Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1929, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE January 4, 1929 News of the North Shore Clubs the Junior membership, at the home of Mrs. Max J. Kelling, 1112 Greenwood The Federation of Clubs of the avenue, with Mrs. William Wolff and Tenth Congressional District of IlliOn Monday, January 14, the Wilnois will meet with the Highland Park Mrs. Edward Cummiskey the assisting mette League of Women Voters is preWoman's club, North Sheridan road hostesses. to the women of this and senting The pr9gram will open with a piano and Elm place, Highland Park, on solo played by Miss Dorothy Marshall. villages, matters of great neighboring Tuesday, January 8, at 10 o'clock. The board meeting will begin at 9 :30 This will be followed by a review c~ interest in an all-day meeting called a in the morning and will be foUowed by "David Copperfield" by Mrs. Harry Citizenship school, at the Woman's Sherwin ·and a playlet given by Miss the district meeting at 10. The subjects will be discussed by club. Mrs. Burt L. Erickson will lead the Dorothy Biehl, Miss Elizabeth Ronal), men and women eminent in the social group in singing "America," which will and Jack Broad, coached by Mrs. and civic life of Chicago. be followed by the Greeting by Mrs. Broad. Mrs. Marv Daegling wiJI read Miss ] essie Binford, chief of the Raymond Stevens, president' of the a paper on "Old English China" ~nd ] uvenile Protective league, will open Highland Park Woman's club. Tht Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lombard will smg the eyes of her hearers in regard to response will be given by Mrs. Harry selections from three light operas, conditions of roadhouses as they affect Gradle, president of the Tenth district. "The Mikado," "Pinafore," and "The them locally. Next will come the reports of of- Pirates of Penzance." Mrs. M. :8. Morficers, routine business and announce- ris will be the accompanist. Mrs. LomDr. Caroline Hedges; a prominent ments. bard nas arranged the p~ogram. physician of Chicago, will follow Miss Binford with a talk on "Public The presidents of the District clubs At the meeting of the club on FriHealth." Dr. Hedges is a very forceful will tell, "What My Club Is Doing," day December 28, the guests of honor and convincing speaker. and roll call will be followed by ad- wer'e Mrs. Harry S. Gradle, president journment for luncheon at 12 :30. of the Tenth district; Mrs. Fred MasImmediately after the luncheon, Dr. Reservations accompanied by check ters, second vice-president; Mrs. Allen D. Albert of Evanston, who must be in the hands of Mrs. Tom A. Hayes McKinnev. president of the needs no introduction to a north shore Moore, 708 Sheridan road, Highland Woman's club ·of Wilmette; Mrs. audience, will discuss intimate details Park, not later than Monday, 1an- Howard Bent, president of the Neighof the 1933 World's Fair. uary 7, it is announced. Her telephone bors of Kenilworth ; Mrs. William The last speaker of the day is anChurch Group Places number is Highland Park 326. Schildgen, president of the North other of Evanston's eminent citizens, The afternoon session will begin at Shore Catholic Woman's league; Mrs. New Cook Book on Sale Mrs. May Wood Simons, who will en1 :30 and will open with the "Salute William Palmer, Tenth district chairlighten her audience in her charming Attractive in its garb of black oilto the Flag." Music will follow by man of the legislative department : and very efficient way, concerning im,... Mrs. Ralph Bard and Mrs. Ernest Mrs. Burt Erickson, music chairman cloth lettered in orange, is the cook portant matters of legislation. book just off the press and now on Nolting, pianists. They will play for the district, and Mrs. Joseph Joyce, Mrs. T. J. Moreau, Wilmette 1592, I. Pastorale . ..... ... ... .. . Scar Iotti tenth district chairman for co-opera- sale by the Woman's society of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church. Its is in charge of luncheOI) reservations. Capriccio ............... Scar Iotti tion with ex-service men. array of recipes is well organized into II. Arabesque . ............. Debussy III. Two Etudes in G flat . ... Chopin The meeting was an interesting one. groups that facilitate for. the . house- Garden Club Installs IV.