C. , CAZEL ALBERT L . GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE LIFE' 45 Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place tor the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may ftle objections In said Court before said day and may ·ap· pear on the hearing and make their de· fense. Dated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSP~RG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village. of Wilmette. L12-2t~ Wllmette Special Assessment No. 231 IN THE MAT'£ER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the first alley north of Maple Avenue from Fourteenth Street to a line two hundred and fortysix feet west of Fourteenth Street and the central eighteen feet of that part of said alley lying between said line two hundred and sixty-four feet west of Fourteenth Street and the east line of Fifteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving same. Special Assessment No. 231 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE fs hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has h er etofore filed in said Court, in said cause . a certificate showing the cost of the im~ provement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in said assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity .to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M.' or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County ·B uilding, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December lOth, 1928 _ Wllmette Special Assessment No. 23~ IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the first alley west of Eighth Street from the south b u f L k A cur ne o a e venue to the north line of Central Avenue by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving same. Special Assessment No. 235 in the County Court of cook county, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a certifi cate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for EARL E. ORNER interest, leaving no excess to be abated ERNEST C. CAZEL in said assessment, and also that said ALBERT L. GRINNELL improvement has been completed in subPAUL A. HOFFMAN stantial conformity to the requirements C. MILES MeDON ALD of the original ordinance therefor, and HANS VON REINSPERG has applied to said court to consider and GORDON WILSON determine whether or not the facts stated Board of Local Improvements of in said certificate are true, and that said the Village of Wilmette. court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of L12-2tc December, A. D. 1928, at ten o 'clock --::-:==:-::-:::-:-:-------------·1 A. M., or as soon thereafter as the bustSPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE ness of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County 'vnmette Special Assessment No. 233 Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL the hearing on said application. All ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette persons desiring may file obj ections in for the improvement of the central eigh- said Court before said day and may a pteen (18) feet of the first alley north pear on the hearing and make their d eof Lak e A venue from the eas t line of fense. Sixth Street to the west curb line of Dated, December lOth, 1928. Fifth Stree t by grading and paving with EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ~ortla~d cement concrete and otherwi se 1mprovmg same. ALBERT L. GRINNELL 3pecial Asse13sment No. 23 3 in the County PAUL A. HOFFl\IAN Court of Cook County, Illinois. C. MILES McDONALD NOTICE is hereby given to all perHANS VON REINSPERG :-:ons inte rested that the Boa rd of Local GORDON WILSON Impro\·e ments of said Village , has h ereBoard of Local Improvements of to for e. filed in said Court, in s aid cause, the Village of ' " ilmette. a certificate showing- the cost of the imL12-2 tc pro veme nt, and the amount reserved for SPECIAL ASSESS lUE~'l' NOTICE mte r es t, leaving no e xcess to be abated !n Raid a :;;s essment, and also that said Wilmette Special Asse~!'ment No. 22;) Improvem ent has been completed ir, substantial conformity to the requirem e nt ~-> IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL of the «?riginal ordinan ce therefor, and has applied to said court to conside r and ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette determine wh ether or not the facts stated for the improvement consisting of con in said certificate are tru e, and that said structing and installing water servi ce eourt has fix ed Monda y, the 31st day of pipes in Sixteenth Street from GreenDecember, A. D. 1928, at t en o'clock wood Avenue to Ashland Avenue and in A. M., or as soon thereafter as the busi- other streets in the Villag·e of Wilmette , ness o~ the court will p ermit, at the room Cook County, Illinoi s. of . s~Id ~o unty ~ourt in the County Special Assessment No. 225 in th e County Court of Cook County, Illinois. BUlldmg-, m the City of Chicago, in said NOTICE is hereby given to all perCook County, as the time and place for the ·hearing on said application. A II sons interested that the Board of Local pe rsons desiring may file obj ctions in Improvements of said Village, has heresaid Court before. said day and ma.y ap- tofore filed in said Court, in said cause , pear on the hearmg and mak e the ir d e- a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for fense. interest, leaving no excess to be abated Dated, De<'ember lOth, 1928. in said assessment, and also that said EARL E. ORNER · improvement has been completed in subERNEST C. CAZEL stantial conformity · to the requirements ALBERT L . GRINNELL of the original ordinance therefor, and PAUL A. HOFFMAN has applied to said court to consider and C. MILES McDONALD determine whether or 1;1ot the facts stated HANS VON REINSPERG in said certificate are true, and that said GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Building, in the City of Chicago. In said Cook County, as the time and pl:we for Wilmette Special Assessment No. 237 the hearing on said application. All IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL persons desiring may tile objections in ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette said Court before said day and may apfor the improvement of the first alley pear on the hearing and make their de' north of Oakwood Avenue from the west fense. curb line of Ninth Street to the east curb Dated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER line of Tenth Street by grading and pavERNEST C. CAZEL Ing with concrete and otherwise improvALBERT L. GRINNELL Ing same. PAUL A. HOFFMAN