Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1929, p. 16

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WILMETTE LIFE ] anuary 3, 1929 News of · Interest to the Chut·ch-Goers · of Our Village Msthodist Church · The Wilmette Methodist church enters the year of 1929 with the confidence, born of more than fifty years continuous servIce to this community. During these years Ita program has been expanded again and again to meet the changing needs of the north shore. It Is now engaged in its fourth property development in order that It may the better serve the needs of religion In this day and generation. It invites to its fellowship all those who are not bound by ties to some other Christian group. The Sunday Evening club invites its followers to hear one of the most distinguished preachers in America, Dr. A. Ray Petty. He is the successor of the late Dr. Russell Conwell. This service will be held Sunday evening at 7 ·:30 in the Congregational church. The Senior High league will meet Sunday eventng at 5 :30 in the church chapel. Members of the group wlll have charge of the program. The Junior High league will meet Sunday evening at 5:30 In .the Young People's House. A:t boys and girls in the seventh, eighth, and . ninth grades are invited to attend. The quarterly Communion service will be held Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock hour. New members will be received at that service. A new series of studies will begin at the Fellowship service next Wednesctay night. These ~11 run over a period of six ~eeks. A Bible reading course . h~ Paul s le~ters to the Corinthians wilJ be carefully followed. The first fifty who come to this Wednesday night service will each receive a copy of these two epistles. The January Rally service of . the Church school will be postponed until the third Sunday. This wtll take the place of the January and February rallies, The Young People's department is lookIng forward to a visit by President Soper of Ohio Wesleyan. He is the author of the tE>Xt-book which this group has been using under the leadership of Mrs Kimbell and Mr. Kinne. · Pugh of Lake Forest, vice-president of ette this Sunday is entitled, "Little Ten the Woman's Missionary Society of the Minutes." There Is a kindergarten for Presbytery of Chicago for the northern small children at 11:30. suburbs will be the speaker of the afternoon. Topic: "What Is Ahead in National Next Wednesday evening our fellowship Missions?" All women of "the congrega- meeting at 8 o'clock will have for its tion and their friends are most welcome. theme, "The Communio~ ot the · Saints." Rebecca Spoke will hold their regular l\lt:mbers from various sections of the meeting at the church, Tuesday January country will speak of their religious back8. Dinner at 6 :30 P. M. Business meet- ground and training. ing and program following the dinner. The regular meeting of the deacons will January is the month for Auxiliary be held at 8 o'clock on Monday, January memberships for the Presbyterian home. 7 in the pastor's study. Mrs. R. Wallace Young will receive your The monthly meeting of the trustees contribution. will be held Tuesday, January 8, at 8 Receptional program, Monday, 7 :30 o'dock in the minister's study. P. M. Troop 5, Boy Scouts. Men's Volley Ball. Tuesday, Men's bowling, 7 :45 P. M. The Young PeQ.Ule's meeting will be held Wednesday, Basketball, Howard school, Sunday at 5 :30 in the Guild room. 7:30 P. M. Thursday, Young Peoples' Night: bowling, Volley ball and Ba!=;ketThe Sunday Evening club presents Dr. ball. Friday, Boy Rangers, 7 :30 P. 1\I. A. Ray Petty, pastor of the Baptist Temple of Philadelphia. His topic will Business meeting of the officers and be, . "New Thinking for a New Day." teachers of the Sunday school will be held at the church Wednesday evening, The monthly meeting of the Mission . January 9. Union will be held Tuesday, January 8, Following is the mu~ical program to at Second church. The meeting i s from be presented Sunday, January 6: Organ Prelude, "Preludio" (C minor 11 a. m. to 3 ·p. m. Sonata) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Guilmant The Boy Scouts will meet at the church Anthem, "FestiYal Tt> Deum' ' Buck Anthem, "As Torre nts in Summer" Thursday evening at 7:30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgar The Junior choir, under the direction Organ Offertory, "Pastoral ·· C\liniature Suite) Rogers of ::\ladame Gilderoy Scott, meets for reSolo, "The Lord Is :\ly Shepherd" hea rsal at 7 o'clock Thursday eYening. .. . ...... . Liddle 'l'he choir will meet for rehearsal at Mr. Otis Org.::.n Postlude, "Grand Choeur in A s o'clock Thursday evening. flat" . . . . . . . . . . . ............... Faulkes The \Vilmette Baptist church wishes for QUARTET £;atherine Bushouse, soprano; T!ol'ie Lut- all its friends and neighbors a Happy New ig er Gannon, contralto; John B . l\filler, Year. We extend the most cordial invitatenor; Edward