· "The Butterfly" and the "Black It commenced with the club chorus wife her search for somethmg dtfferent New Officers Today Key," etudes arranged for two singing, "Holy God, We Praise Thy for a discriminating family and guests. Name," with Mrs. John ]. Tracey, acpianos by Guy Maier. Each rule given is signed with the Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm will V. "] azz Study" . . ...... . ........... . companist. The Holland trio, all mem- name of the contributor, who is either talk -on "Some of the Gardens I Have bers of the Woman's Symphony or. . . ... . . Edward Burlingname Hill a member of the church group or a Seen in England" and Mrs. R. H. VI. "The Blue Danube Waltzes" . . ... . chestra, played several selections friend. Dameier will speak on "Cultivatton vf Johann Strauss, arranged for beautifully. Together these recipes offer a wide Roses" at the next meeting of the Miss Alvina Reichman reviewed variety of suggestions to one inter- Wilmette Garden club Friday after· two pianos by Abram Chasius. "John Brown's Body" and Mrs. Fred- ested in developing her culinary art. noon, January 4, at the home of :Mrs. llrs. F. M. Tuckerman will talk on the 11 Park Ridge School for Girls" of erick Masters told of her experiences The book is on sale at the Woman's J. H. Mathiso.n, 84 Abbottsford road, in the courts of Chicago. Mrs. Frank Exchange on Lake avenue. which she is the state chairman. Kenilworth, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. \V. H. Schwedler, chairman of Thale gave a short, interesting talk Jn A business meeting will precede the press and publicity of the Illinois "Books." ·11 S k program, at which the annual reports J J W federation, will acquaint the members Mrs. P. ]. McGurk and her conlmitens ensen t pea of the retiring officers and chairmen with her work. Mrs. Jennie Navigato tee on December 19, gave a Christmas at Evening Garden Club will be given, and the new officers will will sing four songs. She has enter- par!y for the club unit, Unit 8, at At the next meeting of the Evening be installed. tained the district in the past with her Great Lakes hospital, and presented The officers to be installed are Mrs. rare talent. ~~Public Welfare" will be each man with a gift. The Christmas Garden club of Wilmette which is to discussed by Mrs. John W. Blacklidge, baskets for the families of war vet- be held at the Woman's club the eve- John F. Weedon, 204 Fifth street, state chairman of public welfare. Mrs. erans also were distributed at that ning of January 8, it will have as its , p~esident_; Mrs. J. Ben tor, Schaub, Walter E. Fribley, state chairman of .time. speaker, Jens Jensen of Wilmette, the v1ce-pres1dent; Mrs. Cha~les Van the American Home has taken for her well known landscape architect, who Deursen of Deerfield, recordmg secreaddress, "Shall We Know Our Job?" will take for his subject, "Landscape tary; Mrs .. 0. A. Sontag of Evanston, Announcements and adjournments To Give Benefit Party Gardening in Relation to Our Native correspondmg secretary; and Mrs. will conclude this program. Landscape." This subject is to be James S. Moore of Evanston, treasThe Wilmette Order of Martha will treated on a broad scale so that the urer. give a card and bunco party at the club members may have the opporThe 19.29 Club year books will be Young Mothers, Club home of Mrs. James E. Tarleton, Mon- tunity to ask questions about their distributed at the meeting. Meeta Next Monday day, Januar~ 7, at 2 o'clock in the own home problems. The Young Mothers' club will hold afternoon. The proceeds from this afCharles Evens, a member of the club. Club to H aoe Book Reviews its next regular meeting on Mot)9ay fair will be added to the fund which will tell in a fifteen minute