Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1929, p. 47

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] anuary .4, . 1929 'i1 WILMETTE '100 ·FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GDS. LIFE FOR SALE-BOUSKI Southeast Wi.n netka Exclusive Listings OWNER GOING EAST SACRIFICES 7 room stucco in perfect cond*:ion; immense porch ; hot water oil heat ; g ·trage: 85 foot lot; $17,000. GOOp AS NEW SUNSET ROAD HOME; 2 tlle baths ; hot wate r oil heat · electric refrig~ration; 2 porches; heated' garage; beautiful lot; $21,500. . UGH GRADE FURNISHINGS ANI. furniture of distinction - davenport chairs, table, ham~·ings, oil paintinP" bednn. suite, lamps, and-iron, rugs, curtains, drapee, din. set, dishes, mirrors, linen, etc. Everything must be :sold regardless of price. 1258 Scott Ave. Ph. Winnetka 943. 100LTN15-itc 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS HEINS EN .REAL'rY CO. 720 Elm St., Winn. Ph. Winn. 254 77LTN15-ltc WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furniture store, 1004_-6 Emerson St., Evanston. Ill. Ph. Univ. 189 101LTN48-tfc Ill:! wlll permit, at the room of said County Court In the County Building, In the City .of Chicago, In said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said app~icatlon. All persons def{irlng may file objections In said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December , 27th, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL . ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L14-2tc Help Babies FOit SAIJE-1\IISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Wilmette Speclul Assessment No. !lu I~ THE :\fATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wil· mette for the improvement consisting of paving with sheet asphalt and otherwise improving Lake A venue from the east line of Ridge Avenue to the northeast line of Michigan . Avenue (except across the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway and except across the tracks of the Chicago, North Shore and !\Iilwaukee Railroad and including the roadways of intersecting streets to the outer line or lines of Lake Avenue (except Main Street and Sheridan Road), in the Village of 'Vilmette, Cook County, Illinois. Special Assessment No. 215 in the County f"ourt of Cook County, Illinois. ~O'l'I C E is hereby given to all persons interes ted that the Board of Local Impmvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in :said Court, In said cause, a Mrs. William B. n ·rtificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for Walrath (below) interest, leaYing a deficiency of $8,100.00 John C. and Mrs. to be rai~ed by Supplemental Assessment, Slade (above) ar~ :md al::;o that said improvement has been :·o mpl eted in sub!'tantial conformity to prominent among Lhe rf'quire me nts of the original ordinance the women working th e r efor, and has applied to said court in the interests of to co nsid r and determine whether or not the fa c t!' ~tated in said certificate the Cradle, about a r e true, and that said C'ourt has fixed which is centered ~lond a y , the 14th day of January, A. D. the zealous efforts 1!12!.1, at t e n o'clock A. l\I., or as soon t he reafte r as the lJus iness of the court and affectionate inwill permit, at the n )om of said County terest of a group of ('ourt in the County Building, in the City well known women or Chicago, in ~aid Cook County, as the of Evanston and time and pla ce for the h earing on said a ppli cat ion. All p er son s des iring may ftl~ the n o r t h shore. obj ection s in sai d Court before said day and may apJ)('ar o n the hearing and Mrs. Walrath has been director of the make thdr d e fe nf-:e . Cradle since its establishment. ·M rs. lla t f'd, I>ec·emher 27th. 1928. Slade is in charge of its layette shop, FOR SALE--I FLAT TOP DESK, 1 COL- \VHTTE CLAPBOARD OLONJAL IN exce llent condition, 7 large ··ooms , 3 baths, sun and sip. pc h~.. oil burner. For appointment to Ree and d e tails, call laps ible typewrite r d esk, 5 office chairs, all steel shelving cabinet, stove. Phone Wilmette 3805. 102L15-ltc r'Ol{ JHl©lk?ID.rm®. ©rm & JJceilll~~P I~c. SALE - CHEAP, . l\IAN'S FURlined coat, fine condition, size 40-42. Also Sealskin Cap size 71,.{1. Wilmette 2;)73. 102L15-ltc 746 Elm St., \Vlnnetka \Vinn e tka 1617 77LTN15-lte DHO\· V K FUH JA CKET, SIZE. 38 TO 40, in Ex('t'llent ('Ondition, $25.'Wilmette 126. 102L15-ltc 111:1 WA:!S'J'J.;)) '1'0 BUl."-)liS(', Splendid Buy IN' LARGE EAST SIDE BHlCK HO:\lE. . 