Otis, bass; Erma Rounds, tion to all those not worshipping elseorganist and director. where to avail themselves of the inspiring opportunities of worship and fellowship in this friendly church. You can find us by the lighted cross at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues. IatThe Junior choir will meet for rehearsal 4 o'clock. The Senior choir will meet tor rehearsal at 7:30. The Ccmmittee on Religious Education will meet at the church at 7 :30 Thursday evening. · The Woman's Guild will hold an aUday m~e ting at the church on Friday. This wlll be a sewing meeting. In the morning the first chapter of "Youth and the New America" will be reviewed and in the afternoon there will be a brief business meE.ting. St. Augustine's Church Sunday, January 6, is known in the Church as the Fe~tival of the Epiphany, c.Jmmemoratlng tne Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, when the Wise Men from the East brought their gifts to the Infant Redeemer. There will be Holy Communion at St. Augustine's at 8 A. l\1. Church schools and Bible classes at 9 :45 and Holy Communion with address at 11 A. M. Next Sunday, being the first Sunday in the month, will be Corporate Communion Sunday for both the Boys' and Girls' ":ommunion leagues. On the next three Thursday evenings, January 10, 17 and 24, the Western Theological seminary invites Church school teachers, especially, as well as other church people, to three public lectures on "Some Aspects of the Modern Study of the Bible," to be delivered by the Rev. .:\Ir. Mercer of Trinity college, Toronto university, and tiB Rev. Mr. Easton of the General Theologi'!al Seminary, New York City. The lectures, which are to be popular and illustrated, will be delivered in the chapel of Garrett Biblical Institute, Sheridan road and Garrett pace, Evanston, at 8 o'clock. Kenilworth Union Church Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister sunday January 6, at 11 o'clock, Dr. Willett's ~ubject will be, "The Making of the Future," a theme appropriate to the New Year. Sunday school at 9 :45. Classes for all, and all welcome. The material used in the classes is the Revised International The ftnal conslgn-;ent of Cook Books Graded Lessons. has been received. Those who have not This Sunday is Communion Sunday in Yet been able to secure a copy may do so The Young People's club wlll meet at the morning worship service at 10 :45 and now through the Woman's ·Exchange 6 o'clock in the Guild room. All young :Mr. Loper's Communion address will be phone 2891. ' people of high school age are invited. .. :\ n Uncloud~-i Vision of God." 'fhe Junior :-tory will be "He Who Is Faithful." The Woman's Foreign Missionary The Ladies' Guild wlll meet Monday, aoolety wtu meet at the church from 10 January 7, at 10 o'clock. The regular This church co-operates with the Suna. rn. to 4 p. m., Thursday afternool\. monthly luncheon will be served. The day Evening club which meets in its Hostesses: Mrs. Lewis Springer and Miss members are invited to come in for as auditorium at 7:30. Dr. A. Ray Petty, Hattie Latham. Devotions, Mrs. H. E. much time as they can give to the phil- minister of the Baptist temple in PhilaVroman; and Lesson, Mrs. John Camp- anthropic work of the Guild. delphia, will speak on "New Thinking bell. for a New Day." He is one of the ablt>~t The Sunday school council wlll meet preachers in the country and p!'eaches to Last Sunday morning Eugene Field's Wednesday evening at 7 :15 in the Guild audiences of 4,000 and 5,000 each Sunday. Christmas poem was sung. These beau- room for conference regarding the work He has been characterized as vital, tiful words have been set to music by of the school In the new year. earnest, energetic and courageous. our own organist, Miss Marie Briel. The words of this little song are· Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Dr. On l\Iondav the North End Circle will "Why do the bells on Christmas ring? Wlllett will resume his lecture studies meet at the ·home of Mrs. L. A. Stewart, Why do little children sing? on. "Great Poets of the Ages." The sub- 422 Wood ·tock avenue, Kenilworth. The Once a iovely shining star, ject of the lecture will be "Goethe, the a~slsting hostesses will be Mrs. A. C. G. Seen by Shepherds from afar Poet of Pantheism." The lectures on Anderson, Mrs. R. P. Biehl and Mrs. Gently moved until its light' Browning and Tennyson wlll be gh·en H. C. Toeppen. Luncheon will be served Made a manger's cradle bright." on the succeedmg Wednesday evenings, at 12 :30. The solo was sung by Miss Helen and will complete the course. Smith, soprano soloist. The Board of 'l'rustees will hold its Three additional rooms for Sunday regular mo~thly meeting at the church at The Men's class will meet Sunday morn"' !'Chool classes have been built in the 7:30. lng at 9:30 In the church auditorium. Dr. basemt>nt of the gymnasium, making eight W. D. Schermerhorn will return to the In all. This is a very