paper, of We<tnesday, January 9, inaugurates eveninJ:, January 7, at the home of this Household is raising for the the best shrubs and trees to plant to at the Woman's club of Wilmette a · ' Mrs. E. M. Simonds, 834 Sixteenth Catholic Church extension. The Rev. attract the birds. series of morning book reviews under street, with Mrs. F. P. Strauch and P. H. Griffin will be present and give the leadership of Mrs. Melville Brown, Mrs. H. C. Pifer as assisting hostesses. a short talk on the work the society D. A. R. Plans Luncheon chairman of the literature department. Mary Hale Martin, director of the is doiQg. A large attendance is urged. Kaskakia chapter, D. A. R. will en- At the first of these meetings Mrs. home economics department' of Libby, tertain at a buffet luncheon Tuesday, James G. Elder will give a review of McNeil, and Libby, will talk about, DAUGHTERS MEET at the home of Mrs. Royden Keith and "Old Tybus" by Warrick Deeping, and INDIANA "Canned Goods." Mrs. Frank G. GuthDr. Joseph Burrows will speak on her mother, Mrs. Marie Louise Boss~, Mrs. David ]. Davis will give a resume ridge, a member of the club, will en"Immigration" at the meeting of 999 Lake Shore drive, Chicago. Marie of "Disraeli" by Andre Maurois. The tertain with piano selections. Daughters of Indiana, this afternoon ·Morrisey will give several song selec- hour of meeting is 10:30 o'clock. in Curtis hall, Fine Arts building, Chi- tions. The meeting will be in charge TO OBSERVE DRAMA DAY cago. Lydia Mihm, soprano, will give of Mrs. Melville C. Chatten, chairman CLUB JUNIORS TO MEET The Friends in Council of Evanston several song selections. North Shore of the national defense committee. will observe National Drama day Jan- officers of the club are Mrs. William Mrs. Vinton Earle Sisson, state chair- The Junior membership of the Womuary 11, at 2 o'clock, at the Orrington A. Kendrick of Wilmette, who is sec- man of national defense will be the an's Catholic club will hold its next hotel. Mrs. George H. Glynn will read ond vice-president, and Mrs. Herbert speaker. ReservationJi for the lunch- meeting Monday evening at 7 :30 the Drama league prize play, "The Un- B. Haven of Winnetka, secretary of eon may be made with Miss Ann o'clock at the St. Francis Xavier school. A business meeting will predercurrent" by Faye Ehlerte. the Round Table. Lockett, 547 Roscoe street, Chicago. cede bridge. ~----------------------~ Highland Parle Woman's Club The Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette will hold its next regular meetHostess for AII-Day Session ing on January 11, in conjunction with of Tenth District District Clubs Meet January 8· At Catholic Club The Fortnightly, b~autiful, sill}ple, artistic, was the locale of the annual Christmas party given by the Chi~agp Wellesley club Saturday afternoon last. Olive Nevin White, with her accompanist, Mrs. William Barnes, both clad in the dress of an Early American period, gave a charming lecture recital entitled "Antiques of American Song." Commencing with the early French and English composers whose influence was felt in America by its first compo.ser, Francis Hopkinson, Mrs. White sang one or two of his s·ongs, and then passed on to a group illustrating the type of early opera, opera just after the Revolution. She then sang several unusual numbers illustrative of the early American folk song, and closed her program with a more modern selection written especiallv for her. As an encore and by request, she sang a Nocturne by Ethelbert Nevin, who was a relative of hers. Ensemble singing of Christmas carols, led by Mrs. White, followdl her recital and preceded the serving of tea. Mrs. Irwin Rew of Evanston and Mrs. Bruce MacLeish of Hubbard Woods poured the tea and coffee. Olive Neuin White Gives Welleally Club Program Women Voters Plan h. h I lttzenS lp . C 00 c· . s Women of Wilmette and Neighboring Villages to Hear Discussions of Vital Interest . " ,. , ,, I ) l · 'I I '1 l . ~ . I I

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