Special Assessment No. 237 In the Coun~y C. MILES McDONALD Court of Cook County, Illinois. HANS VON REINSPERG NOTICE is hereby given to all perGORDON WILSON sons interested that the Board of Local Board of Local Improvements of Improvements of said Village, has herethe Village of Wilmette. tofore filed in said Court, In said cause. L12-2t c a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE interest, leaving no excess to be abated in said assessment, and also that said Wilmette Special Assessment No. !26 improvement has been completed in substantial conformit~ to the requirements IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said. court to consider and ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of Sixteenth Street from the north line of Lake A venue to the south line of Ashland Avenue, etc. also Glendening Road from the pavement to be laid in Greenwood Avenue to the north limits of the Village of Wilmette, ' and Ashland A venue from the pavement provided to be laid in Glendening Road to the southwest line of Main Street by grading aud paving with concrete and otherwise improving same. Special Assessment No. 226 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is h ereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the im provement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in said assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate · are true, and that sait court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December lOthl.. 1928. EARL E , .O.ttNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG . GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc SPECIAL ASS~SSMENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Wilmette Special Assessment No. !08 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the first alley north of Lake Avenue from the west line of Fifteenth Street to the east line of Sixteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise · improving same. Special Assessment No. 208 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to gJl persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in eaid Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount rest:rved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in said assessment, and also that said improvement has been c;:ompleted In substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordlnal}ce therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the fact!! stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon tl)ereafter as the bustness of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may file objections In said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C'. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc SPECIA.L ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE No. !29 Wilmette Special A~sessment IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the first alley north of Lake A venue from the east curb line of Wilmette Avenue to the west curb line of Seventh Street by grading and paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwi~:;e improving same. Special Assessmept No. 229 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause. a certificate showing the co st of the improve ment, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be a ba ted in said a ssessment, and al so that said improveme nt has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirement!" of the original ordinan ce therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and d etermine whether or not the facts statt>d in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 31 st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. l\1:., or as soon thereafter as th e busine ss of the court will p ermit, at tht> room of said County Court in the C'ounty Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place f,~r· the hearing on said application. A II pe rsons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defen se. Dated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILeS MeDON ALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, L12-2tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Wilmette Special Assessment No. 221 IN ·rHE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSE~SMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvment of the first alley north of Washington Avenue from the east llne of St>venteenth Street to the west line of Sixteenth Street and the alley approach from the west line of Hixteenth Street to the west curb line of Sixteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving same. Hpe C'ial A~sessm ent No. 221 In the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all person~-> interested that the Board of Local lmnrovPm~nts of ~aid Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost cf the imnrovement, and the amount reserved for interest, leavfng no excess to be abated in said a~sessment. and also that said improvement has been completed in subRtantial conformity to the requirements nf the original ordinance therefor, and has armlied to said court to consider and d etermine whether or not the facts stated' in said certificate are true. an<! that said court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court wm permit, at the room of said County Court In the County Building-, In the City of Chicago, in safd Cook County, as the time and nlace fnr the hearing on said application. All nersons desiring may file obiections in Raid Court before said day and may apnear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December lOth. 1928. FrARL E. ORNER ' ERNEST C. CA?:EL ALBERT L . GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C:. MYLES McDONALD HANS VON RETNSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc Wllmette Special Assessment No. 230 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the first alley south of Maple Street from the west curb line of Fourteenth Street to the east line of Fifteenth Street by grading and paving with concr«;lte and otherwise improving same. Special Assessment No. 230 in the County Court of Cook County, Illtnols. NOTICE is hereby given to all perRons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in said assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that saicl court has fixed Monday, tne 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court In the County Catherine Cook, Jane Burrill. and Elizabeth Freund are home from Rockford college for the Christmas vacation. -aAlbert G. Ackermann, 811 Park avenue. who has had the flu ·for over a week, has fully recovered.