important contribuOn Tuesday the Crescent Circle will class at that time. The text-book to be tion to the work of the school. It has hold an aU-day meeting at the home of studied is "Roads to the City of God." been provided under the direction of the Mrs. C. L. Bachelor, 120 Woo·lbin ~ a \'t:'Sunday school committee, of which Mr. nue. Mrs. R. T. Mulvey, Mrs. H. E. CutWilds i~ chairman. ler, Mrs. J. H. Schmidt, and Mrs. C. E. McCullin are to be the assisting hostesses. In accordance with the custom of the Corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf Ave. church to devote the offerings of the The Wekeacaflla Camp Fire Girls will Dr. D. C. Cully of the Board of Chris- first Sunday in each month to one of the meet at the church at 3 :45. tian Education of the Presbyterian church missionary, educational or philanthro'p ic will occupy the pulpit of this church at causes in which the church is Interested, Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will the recular morning worship service the offering Sunday, January 6, will be meet at the church at 7 :30. Sunday, January 6, at 11 o'clock. Topic~ devoted to foreign missions, and will be ..At the Pool of Bethesda." contributed to the American board, the Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will meet at missionary agency of the Congregational the church at 7 :30 also. Strangers and all without a church church. home are cordially invited to identify , On Wednesday the Church school themselves with our church. On Sunday morning, January 13, Dr. faculty will hold its regular monthly Willett's subject will be "The Fight With meeting and dinner at 6 :30. Reservations Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Christian Fear." may be made at the office. Endeavor at 5 :30 P. M:. Mid-week meetIng every Wednesday at 8 P. M. The Mid-week meetings will be resumed this week Wednesday at 8 o'clock and the The W.oman's society wlll hold an aligroup will discuss "Obstacles to Personal day meeting at the church Tueaday Start the New Year right! Come to Prayer," under the leadership of Mr. January 8. Sewing at 10 o'clock. Spectaf our New Year's service Sunday morning Loper. · help witb the . sewing will be given by Spoke Z In charge of Krs. Douclas Bell. at 11 o'clock. Rev. George D. Alllson, The Board of Deacons wlll meet on Executive meetlnc at 11 o'clock. Lunch- pastor, preaches on "The Sln of Being ~n served at noon by Spoke 3, Mra. J. R. Behind the Times." There wlll be special W t::dnesday evening Immediately followLyona, Luncheon chairman. The P~m music. Ing the mid-"·eek meeting. and bualneu meetlnc at 1 :15 o'clock. Mrs. .John Bartholomew will have charae of Girls and boys are always welcome in On Thursday the Boys' dub will meet tbeI devotional period. Mrs. Robert E. our church service. Dr. AlUson's sermon- at the church at 3 :45. Next Sunday night at 7 :30 Dr. A. Ray Petty, one of the best known preachers in the East, and successor to the late Dr. Vere V. Loper, Minister Russell Conwell, will be the speaker at W. E. McCormack, Minister of education the Sunday Evening club in the Congregational church. The Church school meets in all of its The January meeting of the Vestry departments on Sunday: 9 :30 a. m.Primary, Junior and Intermediate depart- was held Wtednesday evening to close up ments; 10:45 a. m.-Cradle Roll and Be- parish business for the year 1928 and ginners' departments ; 12 noon-Senior make preparations for the annual meeting of the parish. rlepartment and Forum for Adults. Congregational Church Wilmette Eng. Luth. Chtlrch The Wilmette English Evangelical Lutheran church will· celebrate the sixth anniversary of the dedication of its chapel Sunday morning, January 6, at 11 o'clock. Dr. K. E. Irvin, Synodical pastor of the Illinois Synod, The United Lutheran Church in America, will be honor guest and speaker. The order of worship is announced as follows : PRELUDE-Prelude in G-Ashford Hymn 479A Order of Service, page 9 Introit, page 95 Gloria, page 10 Collect, page 95 Epistle, Isaiah 60:1-6 Solo, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings" -Liddle Mrs. Hortense Lechler Gospel, Matthew ·2 :1-12 Creed, page 17 Hymn 42 Sermon, Rev. K. E. Irvin, D. D. Ortertory, Andante Tranquillo-Maxfleld 8olo, Mr. C. A. Andresan Hymn 39-lst tune Benediction Doxology Postlude-Postlude in C-Mourlon The public is cordially invited to attend this serYice. Presbyterian Church Unitarian Church Evanston Raymond B. Bragg, minister Sunday, January 6Sermon-"The Religion Called Atheism" Wednesday, January 9, Bi-monthly meeting of the Woman's Alllance. Sewing at 10 a. m. Luncheon at 12 :30 Business meeting at 2 p. m. Baptist Church HEADS PHI DELTA THETA Henry K. Urion of Winnetka, at a recent national convention of Phi Delta Theta, at Nashville, Tenn., was unanimously elected president of the National Alumni association of that Jaw fraternity. J

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