6 bed r oo m s, 4 bathrooms. Library; large p orch efl ; H. W. h eat; 2 car garage. Beautifully loca t ed dose to clepot and lake. \\' ill he ~aerifie~:>d at $45,000. \\'AXTBD JOe ptrr liJ. mette. C LEAX, WIIITE HAGS, l:l32 Ct- ntr:ll A\'e., \\ii l10:1LTX4R- tfp ~O 'l' IVE Frank .A. l{eid 95-t Linden A\·e., 1 lubbnrd " 'ood s SP.E ('IAL .ASSESSJI.EX'J' Ph. 'Vinnetka 1300 77LT~l5-ltc Wilmette Special Assessment No. t17 OF FEU Attractive 6 room s tucco bungalo\\', Lest Xortheast loc;ation; h o t wate r h eat ; sun roorn; library. Ideal h om for s m a ll family. 2 car garage. Heduced to $21,000. 3-to Linden .A \ 'P . Ph. \Vilm ette 68 77L15-ltc; 78 FOit SALE-VACANT VACi\l\tf. 125x160 \\T INNE'ri<A IIEHE IS 0:-\E OF TilE MOST BEAUtiful l ot~ left of th e few r emaining in \Vinnetka. Building r est ri ction. O n a quiet dri\·p- no trees but a beautiful outlook at a price at least $30 a foot under a1iything- comparable. .Address Talk A-221. 7SL'J':"n :~-tfr V ACAN'l'-\iVINNE1'1(A HALF ACRE-BEAUTIFULLY 'VOODed, highly re~tri c t ed, on pri va t e roadway, surrounded by fine h om es-c lose to schools and not too far from tram.;portation- t o ncc(·ptable purchase r only, nt lowes t pri e for high-class property in Village. .Address Tall< A-221. 7~T ,'T"-T1 IX THE MA'l"l'ER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilme tte for the improvement of the first alley north of Central Avenue from the ,,·est curb line of Fifteenth Street to the ea~ t line of Sixteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving same. ~pt-c i a l Assessment No. 217 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinoil;. · l\'OTICE is hereby gh·en to all persons interested that the Board of Local Im prove m ents of said Village, has hereto:'ore filed in said Court, in sa id cau se, ·a ~· l· rtifica te · :::;howing the co~t of the impt·ovement, and the amount r eserved for interest, leavi ng $72 1,08 excess to be a ha t ed in said assessment, and also th a t ~· aid improvement has ueen completed in Rub~tantial conformity to the requiremt'nts of the original ordinance the r efor, t nd has appli ed to fia id court to con s ide r llld determine \'\·h cth er or not the fact~ 'ta t ed in ~aid certific·ate a re true, and . hat said court has fixed 1\Jonday, the I tth d ay of .January, A. D. 1929, at te n o'<:lovk A. :\I., or as soon th e reafter as tlw busine~s of the court will permit, at t h e room uf said County Court in the 'uunty Building, in the City of hicago , :n sa id Cook C'ounty, as the tim e and dH('e for the h earing on !'aid application. \ll per:::;ons d es iring may file olljection~ in said f"ourt before said day and mn:-. 1ppear on the h earing and m a lH: th f·i r llefen~e. O R~ER which has proved a lucrative source of ERXEST ( '. CAZEL incon1e for it. (Photo of Mrs. Slade by ALBER'!.' L. CRINNELL PAUL .A. HOFFMAN Tolo[f) I'. ::\lU. . ES :\h:DONALD HA ~S VO~ REINSPERG GORDON \VILSON 'fhe giving away of one hundred Board of Local Imnrove m cnts of gallons o£ gasoline with e.ach u~ed ~ar the Village of Wilmette. L14-2tc purcha sed during a certatn penod m- EARL E. SPJ-~C L\1, ASSESSJIEX'l' X01'H.'E crt>ased sales for the Hudsop County Buick company in Jersey City, N. ]. SPECIAL ASSESS)IENT NOTICE Wilmette Special Assessment No. 199 . , ::l-t"" \ VIKKl~/fJ( .tELM ST. B US IXESS PHOPERTY 1 2i> Ft·et Ft·ontage Can sell in parcels of 50 or 75 ft>e t or will build to suit res pon~il>l e t e nant. , T Exclusive Age nts ""innetka 1544 80LTN15-ltc S9 WANTED TO REX1'-HOU~F;S MUST HAVE 7 OR 8 ROOM UNFURnished house on May 1st. Must be under $175 per month. Write Wilmette Life A-243. 89LTN15-ltc . 'r 96 WTD. TO BUY-HOUSES W.AN'rED ,_fO BUY J l WANT A SEVEN OR EIGHT ROOM house on East side. Write Wilmette Life A-230. 96L15-ltc 99 AN'I'IQUES REC'D FROM EAST AND EUROPE ten large shipments glass, china, brica-brac for holidays. All left will be closed out at cost before Feb. 1st. Over 40 trinkets, snuff, patch boxes. Westward Ho, ruby glass, Staf. figures, etc. Large stock furniture, twin beds, curly . maple, etc. Glanyr-Afon Farm House, . Glen Ellyn, Ph. 188. 99LTN15-ltp 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GOODS A LARGE MAHOGANY l·IVING ROOM table, · and an overstuffed, mohair chair, in good condition, very reasonable. Ph.· Wilmette 4269. 100Ll5-ltc I~ THE :\fATTER OF THE SPECIAL .-\ SSESS::\fEXT of the Village of 'W ilm e tte for the impro\·eme-nt of Seventeenth Street fr om the north line of Wilmette .