Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1929, p. 4

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4 WI ~ METTS L.IFE January 4, 1929 I<. · NELSON LAUNDRY aad D17 Cleaain1 &~Stem Liberal Diseoaat Briag aad CaD Bob Richardson, 145 Melrose a venue, Kenilworth, returns soon to Culver ~Iilitary academy in Culver, Ind. Miss ~Iartha Richardson also \vill return t0 school in Boston. Wilmette 0. E. S. Holds Installation Next l»onday Night \Vilmette chapter number 753, order of the Eastern Star, will hold installation ceremonies ~fonda)· evening, Januan· 7, in the ~1asonic temple. Officers to be installed are Ida . R. Birr worthv matron; Henrv C. Keel, wor~hy patron; Ida :\L Lyons, associate matron: Grace ).1. Skelton, secretarv; Albert K. Orner, treasurer. Gl~dys Shellman, conductress; Clara Jones, ass ociate conductress; Ann \ Sanders. c~a~lain: Lily L. Chr!stense~, marshal: I.1ll1e ~offman, ~gan1 · t; Lo1s Baile\·, :\dah; .-\nnabel \ oung, Ruth; Caroiine Corn·er ·e. E ' ther: Grace Knac~stadt, ~Iartha: Luella ~e\\·ton, 1 EJecta. E\·a Saxer. warder: \\'illiam T. To ne::. sentinel: Helen Peterson-Barth, ; olo ist. Eva Pyier, co rrc ·p endent, and ! ).[artha Keel. instruct res · . i In · tallin~ officers will be ~ellie ).[eHrs. irutalling officer and past 1 ! wo rt hy grand matro n or Illin ois; Ali..::e \\.ill iams. grand rnar~hal, past worthy grand co nductres:; oi Illinois: \"ivian ' Sc ott. grand chaplain. pa "t \\·orthy grand mat ro n o i Illinoi· : Fred \\'. s:l arp. grand o nrani:;t. pa;;t patron or ).{iz pah ._ chapter: Chester S. ~ewman, 1 grand soloist. E5cort · will be C~arles Schultz. Pa1Jl ~offman. and Charle : H o · ken. past I patron o r \\.ilmette chapter. E\·a G. P\·ier i · chairma~n oi arrangements a~d past wo rthy matro n. The floi.Yer I :ommittee is co mp osed or Eldo ra Hop, kin~. ~{ vrtle ~ o pkins, Ruth Keel. Jane : \\.illard: and ~elen Hutchens· oi Zeno·J bia Patrol. 1 1 1 -o- ).frs. George P. Xichols, 519- \Varwick road, Kenilworth, returned la::t ~londay from a visit in the east. ~fr · . Wt use soft water and Ivory soap. It's so gentle to clothes Xichols spent the holidays with rela· I tiHs in ~ew York. - o011 I ).fi "s Elizabeth Eberhart, 307 Davis ~ street, Evanston, formerly oi KenilCENTRAL AT MAIN ST., WILMETTE Phone 1800 worth, entertained about t~irty guests at tea last Sunday evemng at her ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ hon1e 1 ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WILMETTE FOLKS · 6uT TEALHER) OtON'T KEEP ME IN-SHE By C. C. Renneckar DIOH'T WAMT) To MAKE~ ~FFER FOR YOUR 'J I~TA.KE.S/a FOR.. SCHOOL 5UPPL\ES Gr0 TO RIDGE AA~E PHOMES 3" AND 3390 PHARM CY i 1 1 Don·t suffer through mistakes- get acquainted w ith th is shop of care and courtesy. School supplies for the ch ildren and m an y, m an y thin gs that hel p the o lder f olks lead happie r, more comfortable lives. Ridge Ave. Pharmacy Opposite St. Joseph School' -- Phone J J6 1 ------------------~ New Books at the Library SILE DTOMATIC THE NOISELESS OIL BUR.NEP. PLAIN FACTS ABOUT AUTOMATIC HEAT There is available just two kinds of automati-c heat -Oil and Gas. Converting oil into gas and burning it in SILENT AUTOMATIC is by far the most economical known method of automatic heating. It has been so demonstrated and proved. SILENT AUTOMATIC does everything you expect of it without noise, dirt or trouble and ·the public is fast learning about its wonderful merits, as our December sales were JOOo/ 0 ahead of December, 1927. In selecting automatic heat that is CLEAN, DEPENDABLE, ECONOMICAL and SILENT you should have just one choice and that is SILENT AUTOMATIC. Install now during January the most wonderful automatic heating known to science. A large variety or ·ubjects. including travel. biograohy, history, and fiction. 1s included in the list of ne\V books announced at the \\.ilmette Public library this \veek. The ne\v volumes are: Borden-] ane-Our Stranger, Cannan-Annete and Bennett. Galsworthy -Be\·ond, Gerhardi-Futility. ~ornung -\V1tching Hill, Viele-~fyra of the Pine·. Brownell-Xew Cniverse. Garrison-Catholicism and the American ~lind. Ditchfield-Story of the City Companies, Zeitlin-Gessar Khan, Hooke-Xew Year's Day. CliffordJunk Snupper. Ditchfield-London's \\"est End, Varley-~ampshire, ~orne -Yorkshire. Herbert - ~orthumbe r tand. Devoluv-Frencn Riviera. ~Iills -Adventure-- of a :\ature Guide. \Vhite-~!asks in Pageant. Roosevelt - .\utob10graphy. Lamb- Tamerlane, Tador-Leonardo the Florentine. Sco~ '-·il..:._:\ ame · for Children, and Liggett 1 1 ""' 1 -.\.E. F. ~I i'- Harriet ~{ons. 157 \Voodsto..::k · ayenue. lea\·e, Kenilworth } .tnuary 6, ior Deni..:on cnllege. after spending the 1 Chri~t n as ht· lida.\.:_,:; \Yith her parents. -o~fi.;s Car ,)l!ne R o bert~. 328 \\·arwick road. Ken~hn)rth. i~ returning to Dana 1 J . hall in \\"elleslev. ).!ass .. on Tuesdav, January 8. · · I 1 l road. ~I is.;; Caroline Roberts. 328 \Varwick -o- KenihYorth. entertained twentyfour gue~ts at luncheon and brid~e at Skokie Country club on December 22. -oFrank \Vatt. IT. 415 Cumnor road, Kenih,·orth. left 011 ::\ew Y ear's dav for ~arvard universit\·, where he is freshman. - a Eooruton Showroom, 1620 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 700 )..fr . and :\I rs. J. ~. Dyon. 1310 As h land avenue. have had as the ir holida,· . g uests, t heir son. R alph 0. D yon, a nd h is family. of Rockfo rd, Ill. -o-

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