WILMETT·£ ··· LIPB . ·· 29 Here It Is Again ·Folks!.-0\lr·· Arinual JANUARY FURNITURE SALE I I ,. Assorttnents Are More Cotnplete Another Rosenbaum selling event that thrifty Evanstonians look forward to from year to year for the remarkable savings that it brings. You save on every piece of furniture in the storeeverything has been reduced. Prices Are Lower Why not take that Christmas gift money and re-furnish some particular room? Bedroom. living room and dining room suites all carry substantial reductions. We urge you to come in and see for yourself the savings. ~· Closing Out of Floor Samples Sacrificed in order to make way for new Spring arrivals. In practically every instance these miscellaneous pieces are being sold below cost. s. Rosenbaum Company 8 I o Davis St~ Evanston University 5023 IMCORPORATED Furniture Chicago Stores 3 I 20 Lincoln Ave. 5228 N. Clark St.