-\ve nue to the ~outh line of Elmwood Avenue by gradjng, adjusting manhole and ca t ch iJa~i n eo \' e r ~. constructing storm wate r drains with necessary manholes and catc h ba s ins , paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise SPECIAL ASSESS:\IEX'r XO'riCE improving same. Spt-cial Afisessment Xo. 223 in the County Wilmette S}leclal As!S('Sfii1llent :No. 212 'ourt of Cook f"ounty, Illinois. XOTICE is hereby given to all persons IN THE MAT'l'ER OF THE SPECIAL interested that the Board of Local ImASSESSMENT of the Village of Wil- ·,rove m e nts of Raid Village, has heretomette for the improvement of the central fore filed in ~aid Court, in said ca.use, a · twenty-eight (28) feet of Forest Avenue C'ertificate s howing the cost of the imfrom the east line of Fifteenth Street to ')rovement, and the amount reserved for the southwest line of Sheridan Road ex- interest, lea . ing no excess to be abated ::ept across the right of way of the Chi- 111 said a s~esl'i ment, and also that said cago and Northwestern Railway and ex- improvement has been completed in subcept across · the tracks of the Chicago, ~ tantial co nformity to the requirements ~orth Shore and Milwaukee Railroad and of the orig·inal ordinance therefor, and including the roadway!-i of intersecting has applied to said court t9 consider and ··treets (except Main Street) to the oute r dE:>termine whether or not the facts stated 'ine or lines of Forest Avenue, in the in said certificate are true, and that said Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illi- "nurt has fixed Monday, the 14th day of January, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock A. M., nois. Special Assessment No. 212 in the County or a~ soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of Court of Cook Co\Nlty, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons "aid County Court in the County Buildinterested that the Board of Local Im- ing, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook ~ rovements of · said Village, has hereto- County, as the time and place for the fore filed in said Court, in said cause, a hearing on said application. All persons ~ ertificate showing the cost of the lm-· desiring may file objections in said Court tlrovement, and the amount reserved for before said day and may appear on the interest, leaving a deficiency of $24,860.00 hP-aring and make their defense. to be raised by Supplemental Assessment, Dated, December 27th, 1928. EARL E. ORNER 1nd also that said improvement has been ERNEST C. CAZEL ·omplP-ted in substantial conformity to ALBERT L . GRINNELL ' he requirements of the original ordinance PAUL A. HOFFMAN herefor. and has applied to said court C. MILES McDONALD ' o consider and determine whether or HANS VON REINSPERG ·wt the facts stated in said certificate GORDON WILSON ue true, and that said court has fixed Board of Local Improvements of '1'onday, the 14th day of January, A. D. the Village of Wilmette. 1!129, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon 1 Ll4-2tc thereafter as thl'l business of the court Dated, December 27th, 1928. EARL E. ORNEH ERNES'I~ C. C:AZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOF:F'1\JAK <;, l\HLES :l\JcDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvem e nts of the Village of Wilm ett e. Ll4-2tc Wilnwtte Siwclul Asscssmt·nt :Xo· 223 I~ THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL A S~ESSMENT of the Village of Wllmett e for the improvement consisting of constructing an ornamental electric street lighting system in a part of Lake Avenue and in other ~venues, road8 and lanes, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook C'ounty, Illinois. Spe<.'inl Asse~sment No. 195 in the County Court of Cook County, Illlnols. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said VIllage, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of t}\e Improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving a deficiency of $8,400.00 to be raised by Supplemental Assessment, and also that said Improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to. the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated ' in said certiftcate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 14 ~! 1 day of January, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, In the City of f"hicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said anplication. All persons desiring may file objections In said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December 27th. 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES MeDON ALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Vl11age of Wilmette. Ltf-2tc

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